path: root/hge/CxImage/ximaint.cpp
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authorGravatar <> 2014-01-12 14:43:14 +0000
committerGravatar <> 2014-01-12 14:43:14 +0000
commitc91847d549cc1c30eb15504a15ea9a6d5aa48165 (patch)
treeb978d575f08f5f87d3c21eb9a024164636d1918a /hge/CxImage/ximaint.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'hge/CxImage/ximaint.cpp')
1 files changed, 1045 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hge/CxImage/ximaint.cpp b/hge/CxImage/ximaint.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0acedff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hge/CxImage/ximaint.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@
+// xImaInt.cpp : interpolation functions
+/* 02/2004 - Branko Brevensek
+ * CxImage version 7.0.0 31/Dec/2010 - Davide Pizzolato -
+ */
+#include "ximage.h"
+#include "ximath.h"
+ * Recalculates coordinates according to specified overflow method.
+ * If pixel (x,y) lies within image, nothing changes.
+ *
+ * \param x, y - coordinates of pixel
+ * \param ofMethod - overflow method
+ *
+ * \return x, y - new coordinates (pixel (x,y) now lies inside image)
+ *
+ * \author ***bd*** 2.2004
+ */
+void CxImage::OverflowCoordinates(int32_t &x, int32_t &y, OverflowMethod const ofMethod)
+ if (IsInside(x,y)) return; //if pixel is within bounds, no change
+ switch (ofMethod) {
+ case OM_REPEAT:
+ //clip coordinates
+ x=max(x,0); x=min(x, head.biWidth-1);
+ y=max(y,0); y=min(y, head.biHeight-1);
+ break;
+ case OM_WRAP:
+ //wrap coordinates
+ x = x % head.biWidth;
+ y = y % head.biHeight;
+ if (x<0) x = head.biWidth + x;
+ if (y<0) y = head.biHeight + y;
+ break;
+ case OM_MIRROR:
+ //mirror pixels near border
+ if (x<0) x=((-x) % head.biWidth);
+ else if (x>=head.biWidth) x=head.biWidth-(x % head.biWidth + 1);
+ if (y<0) y=((-y) % head.biHeight);
+ else if (y>=head.biHeight) y=head.biHeight-(y % head.biHeight + 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }//switch
+ * See OverflowCoordinates for integer version
+ * \author ***bd*** 2.2004
+ */
+void CxImage::OverflowCoordinates(float &x, float &y, OverflowMethod const ofMethod)
+ if (x>=0 && x<head.biWidth && y>=0 && y<head.biHeight) return; //if pixel is within bounds, no change
+ switch (ofMethod) {
+ case OM_REPEAT:
+ //clip coordinates
+ x=max(x,0); x=min(x, head.biWidth-1);
+ y=max(y,0); y=min(y, head.biHeight-1);
+ break;
+ case OM_WRAP:
+ //wrap coordinates
+ x = (float)fmod(x, (float) head.biWidth);
+ y = (float)fmod(y, (float) head.biHeight);
+ if (x<0) x = head.biWidth + x;
+ if (y<0) y = head.biHeight + y;
+ break;
+ case OM_MIRROR:
+ //mirror pixels near border
+ if (x<0) x=(float)fmod(-x, (float) head.biWidth);
+ else if (x>=head.biWidth) x=head.biWidth-((float)fmod(x, (float) head.biWidth) + 1);
+ if (y<0) y=(float)fmod(-y, (float) head.biHeight);
+ else if (y>=head.biHeight) y=head.biHeight-((float)fmod(y, (float) head.biHeight) + 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }//switch
+ * Method return pixel color. Different methods are implemented for out of bounds pixels.
+ * If an image has alpha channel, alpha value is returned in .RGBReserved.
+ *
+ * \param x,y : pixel coordinates
+ * \param ofMethod : out-of-bounds method:
+ * - OF_WRAP - wrap over to pixels on other side of the image
+ * - OF_REPEAT - repeat last pixel on the edge
+ * - OF_COLOR - return input value of color
+ * - OF_BACKGROUND - return background color (if not set, return input color)
+ * - OF_TRANSPARENT - return transparent pixel
+ *
+ * \param rplColor : input color (returned for out-of-bound coordinates in OF_COLOR mode and if other mode is not applicable)
+ *
+ * \return color : color of pixel
+ * \author ***bd*** 2.2004
+ */
+RGBQUAD CxImage::GetPixelColorWithOverflow(int32_t x, int32_t y, OverflowMethod const ofMethod, RGBQUAD* const rplColor)
+ RGBQUAD color; //color to return
+ if ((!IsInside(x,y)) || pDib==NULL) { //is pixel within bouns?:
+ //pixel is out of bounds or no DIB
+ if (rplColor!=NULL)
+ color=*rplColor;
+ else {
+ color.rgbRed=color.rgbGreen=color.rgbBlue=255; color.rgbReserved=0; //default replacement colour: white transparent
+ }//if
+ if (pDib==NULL) return color;
+ //pixel is out of bounds:
+ switch (ofMethod) {
+ if (AlphaIsValid()) {
+ //alpha transparency is supported and image has alpha layer
+ color.rgbReserved=0;
+ } else {
+ //no alpha transparency
+ if (GetTransIndex()>=0) {
+ color=GetTransColor(); //single color transparency enabled (return transparent color)
+ }//if
+ }//if
+ return color;
+ //return background color (if it exists, otherwise input value)
+ if (info.nBkgndIndex >= 0) {
+ if (head.biBitCount<24) color = GetPaletteColor((uint8_t)info.nBkgndIndex);
+ else color = info.nBkgndColor;
+ }//if
+ return color;
+ case OM_REPEAT:
+ case OM_WRAP:
+ case OM_MIRROR:
+ OverflowCoordinates(x,y,ofMethod);
+ break;
+ default:
+ //simply return replacement color (OM_COLOR and others)
+ return color;
+ }//switch
+ }//if
+ //just return specified pixel (it's within bounds)
+ return BlindGetPixelColor(x,y);
+ * This method reconstructs image according to chosen interpolation method and then returns pixel (x,y).
+ * (x,y) can lie between actual image pixels. If (x,y) lies outside of image, method returns value
+ * according to overflow method.
+ * This method is very useful for geometrical image transformations, where destination pixel
+ * can often assume color value lying between source pixels.
+ *
+ * \param (x,y) - coordinates of pixel to return
+ * GPCI method recreates "analogue" image back from digital data, so x and y
+ * are float values and color value of point (1.1,1) will generally not be same
+ * as (1,1). Center of first pixel is at (0,0) and center of pixel right to it is (1,0).
+ * (0.5,0) is half way between these two pixels.
+ * \param inMethod - interpolation (reconstruction) method (kernel) to use:
+ * - IM_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR - returns colour of nearest lying pixel (causes stairy look of
+ * processed images)
+ * - IM_BILINEAR - interpolates colour from four neighbouring pixels (softens image a bit)
+ * - IM_BICUBIC - interpolates from 16 neighbouring pixels (can produce "halo" artifacts)
+ * - IM_BICUBIC2 - interpolates from 16 neighbouring pixels (perhaps a bit less halo artifacts
+ than IM_BICUBIC)
+ * - IM_BSPLINE - interpolates from 16 neighbouring pixels (softens image, washes colours)
+ * (As far as I know, image should be prefiltered for this method to give
+ * good results... some other time :) )
+ * This method uses bicubic interpolation kernel from CXImage 5.99a and older
+ * versions.
+ * - IM_LANCZOS - interpolates from 12*12 pixels (slow, ringing artifacts)
+ *
+ * \param ofMethod - overflow method (see comments at GetPixelColorWithOverflow)
+ * \param rplColor - pointer to color used for out of borders pixels in OM_COLOR mode
+ * (and other modes if colour can't calculated in a specified way)
+ *
+ * \return interpolated color value (including interpolated alpha value, if image has alpha layer)
+ *
+ * \author ***bd*** 2.2004
+ */
+RGBQUAD CxImage::GetPixelColorInterpolated(
+ float x,float y,
+ InterpolationMethod const inMethod,
+ OverflowMethod const ofMethod,
+ RGBQUAD* const rplColor)
+ //calculate nearest pixel
+ int32_t xi=(int32_t)(x); if (x<0) xi--; //these replace (incredibly slow) floor (Visual c++ 2003, AMD Athlon)
+ int32_t yi=(int32_t)(y); if (y<0) yi--;
+ RGBQUAD color; //calculated colour
+ switch (inMethod) {
+ return GetPixelColorWithOverflow((int32_t)(x+0.5f), (int32_t)(y+0.5f), ofMethod, rplColor);
+ default: {
+ //IM_BILINEAR: bilinear interpolation
+ if (xi<-1 || xi>=head.biWidth || yi<-1 || yi>=head.biHeight) { //all 4 points are outside bounds?:
+ switch (ofMethod) {
+ //we don't need to interpolate anything with all points outside in this case
+ return GetPixelColorWithOverflow(-999, -999, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ default:
+ //recalculate coordinates and use faster method later on
+ OverflowCoordinates(x,y,ofMethod);
+ xi=(int32_t)(x); if (x<0) xi--; //x and/or y have changed ... recalculate xi and yi
+ yi=(int32_t)(y); if (y<0) yi--;
+ }//switch
+ }//if
+ //get four neighbouring pixels
+ if ((xi+1)<head.biWidth && xi>=0 && (yi+1)<head.biHeight && yi>=0 && head.biClrUsed==0) {
+ //all pixels are inside RGB24 image... optimize reading (and use fixed point arithmetic)
+ uint16_t wt1=(uint16_t)((x-xi)*256.0f), wt2=(uint16_t)((y-yi)*256.0f);
+ uint16_t wd=wt1*wt2>>8;
+ uint16_t wb=wt1-wd;
+ uint16_t wc=wt2-wd;
+ uint16_t wa=256-wt1-wc;
+ uint16_t wrr,wgg,wbb;
+ uint8_t *pxptr=(uint8_t*)info.pImage+yi*info.dwEffWidth+xi*3;
+ wbb=wa*(*pxptr++); wgg=wa*(*pxptr++); wrr=wa*(*pxptr++);
+ wbb+=wb*(*pxptr++); wgg+=wb*(*pxptr++); wrr+=wb*(*pxptr);
+ pxptr+=(info.dwEffWidth-5); //move to next row
+ wbb+=wc*(*pxptr++); wgg+=wc*(*pxptr++); wrr+=wc*(*pxptr++);
+ wbb+=wd*(*pxptr++); wgg+=wd*(*pxptr++); wrr+=wd*(*pxptr);
+ color.rgbRed=(uint8_t) (wrr>>8); color.rgbGreen=(uint8_t) (wgg>>8); color.rgbBlue=(uint8_t) (wbb>>8);
+ if (pAlpha) {
+ uint16_t waa;
+ //image has alpha layer... we have to do the same for alpha data
+ pxptr=AlphaGetPointer(xi,yi); //pointer to first byte
+ waa=wa*(*pxptr++); waa+=wb*(*pxptr); //first two pixels
+ pxptr+=(head.biWidth-1); //move to next row
+ waa+=wc*(*pxptr++); waa+=wd*(*pxptr); //and second row pixels
+ color.rgbReserved=(uint8_t) (waa>>8);
+ } else
+ { //Alpha not supported or no alpha at all
+ color.rgbReserved = 0;
+ }
+ return color;
+ } else {
+ //default (slower) way to get pixels (not RGB24 or some pixels out of borders)
+ float t1=x-xi, t2=y-yi;
+ float d=t1*t2;
+ float b=t1-d;
+ float c=t2-d;
+ float a=1-t1-c;
+ RGBQUAD rgb11,rgb21,rgb12,rgb22;
+ rgb11=GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xi, yi, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ rgb21=GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xi+1, yi, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ rgb12=GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xi, yi+1, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ rgb22=GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xi+1, yi+1, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ //calculate linear interpolation
+ color.rgbRed=(uint8_t) (a*rgb11.rgbRed+b*rgb21.rgbRed+c*rgb12.rgbRed+d*rgb22.rgbRed);
+ color.rgbGreen=(uint8_t) (a*rgb11.rgbGreen+b*rgb21.rgbGreen+c*rgb12.rgbGreen+d*rgb22.rgbGreen);
+ color.rgbBlue=(uint8_t) (a*rgb11.rgbBlue+b*rgb21.rgbBlue+c*rgb12.rgbBlue+d*rgb22.rgbBlue);
+ color.rgbReserved=(uint8_t) (a*rgb11.rgbReserved+b*rgb21.rgbReserved+c*rgb12.rgbReserved+d*rgb22.rgbReserved);
+ color.rgbReserved = 0;
+ return color;
+ }//if
+ }//default
+ case IM_BICUBIC:
+ case IM_BICUBIC2:
+ case IM_BSPLINE:
+ case IM_BOX:
+ case IM_HERMITE:
+ case IM_HAMMING:
+ case IM_SINC:
+ case IM_BESSEL:
+ case IM_CATROM:
+ case IM_HANNING:
+ case IM_POWER:
+ //bicubic interpolation(s)
+ if (((xi+2)<0) || ((xi-1)>=head.biWidth) || ((yi+2)<0) || ((yi-1)>=head.biHeight)) { //all points are outside bounds?:
+ switch (ofMethod) {
+ //we don't need to interpolate anything with all points outside in this case
+ return GetPixelColorWithOverflow(-999, -999, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ break;
+ default:
+ //recalculate coordinates and use faster method later on
+ OverflowCoordinates(x,y,ofMethod);
+ xi=(int32_t)(x); if (x<0) xi--; //x and/or y have changed ... recalculate xi and yi
+ yi=(int32_t)(y); if (y<0) yi--;
+ }//switch
+ }//if
+ //some variables needed from here on
+ int32_t xii,yii; //x any y integer indexes for loops
+ float kernel, kernelyc; //kernel cache
+ float kernelx[12], kernely[4]; //precalculated kernel values
+ float rr,gg,bb,aa; //accumulated color values
+ //calculate multiplication factors for all pixels
+ int32_t i;
+ switch (inMethod) {
+ case IM_BICUBIC:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelCubic((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelCubic((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ case IM_BICUBIC2:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelGeneralizedCubic((float)(xi+i-1-x), -0.5);
+ kernely[i]=KernelGeneralizedCubic((float)(yi+i-1-y), -0.5);
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ case IM_BSPLINE:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelBSpline((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelBSpline((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ case IM_BOX:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelBox((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelBox((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ case IM_HERMITE:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelHermite((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelHermite((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ case IM_HAMMING:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelHamming((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelHamming((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ case IM_SINC:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelSinc((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelSinc((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelBlackman((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelBlackman((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ case IM_BESSEL:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelBessel((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelBessel((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelGaussian((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelGaussian((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelQuadratic((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelQuadratic((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelMitchell((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelMitchell((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ case IM_CATROM:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelCatrom((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelCatrom((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ case IM_HANNING:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelHanning((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelHanning((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ case IM_POWER:
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ kernelx[i]=KernelPower((float)(xi+i-1-x));
+ kernely[i]=KernelPower((float)(yi+i-1-y));
+ }//for i
+ break;
+ }//switch
+ rr=gg=bb=aa=0;
+ if (((xi+2)<head.biWidth) && xi>=1 && ((yi+2)<head.biHeight) && (yi>=1) && !IsIndexed()) {
+ //optimized interpolation (faster pixel reads) for RGB24 images with all pixels inside bounds
+ for (yii=yi-1; yii<yi+3; yii++) {
+ uint8_t *pxptr=(uint8_t *)BlindGetPixelPointer(xi-1, yii); //calculate pointer to first byte in row
+ kernelyc=kernely[yii-(yi-1)];
+ if (AlphaIsValid()) {
+ //alpha is supported and valid (optimized bicubic int32_t. for image with alpha)
+ uint8_t *pxptra=AlphaGetPointer(xi-1, yii);
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[0];
+ bb+=kernel*(*pxptr++); gg+=kernel*(*pxptr++); rr+=kernel*(*pxptr++); aa+=kernel*(*pxptra++);
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[1];
+ bb+=kernel*(*pxptr++); gg+=kernel*(*pxptr++); rr+=kernel*(*pxptr++); aa+=kernel*(*pxptra++);
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[2];
+ bb+=kernel*(*pxptr++); gg+=kernel*(*pxptr++); rr+=kernel*(*pxptr++); aa+=kernel*(*pxptra++);
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[3];
+ bb+=kernel*(*pxptr++); gg+=kernel*(*pxptr++); rr+=kernel*(*pxptr); aa+=kernel*(*pxptra);
+ } else
+ //alpha not supported or valid (optimized bicubic int32_t. for no alpha channel)
+ {
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[0];
+ bb+=kernel*(*pxptr++); gg+=kernel*(*pxptr++); rr+=kernel*(*pxptr++);
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[1];
+ bb+=kernel*(*pxptr++); gg+=kernel*(*pxptr++); rr+=kernel*(*pxptr++);
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[2];
+ bb+=kernel*(*pxptr++); gg+=kernel*(*pxptr++); rr+=kernel*(*pxptr++);
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[3];
+ bb+=kernel*(*pxptr++); gg+=kernel*(*pxptr++); rr+=kernel*(*pxptr);
+ }
+ }//yii
+ } else {
+ //slower more flexible interpolation for border pixels and paletted images
+ RGBQUAD rgbs;
+ for (yii=yi-1; yii<yi+3; yii++) {
+ kernelyc=kernely[yii-(yi-1)];
+ for (xii=xi-1; xii<xi+3; xii++) {
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[xii-(xi-1)];
+ rgbs=GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xii, yii, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ rr+=kernel*rgbs.rgbRed;
+ gg+=kernel*rgbs.rgbGreen;
+ bb+=kernel*rgbs.rgbBlue;
+ aa+=kernel*rgbs.rgbReserved;
+ }//xii
+ }//yii
+ }//if
+ //for all colors, clip to 0..255 and assign to RGBQUAD
+ if (rr>255) rr=255; if (rr<0) rr=0; color.rgbRed=(uint8_t) rr;
+ if (gg>255) gg=255; if (gg<0) gg=0; color.rgbGreen=(uint8_t) gg;
+ if (bb>255) bb=255; if (bb<0) bb=0; color.rgbBlue=(uint8_t) bb;
+ if (aa>255) aa=255; if (aa<0) aa=0; color.rgbReserved=(uint8_t) aa;
+ color.rgbReserved = 0;
+ return color;
+ case IM_LANCZOS:
+ //lanczos window (16*16) sinc interpolation
+ if (((xi+6)<0) || ((xi-5)>=head.biWidth) || ((yi+6)<0) || ((yi-5)>=head.biHeight)) {
+ //all points are outside bounds
+ switch (ofMethod) {
+ //we don't need to interpolate anything with all points outside in this case
+ return GetPixelColorWithOverflow(-999, -999, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ break;
+ default:
+ //recalculate coordinates and use faster method later on
+ OverflowCoordinates(x,y,ofMethod);
+ xi=(int32_t)(x); if (x<0) xi--; //x and/or y have changed ... recalculate xi and yi
+ yi=(int32_t)(y); if (y<0) yi--;
+ }//switch
+ }//if
+ for (xii=xi-5; xii<xi+7; xii++) kernelx[xii-(xi-5)]=KernelLanczosSinc((float)(xii-x), 6.0f);
+ rr=gg=bb=aa=0;
+ if (((xi+6)<head.biWidth) && ((xi-5)>=0) && ((yi+6)<head.biHeight) && ((yi-5)>=0) && !IsIndexed()) {
+ //optimized interpolation (faster pixel reads) for RGB24 images with all pixels inside bounds
+ for (yii=yi-5; yii<yi+7; yii++) {
+ uint8_t *pxptr=(uint8_t *)BlindGetPixelPointer(xi-5, yii); //calculate pointer to first byte in row
+ kernelyc=KernelLanczosSinc((float)(yii-y),6.0f);
+ if (AlphaIsValid()) {
+ //alpha is supported and valid
+ uint8_t *pxptra=AlphaGetPointer(xi-1, yii);
+ for (xii=0; xii<12; xii++) {
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[xii];
+ bb+=kernel*(*pxptr++); gg+=kernel*(*pxptr++); rr+=kernel*(*pxptr++); aa+=kernel*(*pxptra++);
+ }//for xii
+ } else
+ //alpha not supported or valid
+ {
+ for (xii=0; xii<12; xii++) {
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[xii];
+ bb+=kernel*(*pxptr++); gg+=kernel*(*pxptr++); rr+=kernel*(*pxptr++);
+ }//for xii
+ }
+ }//yii
+ } else {
+ //slower more flexible interpolation for border pixels and paletted images
+ RGBQUAD rgbs;
+ for (yii=yi-5; yii<yi+7; yii++) {
+ kernelyc=KernelLanczosSinc((float)(yii-y),6.0f);
+ for (xii=xi-5; xii<xi+7; xii++) {
+ kernel=kernelyc*kernelx[xii-(xi-5)];
+ rgbs=GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xii, yii, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ rr+=kernel*rgbs.rgbRed;
+ gg+=kernel*rgbs.rgbGreen;
+ bb+=kernel*rgbs.rgbBlue;
+ aa+=kernel*rgbs.rgbReserved;
+ }//xii
+ }//yii
+ }//if
+ //for all colors, clip to 0..255 and assign to RGBQUAD
+ if (rr>255) rr=255; if (rr<0) rr=0; color.rgbRed=(uint8_t) rr;
+ if (gg>255) gg=255; if (gg<0) gg=0; color.rgbGreen=(uint8_t) gg;
+ if (bb>255) bb=255; if (bb<0) bb=0; color.rgbBlue=(uint8_t) bb;
+ if (aa>255) aa=255; if (aa<0) aa=0; color.rgbReserved=(uint8_t) aa;
+ color.rgbReserved = 0;
+ return color;
+ }//switch
+ * Helper function for GetAreaColorInterpolated.
+ * Adds 'surf' portion of image pixel with color 'color' to (rr,gg,bb,aa).
+ */
+void CxImage::AddAveragingCont(RGBQUAD const &color, float const surf, float &rr, float &gg, float &bb, float &aa)
+ rr+=color.rgbRed*surf;
+ gg+=color.rgbGreen*surf;
+ bb+=color.rgbBlue*surf;
+ aa+=color.rgbReserved*surf;
+ * This method is similar to GetPixelColorInterpolated, but this method also properly handles
+ * subsampling.
+ * If you need to sample original image with interval of more than 1 pixel (as when shrinking an image),
+ * you should use this method instead of GetPixelColorInterpolated or aliasing will occur.
+ * When area width and height are both less than pixel, this method gets pixel color by interpolating
+ * color of frame center with selected (inMethod) interpolation by calling GetPixelColorInterpolated.
+ * If width and height are more than 1, method calculates color by averaging color of pixels within area.
+ * Interpolation method is not used in this case. Pixel color is interpolated by averaging instead.
+ * If only one of both is more than 1, method uses combination of interpolation and averaging.
+ * Chosen interpolation method is used, but since it is averaged later on, there is little difference
+ * between IM_BILINEAR (perhaps best for this case) and better methods. IM_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR again
+ * leads to aliasing artifacts.
+ * This method is a bit slower than GetPixelColorInterpolated and when aliasing is not a problem, you should
+ * simply use the later.
+ *
+ * \param xc, yc - center of (rectangular) area
+ * \param w, h - width and height of area
+ * \param inMethod - interpolation method that is used, when interpolation is used (see above)
+ * \param ofMethod - overflow method used when retrieving individual pixel colors
+ * \param rplColor - replacement colour to use, in OM_COLOR
+ *
+ * \author ***bd*** 2.2004
+ */
+RGBQUAD CxImage::GetAreaColorInterpolated(
+ float const xc, float const yc, float const w, float const h,
+ InterpolationMethod const inMethod,
+ OverflowMethod const ofMethod,
+ RGBQUAD* const rplColor)
+ RGBQUAD color; //calculated colour
+ if (h<=1 && w<=1) {
+ //both width and height are less than one... we will use interpolation of center point
+ return GetPixelColorInterpolated(xc, yc, inMethod, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ } else {
+ //area is wider and/or taller than one pixel:
+ CxRect2 area(xc-w/2.0f, yc-h/2.0f, xc+w/2.0f, yc+h/2.0f); //area
+ int32_t xi1=(int32_t)(area.botLeft.x+0.49999999f); //low x
+ int32_t yi1=(int32_t)(area.botLeft.y+0.49999999f); //low y
+ int32_t xi2=(int32_t)(area.topRight.x+0.5f); //top x
+ int32_t yi2=(int32_t)(area.topRight.y+0.5f); //top y (for loops)
+ float rr,gg,bb,aa; //red, green, blue and alpha components
+ rr=gg=bb=aa=0;
+ int32_t x,y; //loop counters
+ float s=0; //surface of all pixels
+ float cps; //surface of current crosssection
+ if (h>1 && w>1) {
+ //width and height of area are greater than one pixel, so we can employ "ordinary" averaging
+ CxRect2 intBL, intTR; //bottom left and top right intersection
+ intBL=area.CrossSection(CxRect2(((float)xi1)-0.5f, ((float)yi1)-0.5f, ((float)xi1)+0.5f, ((float)yi1)+0.5f));
+ intTR=area.CrossSection(CxRect2(((float)xi2)-0.5f, ((float)yi2)-0.5f, ((float)xi2)+0.5f, ((float)yi2)+0.5f));
+ float wBL, wTR, hBL, hTR;
+ wBL=intBL.Width(); //width of bottom left pixel-area intersection
+ hBL=intBL.Height(); //height of bottom left...
+ wTR=intTR.Width(); //width of top right...
+ hTR=intTR.Height(); //height of top right...
+ AddAveragingCont(GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xi1,yi1,ofMethod,rplColor), wBL*hBL, rr, gg, bb, aa); //bottom left pixel
+ AddAveragingCont(GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xi2,yi1,ofMethod,rplColor), wTR*hBL, rr, gg, bb, aa); //bottom right pixel
+ AddAveragingCont(GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xi1,yi2,ofMethod,rplColor), wBL*hTR, rr, gg, bb, aa); //top left pixel
+ AddAveragingCont(GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xi2,yi2,ofMethod,rplColor), wTR*hTR, rr, gg, bb, aa); //top right pixel
+ //bottom and top row
+ for (x=xi1+1; x<xi2; x++) {
+ AddAveragingCont(GetPixelColorWithOverflow(x,yi1,ofMethod,rplColor), hBL, rr, gg, bb, aa); //bottom row
+ AddAveragingCont(GetPixelColorWithOverflow(x,yi2,ofMethod,rplColor), hTR, rr, gg, bb, aa); //top row
+ }
+ //leftmost and rightmost column
+ for (y=yi1+1; y<yi2; y++) {
+ AddAveragingCont(GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xi1,y,ofMethod,rplColor), wBL, rr, gg, bb, aa); //left column
+ AddAveragingCont(GetPixelColorWithOverflow(xi2,y,ofMethod,rplColor), wTR, rr, gg, bb, aa); //right column
+ }
+ for (y=yi1+1; y<yi2; y++) {
+ for (x=xi1+1; x<xi2; x++) {
+ color=GetPixelColorWithOverflow(x,y,ofMethod,rplColor);
+ rr+=color.rgbRed;
+ gg+=color.rgbGreen;
+ bb+=color.rgbBlue;
+ aa+=color.rgbReserved;
+ }//for x
+ }//for y
+ } else {
+ //width or height greater than one:
+ CxRect2 intersect; //intersection with current pixel
+ CxPoint2 center;
+ for (y=yi1; y<=yi2; y++) {
+ for (x=xi1; x<=xi2; x++) {
+ intersect=area.CrossSection(CxRect2(((float)x)-0.5f, ((float)y)-0.5f, ((float)x)+0.5f, ((float)y)+0.5f));
+ center=intersect.Center();
+ color=GetPixelColorInterpolated(center.x, center.y, inMethod, ofMethod, rplColor);
+ cps=intersect.Surface();
+ rr+=color.rgbRed*cps;
+ gg+=color.rgbGreen*cps;
+ bb+=color.rgbBlue*cps;
+ aa+=color.rgbReserved*cps;
+ }//for x
+ }//for y
+ }//if
+ s=area.Surface();
+ rr/=s; gg/=s; bb/=s; aa/=s;
+ if (rr>255) rr=255; if (rr<0) rr=0; color.rgbRed=(uint8_t) rr;
+ if (gg>255) gg=255; if (gg<0) gg=0; color.rgbGreen=(uint8_t) gg;
+ if (bb>255) bb=255; if (bb<0) bb=0; color.rgbBlue=(uint8_t) bb;
+ if (aa>255) aa=255; if (aa<0) aa=0; color.rgbReserved=(uint8_t) aa;
+ color.rgbReserved = 0;
+ }//if
+ return color;
+float CxImage::KernelBSpline(const float x)
+ if (x>2.0f) return 0.0f;
+ // thanks to Kristian Kratzenstein
+ float a, b, c, d;
+ float xm1 = x - 1.0f; // Was calculatet anyway cause the "if((x-1.0f) < 0)"
+ float xp1 = x + 1.0f;
+ float xp2 = x + 2.0f;
+ if ((xp2) <= 0.0f) a = 0.0f; else a = xp2*xp2*xp2; // Only float, not float -> double -> float
+ if ((xp1) <= 0.0f) b = 0.0f; else b = xp1*xp1*xp1;
+ if (x <= 0) c = 0.0f; else c = x*x*x;
+ if ((xm1) <= 0.0f) d = 0.0f; else d = xm1*xm1*xm1;
+ return (0.16666666666666666667f * (a - (4.0f * b) + (6.0f * c) - (4.0f * d)));
+ /* equivalent <Vladimír Kloucek>
+ if (x < -2.0)
+ return(0.0f);
+ if (x < -1.0)
+ return((2.0f+x)*(2.0f+x)*(2.0f+x)*0.16666666666666666667f);
+ if (x < 0.0)
+ return((4.0f+x*x*(-6.0f-3.0f*x))*0.16666666666666666667f);
+ if (x < 1.0)
+ return((4.0f+x*x*(-6.0f+3.0f*x))*0.16666666666666666667f);
+ if (x < 2.0)
+ return((2.0f-x)*(2.0f-x)*(2.0f-x)*0.16666666666666666667f);
+ return(0.0f);
+ */
+ * Bilinear interpolation kernel:
+ \verbatim
+ /
+ | 1-t , if 0 <= t <= 1
+ h(t) = | t+1 , if -1 <= t < 0
+ | 0 , otherwise
+ \
+ \endverbatim
+ * ***bd*** 2.2004
+ */
+float CxImage::KernelLinear(const float t)
+// if (0<=t && t<=1) return 1-t;
+// if (-1<=t && t<0) return 1+t;
+// return 0;
+ //<Vladimír Kloucek>
+ if (t < -1.0f)
+ return 0.0f;
+ if (t < 0.0f)
+ return 1.0f+t;
+ if (t < 1.0f)
+ return 1.0f-t;
+ return 0.0f;
+ * Bicubic interpolation kernel (a=-1):
+ \verbatim
+ /
+ | 1-2|t|**2+|t|**3 , if |t| < 1
+ h(t) = | 4-8|t|+5|t|**2-|t|**3 , if 1<=|t|<2
+ | 0 , otherwise
+ \
+ \endverbatim
+ * ***bd*** 2.2004
+ */
+float CxImage::KernelCubic(const float t)
+ float abs_t = (float)fabs(t);
+ float abs_t_sq = abs_t * abs_t;
+ if (abs_t<1) return 1-2*abs_t_sq+abs_t_sq*abs_t;
+ if (abs_t<2) return 4 - 8*abs_t +5*abs_t_sq - abs_t_sq*abs_t;
+ return 0;
+ * Bicubic kernel (for a=-1 it is the same as BicubicKernel):
+ \verbatim
+ /
+ | (a+2)|t|**3 - (a+3)|t|**2 + 1 , |t| <= 1
+ h(t) = | a|t|**3 - 5a|t|**2 + 8a|t| - 4a , 1 < |t| <= 2
+ | 0 , otherwise
+ \
+ \endverbatim
+ * Often used values for a are -1 and -1/2.
+ */
+float CxImage::KernelGeneralizedCubic(const float t, const float a)
+ float abs_t = (float)fabs(t);
+ float abs_t_sq = abs_t * abs_t;
+ if (abs_t<1) return (a+2)*abs_t_sq*abs_t - (a+3)*abs_t_sq + 1;
+ if (abs_t<2) return a*abs_t_sq*abs_t - 5*a*abs_t_sq + 8*a*abs_t - 4*a;
+ return 0;
+ * Lanczos windowed sinc interpolation kernel with radius r.
+ \verbatim
+ /
+ h(t) = | sinc(t)*sinc(t/r) , if |t|<r
+ | 0 , otherwise
+ \
+ \endverbatim
+ * ***bd*** 2.2004
+ */
+float CxImage::KernelLanczosSinc(const float t, const float r)
+ if (fabs(t) > r) return 0;
+ if (t==0) return 1;
+ float pit=PI*t;
+ float pitd=pit/r;
+ return (float)((sin(pit)/pit) * (sin(pitd)/pitd));
+float CxImage::KernelBox(const float x)
+ if (x < -0.5f)
+ return 0.0f;
+ if (x < 0.5f)
+ return 1.0f;
+ return 0.0f;
+float CxImage::KernelHermite(const float x)
+ if (x < -1.0f)
+ return 0.0f;
+ if (x < 0.0f)
+ return (-2.0f*x-3.0f)*x*x+1.0f;
+ if (x < 1.0f)
+ return (2.0f*x-3.0f)*x*x+1.0f;
+ return 0.0f;
+// if (fabs(x)>1) return 0.0f;
+// return(0.5f+0.5f*(float)cos(PI*x));
+float CxImage::KernelHanning(const float x)
+ if (fabs(x)>1) return 0.0f;
+ return (0.5f+0.5f*(float)cos(PI*x))*((float)sin(PI*x)/(PI*x));
+float CxImage::KernelHamming(const float x)
+ if (x < -1.0f)
+ return 0.0f;
+ if (x < 0.0f)
+ return 0.92f*(-2.0f*x-3.0f)*x*x+1.0f;
+ if (x < 1.0f)
+ return 0.92f*(2.0f*x-3.0f)*x*x+1.0f;
+ return 0.0f;
+// if (fabs(x)>1) return 0.0f;
+// return(0.54f+0.46f*(float)cos(PI*x));
+float CxImage::KernelSinc(const float x)
+ if (x == 0.0)
+ return(1.0);
+ return((float)sin(PI*x)/(PI*x));
+float CxImage::KernelBlackman(const float x)
+ //if (fabs(x)>1) return 0.0f;
+ return (0.42f+0.5f*(float)cos(PI*x)+0.08f*(float)cos(2.0f*PI*x));
+float CxImage::KernelBessel_J1(const float x)
+ double p, q;
+ register int32_t i;
+ static const double
+ Pone[] =
+ {
+ 0.581199354001606143928050809e+21,
+ -0.6672106568924916298020941484e+20,
+ 0.2316433580634002297931815435e+19,
+ -0.3588817569910106050743641413e+17,
+ 0.2908795263834775409737601689e+15,
+ -0.1322983480332126453125473247e+13,
+ 0.3413234182301700539091292655e+10,
+ -0.4695753530642995859767162166e+7,
+ 0.270112271089232341485679099e+4
+ },
+ Qone[] =
+ {
+ 0.11623987080032122878585294e+22,
+ 0.1185770712190320999837113348e+20,
+ 0.6092061398917521746105196863e+17,
+ 0.2081661221307607351240184229e+15,
+ 0.5243710262167649715406728642e+12,
+ 0.1013863514358673989967045588e+10,
+ 0.1501793594998585505921097578e+7,
+ 0.1606931573481487801970916749e+4,
+ 0.1e+1
+ };
+ p = Pone[8];
+ q = Qone[8];
+ for (i=7; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ p = p*x*x+Pone[i];
+ q = q*x*x+Qone[i];
+ }
+ return (float)(p/q);
+float CxImage::KernelBessel_P1(const float x)
+ double p, q;
+ register int32_t i;
+ static const double
+ Pone[] =
+ {
+ 0.352246649133679798341724373e+5,
+ 0.62758845247161281269005675e+5,
+ 0.313539631109159574238669888e+5,
+ 0.49854832060594338434500455e+4,
+ 0.2111529182853962382105718e+3,
+ 0.12571716929145341558495e+1
+ },
+ Qone[] =
+ {
+ 0.352246649133679798068390431e+5,
+ 0.626943469593560511888833731e+5,
+ 0.312404063819041039923015703e+5,
+ 0.4930396490181088979386097e+4,
+ 0.2030775189134759322293574e+3,
+ 0.1e+1
+ };
+ p = Pone[5];
+ q = Qone[5];
+ for (i=4; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ p = p*(8.0/x)*(8.0/x)+Pone[i];
+ q = q*(8.0/x)*(8.0/x)+Qone[i];
+ }
+ return (float)(p/q);
+float CxImage::KernelBessel_Q1(const float x)
+ double p, q;
+ register int32_t i;
+ static const double
+ Pone[] =
+ {
+ 0.3511751914303552822533318e+3,
+ 0.7210391804904475039280863e+3,
+ 0.4259873011654442389886993e+3,
+ 0.831898957673850827325226e+2,
+ 0.45681716295512267064405e+1,
+ 0.3532840052740123642735e-1
+ },
+ Qone[] =
+ {
+ 0.74917374171809127714519505e+4,
+ 0.154141773392650970499848051e+5,
+ 0.91522317015169922705904727e+4,
+ 0.18111867005523513506724158e+4,
+ 0.1038187585462133728776636e+3,
+ 0.1e+1
+ };
+ p = Pone[5];
+ q = Qone[5];
+ for (i=4; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ p = p*(8.0/x)*(8.0/x)+Pone[i];
+ q = q*(8.0/x)*(8.0/x)+Qone[i];
+ }
+ return (float)(p/q);
+float CxImage::KernelBessel_Order1(float x)
+ float p, q;
+ if (x == 0.0)
+ return (0.0f);
+ p = x;
+ if (x < 0.0)
+ x=(-x);
+ if (x < 8.0)
+ return(p*KernelBessel_J1(x));
+ q = (float)sqrt(2.0f/(PI*x))*(float)(KernelBessel_P1(x)*(1.0f/sqrt(2.0f)*(sin(x)-cos(x)))-8.0f/x*KernelBessel_Q1(x)*
+ (-1.0f/sqrt(2.0f)*(sin(x)+cos(x))));
+ if (p < 0.0f)
+ q = (-q);
+ return (q);
+float CxImage::KernelBessel(const float x)
+ if (x == 0.0f)
+ return(PI/4.0f);
+ return(KernelBessel_Order1(PI*x)/(2.0f*x));
+float CxImage::KernelGaussian(const float x)
+ return (float)(exp(-2.0f*x*x)*0.79788456080287f/*sqrt(2.0f/PI)*/);
+float CxImage::KernelQuadratic(const float x)
+ if (x < -1.5f)
+ return(0.0f);
+ if (x < -0.5f)
+ return(0.5f*(x+1.5f)*(x+1.5f));
+ if (x < 0.5f)
+ return(0.75f-x*x);
+ if (x < 1.5f)
+ return(0.5f*(x-1.5f)*(x-1.5f));
+ return(0.0f);
+float CxImage::KernelMitchell(const float x)
+#define KM_B (1.0f/3.0f)
+#define KM_C (1.0f/3.0f)
+#define KM_P0 (( 6.0f - 2.0f * KM_B ) / 6.0f)
+#define KM_P2 ((-18.0f + 12.0f * KM_B + 6.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f)
+#define KM_P3 (( 12.0f - 9.0f * KM_B - 6.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f)
+#define KM_Q0 (( 8.0f * KM_B + 24.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f)
+#define KM_Q1 ((-12.0f * KM_B - 48.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f)
+#define KM_Q2 (( 6.0f * KM_B + 30.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f)
+#define KM_Q3 (( -1.0f * KM_B - 6.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f)
+ if (x < -2.0)
+ return(0.0f);
+ if (x < -1.0)
+ return(KM_Q0-x*(KM_Q1-x*(KM_Q2-x*KM_Q3)));
+ if (x < 0.0f)
+ return(KM_P0+x*x*(KM_P2-x*KM_P3));
+ if (x < 1.0f)
+ return(KM_P0+x*x*(KM_P2+x*KM_P3));
+ if (x < 2.0f)
+ return(KM_Q0+x*(KM_Q1+x*(KM_Q2+x*KM_Q3)));
+ return(0.0f);
+float CxImage::KernelCatrom(const float x)
+ if (x < -2.0)
+ return(0.0f);
+ if (x < -1.0)
+ return(0.5f*(4.0f+x*(8.0f+x*(5.0f+x))));
+ if (x < 0.0)
+ return(0.5f*(2.0f+x*x*(-5.0f-3.0f*x)));
+ if (x < 1.0)
+ return(0.5f*(2.0f+x*x*(-5.0f+3.0f*x)));
+ if (x < 2.0)
+ return(0.5f*(4.0f+x*(-8.0f+x*(5.0f-x))));
+ return(0.0f);
+float CxImage::KernelPower(const float x, const float a)
+ if (fabs(x)>1) return 0.0f;
+ return (1.0f - (float)fabs(pow(x,a)));