path: root/doc/APIdoc.md
blob: 5569e49b485e1f0248de7a366f13cead9ad7e6d5 (plain) (tree)










# The API documentation of QMidiPlayer for plugin developers

*This manual is not yet complete. It's only a working draft for the always-changing plugin system in QMP.*
*Handle with care.*

# 0. Overview

Plugin for QMidiPlayer is a dynamically-loaded library that exports the symbol `qmpPluginGetInterface` and `qmpPluginGetAPIRev`.
Before starting developing your own plugin, make sure to have a look at the sample plugin in the "sample-plugin" folder.

# 1. "QMidiPlayer Plugin SDK"

SDK for developing QMidiPlayer plugins is merely the `qmpcorepublic.hpp` header found in the "include" directory in
the source tree. It includes classes used by QMidiPlayer's internal plugin infrastructure.

# 2. Basics for a working plugin

First of all, you should make your library distinct from other libraries that are not QMidiPlayer plugins. You can achive
it by exporting the symbols `qmpPluginGetInterface` and `qmpPluginGetAPIRev`. Specifically, what you should do is to add
the following snipplet to somewhere of your code:

extern "C"{
	EXPORTSYM qmpPluginIntf* qmpPluginGetInterface(qmpPluginAPI* api)
	//semicolon or implementation here.
	EXPORTSYM const char* qmpPluginGetAPIRev()

The `EXPORTSYM` macro tells the compiler to export the following symbol. `qmpPluginIntf` is the abstract class which every
plugin class should derive from. The parameter api provides access to QMidiPlayer's plugin API, which should be stored
for future use. `qmpPluginGetAPIRev` helps the core to determine whether the plugin is compatible with the API it exports.

Next you should create your own plugin class which implements the abstract class `qmpPluginIntf`.

# 3. A peek into the class `qmpPluginIntf`

It has 6 public members: one default constructor, one default destructor and four methods:

- `void init()`  
  Called on start up if the plugin is loaded successfully and enabled.
- `void deinit()`  
  Called on shutdown if the plugin is enabled.
- `const char* pluginGetName()`  
  This function should return the display name of the plugin.
- `const char* pluginGetVersion()`  
  This function should return the version of the plugin, which will be shown in the plugin manager.

Your plugin is expected to register handlers (hooks) and functionalities when init() is called by the host,
and do clean-up jobs when deinit() is caled.

Currently plugins can register handlers for these functionalities:

- Visualization (via `(un)registerVisualizationIntf`)
- MIDI File Reader (via `(un)registerFileReader`)

...and can hooks into the following processes:

- Event reader, after an event is read or after the whole file reading process is completed
  (via `(un)registerEventReaderIntf` and `(un)registerFileReadFinishedHandlerIntf`)
- Event handler, when an event is going to be sent by the player (via `(un)registerEventHandlerIntf`)

Functionalities has their own interfaces you need to implement(`qmpVisualizationIntf` and `IMidiFileReader`, respectively),
while hooks uses the universal `IMidiCallBack` interface. Functionalities are discussed later.

When you register a hook, you provide the core with a instance of your class that implements the `IMidiCallBack` interface
and your `userdata` to be used when the core is calling the callback. When the callback is called, it will be fed with
proper `callerdata` generated by the core and the `userdata` you provided. Type of `callerdata` varies by hooks. Event
reader and handler hooks have `SEventCallBackData*` as their `callerdata` while file read finish hook doesn't provide
`callerdata` (`NULL`).

# 4. Functionalities
Plugins extend the host with extra functionalities. With hooks, handlers and the built-in core API, you can already do a
lot of hacking. If that cannot make you satisfied, QMidiPlayer have several vacancies that are expected to be implemented
by plugins. And with the introduction of the general functionality API, you can now virtually add anything to QMidiPlayer!

## 4.1 What is a functionality?
Have a look at the main window. By default there're three or four buttons at the bottom of it.
These are functionalities. Functionalties go into two types: checkable and non-checkable.
Checkable functionalities can be toggled on or off, while non-checkable functionalities have
no such states. For non-checkable functionalities, only show() is called when the user invokes it.
The user can arrange functionalities shown on the toolbar and the action menu to their needs.

## 4.2 Visualization
Visualization was once a feature of QMidiPlayer's core. But you can now write your own visualization with the
Visualization interface(`qmpVisualizationIntf`). The methods in this interface should be self-explanatory.

## 4.3 MIDI File Reader
This is not strictly a "functionality", because its interface IMidiFileReader does not inherit qmpFuncBaseIntf.
When the user requests to open a file, the core tries to load the file with registered file readers and
accepts the first valid result. Therefore you can implement your own file reader, which may even add
eXtended Module support to QMidiPlayer!

# 5. Reference
Well, everything above is just nonsense compared to this one. The full reference of the API is here.

struct SEvent:

- iid (uint32_t): internal id. Usually set to the size of the event pool when current event is read.
- time (uint32_t): event time in tick.
- p1 (uint32_t): parameter 1 for the midi device.
- p2 (uint32_t): parameter 2 for the midi device.
- type (uint8_t): type of the event together with the channel this event goes to.
- str (std::string): Contains the raw data for string-like events.
- default constructor: sets everything to zero or empty.
- constructor with parameters
- friend bool operator <(const SEvent& a,const SEvent& b)