path: root/CHANGELOG.TXT
blob: 5a8db3166e21698f37863cad023b373b18e5cb2a (plain) (tree)


























Next version:
More new things?

Pre-Released versions:
0.7.1-6_PR (b69)
Finish the new level.
Fusion bullet first work draft.
Fix some of the warnings from the compiler.
Adjust level difficulty. It was indeed too easy...
Remake some resources with GIMP.
Merge great circles and finish it.

0.7.1-5_PR (b68)
Draft new level. (Another level threatening you using circles!)
Update some old interfaces from BLR1.

0.7.1-4_PR (b67)
New level (name and placement undetermined).
Fix level transition mismatches.
Improved accelerated bullets.

0.7.1-3_PR (b66)
Fix a few glitches. Removing some useless interfaces for BLR I.
Change "Dangerous Target" for proper difficulty.

0.7.1-2_PR (b65)
Bullet death effect, applied to Wave of Photon. It seems buggy.
Fixed something left for debuging in the last commit.

0.7.1-1_PR (b64)
New level: Wave of Photon. A lazy level again. Despite of a new
class, it's a copy of "photon school".
Level improved: Cross threaten. Make it impossible to pass this
part without crossing those blue bullets.
libcgh improvement. Added new interfaces to vector2d struct. So the
libcgh version was bumped. Was it worth doing that?

0.7.1-0_PR (b63)
New level: Rainbow bullets - nauty photon (in fact it's a lazy
level! I must have seen the same thing some where else...)
The last "photon school" level was put to where it should be.
Rewrite some silly parts of the Changelog.
I ran out of my AppEngine quota today... So I can't commit that to
svn as planned...

0.7.0-9_PR (b62)
Performed a couple of tests, under both full FPS mode and low FPS
New background is used by now.

0.7.0-8_PR (b61)
Improved the rendering code. More tests are required...
That made the rendering more efficient. It also eats less RAM then.
--Okay it's now tested. Another bug in FPS independent bullets
fixed. No (big) bugs were found in the new rendering code.

0.7.0-7_PR (b60)
Spring Festival commit...
One level is rewritten.
Ready to sync this to svn...

0.7.0-6_PR (b59)
Fixed 3D clouds background. New background components added.
Experimental FPS independent bullets.

0.7.0-5_PR (b58)
Fixed another critical bug in laser collision detection
implementation... Laser is almost perfect now...//Still, it's

0.7.0-4_PR (b57)
Fixed a critical bug in laser implementation and another awful
memory leak bug...

0.7.0-3_PR (b56)
A new level is going to be complete...

0.7.0-2_PR (b55)
Auto pause and do not make game suspend if focus is lost.

0.7.0-1_PR (b54)
First two parts for level7.

0.7.0-0_PR (b53)
New background for level7. Preparing interfaces for level7.

0.6.2-2_PR (b52)
Level6 is frozen now. It's the longest level ever... (in blr!)

0.6.2-1_PR (b51)
Completing level6!
Spring is coming? (Well, not really...)

0.6.2-0_PR (b50)
Completing && improving hexagon.
Bumped the minor version for the sixth level is almost complete.

0.6.1-4_PR (b49)
New level hexagon.

0.6.1-3_PR (b48)
New level...(Avalanche)
Spotlight: Supporting BGM loop points(using my new hge
I have no idea on new levels (except "hyper fluid", that's a well-
planned part...). Maybe I've spent too much time staring at the
desktop? I feel like void these days.
The build count is bumped four times a day, you enough!

0.6.1-2_PR (b47)
New level "Wriggle Nightbug-like"?...

0.6.1-1_PR (b46)
Implemented several unimplemented audio interfaces of hge (OpenAL).
A Windows build to check compatibility is planned.

0.6.1-0_PR (b45)
Now we have 11 parts in level6...
A BGM called Canon Techno is completed around here...

0.6.0-0_PR (b44)
Starting level 6!
//We are in 2014 now. I'm regretful for I didn't have the dates

0.5.3-2_PR (b43)
Optimizing memory usage... (first step...)[*]
Borrowed "the unbreakable jail" from old code...
//[*]Note @ 0.6.1-3 && @ 0.7.0-9:
//1. I found this useless.
//2. This may cause SIGSEGV!
//3. It's completely removed after b61. Because they are not used
//   any longer

0.5.3-1_PR (b42)
Final(the second last..) level for level 5, fish in a barrel?

0.5.3-0_PR (b41)
Small fixes and levels as usual...

0.5.2-3_PR (b40)
New minor parts for level5, fixed a bug in Player_Clear_Rotate.

0.5.2-2_PR (b39)
Several patches on new clear range.
Changing interfaces for new levels.

0.5.2-1_PR (b38)
New trigger method for clear range...

0.4.4-0_PRG (b37a)
Regression version for releasing...
This will be released as a official Preview Release version.<-obsolete

0.5.2-0_PR (b37)
New part for level5. Now I'm working on the regression 0.4.x.

0.5.1-1_PR (b36)
Several fixes including:
-Fading info panel when approaching.
-Sending mult. inc. indicator layer up.

0.5.1-0_PR (b35)
First two levels of level5.

0.5.0-0_PR (b34)
Starting level5... Crazy Autumn...

A regression is planned to release a 0.4.x-x_PR version as
official pre-released version. However it's still nowhere in sight
that if I could use Windows these days.

0.4.3-0_PR (b33)
Level4 is almost complete. Now I'm using LOW FPS Mode for
development because I just want to cool my laptop down without
using my own power. //However I stopped that at the next version...

0.4.2-0_PR (b32)
A new level... without using *ANY* old code (from level.h).

0.4.1-2_PR (b31)
Level4 is now 18 parts...

0.4.1-1_PR (b30)
Transfered sevel old levels here.

0.4.1-0_PR (b29)
Optimizing old code for level4.

0.4.0-0_PR (b28)
Now let's move to level4...

0.3.2-0_PR (b27)
New levels for level3. In fact, it's almost completed now...

0.3.1-2_PR (b26)
Improved bullet clearing method, avoiding hidden bullets
completely!(Just by converting them all to score points...)

0.3.1-1_PR (b25)
A new "big" level for level3.
Added several new interfaces to tower&bullet section.

0.3.1-0_PR (b24)
Complete the first two parts of level3.

0.3.0-0_PR (b23)
Starting the development of level3...

0.2.9-2_PR (b22)
Completing level2...

0.2.9-1_PR (b21)
New parts for level2. level2 is almost completed now.
PlayerLockX/Y implemented.
This will be released as a official Preview Release version.<-obsolete
BLR will be licensed under WTFPL from now.
No it's now licensed under the BSD license...

0.2.9_PR (b20)
Level 2 is frozen "by heart". (How? By heart?)

0.2.5_PR (b19)
Optimizing the second level to a "realistic" state... Added two
extra musics(although still remain not used).

0.2.2_PR (b18)
The main development has been transferred to Linux. Optimizing
code for Linux.
//Revision count is not important.

0.2.0_PR (b17)
Level 2?...

0.1.7-2_PR (b16)
The first level is almost completed now...

0.1.7-1_PR (b15)
Fixed several serious bug in Low FPS Mode. Fixed FPS Level option

0.1.7_PR (b14)
Updated the only level to synchronize with the In-Game Music.
Added "Multiplier +1" into the game system. Added an unimportant
loading screen.//In fact, it's loading nothing. May be unpacking
resource pack in Windows version...

0.1.4_PR (b13)
libcghEx has been made independent and can apply to any other
projects. This is also the first BLR version that includes
In-Game Music. libcghEx has been extended with LinearProgresser
and HangUpText.

0.1.1_PR (b12)
Added auto-multiplier system. libcghEx (Chrisoft Game Helper
Extras Library) is included in this version with CircleIndicator.

0.1.0_PR (b11)
Creation of the Pre-Released Version. Removed all old level code.
Bourne-again!//Can you imagine what I was thinking when deleting
the result of 3 months' work?...
TestBed versions:

TB130907 (b10)
A "Noname" level. Laser implementation partly rewritten.

TB130903 (b9)
Additional backgrounds

TB130827 (b8)
Laser implementation, Cheers!

TB130818 (b7)
New Levels such as rainbow towers and squashing levels.

TB130802 (b6)
Discarding old code, rewrite of part of the code.

TB130718 (b5)
Bullet creation effects, sync code back to BLR1.

TB130714 (b4)
Target indicator completed.

TB130705 (b3)
New level and bullet creation code for orange bullets.

TB130703 (b2)
Completing Orange Towers.

TB130620 (b1)
Completing Deep Blue Towers.//Well, "Dark Blue" right? Or more formally, "Navy".
//However, they are all not the real color. I used #0000FF, which is just "Blue",
//it just seems dark.

TB130610 (b0)
Creation of Testbed version.