A simple SMELT documentation for SMELT developers (myself) ...
API Level 3
DWORD: ranged 0~4294967296 (32 bit unsigned int)
WORD: ranged 0~65536 (16 bit unsigned int)
BYTE: ranged 0~256 (8 bit unsigned int)
smHook: bool() call backs
SMCHN: Channel handle. Generated when a effect was played.
SMSFX: Sound FX handle.
SMTEX: Texture handle.
SMTRG: Render Target handle. Targets provide render to texture support.
ARGB(a,r,g,b): Generates a hardware color with the specificed values.
RGBA(r,g,b,a): Same as ARGB, with different parameter order.
GET(col): Extract alpha/red/green/blue value from a hardware color.
SET(col,a|r|g|b): Set alpha/red/green/blue value of a hardware color.
PI: 3.14159265358979323846f
BLEND_ZWRITE/BLEND_NOZWRITE: Depth blending methods.
The BLEND_* macros of the different types can be or'd together.
FPS_FREE/FPS_VSYNC: Special fps values.
INPUT_*: Input event types.
PRIM_*: Primitive types.
SMINP_*: Key modifiers. They can be or'd together.
SMKST_*: Key states.
SMK_*: Keys.
smInpEvent: Input event structure.
-chcode: Char code.
-sccode: Key scan code.
-type: Input event type. The macros INPUT_* are used.
-flag: Modifiers. The macros SMINP_* are used.
-wheel: Wheel motion.
-x,y: Mouse position.
smVertex: Vertex structure.
-x,y,z: Position. Z can be used for depth testing in 2D mode.
-col: Vertex color.
-tx,ty: Texture coordinates.
smTriangle: Triangle primitive structure.
-v[3]: Vertexes of the triangle.
-tex: Texture of the triangle.
-blend: Blend mode of the triangle. The macros BLEND_* are used.
smQuad: Quadrilateral primitive structure.
-v[4]: Vertexes of the quadrilateral.
-tex: Texture of the quadrilateral.
-blend: Blend mode of the quadrilateral. The macros BLEND_* are used.
WARNING: Quadrilaterals are treated as two triangles internally.
You may get unwanted results if the quadrilateral is not a parallelogram.
smTexRect: Texture rectangle sturcture.
-x,y: Top left coordinate of the texture used.
-w,h: Width & height of the texture used.
Exposed function===============================================================
SMELT* smGetInterface(int apilevel)
Returns an interface to the SMELT core functions if the apilevel matches the
internal one, otherwise it returns NULL.
Packaged SMELT core functions==================================================
All these functions are packaged in the class "SMELT".
void smRelease() [core]
Release one reference to the SMELT core. Once all references are released,
the core will commit suicide and all resources used by it will be freed.
bool smInit() [core]
Initialize the SMELT interface, including the OpenGL/Direct3D interfaces, the
OpenAL interfaces and the input interfaces. Functions from these interfaces
won't function until smInit() is called. The application window will also
be created.
If the interfaces are initialized successfully, this function returns true,
otherwise it returns false. The errors are written to stderr and the log file
if set.
void smFinale() [core]
Deinitialize the SMELT interface. This function closes the application window
and frees all resources managed by SMELT.
void smMainLoop() [core]
Starts the main loop, which calls UpdateFunc/FocFunc/UnFocFunc/QuitFunc at
proper occasion.
This function requires the UpdateFunc set and the initialization of the SMELT
void smUpdateFunc(smHook func) [core]
Sets the update function.
The update function returns bool and takes no parameters.
If the update function returns true, the main loop will break, otherwise
the main loop runs perpetually.
The update function is called every frame.
void smUnFocFunc(smHook func) [core]
Sets the unfocus function.
The unfocus function is called when the application window loses focus.
void smFocFunc(smHook func) [core]
Sets the focus function.
The focus functions is called when the application window gains focus.
void smWinTitle(const char* title) [core]
Sets the application window title.
The default title is "untitled".
bool smIsActive() [core]
Returns true if the application window has focus.
void smNoSuspend(bool para) [core]
By default, the update function won't be called when the application
window doesn't have focus (para=false).
Call this with para=true to make SMELT behave differently.
void smVidMode(int resX,int resY,bool _windowed) [core]
Sets the application video mode.
The default mode is 800 x 600 fullscreen.
Inappropriate values may cause the failure of smInit().
In addition, only the _windowed parameter can be changed on-the-fly.
void smLogFile(const char* path) [core]
Sets the log file path.
void smLog(const char* format,...) [core]
Write something to the log file.
The C-style formatting can be used.
The log will be written to stderr and the log file if set.
void smScreenShot(const char* path) [core]
Takes a shot of the application window content and saves it to the
given path.
void smSetFPS(int fps) [core/FPS]
Sets the desired FPS value.
The macros FPS_* can be used.
float smGetFPS() [core/FPS]
Gets the current FPS value.
The current FPS value is updated every second.
float smGetDelta() [core/FPS]
Gets the delta time between the current frame and the last frame.
float smGetTime() [core/FPS]
Gets the time in milliseconds since the call to smInit().
SMSFX smSFXLoad(const char *path) [core/SFX]
Loads a sound file from the given path. Only ogg files are supported.
SMSFX smSFXLoadFromMemory(const char *ptr,DWORD size) [core/SFX]
Loads a sound file from the given memory block. Only ogg files are supported.
SMCHN smSFXPlay(SMSFX fx,int vol=100,int pan=0,float pitch=1.,bool loop=0)
Plays the given SFX. All parameters except the fx handle is optional.
A channel is generated and can be used to control the playing of the SFX.
The channel is valid until it stops.
Volume should be 0~100.
Panning should be -100~100.
The values would be clamped to the range given above.
float smSFXGetLengthf(SMSFX fx) [core/SFX]
Gets the sound length in seconds.
DWORD smSFXGetLengthd(SMSFX fx) [core/SFX]
Gets the sound length in samples.
void smSFXSetLoopPoint(SMSFX fx,DWORD l,DWORD r) [core/SFX]
Sets the loop point of a SFX. The loop points will be used when the fx is
played with loop=true.
The loop points are expressed in samples.
By default, the whole SFX is looped.
This function uses AL_SOFT_loop_points and may not work if SMELT isn't built
against OpenAl Soft.
void smSFXFree(SMSFX fx) [core/SFX]
Releases the sound file from memory.
The handle will be invalid thereafter.
void smChannelVol(SMCHN chn,int vol) [core/SFX]
Sets channel volume (0~100).
void smChannelPan(SMCHN chn,int pan) [core/SFX]
Sets channel panning (-100~100).
void smChannelPitch(SMCHN chn,float pitch) [core/SFX]
Sets channel pitch.
void smChannelPause(SMCHN chn) [core/SFX]
Pauses the channel.
void smChannelResume(SMCHN chn) [core/SFX]
Resumes the paused channel.
void smChannelStop(SMCHN chn) [core/SFX]
Stops the channel. The channel handle will be invalid thereafter.
void smChannelPauseAll() [core/SFX]
Pauses all playing channels.
void smChannelResumeAll() [core/SFX]
Resumes all channels.
void smChannelStopAll() [core/SFX]
Stops all channels.
bool smChannelIsPlaying(SMCHN chn) [core/SFX]
Tests if a channel is playing.
float smChannelGetPosf(SMCHN chn) [core/SFX]
Gets current position in second.
void smChannelSetPosf(SMCHN chn,float pos) [core/SFX]
Sets current position in second.
int smChannelGetPosd(SMCHN chn) [core/SFX]
Gets current position in sample.
void smChannelSetPosd(SMCHN chn,int pos) [core/SFX]
Sets current position in sample.
void smGetMouse2f(float *x,float *y) [core/input]
Gets mouse position (within the window).
void smSetMouse2f(float x,float y) [core/input]
Sets mouse position (within the window).
int smGetWheel() [core/input]
Gets mouse wheel motion since the last frame.
bool smIsMouseOver() [core/input]
Tests if the cursor is inside the application window.
int smGetKeyState(int key) [core/input]
Gets the state of the given key. The SMK_* macros can be used.
Mouse buttons are treated as keys.
The return values are one of the SMKST_* macros.
SMKST_NONE: the key is not pressed and is not just released either.
SMKST_RELEASE: the key is not pressed but is just released.
SMKST_HIT: the key is pressed but it was not pressed in the last frame.
SMKST_KEEP: the key is pressed and held since the last frame or earlier.
int smGetKey() [core/input]
Gets the key pressed last frame.
If multiple keys are pressed, the last pressed one counts.
bool smGetInpEvent(smInpEvent *e) [core/input]
Gets a event from the input queue.
The input parameter will be set to point the event.
If there are no events in the input queue, this function will return false.
bool smRenderBegin2D(bool ztest=0,SMTRG trg=0) [core/GFX]
Starts rendering a 2D scene.
Set ztest to true if you want to use the z coordinate to control overlapping.
Set trg to the desired rendering target to render everything to the target.
The function resets the camera. You should setup the camera every frame.
NOTE: Any rendering function is not functional outside the smRenderBegin*D
function and its corresponding smRenderEnd function.
bool smRenderBegin3D(float fov,SMTRG trg=0) [core/GFX]
Starts rendering a 3D scene.
Ztest is forced on in 3D mode.
Set trg to the desired rendering target to render everything to the target.
The projection matrix always has the near clipping value 0.1 and the far
clipping value 1000.
The function resets the camera. You should setup the camera every frame.
NOTE: Any rendering function is not functional outside the smRenderBegin*D
function and its corresponding smRenderEnd function.
bool smRenderEnd() [core/GFX]
Ends rendering the scene.
NOTE: Any rendering function is not functional outside the smRenderBegin*D
function and its corresponding smRenderEnd function.
void sm3DCamera6f2v(float *pos,float *rot) [core/GFX/Rendering]
Sets the 3D camera position and panning.
Each float vector should countain three elements.
The panning is Euler rotation (all in degrees).
If any of the vectors is NULL, the function will reset the camera.
The behaviour of the function is undefined in a 2D rendering session.
void sm2DCamera5f3v(float *pos,float *dpos,float *rot) [core/GFX/Rendering]
Sets the 2D camera transformation.
pos should contain two elements describing the camera position.
dpos should countain two elements describing the rotation centre.
rot is the pointer to a single float describing the rotation (in degrees).
If any of the vectors is NULL, the function will reset the camera.
The behaviour of the function is undefined in a 3D rendering session.
void smMultViewMatrix(float *mat) [core/GFX/Rendering]
Provides direct manipulation on the view matrix. You can use "look at" matrix
here, for example.
The matrix the same as the matrix defined in smMatrix, but stored in float.
(That's fairly stupid...)
void smClrscr(DWORD color) [core/GFX/Rendering]
Clears the screen/rendering target with color.
Alpha channel is not applicable.
void smRenderLinefd(float x1,float y1,float z1,float x2,float y2,float z2,DWORD
color) [core/GFX/Rendering]
Renders a line from (x1,y1,z1) to (x2,y2,z2) in the given color.
Lines have no textures.
void smRenderLinefvd(float *p1,float *p2,DWORD color) [core/GFX/Rendering]
Renders a line from (p1[0],p1[1],p1[2]) to (p2[0],p2[1],p2[2]) in the given color.
void smRenderTriangle(smTriangle *t) [core/GFX/Rendering]
Renders a triangle.
void smRenderQuad(smQuad *q) [core/GFX/Rendering]
Renders a quadrilateral.
smVertex* smGetVertArray() [core/GFX/Rendering]
Return a pointer to the internal vertex array for advanced batching.
The vertex array is rendered and cleared in this function. So you will always
get a full vertex array.
By default, the size of the vertex array is 4000.
void smDrawVertArray(int prim,SMTEX texture,int blend,int _primcnt)
Draws the vertex array modified by advanced batching.
SMTRG smTargetCreate(int w,int h) [core/GFX]
Creates a rendering target (sized w*h).
Modern OpenGL supports non-power-of-two targets, however some of the D3D9
hardwares doesn't.
The target will be automatically resized, larger than the requested size, if
it is not supported.
SMTEX smTargetTexture(SMTRG targ) [core/GFX]
Gets the texture of the rendering target.
void smTargetFree(SMTRG targ) [core/GFX]
Frees the rendering target.
SMTEX smTextureCreate(int w,int h) [core/GFX]
Creates a blank texture (sized w*h).
OpenGL version supports non-power-of-two textures, however some of the D3D9
hardwares doesn't.
The texture will be automatically resized, larger than the requested size, if
it is not supported.
SMTEX smTextureLoad(const char *path,bool mipmap=false) [core/GFX]
Loads texture from the given file.
OpenGL version supports non-power-of-two textures, however some of the D3D9
hardwares doesn't.
The texture will be automatically resized, larger than the requested size, if
it is not supported.
mipmapping doesn't work in OpenGL versions.
SMTEX smTextureLoadFromMemory(const char *ptr,DWORD size,bool mipmap=false)
Loads texture from the given memory block.
OpenGL version supports non-power-of-two textures, however some of the D3D9
hardwares doesn't.
The texture will be automatically resized, larger than the requested size, if
it is not supported.
mipmapping doesn't work in OpenGL versions.
void smTextureFree(SMTEX tex) [core/GFX]
Release the texture from memory.
int smTextureGetWidth(SMTEX tex,bool original=false) [core/GFX]
Gets the width of the texture.
If original==false and the texture is resized, the function will return the
resized p-o-t width of the texture.
Otherwise it returns the actual width of the texture file.
int smTextureGetHeight(SMTEX tex,bool original=false) [core/GFX]
Gets the height of the texture.
If original==false and the texture is resized, the function will return the
resized p-o-t height of the texture.
Otherwise it returns the actual height of the texture file.
DWORD* smTextureLock(SMTEX tex,int l,int t,int w,int h,bool ro=true) [core/GFX]
Locks the texture for reading/writing.
The locked area is defined as (l,t,w,h): left, top, width, height.
if ro==true, the changes won't be written back to the video memory.
Textures of rendering targets cannot be locked.
void smTexutreUnlock(SMTEX tex) [core/GFX]
Unlocks the texture so that it can be used for rendering.
The changes will be commited to the video memory if ro==false when locking
the texture.
SMELT extensions===============================================================
The extension provides texture management and animated entity support.
Texture info class: smTexInfo
smTexRect rect; Texture rectangle
char *name,*path; name and internal path of the texture
SMTEX tex; Texture handle
Animation info class: smAnmInfo
smTexInfo frames[256] Frames of the animation
int framedur[256] Frame durations
int mode loop mode: 0=noloop 1=loop 2=bidi loop
int fc Frame count
char* name Name of the animation
Animation file class: smAnmFile
For the format of the .anm file, please refer to the file datapackFormat.
-bool loadAnmFromMemory(char* ptr,DWORD size)
Loads a .anm file from the given memory block.
.anm file is always packaged in dtp files in practice so only the load from
memory version is implemented.
All textures are loaded into the video memory during the process, so make sure
SMELT is initialized before calling this function.
-void close()
Close the anm file, free all textures and do the cleanup.
-smTexInfo* getTextureInfo(const char* name)
Gets the details of the texture with the given name.
-smAnmInfo* getAnimationInfo(const char* name)
Gets the details of the animation with the given name.
2D animated entity class: smAnimation2D
smAnimation2D is derived from the smEntity2D class.
-Constructor from a smAnmInfo class
-void updateAnim(int f=1)
Updates the animation with frame step f.
-void resetAnim()
Resets the animation.
3D animated entity class: smAnimation3D
smAnimation3D is derived from the smEntity3D class.
-Constructor from a smAnmInfo class
-void updateAnim(int f=1)
Updates the animation with frame step f.
-void resetAnim()
Resets the animation.
The extension provides support of bitmap font rendering.
Bitmap font used by SMELT is described in anm format, with a different meta
Two classes are provided: smBMFont and smBMFontw. smBMFont accepts char stings
and smBMFontw accepts wchar strings. Their interfaces are the same.
smBMFontw uses std::map, so huge font files are discouraged.
Public members of smBMFont(w):
-loadAnmFromMemory(char* ptr,DWORD size)
Loads an anm file describing the font from the given memory block.
Closes the anm file and frees any resources used by the class.
-render(float x,float y,float z,int align,float *rw,const char*/wchar_t* text)
Render the given text at (x,y,z) with the given align.
ailgns can be one of the macros ALIGN_LEFT/ALIGN_RIGHT/ALIGN_CENTER.
if rw is not NULL, the width of the string will be returned to the pointer.
'\n' is processed correctly. Other control characters are not processed and
may not render correctly.
-printf(float x,float y,float z,int align,float *rw,const wchar_t* format,...)
Render formated string at (x,y,z) with the given align.
The parameters are the same as the render function.
-setColor(DWORD col)
Sets the color for the next rendering.
-setBlend(int blend)
Sets blending mode for the next rendering.
-setScale(int scale)
Sets the font scaling.
The extension implements two color classes: smColorRGBA and smColorHSVA.
Public members of smColorRGBA:
-float r,g,b,a R/G/B/A components, ranged 0..1
-Default construction op Sets all components to zero
-Construction op from a hardware color
-Construction op from components
-Default destuction op
-void clamp() clamps all components to their range
-operator + - * color operations
-operator * / scalar operations
-void setHWColor(DWORD col) Sets the color accroding to the given
hardware color
-DWORD getHWColor() Gets the hardware color. The color is
automatically clamped.
Public members of smColorHSVA:
-float h,s,v,a R/G/B/A components, ranged 0..1
-Default construction op Sets all components to zero
-Construction op from a hardware color
-Construction op from components
-Default destuction op
-void clamp() clamps all components to their range
-operator + - * color operations
-operator * / scalar operations
-void setHWColor(DWORD col) Sets the color accroding to the given
hardware color
-DWORD getHWColor() Gets the hardware color. The color is
automatically clamped.
The extension implements a data packaging method for increased integrity.
smDtpFileR is used to read a dtp file, while smDtpFileW is used to create a
dtp file.
The format of the dtp file is described in the file datapackFormat.
Public members of smDtpFileR:
-bool openDtp(const char* path)
Opens a compressed dtp from the given path.
Returns true on succeed, false on failure.
-bool openDtpFromMemory(char* ptr,DWORD size)
Opens a uncompressed dtp from the memory block.
Returns true on succeed, false on failure.
-void closeDtp()
Close the opened dtp file. Release any internal allocated resources.
-char* getFirstFile()
Returns the internal path of the first file in the dtp.
-char* getLastFile()
Returns the internal path of the last file in the dtp.
-char* getNextFile(const char* path)
Returns the internal path of the next file in the dtp.
-char* getPrevFile()
Returns the internal path of the previous file in the dtp.
-char* getFilePtr(const char* path)
Get the pointer to the file required.
The file is loaded into memory during the process.
-void releaseFilePtr(const char* path)
Release the file in the memory.
Always free the file with this function.
-DWORD getFileSize(const char* path)
Get the file size in bytes of the file required.
Public members of smDtpFileW:
-bool addFile(const char* path,const char* realpath)
Adds a file to the temporary dtp.
path is used as the internal path, realpath is the path of the data
to be packed.
-bool writeDtp(const char* path)
Writes the temporary dtp to a file.
The dtp file is compressed.
The temporary dtp file is deleted after the process.
A simple DaTaPack utility implementation is in the folder dtputil.
The extension implements two entity classes for easy entity rendering.
Public members of smEntity2D:
-Consturction op from texture and
texture rectangle(SMTEX,float,float,float,float)
-Construction op from texture and
texture rectangle(SMTEX,smTexRect)
-Construction op from another smEntity2D
-Destuction op
-void Render(float x,float y,float rot,float wsc,float hsc)
Renders the entity at (x,y) with rotation rot (optional, in radians).
wsc/hsc (optional) controls the scaling in width and height.
if hsc is omitted, wsc is used as hsc. By default, wsc=1.
-void setTexutre(SMTex tex)
Sets the texture of the entity.
-void setTextureRect4f(float _x,float _y,float _w,float _h)
void setTextureRectv(smTextRect rect)
Sets the area of texture used for rendering.
-void setColor(DWORD col,int v)
Sets the color of the entity or one of the vertexes of the entity.
If v is omitted or v is out of the range 0..3, all four vertexes are
-void setZ(float z,int v)
Sets the z value of the entity or one of the vertexes of the entity.
If v is omitted or v is out of the range 0..3, all four vertexes are
-void setBlend(int blend)
Sets the blend mode of the entity. The macros BLEND_* are used.
-void setCentre(float x,float y)
Sets the centre of the entity. The centre is used as the rotation centre.
When rendered, the centre is used to position the entity.
smEntity3D is almost the same as smEntity2D, except the lack of setZ function
and some difference in the rendering methods. Further more, smEntity3D always
writes to the Z buffer when rendered.
-void Render9f(float x,float y,float z,float ra,float rx,float ry,float rz,
float wsc,float hsc)
Renders the 3D entity at (x,y,z).
The entity is rotated by the parameters (ra,rx,ry,rz), in which ra specifies
the angle of rotation in radians and (rx,ry,rz) specify the rotation axis.
The rotation parameters are optional. The vector (rx,ry,rz) is automatically
wsc/hsc (optional) controls the scaling in width and height.
if hsc is omitted, wsc is used as hsc. By default, wsc=1.
-void Renderfv(float* pos,float* rot,float* scale)
Equivalent to Render9f(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],rot[0],rot[1],rot[2],rot[3]
The extension implements a grid used for rendering distorted entity.
Grid sample:
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
This is a simple 3*3 grid, undistorted. If we fit a texture onto it we will
see a rectangle with that texture.
Now we can distort it like this:
\ \ \
\ \ \
\ \ \
\ \ \
\ \ \
\ \ \
If we fit a texture onto this grid, we will see a parallelogram (probably
glitched because it's only a 3*3 grid).
The grid looks better when the resolution is higher.
With this extension we can implement water/lens/wrapping effect and curved
lasers easily.
The indicatorCircular in the smIndicator extension is also implemented with
Public members of smGrid:
-Default construction op (int,int)
This construction op requires the column&row count of the grid.
-Copy construction op(const smGrid ©)
Constructs a new smGrid copying the given one.
-Default destuction op.
-operator =
-void render(float x,float y)
Renders the grid at (x,y). (x,y) is the top left coordinate.
-void clear(DWORD color)
Resets the grid with the optional color.
-void setTexutre(SMTEX tex)
Sets the texture of the grid.
-void setTextureRect4f(float _x,float _y,float _w,float _h)
void setTextureRectv(smTexRect rect)
Sets the texture region used by the grid.
-void setBlend(int blend)
Sets the blend mode of the grid.
-void setColor(int c,int r,DWORD col)
Sets the color of the node at row r column c.
You can create interesting colorful effects with this.
-void setPos(int c,int r,float x,float y,float z,int ref)
Sets the positioning of the node at row r column c.
The z value is always directly set.
The x/y values are set according the reference setting.
Possible references are:
GRID_REFNODE: reference point is the node position of a regular grid
GRID_REFTOPLEFT: reference point is the top left corner of the grid
GRID_REFCENTER: reference point is the centre of the grid
GRID_REFCURRENT: reference point is the current position of the node
The extension implements several value indicators.
Public members of class indicatorCircular/indicatorLinear:
-void init(double r,double thkns,BYTE a,SMTEX tex,smTexRect tr)
Initialize the indicator with radius r, thickness thkns.
a is used as the initial alpha.
-void overrideColor(DWORD col)
Overrides the default dynamic color with the static color.
-void setAlpha(BYTE a)
Sets the indicator alpha
-void setValue(double v)
Sets the value indicated by the indicator.
The value should be within 0..1.
The extension provides several math routines.
Common math routines:
double smMath::deg2rad(double deg) converts degree to radian
double smMath::rad2deg(double deg) converts radian to degree
double smMath::clamprad(double a) clamps the given angle to [0,2*PI]
double smMath::clampdeg(double a) clamps the given angle to [0,360]
2D Vector: smvec2d
double x,y coordinates
Constructor(double,double) constructs the vector with the given
Default constructor
double l() returns the length of the vector
void normalize() normalizes the vector
smvec2d getNormalized() returns the normalized vector
void swap() swaps the x,y coordinates
void rotate(double rad) rotate the vector by rad radians
smvec2d getRotate(double rad) returns the rotated vector
smvec2d operator - +
smvec2d/double operator * scalar/(length of) cross product
double operator | point product
double operator ^ angle between the vectors
3D Vector: smvec3d
double x,y,z coordinates
Constructor(double,double,double) constructs the vector with the given
Constructor(smvec2d) constructs the vector from the 2d
vector with z=0
Default constructor
double l() returns the length of the vector
void normalize() normalizes the vector
smvec3d getNormalized() returns the normalized vector
smvec3d operator - +
smvec3d operator * scalar/cross product
smvec3d operator | point product
double operator ^ angle between the vectors
Transformation matrix: smMatrix
double m[16]
sf 0 1 2 3
0 00 04 08 12
1 01 05 09 13
2 02 06 10 14
3 03 07 11 15
Default constructor
Copy constructor
operator [] with this you can access the matrix
like (smMatrix)a[col][row]
void clear() sets the whole matrix to 0
void loadIdentity() sets the matrix to the identity matrix
void rotate(double,double,double,double)
rotates the vector by (a,x,y,z) where
a is the rotation angle in radians and
(x,y,z) is the rotation axis.
void lookat(double *eye,double *at,double *up)
all vectors have three elements.
This function produces a "look at"
When the identity view matrix is
multiplied by the "look at" matrix, it
seems that you are at the "eye"
position, looking at the "at" opsition.
The up vector is used to determine the
pitch of the camera.
operator * Matrix-matrix multiplication.
operator * Matrix-vector multiplication.
The extension implements several progressers useful for making transitions.
All progressers work in the same way: it returns a value within [a,b] according
to the current progress.
All progresser have these functions publicly accessible:
void init(double _a,double _b,double _lim,[additional parameters])
Initializes the progresser with a=_a, b=_b and maximum progress _lim.
void launch()
Launch the progresser. This function actually resets the progresser.
void update(double delta)
Updates the progress with delta value delta.
bool isDone()
Check if the progresser has completed its progress.
double getValue()
Gets the current progresser value.
double getPercentage()
Gets the current progress percentage(always linear).
double getDelta()
Gets the current delta between progresser value and a.
double getElapsed()
Gets the current elapsed progress.
Currently two types of progressers are implemented.
Normal linear progresser.
Curve progresser. This progresser requires an additional parameter to
Initialize, which is the radius of the curve. The bigger abs(curvepara) is,
the steeper the progressing curve will be. If curvepara=0, it will act
as the linear progresser. The sign of the parameter controls the bending
direction of the curve.
The extension implements a pseudo random number generator.
Pseudo random number generator always generates the same sequence of number
provided that the seed and the calling sequence is the same.
Public members of smRandomEngine
void setSeed(unsigned int seed)
Sets the random seed. The seed affects the next number generated.
int nextInt(int min,int max)
Generate a random integer. The seed is updated too.
Please note that max is not necessarily greater than min.
double nextDouble(double min,double max)
Generate a random double. The seed is updated too.
Please note that max is not necessarily greater than min.
The extension implements a freetype interface for SMELT.
Two classes are implemented: smTTChar and smTTFont. smTTChar is implemented for
internal use and should not be used outside the smTTFont class. Class smTTFont
provides all interfaces for font rendering.
smTTFont uses std::map to cache character glyphs. The cache is manually managed
by the application. A cache too large in size may cause lags.
Public members of smTTFont:
-bool loadTTF(const char* path,int pt)
Loads a font from the given path. pt is used as the size of the font in
-bool loadTTFFromMemory(char* ptr,DWORD size,int pt)
Loads a font from the given memory block. pt is used as the size of the font
in points.
-void releaseTTF()
Clear the cache and release the loaded font.
-float getWidth()
-float getHeight()
Gets the width/height of the buffered string.
The buffered string is modified by the updateString function.
-void updateString(const wchar_t *format,...)
Update the buffered string.
Update the buffer only when you need to do so because this function is
relatively slow.
'\n' is processed correctly.
If a char is in the internal cache, it will be reused. Otherwise it will be
added to the cache.
-void render(float x,float y,DWORD col,int align)
Renders the buffered string.
The align mode ALIGN_CENTER is not supported.
(x,y) defines the top-left coordinate of the rendered text when using
ALIGN_LEFT while it defines the bottom-right coordinate when using
col defines the color of the rendered text.
-DWORD getCacheSize()
Gets the internal cache size.
It is advised to keep the cache size relatively low, generally below
100 thousand.
-void clearCache()
Clear the internal cache.