path: root/include
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
12 files changed, 1085 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/smanim.hpp b/include/smanim.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b206d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smanim.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Animation header
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef SMANIM_H
+#define SMANIM_H
+#include "smelt.hpp"
+#include "smentity.hpp"
+#include "smdatapack.hpp"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+class smTexInfo
+ smTexRect rect;
+ char *name,*path;
+ SMTEX tex;
+class smAnmInfo
+ smTexInfo frames[256];
+ int framedur[256],mode,fc;
+ char* name;
+class smAnmFile
+ static SMELT *sm;
+ smDtpFileR anm;
+ void parseMeta(char* meta,DWORD size);
+ std::map<std::string,smTexInfo> tm;
+ std::map<std::string,smAnmInfo> am;
+ std::map<std::string,SMTEX> xm;
+ bool loadAnmFromMemory(char* ptr,DWORD size);
+ void close();
+ smTexInfo* getTextureInfo(const char* name);
+ smAnmInfo* getAnimationInfo(const char* name);
+class smAnimation2D:public smEntity2D
+ smAnmInfo ai;
+ smAnimation2D();
+ int cf,mf,r;
+ smAnimation2D(smAnmInfo a);
+ void updateAnim(int f=1);
+ void resetAnim();
+class smAnimation3D:public smEntity3D
+ smAnmInfo ai;
+ smAnimation3D();
+ int cf,mf,r;
+ smAnimation3D(smAnmInfo a);
+ void updateAnim(int f=1);
+ void resetAnim();
diff --git a/include/smbmfont.hpp b/include/smbmfont.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dffc1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smbmfont.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Bitmap font support header
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ *
+ */
+ #ifndef SMBMFONT_H
+#define SMBMFONT_H
+#include "smanim.hpp"
+#include <cwchar>
+#ifndef ALIGN_LEFT
+#define ALIGN_LEFT 0
+#define ALIGN_RIGHT 1
+#define ALIGN_CENTER 2
+class smBMFont
+ static SMELT *sm;
+ smDtpFileR anm;
+ float sc,hadv;
+ smEntity2D* chars[256];
+ int pdb[256],pda[256],b;
+ DWORD color;
+ std::map<std::string,SMTEX> xm;
+ void parseMeta(char* meta,DWORD size);
+ bool loadAnmFromMemory(char* ptr,DWORD size);
+ void close();
+ void render(float x,float y,float z,int align,float *rw,const char* text);
+ void printf(float x,float y,float z,int align,float *rw,const char* format,...);
+ void setColor(DWORD col){color=col;}
+ void setBlend(int blend){b=blend;}
+ void setScale(float scale){sc=scale;}
+class smBMFontw
+ static SMELT *sm;
+ smDtpFileR anm;
+ float sc,hadv;
+ int b;
+ DWORD color;
+ std::map<std::string,SMTEX> xm;
+ std::map<wchar_t,smEntity2D*> chars;
+ std::map<wchar_t,int> pdb,pda;
+ void parseMeta(char* meta,DWORD size);
+ bool loadAnmFromMemory(char* ptr,DWORD size);
+ void close();
+ void render(float x,float y,float z,int align,float *rw,const wchar_t* text);
+ void printf(float x,float y,float z,int align,float *rw,const wchar_t* format,...);
+ void setColor(DWORD col){color=col;}
+ void setBlend(int blend){b=blend;}
+ void setScale(float scale){sc=scale;}
diff --git a/include/smcolor.hpp b/include/smcolor.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d901de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smcolor.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Color system header & implementation
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef SMCOLOR_H
+#define SMCOLOR_H
+#include "smelt.hpp"
+#include "smmath.hpp"
+#define clmp(a) a=a>1?1:a<0?0:a
+class smColorRGBA
+ float r,g,b,a;
+ smColorRGBA(){r=g=b=a=.0;}
+ smColorRGBA(DWORD col){setHWColor(col);}
+ smColorRGBA(float _r,float _g,float _b,float _a){r=_r;g=_g;b=_b;a=_a;}
+ void clamp(){clmp(r);clmp(g);clmp(b);clmp(a);}
+ friend smColorRGBA operator +(smColorRGBA a,smColorRGBA b){return smColorRGBA(a.r+b.r,a.g+b.g,a.b+b.b,a.a+b.a);}
+ friend smColorRGBA operator -(smColorRGBA a,smColorRGBA b){return smColorRGBA(a.r-b.r,a.g-b.g,a.b-b.b,a.a-b.a);}
+ friend smColorRGBA operator *(smColorRGBA a,smColorRGBA b){return smColorRGBA(a.r*b.r,a.g*b.g,a.b*b.b,a.a*b.a);}
+ friend smColorRGBA operator *(smColorRGBA a,float b){return smColorRGBA(b*a.r,b*a.g,b*a.b,b*a.a);}
+ friend smColorRGBA operator /(smColorRGBA a,float b){return smColorRGBA(a.r/b,a.g/b,a.b/b,a.a/b);}
+ void setHWColor(DWORD col){a=GETA(col)/255.;r=GETR(col)/255.;g=GETG(col)/255.;b=GETB(col)/255.;}
+ DWORD getHWColor(){clamp();return RGBA(r,g,b,a);}
+class smColorHSVA
+ float h,s,v,a;
+ smColorHSVA(){h=s=v=a=.0;}
+ smColorHSVA(DWORD col){setHWColor(col);}
+ smColorHSVA(float _h,float _s,float _v,float _a){h=_h;s=_s;v=_v;a=_a;}
+ void clamp(){clmp(h);clmp(s);clmp(v);clmp(a);}
+ friend smColorHSVA operator +(smColorHSVA a,smColorHSVA b){return smColorHSVA(a.h+b.h,a.s+b.s,a.v+b.v,a.a+b.a);}
+ friend smColorHSVA operator -(smColorHSVA a,smColorHSVA b){return smColorHSVA(a.h-b.h,a.s-b.s,a.v-b.v,a.a-b.a);}
+ friend smColorHSVA operator *(smColorHSVA a,smColorHSVA b){return smColorHSVA(a.h*b.h,a.s*b.s,a.v*b.v,a.a*b.a);}
+ friend smColorHSVA operator *(smColorHSVA a,float b){return smColorHSVA(b*a.h,b*a.s,b*a.v,b*a.a);}
+ friend smColorHSVA operator /(smColorHSVA a,float b){return smColorHSVA(a.h/b,a.s/b,a.v/b,a.a/b);}
+ void setHWColor(DWORD col)
+ {
+ float r,g,b,dr,dg,db;
+ float minv,maxv,dv;
+ a=GETA(col)/255.;r=GETR(col)/255.;
+ g=GETG(col)/255.;b=GETB(col)/255.;
+ minv=min(min(r,g),b);maxv=max(max(r,g),b);
+ dv=maxv-minv;v=maxv;
+ if(dv<EPS)h=s=.0;
+ else
+ {
+ s=dv/maxv;
+ dr=(((maxv-r)/6)+dv/2)/dv;
+ dg=(((maxv-g)/6)+dv/2)/dv;
+ db=(((maxv-b)/6)+dv/2)/dv;
+ if(maxv==r)h=db-dg;
+ else if(maxv==g)h=(1./3.)+dr-db;
+ else if(maxv==b)h=(2./3.)+dg-dr;
+ }
+ clamp();
+ }
+ DWORD getHWColor()
+ {
+ clamp();
+ float r,g,b;
+ float xh,i,p1,p2,p3;
+ if(s<EPS)r=g=b=v;
+ else
+ {
+ xh=h*6;
+ if(fabsf(xh-6)<EPS)xh=0;
+ i=floorf(xh);
+ p1=v*(1-s);
+ p2=v*(1-s*(xh-i));
+ p3=v*(1-s*(1-(xh-i)));
+ if(i==0)r=v,g=p3,b=p1;
+ else if(i==1)r=p2,g=v,b=p1;
+ else if(i==2)r=p1,g=v,b=p3;
+ else if(i==3)r=p1,g=p2,b=v;
+ else if(i==4)r=p3,g=p1,b=v;
+ else r=v,g=p1,b=p2;
+ }
+ return RGBA(DWORD(r*255.0f),DWORD(g*255.0f),DWORD(b*255.0f),DWORD(a*255.0f));
+ }
diff --git a/include/smdatapack.hpp b/include/smdatapack.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ace7c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smdatapack.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * DaTaPack format support header
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef SMDTP_H
+#define SMDTP_H
+#include "smelt.hpp"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <zlib.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+class smFileInfo
+ char *path,*data;
+ DWORD size,offset,crc;
+class smDtpFileR
+ int fcnt;
+ gzFile file;
+ std::map<std::string,smFileInfo> m;
+ bool enmemory;
+ DWORD msize;
+ char *cp,*bp;
+ bool openDtp(const char* path);
+ bool openDtpFromMemory(char* ptr,DWORD size);
+ void closeDtp();
+ char* getFirstFile();
+ char* getLastFile();
+ char* getNextFile(const char* path);
+ char* getPrevFile(const char* path);
+ char* getFilePtr(const char* path);
+ void releaseFilePtr(const char* path);
+ DWORD getFileSize(const char* path);
+class smDtpFileW
+ smFileInfo files[256];
+ int fcnt;
+ smDtpFileW();
+ bool addFile(const char* path,const char* realpath);
+ bool writeDtp(const char* path);
diff --git a/include/smelt.hpp b/include/smelt.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..105da2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smelt.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Public header
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ * This library is developed for the BLR series games.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+ * MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef SMELT_H
+#define SMELT_H
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef uint32_t DWORD;
+typedef uint16_t WORD;
+typedef uint8_t BYTE;
+#define PI 3.14159265358979323846f
+typedef size_t SMTEX;//Texture Handle
+typedef size_t SMTRG;//Target Handle
+typedef size_t SMSFX;//Sound/FX Handle
+typedef size_t SMCHN;//Channel Handle
+//Color Marcos
+#define RGBA(r,g,b,a) ((DWORD(a)<<24)+(DWORD(r)<<16)+(DWORD(g)<<8)+DWORD(b))
+#define ARGB(a,r,g,b) ((DWORD(a)<<24)+(DWORD(r)<<16)+(DWORD(g)<<8)+DWORD(b))
+#define GETA(col) ((col)>>24)
+#define GETR(col) (((col)>>16)&0xFF)
+#define GETG(col) (((col)>>8)&0xFF)
+#define GETB(col) ((col)&0xFF)
+#define SETA(col,a) (((col)&0x00FFFFFF)+(DWORD(a)<<24))
+#define SETR(col,r) (((col)&0xFF00FFFF)+(DWORD(r)<<16))
+#define SETG(col,g) (((col)&0xFFFF00FF)+(DWORD(g)<<8))
+#define SETB(col,b) (((col)&0xFFFFFF00)+DWORD(b))
+//Blend Modes
+#define BLEND_COLORINV 0x8
+#define BLEND_COLORADD 0x1
+#define BLEND_COLORMUL 0x0
+#define BLEND_ALPHAADD 0x0
+#define BLEND_ZWRITE 0x4
+#define BLEND_NOZWRITE 0x0
+typedef bool (*SMHook)();
+#define FPS_FREE 0
+#define FPS_VSYNC -1
+#define PRIM_LINES 2
+#define PRIM_QUADS 4
+struct smTexRect
+ smTexRect(){x=y=w=h=.0;}
+ smTexRect(float _x,float _y,float _w,float _h){x=_x;y=_y;w=_w;h=_h;}
+ float x,y,w,h;
+struct smVertex
+ float x,y,z;//Position. Z can be used for depth testing in 2D Mode.
+ DWORD col;//Color.
+ float tx,ty;//Texture coords.
+struct smTriangle
+ smVertex v[3];
+ SMTEX tex;
+ int blend;
+struct smQuad
+ smVertex v[4];
+ SMTEX tex;
+ int blend;
+struct smInpEvent
+ int type,flag;
+ int sccode,chcode;
+ int wheel,x,y;
+ //TODO: add joystick
+class SMELT
+ SMELT(){}
+ virtual ~SMELT(){};
+ virtual void smRelease()=0;
+ virtual bool smInit()=0;
+ virtual void smFinale()=0;
+ virtual void smMainLoop()=0;
+ virtual void smUpdateFunc(SMHook func)=0;
+ virtual void smUnFocFunc(SMHook func)=0;
+ virtual void smFocFunc(SMHook func)=0;
+ virtual void smQuitFunc(SMHook func)=0;
+ virtual void smWinTitle(const char* title)=0;
+ virtual bool smIsActive()=0;
+ virtual void smNoSuspend(bool para)=0;
+ virtual void smVidMode(int resX,int resY,bool _windowed)=0;
+ virtual void smLogFile(const char* path)=0;
+ virtual void smLog(const char* format,...)=0;
+ virtual void smScreenShot(const char* path)=0;
+ virtual void smSetFPS(int fps)=0;
+ virtual float smGetFPS()=0;
+ virtual float smGetDelta()=0;
+ virtual SMSFX smSFXLoad(const char *path)=0;
+ virtual SMSFX smSFXLoadFromMemory(const char *ptr,DWORD size)=0;
+ virtual SMCHN smSFXPlay(SMSFX fx,int vol=100,int pan=0,float pitch=1.,bool loop=0)=0;
+ virtual float smSFXGetLengthf(SMSFX fx)=0;
+ virtual DWORD smSFXGetLengthd(SMSFX fx)=0;
+ virtual void smSFXFree(SMSFX fx)=0;
+ virtual void smChannelVol(SMCHN chn,int vol)=0;
+ virtual void smChannelPan(SMCHN chn,int pan)=0;
+ virtual void smChannelPitch(SMCHN chn,float pitch)=0;
+ virtual void smChannelPause(SMCHN chn)=0;
+ virtual void smChannelResume(SMCHN chn)=0;
+ virtual void smChannelStop(SMCHN chn)=0;
+ virtual void smChannelPauseAll()=0;
+ virtual void smChannelResumeAll()=0;
+ virtual void smChannelStopAll()=0;
+ virtual bool smChannelIsPlaying(SMCHN chn)=0;
+ virtual float smChannelGetPosf(SMCHN chn)=0;
+ virtual void smChannelSetPosf(SMCHN chn,float pos)=0;
+ virtual int smChannelGetPosd(SMCHN chn)=0;
+ virtual void smChannelSetPosd(SMCHN chn,int pos)=0;
+ virtual void smGetMouse2f(float *x,float *y)=0;
+ virtual void smSetMouse2f(float x,float y)=0;
+ virtual int smGetWheel()=0;
+ virtual bool smIsMouseOver()=0;
+ virtual int smGetKeyState(int key)=0;
+ virtual bool smGetInpEvent(smInpEvent *e)=0;
+ virtual bool smRenderBegin2D(bool ztest=0,SMTRG trg=0)=0;
+ virtual bool smRenderBegin3D(float fov,SMTRG trg=0)=0;
+ virtual bool smRenderEnd()=0;
+ virtual void sm3DCamera6f2v(float *pos,float *rot)=0;
+ virtual void sm2DCamera5f3v(float *pos,float *dpos,float *rot)=0;
+ virtual void smClrscr(DWORD color)=0;
+ virtual void smRenderLinefd(float x1,float y1,float z1,float x2,float y2,float z2,DWORD color)=0;
+ virtual void smRenderLinefvd(float *p1,float *p2,DWORD color)=0;
+ virtual void smRenderTriangle(smTriangle *t)=0;
+ virtual void smRenderQuad(smQuad *q)=0;
+ virtual smVertex* smGetVertArray()=0;
+ virtual void smDrawVertArray(int prim,SMTEX texture,int blend,int _primcnt)=0;
+ virtual SMTRG smTargetCreate(int w,int h)=0;
+ virtual SMTEX smTargetTexture(SMTRG targ)=0;
+ virtual void smTargetFree(SMTRG targ)=0;
+ virtual SMTEX smTextureCreate(int w,int h)=0;
+ virtual SMTEX smTextureLoad(const char *path)=0;
+ virtual SMTEX smTextureLoadFromMemory(const char *ptr,DWORD size)=0;
+ virtual void smTextureFree(SMTEX tex)=0;
+ virtual int smTextureGetWidth(SMTEX tex,bool original=false)=0;
+ virtual int smTextureGetHeight(SMTEX tex,bool original=false)=0;
+ virtual DWORD* smTextureLock(SMTEX tex,int l,int t,int w,int h,bool ro=true)=0;
+ virtual void smTexutreUnlock(SMTEX tex)=0;
+SMELT* smGetInterface(int apilevel);
+//event types
+#define INPUT_KEYDOWN 1
+#define INPUT_KEYUP 2
+//key mods/flags
+#define SMINP_SHIFT 0x1
+#define SMINP_CTRL 0x2
+#define SMINP_ALT 0x4
+#define SMINP_CAPSLOCK 0x8
+#define SMINP_SCROLLLOCK 0x10
+#define SMINP_NUMLOCK 0x20
+#define SMINP_REPEAT 0x40
+//key codes
+#define SMK_LBUTTON 0x01
+#define SMK_RBUTTON 0x02
+#define SMK_MBUTTON 0x04
+#define SMK_ESCAPE 0x1B
+#define SMK_BACKSPACE 0x08
+#define SMK_TAB 0x09
+#define SMK_ENTER 0x0D
+#define SMK_SPACE 0x20
+#define SMK_SHIFT 0x10
+#define SMK_CTRL 0x11
+#define SMK_ALT 0x12
+#define SMK_LWIN 0x5B
+#define SMK_RWIN 0x5C
+#define SMK_APPS 0x5D
+#define SMK_PAUSE 0x13
+#define SMK_CAPSLOCK 0x14
+#define SMK_NUMLOCK 0x90
+#define SMK_SCROLLLOCK 0x91
+#define SMK_PGUP 0x21
+#define SMK_PGDN 0x22
+#define SMK_HOME 0x24
+#define SMK_END 0x23
+#define SMK_INSERT 0x2D
+#define SMK_DELETE 0x2E
+#define SMK_LEFT 0x25
+#define SMK_UP 0x26
+#define SMK_RIGHT 0x27
+#define SMK_DOWN 0x28
+#define SMK_0 0x30
+#define SMK_1 0x31
+#define SMK_2 0x32
+#define SMK_3 0x33
+#define SMK_4 0x34
+#define SMK_5 0x35
+#define SMK_6 0x36
+#define SMK_7 0x37
+#define SMK_8 0x38
+#define SMK_9 0x39
+#define SMK_A 0x41
+#define SMK_B 0x42
+#define SMK_C 0x43
+#define SMK_D 0x44
+#define SMK_E 0x45
+#define SMK_F 0x46
+#define SMK_G 0x47
+#define SMK_H 0x48
+#define SMK_I 0x49
+#define SMK_J 0x4A
+#define SMK_K 0x4B
+#define SMK_L 0x4C
+#define SMK_M 0x4D
+#define SMK_N 0x4E
+#define SMK_O 0x4F
+#define SMK_P 0x50
+#define SMK_Q 0x51
+#define SMK_R 0x52
+#define SMK_S 0x53
+#define SMK_T 0x54
+#define SMK_U 0x55
+#define SMK_V 0x56
+#define SMK_W 0x57
+#define SMK_X 0x58
+#define SMK_Y 0x59
+#define SMK_Z 0x5A
+#define SMK_GRAVE 0xC0
+#define SMK_MINUS 0xBD
+#define SMK_EQUALS 0xBB
+#define SMK_LBRACKET 0xDB
+#define SMK_RBRACKET 0xDD
+#define SMK_COMMA 0xBC
+#define SMK_PERIOD 0xBE
+#define SMK_SLASH 0xBF
+#define SMK_NUMPAD0 0x60
+#define SMK_NUMPAD1 0x61
+#define SMK_NUMPAD2 0x62
+#define SMK_NUMPAD3 0x63
+#define SMK_NUMPAD4 0x64
+#define SMK_NUMPAD5 0x65
+#define SMK_NUMPAD6 0x66
+#define SMK_NUMPAD7 0x67
+#define SMK_NUMPAD8 0x68
+#define SMK_NUMPAD9 0x69
+#define SMK_MULTIPLY 0x6A
+#define SMK_DIVIDE 0x6F
+#define SMK_ADD 0x6B
+#define SMK_SUBTRACT 0x6D
+#define SMK_DECIMAL 0x6E
+#define SMK_F1 0x70
+#define SMK_F2 0x71
+#define SMK_F3 0x72
+#define SMK_F4 0x73
+#define SMK_F5 0x74
+#define SMK_F6 0x75
+#define SMK_F7 0x76
+#define SMK_F8 0x77
+#define SMK_F9 0x78
+#define SMK_F10 0x79
+#define SMK_F11 0x7A
+#define SMK_F12 0x7B
+#define SMKST_NONE 0
+#define SMKST_HIT 1
+#define SMKST_KEEP 2
+#define SMKST_RELEASE 3
diff --git a/include/smentity.hpp b/include/smentity.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ecb8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smentity.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Entity header
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef SMENTITY_H
+#define SMENTITY_H
+#include "smelt.hpp"
+class smEntity2D
+ smEntity2D();
+ static SMELT *sm;
+ smQuad quad;
+ float tx,ty,w,h,texw,texh;
+ float ctrx,ctry;
+ smEntity2D(SMTEX tex,float _x,float _y,float _w,float _h);
+ smEntity2D(SMTEX tex,smTexRect rect);
+ smEntity2D(const smEntity2D &copy);
+ ~smEntity2D(){sm->smRelease();}
+ void render(float x,float y,float rot=0,float wsc=1.,float hsc=0.);
+ void setTexture(SMTEX tex);
+ void setTextureRect4f(float _x,float _y,float _w,float _h);
+ void setTextureRectv(smTexRect rect);
+ void setColor(DWORD col,int v=-1);
+ void setZ(float z,int v=-1);
+ void setBlend(int blend);
+ void setCentre(float x,float y);
+ float _w(){return w;}
+ float _h(){return h;}
+class smEntity3D
+ smEntity3D();
+ static SMELT *sm;
+ smQuad quad;
+ float tx,ty,w,h,texw,texh;
+ float ctrx,ctry;
+ smEntity3D(SMTEX tex,float _x,float _y,float _w,float _h);
+ smEntity3D(SMTEX tex,smTexRect rect);
+ smEntity3D(const smEntity3D &copy);
+ ~smEntity3D(){sm->smRelease();}
+ void render9f(float x,float y,float z,float ra=.0,float rx=.0,float ry=.0,float rz=.0,float wsc=1.,float hsc=0.);
+ void renderfv(float* pos,float* rot,float* scale);
+ void setTexture(SMTEX tex);
+ void setTextureRect4f(float _x,float _y,float _w,float _h);
+ void setTextureRectv(smTexRect rect);
+ void setColor(DWORD col,int v=-1);
+ void setBlend(int blend);
+ void setCentre(float x,float y);
+ float _w(){return w;}
+ float _h(){return h;}
diff --git a/include/smgrid.hpp b/include/smgrid.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acd808c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smgrid.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Distortion grid header
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef SMGRID_H
+#define SMGRID_H
+#include "smelt.hpp"
+#define GRID_REFNODE 0
+class smGrid
+ smGrid();
+ static SMELT *sm;
+ smVertex *pos;
+ int cc,rc;
+ float cw,ch;
+ float tx,ty,w,h;
+ smQuad quad;
+ smGrid(int _cc,int _rc);
+ smGrid(const smGrid &copy);
+ ~smGrid();
+ smGrid& operator =(const smGrid &copy);
+ void render(float x,float y);
+ void clear(DWORD color=0xFFFFFFFF);
+ void setTexture(SMTEX tex);
+ void setTextureRect4f(float _x,float _y,float _w,float _h);
+ void setTextureRectv(smTexRect rect);
+ void setBlend(int blend);
+ void setColor(int c,int r,DWORD col);
+ void setPos(int c,int r,float x,float y,float z,int ref);
diff --git a/include/smindicator.hpp b/include/smindicator.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5237a3b
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+++ b/include/smindicator.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Indicator header & implementation
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ *
+ */
+#include "smelt.hpp"
+#include "smmath.hpp"
+#include "smcolor.hpp"
+#include "smgrid.hpp"
+class indicatorCircular
+ smGrid *circle;
+ double value,radius,thickness;
+ DWORD color;
+ BYTE alpha;
+ void init(double r,double thkns,BYTE a,SMTEX tex,smTexRect tr)
+ {
+ circle=new smGrid(1025,3);
+ circle->setTexture(tex);
+ circle->setTextureRectv(tr);
+ radius=r;thickness=thkns;alpha=a;color=0;
+ for(int i=0;i<=1024;++i)
+ {
+ double tang,tx,ty;
+ tang=(double)i/1024.*PI*2-PI/2;
+ tx=-cos(tang)*radius;ty=sin(tang)*radius;
+ circle->setPos(i,2,tx,ty,0.5,GRID_REFTOPLEFT);
+ tx=-cos(tang)*(radius-thickness);ty=sin(tang)*(radius-thickness);
+ circle->setPos(i,1,tx,ty,0.5,GRID_REFTOPLEFT);
+ tx=-cos(tang)*(radius-2*thickness);ty=sin(tang)*(radius-2*thickness);
+ circle->setPos(i,0,tx,ty,0.5,GRID_REFTOPLEFT);
+ }
+ }
+ void overrideColor(DWORD col){color=col;}
+ void setAlpha(BYTE a){alpha=a;}
+ void setValue(double v)
+ {
+ value=v;
+ for(int i=0;i<=1024;++i)
+ {
+ int tr=(int)((1.0f-value)*255);
+ int tg=(int)(value*255);
+ DWORD tcolor=ARGB(alpha,tr,tg,0);
+ smColorHSVA *tc=new smColorHSVA(tcolor);
+ if(tc->v<0.85)tc->v=0.85;
+ tcolor=color?SETA(color,alpha):SETA(tc->getHWColor(),alpha);
+ delete tc;
+ if((double)i/1024.<=value)
+ {
+ circle->setColor(i,2,tcolor);
+ circle->setColor(i,1,SETA(0x00FFFFFF,alpha));
+ circle->setColor(i,0,tcolor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ circle->setColor(i,2,0);
+ circle->setColor(i,1,0);
+ circle->setColor(i,0,0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void render(float x,float y){circle->render(x,y);}
+ void deinit(){delete circle;circle=NULL;}
diff --git a/include/smmath.hpp b/include/smmath.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..805df50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smmath.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Math header & implementation
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef SMMATH_H
+#define SMMATH_H
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstddef>
+#define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
+#define EPS 1e-8
+#ifndef PI
+#define PI 3.14159265358979323846f
+template<class T>const T& min(const T& a,const T& b){return a<b?a:b;}
+template<class T>const T& max(const T& a,const T& b){return a>b?a:b;}
+class smMath
+ double deg2rad(double deg){return deg/180.*PI;}
+ double rad2deg(double rad){return rad/PI*180.;}
+ double clamprad(double a){while(a<0)a+=2*PI;while(a>2*PI)a-=2*PI;return a;}
+ double clampdeg(double a){while(a<0)a+=360.;while(a>360)a-=360.;return a;}
+class smvec2d
+ double x,y;
+ smvec2d(double _x,double _y){x=_x;y=_y;}
+ smvec2d(){x=y=.0;}
+ double l(){return sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y));}
+ void normalize(){double L=l();if(L<EPS)return;x/=L;y/=L;}
+ smvec2d getNormalized(){double L=l();if(L<EPS)return smvec2d(0,0);return smvec2d(x/L,y/L);}
+ void swap(){double t=x;x=y;y=t;}
+ void rotate(double rad){double tx=x*cos(rad)+y*sin(rad),ty=y*cos(rad)-x*sin(rad);x=tx,y=ty;}
+ smvec2d getRotate(double rad){double tx=x*cos(rad)+y*sin(rad),ty=y*cos(rad)-x*sin(rad);return smvec2d(tx,ty);}
+ friend smvec2d operator -(smvec2d a,smvec2d b){return smvec2d(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y);}
+ friend smvec2d operator +(smvec2d a,smvec2d b){return smvec2d(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y);}
+ friend double operator |(smvec2d a,smvec2d b){return a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y;}
+ friend double operator *(smvec2d a,smvec2d b){return a.x*b.y-b.x*a.y;}
+ friend smvec2d operator *(double a,smvec2d b){return smvec2d(a*b.x,a*b.y);}
+ friend smvec2d operator *(smvec2d a,double b){return smvec2d(b*a.x,b*a.y);}
+ friend double operator ^(smvec2d a,smvec2d b){return (a|b)/a.l()/b.l();}
+class smvec3d
+ double x,y,z;
+ smvec3d(double _x,double _y,double _z){x=_x;y=_y;z=_z;}
+ smvec3d(smvec2d a){x=a.x;y=a.y;z=.0;}
+ smvec3d(){x=y=z=.0;}
+ double l(){return sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)+sqr(z));}
+ void normalize(){double L=l();if(L<EPS)return;x/=L;y/=L;z/=L;}
+ smvec3d getNormalized(){double L=l();if(L<EPS)return smvec3d(0,0,0);return smvec3d(x/L,y/L,z/L);}
+ friend smvec3d operator -(smvec3d a,smvec3d b){return smvec3d(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y,a.z-b.z);}
+ friend smvec3d operator +(smvec3d a,smvec3d b){return smvec3d(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y,a.z+b.z);}
+ friend double operator |(smvec3d a,smvec3d b){return a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z;}
+ friend smvec3d operator *(smvec3d a,smvec3d b){return smvec3d(a.y*b.z-a.z*b.y,a.z*b.x-a.x*b.z,a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x);}
+ friend smvec3d operator *(double a,smvec3d b){return smvec3d(a*b.x,a*b.y,a*b.z);}
+ friend smvec3d operator *(smvec3d a,double b){return smvec3d(b*a.x,b*a.y,b*a.z);}
+ friend double operator ^(smvec3d a,smvec3d b){return (a|b)/a.l()/b.l();}
+class smMatrix
+ double m[16];
+ /* sf 0 1 2 3
+ * 0 00 04 08 12
+ * 1 01 05 09 13
+ * 2 02 06 10 14
+ * 3 03 07 11 15
+ */
+ smMatrix(){for(int i=0;i<16;++i)m[i]=.0;}
+ smMatrix(const smMatrix &copy){for(int i=0;i<16;++i)m[i]=copy.m[i];}
+ double* operator [](int s){if(s>=0&&s<4)return m+s*4;else return NULL;}
+ void clear(){for(int i=0;i<16;++i)m[i]=.0;}
+ void loadIdentity(){clear();m[0]=m[5]=m[10]=m[15]=1.;}
+ void rotate(double a,double x,double y,double z)
+ {
+ if(smvec3d(x,y,z).l()<=EPS)return;
+ if(fabs(smvec3d(x,y,z).l()-1)>EPS)
+ {
+ smvec3d a(x,y,z);a.normalize();
+ x=a.x;y=a.y;z=a.z;
+ }
+ smMatrix tmp;
+ tmp[0][0]=x*x*(1-cos(a))+cos(a);
+ tmp[1][0]=x*y*(1-cos(a))-z*sin(a);
+ tmp[2][0]=x*z*(1-cos(a))+y*sin(a);
+ tmp[0][1]=y*x*(1-cos(a))+z*sin(a);
+ tmp[1][1]=y*y*(1-cos(a))+cos(a);
+ tmp[2][1]=y*z*(1-cos(a))-x*sin(a);
+ tmp[0][2]=x*z*(1-cos(a))-y*sin(a);
+ tmp[1][2]=y*z*(1-cos(a))+x*sin(a);
+ tmp[2][2]=z*z*(1-cos(a))+cos(a);
+ tmp[3][3]=1;
+ *this=*this*tmp;
+ }
+ friend smMatrix operator *(smMatrix a,smMatrix b)
+ {
+ smMatrix ret;
+ for(int i=0;i<4;++i)
+ for(int j=0;j<4;++j)
+ for(int k=0;k<4;++k)
+ ret[i][j]+=a[i][k]*b[k][j];
+ return ret;
+ }
+ friend smvec3d operator *(smMatrix a,smvec3d b)
+ {
+ return smvec3d(a[0][0]*b.x+a[1][0]*b.y+a[2][0]*b.z,
+ a[0][1]*b.x+a[1][1]*b.y+a[2][1]*b.z,
+ a[0][2]*b.x+a[1][2]*b.y+a[2][2]*b.z);
+ }
diff --git a/include/smprogresser.hpp b/include/smprogresser.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca81e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smprogresser.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Progresser header & implementation
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ *
+ */
+#include "smmath.hpp"
+class smProgresserLinear
+ double a,b,val;
+ double elapsed,lim;
+ bool done;
+ void init(double _a,double _b,double _lim){a=_a;b=_b;lim=_lim;}
+ void launch(){elapsed=.0;val=a;done=false;}
+ void update(double delta)
+ {
+ if(elapsed+delta>=lim)return(void)(val=b,elapsed=lim,done=true);
+ elapsed+=delta;val=(b-a)*(elapsed/lim)+a;
+ }
+ bool isDone(){return done;}
+ double getValue(){return val;}
+ double getPercentage(){return elapsed/lim;}
+ double getDelta(){return val-a;}
+ double getElapsed(){return elapsed;}
+class smProgresserCurve
+ double a,b,val;int cpara;
+ double elapsed,lim;
+ bool done;
+ double transformFunc(double x)
+ {
+ if(cpara>=64)return sqrt(1-sqr(x-1));
+ if(cpara>0)
+ {
+ double ctrx=(1+sqrt(2*sqr(64-cpara)-1))/2;double ctry=1-ctrx;
+ return sqrt(sqr(64-cpara)-sqr(x-ctrx))+ctry;
+ }
+ if(cpara==0)return x;
+ if(cpara<=-64)return -sqrt(1-sqr(x))+1;
+ if(cpara<0)
+ {
+ double ctrx=(1-sqrt(2*sqr(64+cpara)-1))/2;double ctry=1-ctrx;
+ return -sqrt(sqr(64+cpara)-sqr(x-ctrx))+ctry;
+ }
+ return NAN;
+ }
+ void init(double _a,double _b,double _lim,int _cp){a=_a;b=_b;lim=_lim;cpara=_cp;}
+ void launch(){elapsed=.0;val=a;done=false;}
+ void update(double delta)
+ {
+ if(elapsed+delta>=lim)return(void)(val=b,elapsed=lim,done=true);
+ elapsed+=delta;val=(b-a)*transformFunc(elapsed/lim)+a;
+ }
+ bool isDone(){return done;}
+ double getValue(){return val;}
+ double getPercentage(){return elapsed/lim;}
+ double getDelta(){return val-a;}
+ double getElapsed(){return elapsed;}
diff --git a/include/smrandom.hpp b/include/smrandom.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c47941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smrandom.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Random engine header & implementation
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ *
+ */
+class smRandomEngine
+ unsigned int cseed;
+ void setSeed(unsigned int seed){cseed=seed;}
+ int nextInt(int min,int max)
+ {
+ if (min>max){int t=min;min=max;max=t;}
+ cseed*=214013;cseed+=2531011;
+ return min+(cseed^cseed>>15)%(max-min+1);
+ }
+ double nextDouble(double min,double max)
+ {
+ if (min>max){double t=min;min=max;max=t;}
+ cseed*=214013;cseed+=2531011;
+ return min+(cseed>>16)*(1.0f/65535.0f)*(max-min);
+ }
diff --git a/include/smttfont.hpp b/include/smttfont.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fd96d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smttfont.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * Simple MultimEdia LiTerator(SMELT)
+ * by Chris Xiong 2015
+ * api level 1
+ * Truetype font support header
+ *
+ * WARNING: This library is in development and interfaces would be very
+ * unstable.
+ * This library is developed for the BLR series games.
+ */
+#ifndef SMTTFONT_H
+#define SMTTFONT_H
+#include "smelt.hpp"
+#include <cwchar>
+#include <map>
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_FREETYPE_H
+#ifndef ALIGN_LEFT
+#define ALIGN_LEFT 0
+#define ALIGN_RIGHT 1
+#define ALIGN_CENTER 2
+class smTTChar
+ smQuad quad;
+ int rw,rh,_w,_h,xofs,yofs;
+ static SMELT *sm;
+ float w(){return (float)_w;}
+ float h(){return (float)_h;}
+ void free();
+ bool setChar(wchar_t c,FT_Face ttface);
+ void render(float x,float y,DWORD col);
+class smTTFont
+ FT_Library ftlib;
+ FT_Face ttface;
+ wchar_t buf[1024];
+ std::map<wchar_t,smTTChar> chars;
+ float w,h;
+ bool loadTTF(const char* path,int pt);
+ bool loadTTFFromMemory(char* ptr,DWORD size,int pt);
+ void releaseTTF();
+ float getWidth(){return w;}
+ float getHeight(){return h;}
+ void updateString(const wchar_t *format,...);
+ void render(float x,float y,DWORD col,int align);
+ DWORD getCacheSize();
+ void clearCache();