//Chrisoft Bullet Lab Remix HGE //Chrisoft Game Helper header //Copyright Chrisoft 2014 //libcgh version 0006 //Last full compatible version 0002 //^Modify that when big change is made^ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef libcgh_H #define libcgh_H #define pi 3.1415926535 #define sqr(x) ((x)*(x)) //static const char* LIBCGH_H_FN="libcgh.h"; struct vector2d { double x,y; vector2d(double _x,double _y){x=_x;y=_y;} vector2d(){x=y=0;} void ToUnitCircle() { double l=sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)); x/=l;y/=l; } void Swap(){double t=x;x=y;y=t;} void rotate(double rad){double tx=x*cos(rad)+y*sin(rad),ty=y*cos(rad)-x*sin(rad);x=tx,y=ty;} friend vector2d operator -(vector2d a,vector2d b) { return vector2d(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y); } friend vector2d operator +(vector2d a,vector2d b) { return vector2d(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y); } friend double operator |(vector2d a,vector2d b)//dot product { return a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y; } friend double operator *(vector2d a,vector2d b)//length of cross product { return a.x*b.y-b.x*a.y; } friend vector2d operator *(double a,vector2d b) { return vector2d(b.x*a,b.y*a); } }; inline vector2d ToUnitCircle(vector2d input) { vector2d res=input; res.x=res.x/sqrt(sqr(input.x)+sqr(input.y)); res.y=res.y/sqrt(sqr(input.x)+sqr(input.y)); return res; } inline double GetDist(const vector2d a,const vector2d b) { return sqrtf((a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x)+(a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y)); } inline double GetDistSeg(const vector2d a,const vector2d b,const vector2d c) { double l2=GetDist(a,b)*GetDist(a,b); if (l2==0.0)return GetDist(c,a); double t=((c-a)|(b-a))/l2; if (t<0)return GetDist(c,a); else if (t>1)return GetDist(c,b); vector2d projection=a+t*(b-a); return GetDist(c,projection); } inline double normalizerad(double a) { while (a<0)a+=2*pi; while (a>2*pi)a-=2*pi; return a; } struct TextureRect { double x,y,w,h; TextureRect(){} TextureRect(double _x,double _y,double _w,double _h){x=_x,y=_y,w=_w,h=_h;} }; class RandomEngine { private: unsigned int cseed; public: void SetSeed(unsigned int seed); int NextInt(int min,int max); double NextDouble(double min,double max); }; class CircleIndicator { private: hgeDistortionMesh *circle; double value,radius,thk; DWORD ccolour; bool gradient; BYTE alpha; public: void Init(double _r,double _thk,BYTE _a,bool _gr,HTEXTURE _Texture,TextureRect _TR,DWORD _cc=0); void SetAlpha(BYTE _alpha); void SetValue(double _value); void Render(double x,double y); }; class LinearProgresser { private: double a,b,val; double Elapsed,Limit; public: void Init(double _a,double _b,double _Lim); void Launch(); void Update(double DT); double GetA(); double GetB(); double GetValue(); double GetPercentage(); double GetDelta(); double GetElapsed(); }; class HangUpText { private: hgeFont *TFont; vector2d Position; double Elapsed,Limit,dlim,delta; BYTE alim,alpha; char Text[255]; LinearProgresser Progresser,Progalpha; bool done; public: bool Active(); void Init(const char *Font,const char *_Text,double _tlim,double _alim,double _dlim,DWORD _color=0x00FFFFFF); void Launch(vector2d pos); void Process(double DT); }; #endif