0.5.3 -Fixed a problem in bullet position calculating. 0.5.4 -Replaces arc- functions to make calculating more efficient. 0.7.0 -Levels->7 0.7.4 -Clear range added 0.8.4 -Limiting clear range usage. Freezing Level design. 0.8.6 -Adding readme files. Fixing small bugs in program. -Semi-Collision Effects. 0.8.7α -Spliting main.cpp into mulitiple headers. -Compressing resources. -Removing dependency of Bass.dll 0.8.8α -Maintaince version. 0.8.9α -Rewriting menus, pause etc. added. -Highscore recording. Basic level complete information. -Average FPS. -Preparation for porting to Linux. 1.0.0 Pre-Release -Upgrading hge graphic engine to DirectX9. -Removing some cheats. -Linux version built successfully(using hge-unix). 1.0.1 Pre-Release -Embedding HGE into project, getting rid of hge.dll -Merging configuration program. -Adding first start up configuration, no initial configuration file needed. 1.0.2 Pre-Release -Sync code with Bullet Lab Remix II. -Status->Main Functions Frozen+Core Frozen+Level Frozen. -Fix some bugs with the keyboard and the render engine. -Trying SFX and Music. 1.0.3 Stable Release -Fix hidden bullets. -Build up for final release.