# QMidiPlayer A cross-platform midi file player based on libfluidsynth and Qt. [Project homepage](https://chrisoft.org/QMidiPlayer/) Features: * Channel mute/solo * Editing channel parameters on-the-fly * Playlists * Editing synthesizer effects * Rendering midi to wave file * Visualization using SMELT (highly experimental Windows version now available) * MIDI mapping (based on RtMidi) * Plugin interface for extending the player easily Tested on Debian sid and Windows Vista~10. A QML version is now in construction. It's only a technology preview and should not be used for non-testing purpose. # Building QMidiPlayer Please follow the instruction found in the file "INSTALL". _Warning: building QMidiPlayer for Windows is somehow a formidable task._ _Go ahead if you are ready to deal with metaphysics._ # Manual Try the button in the top-right corner.