path: root/qmidiplayerlite.src.d/qmpmidiplay.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qmidiplayerlite.src.d/qmpmidiplay.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/qmidiplayerlite.src.d/qmpmidiplay.hpp b/qmidiplayerlite.src.d/qmpmidiplay.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fafd677..0000000
--- a/qmidiplayerlite.src.d/qmpmidiplay.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-//sorry for the stupid C-like code...
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <fluidsynth.h>
-struct SEvent
- uint32_t iid,time,p1,p2;
- uint8_t type;
- char *str;
- SEvent(){time=p1=p2=0;type=0;str=NULL;}
- SEvent(uint32_t _iid,uint32_t _t,char _tp,uint32_t _p1,uint32_t _p2,const char* s=NULL)
- {
- iid=_iid;time=_t;type=_tp;
- p1=_p1;p2=_p2;
- if(s){str=new char[strlen(s)+2];strcpy(str,s);}else str=NULL;
- }
-class CMidiFile
- private:
- SEvent *eventList[10000000];
- char *title,*copyright;
- uint32_t eventc,std;//standard 0=? 1=GM 2=GM2 3=GS 4=XG
- uint32_t fmt,trk,divs;
- FILE *f;
- int byteread,valid;
- uint32_t notes,curt,curid;
- void error(int fatal,const char* format,...);
- uint32_t readSW();
- uint32_t readDW();
- uint32_t readVL();
- int eventReader();
- void trackChunkReader();
- void headerChunkReader();
- int chunkReader(int hdrXp);
- public:
- CMidiFile(const char* fn);
- ~CMidiFile();
- const SEvent* getEvent(uint32_t id);
- uint32_t getEventCount();
- uint32_t getDivision();
- uint32_t getNoteCount();
- uint32_t getStandard();
- const char* getTitle();
- const char* getCopyright();
- bool isValid();
-class CMidiPlayer
- private:
- CMidiFile *midiFile;
- uint32_t stamps[101];
- uint32_t ccstamps[101][16][135],ccc[16][135];
- //0..127:cc 128:pc 129:cp 130:pb 131:tempo 132:ts 133:ks 134:pbr
- int32_t rpnid,rpnval;
- uint16_t mute,solo;
- double ftime;
- bool sendSysEx,singleInstance,waitvoice;
- fluid_settings_t* settings;
- fluid_synth_t* synth;
- fluid_audio_driver_t* adriver;
- fluid_player_t* player;
- uint32_t ctempo,ctsn,ctsd,dpt,divs,cks;
- //raw tempo, timesig num., timesig den., delay per tick, division, keysig
- //thread control
- uint32_t tceptr,tcpaused,tcstop;
- uint32_t finished,resumed;
- void setBit(uint16_t &n,uint16_t bn,uint16_t b);
- void processEvent(const SEvent *e);
- void processEventStub(const SEvent *e);
- void playEvents();
- void fileTimer1Pass();
- void fileTimer2Pass();
- public:
- CMidiPlayer(bool singleInst=false);
- ~CMidiPlayer();
- bool playerLoadFile(const char* fn);
- void playerInit();
- void fluidPreInitialize();
- void fluidInitialize();
- void fluidDeinitialize();
- void playerDeinit();
- void playerThread();
- void playerPanic(bool reset=false);
- void rendererLoadFile(const char* ofn);
- void rendererInit(const char *fn);
- void rendererThread();
- void rendererDeinit();
- //playing control methods
- uint32_t getStamp(int id);
- uint32_t getTCeptr();
- void setTCeptr(uint32_t ep,uint32_t st);
- uint32_t getTCpaused();
- void setTCpaused(uint32_t ps);
- uint32_t isFinished();
- void setResumed();
- void setWaitVoice(bool wv);
- double getFtime();
- void getCurrentTimeSignature(int *n,int *d);
- void getCurrentKeySignature(int *ks);
- uint32_t getFileNoteCount();
- uint32_t getFileStandard();
- double getTempo();
- const char* getTitle();
- const char* getCopyright();
- void setGain(double gain);
- void sendSysX(bool send);
- int getPolyphone();
- int getMaxPolyphone();
- void setMaxPolyphone(int p);
- void setChannelPreset(int ch,int b,int p);
- void getChannelPreset(int ch,int *b,int *p,char *name);
- void setMute(int ch,bool m);
- void setSolo(int ch,bool s);
- int getCC(int ch,int id);
- void setCC(int ch,int id,int val);
- void getReverbPara(double *r,double *d,double *w,double *l);
- void setReverbPara(int e,double r,double d,double w,double l);
- void getChorusPara(int *fb,double *l,double *r,double *d,int *type);
- void setChorusPara(int e,int fb,double l,double r,double d,int type);
- fluid_settings_t* getFluidSettings();
- void pushSoundFont(const char* sf);
- int getSFCount();
- fluid_sfont_t* getSFPtr(int sfid);