Installing a game is really useless, isn't it? So just compile it! A brief guide for compiling BLR Required SDKs: OpenAL ogg vorbis DirectX(Windows only) OpenGL(Linux only) SDL(Linux only) Steps to do: 1. Get the source code. You can choose from svn or the official packaged release. The code from svn will always be newer than the official packaged release. 2. Get required SDKs mentioned above. Piece of cake. 3. Use Visual Studio(Windows) or Code::Blocks(Linux), create project. Configure it correctly. If you'd like to do it, you can also write a Makefile yourself. 4. Hit build (or type make)! 5. If it failed, check step 2 and 3, then repeat step 4... Warning: Some revisions in the svn repo has noticeable problems. Always build the latest svn revision or official release!