path: root/hge/hge_impl.h
diff options
authorGravatar <> 2014-01-12 14:43:14 +0000
committerGravatar <> 2014-01-12 14:43:14 +0000
commitc91847d549cc1c30eb15504a15ea9a6d5aa48165 (patch)
treeb978d575f08f5f87d3c21eb9a024164636d1918a /hge/hge_impl.h
Diffstat (limited to 'hge/hge_impl.h')
1 files changed, 410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hge/hge_impl.h b/hge/hge_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c9f813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hge/hge_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.8
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** Common core implementation header
+#ifndef HGE_IMPL_UNIX_H
+#define HGE_IMPL_UNIX_H
+#include "unix_compat.h"
+#include "../../include/hge.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "SDL/SDL.h"
+#define GL_GLEXT_LEGACY 1
+#include "gl.h"
+#ifndef WINGDIAPI
+#define WINGDIAPI
+#ifndef APIENTRY
+#define APIENTRY
+#ifndef APIENTRYP
+#define GL_PROC(ext,fn,call,ret,params) typedef call ret (APIENTRYP _HGE_PFN_##fn) params;
+#include "hge_glfuncs.h"
+#undef GL_PROC
+class COpenGLDevice
+ #define GL_PROC(ext,fn,call,ret,params) _HGE_PFN_##fn fn;
+ #include "hge_glfuncs.h"
+ #undef GL_PROC
+ GLenum TextureTarget; // texture rectangle vs (npot) 2D.
+ bool have_base_opengl;
+ bool have_GL_ARB_texture_rectangle;
+ bool have_GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two;
+ bool have_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object;
+ bool have_GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc;
+ bool have_GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object;
+ bool have_GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422;
+#define VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE 4000
+struct gltexture; // used internally.
+struct CRenderTargetList
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ GLuint depth;
+ GLuint frame;
+ CRenderTargetList* next;
+struct CTextureList
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ CTextureList* next;
+struct CResourceList
+ char filename[_MAX_PATH];
+ char password[64];
+ CResourceList* next;
+struct CStreamList
+ HSTREAM hstream;
+ void* data;
+ CStreamList* next;
+struct CInputEventList
+ hgeInputEvent event;
+ CInputEventList* next;
+void DInit();
+void DDone();
+bool DFrame();
+** HGE Interface implementation
+class HGE_Impl : public HGE
+ virtual void CALL Release();
+ virtual bool CALL System_Initiate();
+ virtual void CALL System_Shutdown();
+ virtual bool CALL System_Start();
+ virtual void CALL System_SetStateBool (hgeBoolState state, bool value);
+ virtual void CALL System_SetStateFunc (hgeFuncState state, hgeCallback value);
+ virtual void CALL System_SetStateHwnd (hgeHwndState state, HWND value);
+ virtual void CALL System_SetStateInt (hgeIntState state, int value);
+ virtual void CALL System_SetStateString(hgeStringState state, const char *value);
+ virtual bool CALL System_GetStateBool (hgeBoolState );
+ virtual hgeCallback CALL System_GetStateFunc (hgeFuncState );
+ virtual HWND CALL System_GetStateHwnd (hgeHwndState );
+ virtual int CALL System_GetStateInt (hgeIntState );
+ virtual const char* CALL System_GetStateString(hgeStringState);
+ virtual const char* CALL System_GetErrorMessage();
+ virtual void CALL System_Log(const char *format, ...);
+ virtual bool CALL System_Launch(const char *url);
+ virtual void CALL System_Snapshot(const char *filename=0);
+ virtual void* CALL Resource_Load(const char *filename, DWORD *size=0);
+ virtual void CALL Resource_Free(void *res);
+ virtual bool CALL Resource_AttachPack(const char *filename, const char *password=0);
+ virtual void CALL Resource_RemovePack(const char *filename);
+ virtual void CALL Resource_RemoveAllPacks();
+ virtual char* CALL Resource_MakePath(const char *filename=0);
+ virtual char* CALL Resource_EnumFiles(const char *wildcard=0);
+ virtual char* CALL Resource_EnumFolders(const char *wildcard=0);
+ virtual void CALL Ini_SetInt(const char *section, const char *name, int value);
+ virtual int CALL Ini_GetInt(const char *section, const char *name, int def_val);
+ virtual void CALL Ini_SetFloat(const char *section, const char *name, float value);
+ virtual float CALL Ini_GetFloat(const char *section, const char *name, float def_val);
+ virtual void CALL Ini_SetString(const char *section, const char *name, const char *value);
+ virtual char* CALL Ini_GetString(const char *section, const char *name, const char *def_val);
+ virtual void CALL Random_Seed(int seed=0);
+ virtual int CALL Random_Int(int min, int max);
+ virtual float CALL Random_Float(float min, float max);
+ virtual float CALL Timer_GetTime();
+ virtual float CALL Timer_GetDelta();
+ virtual int CALL Timer_GetFPS();
+ virtual HEFFECT CALL Effect_Load(const char *filename, DWORD size=0);
+ virtual void CALL Effect_Free(HEFFECT eff);
+ virtual HCHANNEL CALL Effect_Play(HEFFECT eff);
+ virtual HCHANNEL CALL Effect_PlayEx(HEFFECT eff, int volume=100, int pan=0, float pitch=1.0f, bool loop=false);
+ virtual HMUSIC CALL Music_Load(const char *filename, DWORD size=0);
+ virtual void CALL Music_Free(HMUSIC mus);
+ virtual HCHANNEL CALL Music_Play(HMUSIC mus, bool loop, int volume = 100, int order = 0, int row = 0);
+ virtual void CALL Music_SetAmplification(HMUSIC music, int ampl);
+ virtual int CALL Music_GetAmplification(HMUSIC music);
+ virtual int CALL Music_GetLength(HMUSIC music);
+ virtual void CALL Music_SetPos(HMUSIC music, int order, int row);
+ virtual bool CALL Music_GetPos(HMUSIC music, int *order, int *row);
+ virtual void CALL Music_SetInstrVolume(HMUSIC music, int instr, int volume);
+ virtual int CALL Music_GetInstrVolume(HMUSIC music, int instr);
+ virtual void CALL Music_SetChannelVolume(HMUSIC music, int channel, int volume);
+ virtual int CALL Music_GetChannelVolume(HMUSIC music, int channel);
+ virtual HSTREAM CALL Stream_Load(const char *filename, DWORD size=0);
+ virtual void CALL Stream_Free(HSTREAM stream);
+ virtual HCHANNEL CALL Stream_Play(HSTREAM stream, bool loop, int volume = 100);
+ virtual void CALL Channel_SetPanning(HCHANNEL chn, int pan);
+ virtual void CALL Channel_SetVolume(HCHANNEL chn, int volume);
+ virtual void CALL Channel_SetPitch(HCHANNEL chn, float pitch);
+ virtual void CALL Channel_Pause(HCHANNEL chn);
+ virtual void CALL Channel_Resume(HCHANNEL chn);
+ virtual void CALL Channel_Stop(HCHANNEL chn);
+ virtual void CALL Channel_PauseAll();
+ virtual void CALL Channel_ResumeAll();
+ virtual void CALL Channel_StopAll();
+ virtual bool CALL Channel_IsPlaying(HCHANNEL chn);
+ virtual float CALL Channel_GetLength(HCHANNEL chn);
+ virtual float CALL Channel_GetPos(HCHANNEL chn);
+ virtual void CALL Channel_SetPos(HCHANNEL chn, float fSeconds);
+ virtual int CALL Channel_GetPos_BySample(HCHANNEL chn);
+ virtual void CALL Channel_SetPos_BySample(HCHANNEL chn, int iSample);
+ virtual void CALL Channel_SlideTo(HCHANNEL channel, float time, int volume, int pan = -101, float pitch = -1);
+ virtual bool CALL Channel_IsSliding(HCHANNEL channel);
+ virtual void CALL Input_GetMousePos(float *x, float *y);
+ virtual void CALL Input_SetMousePos(float x, float y);
+ virtual int CALL Input_GetMouseWheel();
+ virtual bool CALL Input_IsMouseOver();
+ virtual bool CALL Input_KeyDown(int key);
+ virtual bool CALL Input_KeyUp(int key);
+ virtual bool CALL Input_GetKeyState(int key);
+ virtual int CALL Input_GetKeyStateEx(int key);
+ virtual const char* CALL Input_GetKeyName(int key);
+ virtual int CALL Input_GetKey();
+ virtual int CALL Input_GetChar();
+ virtual bool CALL Input_GetEvent(hgeInputEvent *event);
+ virtual bool CALL Gfx_BeginScene(HTARGET target=0);
+ virtual void CALL Gfx_EndScene();
+ virtual void CALL Gfx_Clear(DWORD color);
+ virtual void CALL Gfx_RenderLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, DWORD color=0xFFFFFFFF, float z=0.5f);
+ virtual void CALL Gfx_RenderTriple(const hgeTriple *triple);
+ virtual void CALL Gfx_RenderQuad(const hgeQuad *quad);
+ virtual hgeVertex* CALL Gfx_StartBatch(int prim_type, HTEXTURE tex, int blend, int *max_prim);
+ virtual void CALL Gfx_FinishBatch(int nprim);
+ virtual void CALL Gfx_SetClipping(int x=0, int y=0, int w=0, int h=0);
+ virtual void CALL Gfx_SetTransform(float x=0, float y=0, float dx=0, float dy=0, float rot=0, float hscale=0, float vscale=0);
+ virtual HTARGET CALL Target_Create(int width, int height, bool zbuffer);
+ virtual void CALL Target_Free(HTARGET target);
+ virtual HTEXTURE CALL Target_GetTexture(HTARGET target);
+ virtual HTEXTURE CALL Texture_Create(int width, int height);
+ virtual HTEXTURE CALL Texture_Load(const char *filename, DWORD size=0, bool bMipmap=false);
+ virtual void CALL Texture_Free(HTEXTURE tex);
+ virtual int CALL Texture_GetWidth(HTEXTURE tex, bool bOriginal=false);
+ virtual int CALL Texture_GetHeight(HTEXTURE tex, bool bOriginal=false);
+ virtual DWORD* CALL Texture_Lock(HTEXTURE tex, bool bReadOnly=true, int left=0, int top=0, int width=0, int height=0);
+ virtual void CALL Texture_Unlock(HTEXTURE tex);
+ bool CALL HGEEXT_Texture_PushYUV422(HTEXTURE tex, const BYTE *yuv);
+ //////// Implementation ////////
+ static HGE_Impl* _Interface_Get();
+ void _FocusChange(bool bAct);
+ void _PostError(const char *error);
+ // ini ...
+ void _LoadIniFile(const char *fname);
+ const char* _BuildProfilePath(const char *section, const char *name, const char *szIniFile);
+ bool _WritePrivateProfileString(const char *section, const char *name, const char *buf, const char *szIniFile);
+ bool _GetPrivateProfileString(const char *section, const char *name, const char *deflt, char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *szIniFile);
+ long MacOSXVersion;
+ HWND hwnd;
+ bool bActive;
+ char szError[256];
+ char szAppPath[_MAX_PATH];
+ char szIniString[256];
+ // System States
+ bool (*procFrameFunc)();
+ bool (*procRenderFunc)();
+ bool (*procFocusLostFunc)();
+ bool (*procFocusGainFunc)();
+ bool (*procGfxRestoreFunc)();
+ bool (*procExitFunc)();
+ const char* szIcon;
+ char szWinTitle[256];
+ int nScreenWidth;
+ int nScreenHeight;
+ int nOrigScreenWidth;
+ int nOrigScreenHeight;
+ int nScreenBPP;
+ bool bWindowed;
+ bool bVsync;
+ bool bZBuffer;
+ bool bTextureFilter;
+ char szIniFile[_MAX_PATH];
+ char szLogFile[_MAX_PATH];
+ bool bUseSound;
+ int nSampleRate;
+ int nFXVolume;
+ int nMusVolume;
+ int nStreamVolume;
+ int nHGEFPS;
+ bool bHideMouse;
+ bool bDontSuspend;
+ HWND hwndParent;
+ bool bForceTextureCompression;
+ GLuint IndexBufferObject;
+ bool _PrimsOutsideClipping(const hgeVertex *v, const int verts);
+ bool bTransforming;
+ int clipX;
+ int clipY;
+ int clipW;
+ int clipH;
+// #ifdef DEMO
+ bool bDMO;
+// #endif
+ // Power
+ int nPowerStatus;
+ void _InitPowerStatus();
+ void _UpdatePowerStatus();
+ void _DonePowerStatus();
+ // Graphics
+ COpenGLDevice* pOpenGLDevice; // GL entry points, dynamically loaded.
+ hgeVertex* pVB; // vertex buffer is a client-side array in the OpenGL renderer.
+ GLushort* pIB; // index buffer is a client-side array in the OpenGL renderer.
+ CRenderTargetList* pTargets;
+ CRenderTargetList* pCurTarget;
+ //D3DXMATRIX matView;
+ //D3DXMATRIX matProj;
+ CTextureList* textures;
+ hgeVertex* VertArray;
+ int nPrim;
+ int CurPrimType;
+ int CurBlendMode;
+ HTEXTURE CurTexture;
+ bool _HaveOpenGLExtension(const char *extlist, const char *ext);
+ void _UnloadOpenGLEntryPoints();
+ bool _LoadOpenGLEntryPoints();
+ bool _GfxInit();
+ void _GfxDone();
+ bool _GfxRestore();
+ void _AdjustWindow();
+ void _Resize(int width, int height);
+ bool _init_lost();
+ void _render_batch(bool bEndScene=false);
+ void _SetTextureFilter();
+ void _ConfigureTexture(gltexture *t, int width, int height, DWORD *pixels);
+ void _BindTexture(gltexture *t);
+ bool _BuildTarget(CRenderTargetList *pTarget, GLuint texname, int width, int height, bool zbuffer);
+ HTEXTURE _BuildTexture(int width, int height, DWORD *pixels);
+ //int _format_id(D3DFORMAT fmt);
+ void _SetBlendMode(int blend);
+ void _SetProjectionMatrix(int width, int height);
+ // Audio
+ void* hBass;
+ void* hOpenAL;
+ bool bSilent;
+ CStreamList* streams;
+ bool _SoundInit();
+ void _SoundDone();
+ void _SetMusVolume(int vol);
+ void _SetStreamVolume(int vol);
+ void _SetFXVolume(int vol);
+ // Input
+ int VKey;
+ int Char;
+ int Zpos;
+ float Xpos;
+ float Ypos;
+ SDLMod keymods;
+ bool bMouseOver;
+ bool bCaptured;
+ char keyz[256];
+ bool keylast[256];
+ CInputEventList* queue;
+ void _UpdateMouse();
+ void _InputInit();
+ void _ClearQueue();
+ void _BuildEvent(int type, int key, int scan, int flags, int x, int y);
+ bool _ProcessSDLEvent(const SDL_Event &e);
+ // Resources
+ char szTmpFilename[_MAX_PATH];
+ CResourceList* res;
+ bool _WildcardMatch(const char *str, const char *wildcard);
+ bool _PrepareFileEnum(const char *wildcard);
+ char* _DoEnumIteration(const bool wantdir);
+ DIR* hSearch;
+ char szSearchDir[_MAX_PATH];
+ char szSearchWildcard[_MAX_PATH];
+ char szSearchResult[_MAX_PATH];
+ // Timer
+ float fTime;
+ float fDeltaTime;
+ DWORD nFixedDelta;
+ int nFPS;
+ DWORD t0, t0fps, dt;
+ int cfps;
+ HGE_Impl();
+ void _MacMinimizeWindow();
+ void _MacHideOtherWindows();
+ void _MacHideWindow();
+ #endif
+extern HGE_Impl* pHGE;
+#endif // include-once blocker
+// end of hg_impl_unix.h ...