// -*- C++ -*- /* * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT) * by Chris Xiong 2015 * api level 3 * Core header * * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very * unstable. * This library is developed for the BLR series games. * * This file is part of the SMELT library. * * SMELT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SMELT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with SMELT. If not, see . * */ #ifndef SMELT_H #define SMELT_H #include #include #define SMELT_APILEVEL 3 //Primitive data types typedef uint32_t DWORD; typedef uint16_t WORD; typedef uint8_t BYTE; //PI #define PI 3.14159265358979323846f //Handle types typedef size_t SMTEX;//Texture Handle typedef size_t SMTRG;//Target Handle typedef size_t SMSFX;//SoundFX Handle typedef size_t SMCHN;//Audio channel Handle //Color Macros #define RGBA(r,g,b,a) ((DWORD(a)<<24)+(DWORD(r)<<16)+(DWORD(g)<<8)+DWORD(b)) #define ARGB(a,r,g,b) ((DWORD(a)<<24)+(DWORD(r)<<16)+(DWORD(g)<<8)+DWORD(b)) #define GETA(col) ((col)>>24) #define GETR(col) (((col)>>16)&0xFF) #define GETG(col) (((col)>>8)&0xFF) #define GETB(col) ((col)&0xFF) #define SETA(col,a) (((col)&0x00FFFFFF)+(DWORD(a)<<24)) #define SETR(col,r) (((col)&0xFF00FFFF)+(DWORD(r)<<16)) #define SETG(col,g) (((col)&0xFFFF00FF)+(DWORD(g)<<8)) #define SETB(col,b) (((col)&0xFFFFFF00)+DWORD(b)) //Blend Modes #define BLEND_COLORADD 0x1 #define BLEND_COLORMUL 0x0 #define BLEND_COLORINV 0x8 #define BLEND_ALPHABLEND 0x2 #define BLEND_ALPHAADD 0x0 #define BLEND_ZWRITE 0x4 #define BLEND_NOZWRITE 0x0 //callback function pointer typedef bool (*smHook)(); //Wrapper abstract class for a function that can hook into SMELT class smHandler { public: virtual ~smHandler(){} virtual bool handlerFunc()=0; }; //Special FPS modes //Unlimited FPS #define FPS_FREE 0 //VSync #define FPS_VSYNC -1 //Primitives #define PRIM_LINES 2 #define PRIM_TRIANGLES 3 #define PRIM_QUADS 4 //Texture Options #define TPOT_NONPOT 0 #define TPOT_POT 1 #define TFLT_LINEAR 0 #define TFLT_NEAREST 1 //Texture Region structure struct smTexRect { smTexRect(){x=y=w=h=.0;} smTexRect(float _x,float _y,float _w,float _h){x=_x;y=_y;w=_w;h=_h;} float x,y,w,h; }; //Vertex structure struct smVertex { float x,y,z;//Position. Z can be used for depth testing in 2D Mode. DWORD col;//Color. float tx,ty;//Texture coords. }; //Triangle primitive structure struct smTriangle { smVertex v[3]; SMTEX tex; int blend; }; //Quadrilateral primitive structure struct smQuad { smVertex v[4]; SMTEX tex; int blend; }; //Input event structure struct smInpEvent { int type,flag; int sccode,chcode; int wheel,x,y; //TODO: add joystick }; class SMELT { public: SMELT(){} virtual ~SMELT(){} /** * Releases the acquired SMELT interface. * Decreases the internal reference counter by one. If the counter * reaches 0, SMELT core will release all resources managed by it * (if smFinale() is not yet called) and destroy the interface. */ virtual void smRelease()=0; /** * Initializes SMELT core. * Creates application window, initializes video, audio and input * handling. No functions in these categories can be called before * the core is initialized. * Returns true on succees, false on failure. Error details will be * written to the log file and stderr. */ virtual bool smInit()=0; /** * Deinitializes SMELT core. * Closes application window and frees resources managed by the core. * The core will return to the status before calling smInit(). */ virtual void smFinale()=0; /** * Enters the main loop. * The main loop calls update function, focus gain function, focus * lost function and quit function periodally, handles input events * and flushes the buffers. * Requires the UpdateFunc set and the initialization of the SMELT * interface. * The main loop breaks when the update function returns true. */ virtual void smMainLoop()=0; /** * Sets the update function. * Update function is called every frame. * It returns true when you want to terminate the main loop. */ virtual void smUpdateFunc(smHook func)=0; /** * Sets the update function via a smHandler class. * Update function is called every frame. * It returns true when you want to terminate the main loop. */ virtual void smUpdateFunc(smHandler* h)=0; /** * Sets the focus lost function. * Focus lost function is called when the application window loses * focus. * The return value of the focus lost function has no effect. */ virtual void smUnFocFunc(smHook func)=0; virtual void smUnFocFunc(smHandler* h)=0; /** * Sets the focus gain function. * Focus gain function is called when the application window gains * focus. Also called when the application window is created. * The return value of the focus gain function has no effect. */ virtual void smFocFunc(smHook func)=0; virtual void smFocFunc(smHandler* h)=0; /** * Sets the quit function. * Quit function is called when the user attempts to close the * application window. * If quit function returns true, the main loop will continue. * Otherwise the main loop will break. */ virtual void smQuitFunc(smHook func)=0; virtual void smQuitFunc(smHandler* h)=0; /** * Sets the window title of the application window. * The default window title is "untitled". */ virtual void smWinTitle(const char* title)=0; /** * Tests if the application window has focus. * Returns the test result. */ virtual bool smIsActive()=0; /** * Changes the behavior when the application window loses focus. * By default, the main loop pauses when the application loses focus * (para=false). * If para is set to true, the main loop won't suspend when the * application loses focus. */ virtual void smNoSuspend(bool para)=0; /* * Sets the video mode. * This function can only be called before calling smInit(). * The default video mode is 800x600 fullscreen. * Take care with fullscreen video modes. Inappropriate fullscreen * resolutions will cause the failure of smInit(). */ virtual void smVidMode(int resX,int resY,bool _windowed)=0; /* * Sets the log file path. * The default value is empty. * In addition, the log will always be written to stderr. */ virtual void smLogFile(const char* path)=0; /* * Write something to the log file. * C-style formatting can be used. */ virtual void smLog(const char* format,...)=0; /* * Saves the content of the application window to the given path. * The picture is saved in the BMP format. */ virtual void smScreenShot(const char* path)=0; /* * Sets the desired FPS value. The macros FPS_* can be used */ virtual void smSetFPS(int fps)=0; /* * Get *current* FPS value your application is running at. * Not the value you set! * Returns the FPS value, which is updated once a second. */ virtual float smGetFPS()=0; /* * Get delta time between the current frame and the last frame. * Return the value in seconds. */ virtual float smGetDelta()=0; /* * Get elapsed time since calling smInit() in seconds. * Returns the result. */ virtual float smGetTime()=0; /* * Load a single sound file into memory. * Currently only ogg and wav files are supported. * This function loads and decodes the ogg data, which may take * noticeable time to complete. Consider running it in a seperate * thread if you are loading a larger file. * Returns the SFX handle on success, or 0 on failure. */ virtual SMSFX smSFXLoad(const char *path)=0; /* * Loads sound file from the given memory block. * Only ogg and wav formats are supported. * Returns the SFX handle on success, or 0 on failure. */ virtual SMSFX smSFXLoadFromMemory(const char *ptr,DWORD size)=0; /* * Plays the sound. * If loop is set to false, the audio won't loop even if loop points * are set. * Volume should be between 0 to 100. * Panning should be between -100 to 100. * The values will be clamped to the range given above. * Returns the audio channel it occupies, or 0 if there's no audio * channel available. * Max audio channels can be modified in smelt_config.hpp. */ virtual SMCHN smSFXPlay(SMSFX fx,int vol=100,int pan=0,float pitch=1.,bool loop=0)=0; /* * Gets the length of the audio, in seconds. * Returns the result. */ virtual float smSFXGetLengthf(SMSFX fx)=0; /* * Gets the length of the audio, in sample numbers. * Returns the result. */ virtual DWORD smSFXGetLengthd(SMSFX fx)=0; /* * Sets the loop points of the given sound. * By default, the whole sound is looped. * This function uses AL_SOFT_loop_points. So it may not work if * SMELT isn't build against OpenAL Soft */ virtual void smSFXSetLoopPoint(SMSFX fx,DWORD l,DWORD r)=0; /* * Unloads the audio file from memory. */ virtual void smSFXFree(SMSFX fx)=0; virtual void smChannelVol(SMCHN chn,int vol)=0; virtual void smChannelPan(SMCHN chn,int pan)=0; virtual void smChannelPitch(SMCHN chn,float pitch)=0; virtual void smChannelPause(SMCHN chn)=0; virtual void smChannelResume(SMCHN chn)=0; virtual void smChannelStop(SMCHN chn)=0; virtual void smChannelPauseAll()=0; virtual void smChannelResumeAll()=0; virtual void smChannelStopAll()=0; virtual bool smChannelIsPlaying(SMCHN chn)=0; virtual float smChannelGetPosf(SMCHN chn)=0; virtual void smChannelSetPosf(SMCHN chn,float pos)=0; virtual int smChannelGetPosd(SMCHN chn)=0; virtual void smChannelSetPosd(SMCHN chn,int pos)=0; virtual void smGetMouse2f(float *x,float *y)=0; virtual void smSetMouse2f(float x,float y)=0; virtual void smSetMouseGrab(bool enabled)=0; virtual int smGetWheel()=0; virtual bool smIsMouseOver()=0; virtual int smGetKeyState(int key)=0; virtual int smGetKey()=0; virtual bool smGetInpEvent(smInpEvent *e)=0; virtual bool smRenderBegin2D(bool ztest=0,SMTRG trg=0)=0; virtual bool smRenderBegin3D(float fov,bool ztest=0,SMTRG trg=0)=0; virtual bool smRenderEnd()=0; virtual void sm3DCamera6f2v(float *pos,float *rot)=0; virtual void sm2DCamera5f3v(float *pos,float *dpos,float *rot)=0; virtual void smMultViewMatrix(float *mat)=0; virtual void smClrscr(DWORD color,bool clearcol=true,bool cleardep=true)=0; virtual void smRenderLinefd(float x1,float y1,float z1,float x2,float y2,float z2,DWORD color)=0; virtual void smRenderLinefvd(float *p1,float *p2,DWORD color)=0; virtual void smRenderTriangle(smTriangle *t)=0; virtual void smRenderQuad(smQuad *q)=0; virtual smVertex* smGetVertArray()=0; virtual void smDrawVertArray(int prim,SMTEX texture,int blend,int _primcnt)=0; virtual void smDrawCustomIndexedVertices(smVertex* vb,WORD* ib,int vbc,int ibc,int blend,SMTEX texture)=0; virtual SMTRG smTargetCreate(int w,int h,int ms=0)=0; virtual SMTEX smTargetTexture(SMTRG targ)=0; virtual void smTargetFree(SMTRG targ)=0; virtual SMTEX smTextureCreate(int w,int h)=0; virtual SMTEX smTextureLoad(const char *path)=0; virtual SMTEX smTextureLoadFromMemory(const char *ptr,DWORD size)=0; virtual void smTextureFree(SMTEX tex)=0; virtual void smTextureOpt(int potopt=TPOT_NONPOT,int filter=TFLT_LINEAR)=0; virtual int smTextureGetWidth(SMTEX tex,bool original=false)=0; virtual int smTextureGetHeight(SMTEX tex,bool original=false)=0; virtual DWORD* smTextureLock(SMTEX tex,int l,int t,int w,int h,bool ro=true)=0; virtual void smTexutreUnlock(SMTEX tex)=0; }; SMELT* smGetInterface(int apilevel); //event types #define INPUT_KEYDOWN 1 #define INPUT_KEYUP 2 #define INPUT_MBUTTONDOWN 3 #define INPUT_MBUTTONUP 4 #define INPUT_MOUSEMOVE 5 #define INPUT_MOUSEWHEEL 6 //key mods/flags #define SMINP_SHIFT 0x1 #define SMINP_CTRL 0x2 #define SMINP_ALT 0x4 #define SMINP_CAPSLOCK 0x8 #define SMINP_SCROLLLOCK 0x10 #define SMINP_NUMLOCK 0x20 #define SMINP_REPEAT 0x40 //key codes #define SMK_LBUTTON 0x01 #define SMK_RBUTTON 0x02 #define SMK_MBUTTON 0x04 #define SMK_ESCAPE 0x1B #define SMK_BACKSPACE 0x08 #define SMK_TAB 0x09 #define SMK_ENTER 0x0D #define SMK_SPACE 0x20 #define SMK_SHIFT 0x10 #define SMK_CTRL 0x11 #define SMK_ALT 0x12 #define SMK_LWIN 0x5B #define SMK_RWIN 0x5C #define SMK_APPS 0x5D #define SMK_PAUSE 0x13 #define SMK_CAPSLOCK 0x14 #define SMK_NUMLOCK 0x90 #define SMK_SCROLLLOCK 0x91 #define SMK_PGUP 0x21 #define SMK_PGDN 0x22 #define SMK_HOME 0x24 #define SMK_END 0x23 #define SMK_INSERT 0x2D #define SMK_DELETE 0x2E #define SMK_LEFT 0x25 #define SMK_UP 0x26 #define SMK_RIGHT 0x27 #define SMK_DOWN 0x28 #define SMK_0 0x30 #define SMK_1 0x31 #define SMK_2 0x32 #define SMK_3 0x33 #define SMK_4 0x34 #define SMK_5 0x35 #define SMK_6 0x36 #define SMK_7 0x37 #define SMK_8 0x38 #define SMK_9 0x39 #define SMK_A 0x41 #define SMK_B 0x42 #define SMK_C 0x43 #define SMK_D 0x44 #define SMK_E 0x45 #define SMK_F 0x46 #define SMK_G 0x47 #define SMK_H 0x48 #define SMK_I 0x49 #define SMK_J 0x4A #define SMK_K 0x4B #define SMK_L 0x4C #define SMK_M 0x4D #define SMK_N 0x4E #define SMK_O 0x4F #define SMK_P 0x50 #define SMK_Q 0x51 #define SMK_R 0x52 #define SMK_S 0x53 #define SMK_T 0x54 #define SMK_U 0x55 #define SMK_V 0x56 #define SMK_W 0x57 #define SMK_X 0x58 #define SMK_Y 0x59 #define SMK_Z 0x5A #define SMK_GRAVE 0xC0 #define SMK_MINUS 0xBD #define SMK_EQUALS 0xBB #define SMK_BACKSLASH 0xDC #define SMK_LBRACKET 0xDB #define SMK_RBRACKET 0xDD #define SMK_SEMICOLON 0xBA #define SMK_APOSTROPHE 0xDE #define SMK_COMMA 0xBC #define SMK_PERIOD 0xBE #define SMK_SLASH 0xBF #define SMK_NUMPAD0 0x60 #define SMK_NUMPAD1 0x61 #define SMK_NUMPAD2 0x62 #define SMK_NUMPAD3 0x63 #define SMK_NUMPAD4 0x64 #define SMK_NUMPAD5 0x65 #define SMK_NUMPAD6 0x66 #define SMK_NUMPAD7 0x67 #define SMK_NUMPAD8 0x68 #define SMK_NUMPAD9 0x69 #define SMK_MULTIPLY 0x6A #define SMK_DIVIDE 0x6F #define SMK_ADD 0x6B #define SMK_SUBTRACT 0x6D #define SMK_DECIMAL 0x6E #define SMK_F1 0x70 #define SMK_F2 0x71 #define SMK_F3 0x72 #define SMK_F4 0x73 #define SMK_F5 0x74 #define SMK_F6 0x75 #define SMK_F7 0x76 #define SMK_F8 0x77 #define SMK_F9 0x78 #define SMK_F10 0x79 #define SMK_F11 0x7A #define SMK_F12 0x7B #define SMKST_NONE 0 #define SMKST_HIT 1 #define SMKST_KEEP 2 #define SMKST_RELEASE 3 #endif