Building QMidiPlayer from source

Checkout in the project root directory.



0. (Windows version) It complains about a missing dll!

Please download and install Visual Studio 2015 Runtime Library.

(Older) Nighly builds are compiled with MSVC2017 (using Qt MSVC2015 x86, though). So you need two runtime libraries to run it. Damn.

Anyway, you are in the DLL Hell(TM), specific to Microsoft Windows(R).

1. Can I help translate this program?

Of course! Please make a pull request or contact me.

2. I have found a bug in this program. Where to report the bug?

Please use the github issue tracker. Don't forget to provide information for identifying the issue. (Refer to the 12th item in the troubleshooting section for how to get the information required.) Also please check if the bug has already been fixed in a newer version.

3. On what platform(s) do you develop this project?

Major platforms used:

Platform for building and testing the Windows version:

This information is outdated and nobody asked this anyway.

4. The code is full of shit and has no comment at all!

I know. I got pissed off for that everytime.

5. Do you have any plan to release binaries for macOS?


Contact the author

E-mail: chirs241097 'at' gmail 'dot' com