#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "preferencedialog.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" enum ToolbarActionRoles { action_role = Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole + 1, order_role, hide_role }; PreferenceDialog::PreferenceDialog(SettingsRegistry *sr, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { this->sr = sr; tw = new QTabWidget(this); bb = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton::Cancel, this); this->setWindowTitle("Preferences"); this->setMinimumWidth(480); QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout(); this->setLayout(l); l->addWidget(tw); l->addWidget(bb); QObject::connect(bb, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &PreferenceDialog::accept); QObject::connect(bb, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &PreferenceDialog::reject); setup_widgets(); } void PreferenceDialog::open() { load_widget_status(); QDialog::open(); } void PreferenceDialog::accept() { QKeySequence bks; switch (verify_shortcuts(&bks)) { case 0: break; case 1: QMessageBox::critical(this, "Ambiguous shortcut found", QString("Shortcut %1 is assigned to multiple actions.").arg(bks.toString())); return; case 2: QMessageBox::critical(this, "Bad shortcut assignment", QString("Shortcut %1 has more than one key and cannot be assigned to item actions.").arg(bks.toString())); return; default: break; } save_widget_status(); QDialog::accept(); } void PreferenceDialog::setup_widgets() { for (auto &i : sr->tabs) { QWidget *container = new QWidget(); QGridLayout *l = new QGridLayout(container); tw->addTab(container, i); tabs.push_back(l); } for (auto &k : sr->klist) { auto &p = sr->smap[k]; if (!p.desc.length()) continue; QWidget *w = nullptr; QGridLayout *l = p.tab < tabs.size() ? tabs[p.tab] : nullptr; if (!l) continue; switch (p.type) { case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_int: { QSpinBox *sb = new QSpinBox(); sb->setMinimum(p.min.value()); sb->setMaximum(p.max.value()); w = sb; } break; case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_bool: { QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox(p.desc); w = cb; } break; case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_double: { QDoubleSpinBox *sb = new QDoubleSpinBox(); sb->setMinimum(p.min.value()); sb->setMaximum(p.max.value()); sb->setSingleStep((sb->maximum() - sb->minimum()) / 100.); w = sb; } break; case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_keyseq: break; default: break; } if (!w) continue; p.w = w; if (p.type == SettingsItem::ParameterType::_bool) { l->addWidget(w, l->rowCount(), 0, 1, 2); } else { QLabel *lb = new QLabel(p.desc); lb->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); int r = l->rowCount(); l->addWidget(lb, r, 0); l->addWidget(w, r, 1); } } } void PreferenceDialog::set_hkactions(int tab, const std::vector &actlist, const std::map &actmap) { this->actlist = actlist; this->actmap = actmap; this->hktv = new QTableView(); this->hkim = new QStandardItemModel(); this->tabs[tab]->addWidget(hktv, 0, 0); this->hktv->setModel(hkim); this->hktv->setSortingEnabled(false); this->hktv->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode::NoSelection); this->hktv->setItemDelegateForColumn(1, new ShortcutEditorDelegate); QGroupBox *gb = new QGroupBox("Action Modifiers"); QGridLayout *l = new QGridLayout(); gb->setLayout(l); this->tabs[tab]->addWidget(gb, 1, 0); const QStringList llist = {"Mark/Unmark", "Mark All Except", "Maximize", "Open with System Viewer", "Open Containing Folder"}; for (int i = 0; i < llist.size(); ++i) { auto < = llist[i]; ModifierEdit *me = new ModifierEdit(); QLabel *lb = new QLabel(lt); l->addWidget(lb, i, 0); l->addWidget(me, i, 1); mes.push_back(me); } } void PreferenceDialog::set_toolbaractions(int tab, const std::map &actmap) { QGridLayout *l = this->tabs[tab]; tbaav = new QListView(); tbaam = new QStandardItemModel(); tbapm = new QSortFilterProxyModel(); tbapm->setSourceModel(tbaam); tbapm->setSortRole(ToolbarActionRoles::order_role); tbapm->setFilterRole(ToolbarActionRoles::hide_role); tbapm->setFilterKeyColumn(0); tbapm->setFilterFixedString("0"); tbaav->setModel(tbapm); tbeav = new QListView(); tbeam = new QStandardItemModel(); tbeav->setModel(tbeam); tbaav->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode::SingleSelection); tbeav->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode::SingleSelection); tbaav->setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::DragDropMode::NoDragDrop); tbeav->setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::DragDropMode::InternalMove); QPushButton *pbadd = new QPushButton(">"); QPushButton *pbdel = new QPushButton("<"); pbadd->setMaximumWidth(24); pbdel->setMaximumWidth(24); QVBoxLayout *vbl = new QVBoxLayout(); vbl->addWidget(pbadd); vbl->addWidget(pbdel); l->addWidget(new QLabel("Available Buttons"), 0, 0); l->addWidget(new QLabel("Enabled Buttons"), 0, 2); l->addWidget(tbaav, 1, 0); l->addLayout(vbl, 1, 1); l->addWidget(tbeav, 1, 2); l->addWidget(new QLabel("Drag to sort enabled buttons."), 2, 0, 1, 3); tbaam->clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < actlist.size(); ++i) { auto &actn = actlist[i]; QAction *act = this->actmap[actn]; QStandardItem *itm = new QStandardItem(act->text()); itm->setIcon(act->icon()); itm->setData(QString::fromStdString(actn), ToolbarActionRoles::action_role); itm->setData(QVariant::fromValue(i), ToolbarActionRoles::order_role); itm->setData("0", ToolbarActionRoles::hide_role); tbaam->appendRow(itm); } QObject::connect(pbadd, &QPushButton::clicked, [this] { QModelIndex idx = tbaav->currentIndex(); if (!idx.isValid()) return; QString actn = idx.data(ToolbarActionRoles::action_role).value(); QAction *act = this->actmap[actn.toStdString()]; QStandardItem *itm = new QStandardItem(act->text()); itm->setIcon(act->icon()); itm->setData(actn, ToolbarActionRoles::action_role); itm->setDropEnabled(false); tbeam->appendRow(itm); tbaam->setData(tbapm->mapToSource(idx), "1", ToolbarActionRoles::hide_role); }); QObject::connect(pbdel, &QPushButton::clicked, [this] { QModelIndex idx = tbeav->currentIndex(); if (!idx.isValid()) return; QString actn = idx.data(ToolbarActionRoles::action_role).value(); for (int i = 0; i < tbaam->rowCount(); ++i) { const auto &idx = tbaam->index(i, 0); if (tbaam->data(idx, ToolbarActionRoles::action_role).value() == actn) tbaam->setData(idx, "0", ToolbarActionRoles::hide_role); } tbeam->removeRows(idx.row(), 1); }); } void PreferenceDialog::load_widget_status() { for (auto &k : sr->klist) { auto &p = sr->smap[k]; QWidget *w = p.w; switch (p.type) { case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_int: { QSpinBox *sb = qobject_cast(w); if (!sb) continue; sb->setValue(sr->get_option_int(p.key)); } break; case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_bool: { QCheckBox *cb = qobject_cast(w); cb->setChecked(sr->get_option_bool(p.key)); } break; case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_double: { QDoubleSpinBox *sb = qobject_cast(w); sb->setValue(sr->get_option_double(p.key)); } break; case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_keyseq: break; default: break; } } this->hkim->clear(); this->hkim->setHorizontalHeaderLabels({"Menu Item", "Hotkey"}); for (auto &actn : this->actlist) { QKeySequence ks = sr->get_option_keyseq("hotkey/" + actn); if (this->actmap.find(actn) == this->actmap.end()) continue; QAction *act = this->actmap[actn]; QStandardItem *itma = new QStandardItem(act->text()); QStandardItem *itmk = new QStandardItem(ks.toString()); itma->setIcon(act->icon()); itma->setEditable(false); itma->setData(QString::fromStdString(actn), Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole); itmk->setData(QVariant::fromValue(ks), Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole); this->hkim->appendRow({itma, itmk}); } this->hktv->resizeColumnsToContents(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { std::string iakt = "item_" + std::to_string(i) + "_action_key"; int ik = sr->get_option_int("hotkey/" + iakt); QKeySequence ks(ik); QStandardItem *itma = new QStandardItem(QString("Item %1 Action Key").arg(i + 1)); QStandardItem *itmk = new QStandardItem(ks.toString()); itma->setEditable(false); itma->setData(QString::fromStdString(iakt), Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole); itmk->setData(QVariant::fromValue(ks), Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole); this->hkim->appendRow({itma, itmk}); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { std::string iamt = "hotkey/item_action_mod_" + std::to_string(i); int im = sr->get_option_int(iamt); mes[i]->set_modifier(static_cast(im)); } for (int i = 0; i < tbaam->rowCount(); ++i) { const auto &idx = tbaam->index(i, 0); tbaam->setData(idx, "0", ToolbarActionRoles::hide_role); } auto tbal = sr->get_option_strlist("toolbar_actions"); this->tbeam->clear(); for (auto &tban : tbal) { QAction *act = this->actmap[tban.toStdString()]; QStandardItem *itm = new QStandardItem(act->text()); itm->setIcon(act->icon()); itm->setData(tban, ToolbarActionRoles::action_role); itm->setDropEnabled(false); for (int i = 0; i < tbaam->rowCount(); ++i) { const auto &idx = tbaam->index(i, 0); if (tbaam->data(idx, ToolbarActionRoles::action_role).value() == tban) tbaam->setData(idx, "1", ToolbarActionRoles::hide_role); } tbeam->appendRow(itm); } } void PreferenceDialog::save_widget_status() { for (auto &k : sr->klist) { auto &p = sr->smap[k]; QWidget *w = p.w; switch (p.type) { case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_int: { QSpinBox *sb = qobject_cast(w); if (!sb) continue; sr->set_option_int(p.key, sb->value()); } break; case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_bool: { QCheckBox *cb = qobject_cast(w); sr->set_option_bool(p.key, cb->isChecked()); } break; case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_double: { QDoubleSpinBox *sb = qobject_cast(w); sr->set_option_double(p.key, sb->value()); } break; case SettingsItem::ParameterType::_keyseq: break; default: break; } } for (int i = 0; i < hkim->rowCount(); ++i) { QString actn = hkim->item(i, 0)->data(Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole).toString(); QKeySequence ks = hkim->item(i, 1)->data(Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole).value(); if (actn.endsWith("_action_key")) sr->set_option_int("hotkey/" + actn.toStdString(), ks[0]); else sr->set_option_keyseq("hotkey/" + actn.toStdString(), ks); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { std::string iamt = "hotkey/item_action_mod_" + std::to_string(i); sr->set_option_int(iamt, mes[i]->get_modifier()); } QStringList tbal; for (int i = 0; i < tbeam->rowCount(); ++i) tbal.push_back(tbeam->item(i)->data(ToolbarActionRoles::action_role).value()); sr->set_option_strlist("toolbar_actions", tbal); } int PreferenceDialog::verify_shortcuts(QKeySequence *bks) { QList ksl; for (int i = 0; i < hkim->rowCount(); ++i) { QString actn = hkim->item(i, 0)->data(Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole).toString(); QKeySequence ks = hkim->item(i, 1)->data(Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole).value(); if (actn.endsWith("_action_key")) { if (ks.count() > 1) { *bks = ks; return 2; } for (int j = 0;j < 5; ++j) if (mes[j]->get_modifier() != INT_MAX) ksl.push_back(QKeySequence(mes[j]->get_modifier() | ks[0])); } else ksl.push_back(hkim->item(i, 1)->data(Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole).value()); } for (int i = 0; i < ksl.size(); ++i) for (int j = i + 1; j < ksl.size(); ++j) if (!ksl[i].isEmpty() && ksl[i] == ksl[j]) { *bks = ksl[i]; return 1; } return 0; } QWidget* ShortcutEditorDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(index); QKeySequenceEdit *kse = new QKeySequenceEdit(parent); QObject::connect(kse, &QKeySequenceEdit::editingFinished, [this, kse] { Q_EMIT const_cast(this)->commitData(kse); Q_EMIT const_cast(this)->closeEditor(kse); }); return kse; } void ShortcutEditorDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const { QKeySequenceEdit *kse = qobject_cast(editor); kse->setKeySequence(index.data(Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole).value()); } void ShortcutEditorDelegate::setModelData(QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) const { QKeySequenceEdit *kse = qobject_cast(editor); model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue(kse->keySequence()), Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole); model->setData(index, kse->keySequence().toString(), Qt::ItemDataRole::DisplayRole); } ModifierEdit::ModifierEdit(QWidget *par) : QPushButton(par) { this->setCheckable(true); this->setFocusPolicy(Qt::FocusPolicy::StrongFocus); this->mod = static_cast(0); QObject::connect(this, &QPushButton::toggled, [this](bool c) { if (c) { if (int(this->mod) == INT_MAX) this->set_modifier(static_cast(0)); this->setText("Input modifier..."); } else this->set_modifier(this->mod); }); } Qt::Modifier ModifierEdit::get_modifier() { return this->mod; } void ModifierEdit::set_modifier(Qt::Modifier mod) { this->mod = mod; int imod = mod; switch (imod) { case 0: if (this->isChecked()) this->setText("Input modifier..."); else this->setText("No modifier"); break; case INT_MAX: this->setText("Disabled"); break; default: QString kss = QKeySequence(mod).toString(); while (kss.length() > 0 && kss.back() == '+') kss.chop(1); this->setText(kss); } } void ModifierEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (!this->isChecked()) return QPushButton::keyPressEvent(e); switch (e->key()) { case Qt::Key::Key_Enter: case Qt::Key::Key_Return: case Qt::Key::Key_Space: this->set_modifier(static_cast(Qt::KeyboardModifiers::Int(e->modifiers()))); this->setChecked(false); break; case Qt::Key::Key_Escape: this->set_modifier(static_cast(0)); this->setChecked(false); break; case Qt::Key::Key_Backspace: case Qt::Key::Key_Delete: this->set_modifier(static_cast(INT_MAX)); this->setChecked(false); break; } } bool ModifierEdit::event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::Type::ShortcutOverride) { e->accept(); return true; } return QPushButton::event(e); }