path: root/tests
diff options
authorGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2022-09-11 17:39:52 -0400
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2022-09-11 17:39:52 -0400
commit557adb53661fe3ee2f84ffec9d408046fd0983bf (patch)
tree65273e5c2a77781a227aaff732f79c2d0d93663e /tests
parent073d7be7ec72e3fa9f16491e5b943ef6cb87fd63 (diff)
Rewrite most part of the sqlite version of the testdrive program.
... using the shiny new bits.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/tests/testdrive_sqlite.cpp b/tests/testdrive_sqlite.cpp
index 409fe95..01a76ad 100644
--- a/tests/testdrive_sqlite.cpp
+++ b/tests/testdrive_sqlite.cpp
@@ -5,15 +5,10 @@
#include <fstream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
-#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
-#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
-#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <getopt.h>
@@ -27,10 +22,9 @@
#include <shellapi.h>
-#include <sqlite3.h>
#include "signature.hpp"
-#include "imageutil.hpp"
+#include "subslice_signature.hpp"
+#include "signature_db.hpp"
#include "thread_pool.hpp"
@@ -85,14 +79,9 @@ struct sig_eq
typedef std::pair<size_t, int> slice_info;
-sqlite3 *db;
-//std::unordered_map<signature, std::vector<slice_info>, signature_hash, sig_eq> slices;
-//std::vector<signature> signatures;
-//std::mutex sigmtx;
-std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> out;
+signature_db *sdb;
-int parse_arguments(int argc,char **argv)
+int parse_arguments(int argc, char **argv)
recursive = 0;
int help = 0;
@@ -217,84 +206,39 @@ void build_file_list(fs::path path, bool recursive, std::vector<fs::path> &out)
void job_func(int thid, size_t id)
- cv::Mat img = image_util::imread_path(files[id], cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
- signature s = signature::from_cvmatrix(&img, cfg_full);
-#if DEBUG > 1
- s.dump();
- int ssw = img.size().width / nsliceh;
- int ssh = img.size().height / nslicev;
- std::vector<signature> subsigs;
- for (int i = 0; i < nsliceh; ++i)
- for (int j = 0; j < nslicev; ++j)
- {
- int l = i * ssw;
- int r = (i == nsliceh) ? img.size().width : (i + 1) * ssw;
- int t = j * ssh;
- int b = (j == nslicev) ? img.size().height : (j + 1) * ssh;
- cv::Mat slice = img(cv::Range(t, b), cv::Range(l, r));
- subsigs.push_back(std::move(signature::from_cvmatrix(&slice, cfg_subslice)));
-#if DEBUG > 0
- printf("%ld, (%d, %d) %lu\n", id, i, j, signature_hash{}(subsigs.back()));
-#if DEBUG > 1
- subsigs.back().dump();
- }
+ subsliced_signature ss = subsliced_signature::from_path(files[id], nsliceh, nslicev, cfg_full, cfg_subslice);
printf("%d %lu\r", thid, id);
- sqlite3_mutex *mtx = sqlite3_db_mutex(db);
- sqlite3_mutex_enter(mtx);
+ sdb->lock();
std::set<size_t> v;
- for (int i = 0; i < nsliceh * nslicev; ++i)
+ sdb->batch_find_subslice_begin();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nsliceh * nslicev; ++i)
- std::string ssigt = subsigs[i].to_string();
- sqlite3_stmt *st;
- sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "select image, slice from subslices where slicesig = ?;", -1, &st, 0);
- sqlite3_bind_text(st, 1, ssigt.c_str(), -1, nullptr);
- while (1)
+ std::vector<subslice_t> ssmatches = sdb->find_subslice(ss.subslices[i]);
+ for (auto &match : ssmatches)
- int r = sqlite3_step(st);
- if (r != SQLITE_ROW) break;
- size_t im = sqlite3_column_int(st, 0);
- size_t sl = sqlite3_column_int(st, 1);
- if (sl == i && v.find(im) == v.end())
+ if (match.slice == i && v.find(match.id) == v.end())
- sqlite3_stmt *st1;
- sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "select signature from signatures where id = ?;", -1, &st1, 0);
- sqlite3_bind_int(st1, 1, im);
- int rr = sqlite3_step(st1);
- if (rr == SQLITE_ROW)
- {
- std::string txt((char*)sqlite3_column_text(st1, 0));
- signature ss = signature::from_string(std::move(txt));
- if (s.distance(ss) < threshold)
- out.emplace_back(id, im);
- }
- v.insert(im);
- sqlite3_finalize(st1);
+ signature othersig;
+ std::tie(std::ignore, othersig) = sdb->get_signature(match.id);
+ double dist = ss.full.distance(othersig);
+ if (dist < threshold)
+ sdb->put_dupe_pair(id, match.id, dist);
- sqlite3_finalize(st);
- std::string ssigs = subsigs[i].to_string();
- sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "insert into subslices (image, slice, slicesig) values(?, ?, ?);", -1, &st, 0);
- sqlite3_bind_int(st, 1, id);
- sqlite3_bind_int(st, 2, i);
- sqlite3_bind_text(st, 3, ssigs.c_str(), -1, nullptr);
- sqlite3_step(st);
- sqlite3_finalize(st);
- sqlite3_stmt *st;
- std::string sigs = s.to_string();
- sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "insert into signatures (id, path, signature) values(?, ?, ?);", -1, &st, 0);
- sqlite3_bind_int(st, 1, id);
- sqlite3_bind_text(st, 2, files[id].c_str(), -1, nullptr);
- sqlite3_bind_text(st, 3, sigs.c_str(), -1, nullptr);
- sqlite3_step(st);
- sqlite3_finalize(st);
- sqlite3_mutex_leave(mtx);
+ sdb->batch_end();
+ sdb->batch_put_subslice_begin();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nsliceh * nslicev; ++i)
+ sdb->put_subslice(id, i, ss.subslices[i]);
+ sdb->batch_end();
+ sdb->put_signature(id, files[id], ss.full);
+ sdb->unlock();
void run()
@@ -314,51 +258,34 @@ int main(int argc,char** argv)
for (auto &p : paths)
build_file_list(p, recursive, files);
printf("%lu files to compare.\n", files.size());
+ puts("initializing database...");
+ sdb = new signature_db();
puts("computing signature vectors...");
- //sqlite3_open("test.db", &db);
- sqlite3_open(":memory:", &db);
- sqlite3_exec(db, "create table signatures(id int primary key, path text, signature text);", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
- sqlite3_exec(db, "create table subslices(image int, slice int, slicesig text);", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
- sqlite3_exec(db, "create index ssidx on subslices(slicesig);", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
FILE *outf = fopen("result", "wb");
- for (auto &p : out)
+ std::vector<dupe_t> dupes = sdb->dupe_pairs();
+ for (auto &p : dupes)
- sqlite3_stmt *st;
- sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "select signature from signatures where id = ? or id = ?;", -1, &st, 0);
- sqlite3_bind_int(st, 1, p.first);
- sqlite3_bind_int(st, 2, p.second);
- std::vector<signature> sx;
- while (1)
- {
- int rr = sqlite3_step(st);
- if (rr == SQLITE_ROW)
- {
- std::string txt((char*)sqlite3_column_text(st, 0));
- sx.push_back(std::move(signature::from_string(std::move(txt))));
- }
- else break;
- }
- sqlite3_finalize(st);
- wprintf(L"%ls %ls %f\n", files[p.first].c_str(), files[p.second].c_str(), sx[0].distance(sx[1]));
+ wprintf(L"%ls %ls %f\n", files[p.id1].c_str(), files[p.id2].c_str(), p.distance);
- printf("%s %s %f\n", files[p.first].c_str(), files[p.second].c_str(), sx[0].distance(sx[1]));
+ printf("%s %s %f\n", files[p.id1].c_str(), files[p.id2].c_str(), p.distance);
int t;
double ts=0;
- t = (int)files[p.first].native().length();
+ t = (int)files[p.id1].native().length();
fwrite(&t, sizeof(int), 1, outf);
- fwrite(files[p.first].c_str(), sizeof(fs::path::value_type), t, outf);
- t = (int)files[p.second].native().length();
+ fwrite(files[p.id1].c_str(), sizeof(fs::path::value_type), t, outf);
+ t = (int)files[p.id2].native().length();
fwrite(&t, sizeof(int), 1, outf);
- fwrite(files[p.second].c_str(), sizeof(fs::path::value_type), t, outf);
- //ts = signatures[p.first].distance(signatures[p.second]);
+ fwrite(files[p.id2].c_str(), sizeof(fs::path::value_type), t, outf);
+ ts = p.distance;
fwrite(&ts, sizeof(double), 1, outf);
+ sdb->to_db_file("test.sigdb");
+ delete sdb;
return 0;