
Religious beliefs: Free software, K.I.S.S., Linux (or rather, GNU/Linux), LF for line breaks, UTF-8, FSF.

Chris Xiong is a young coder from a small city of China. Now aged more than 20, this hacker is still just writing code for fun. Crazy follower of "Free Software". Develops free software alone but seldom feels lonely. Sincere friends are always cherished.

This site is written from scratch in XHTML without using any kind of framework whatsoever. Later it was migrated to HTML5 (still not using 3rd-party frameworks). Poorly-written C++ and Python code powers the backend. History of this site is available here and more here.

Twitter: @chirs241097
E-Mail: chirs241097 'at' gmail 'dot' com
Discord: Chris Xiong#1024
GPG key
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