# General instructions Use qmake or Qt Creator. Dependencies: > libfluidsynth 2.x, Qt5, Qt quick controls(lite version) and RtMidi. C++14 is _required_ to build the project. To build the default visualization plugin, you need the latest SMELT library (along with all its dependencies), which can be found [here](https://github.com/BearKidsTeam/SMELT). Some dependencies in the project file are hard-coded paths. You may have to modify them first. Alternatively, you can set the environmental variable `SMELT_DIR` to where your SMELT build is. If you don't want to build the default visualization plugin, just remove the line containing "visualization" in qmidiplayer.pro. # Instruction for dumbs 1. Get SMELT [here](https://github.com/BearKidsTeam/SMELT). 2. Get the source code [here](https://github.com/chirs241097/QMidiPlayer). 3. The following steps are done in an interactive shell. 4. Change directory (`cd`) to the folder with the source code of SMELT. type `make` to build it. 5. Type `export QMP_BUILD_MODE=1` to allow QMP to scan plugins in /usr/lib/qmidiplayer. 6. Type `export SMELT_DIR=` in order to tell qmake where SMELT is. 7. Change directory to the folder with the source code of QMidiPlayer. type `qmake` and then `make` to build it. Appending `PREFIX=/usr` to `qmake` is highly recommended because QMidiPlayer only scans for plugins in working directory and /usr/lib/qmidiplayer at this moment. 8. Use `sudo make install` to install QMidiPlayer.