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diff --git a/BulletLabRemix/index.html b/BulletLabRemix/index.html
index 408a2fa..fac7a1b 100755
--- a/BulletLabRemix/index.html
+++ b/BulletLabRemix/index.html
@@ -27,10 +27,19 @@ div.TPartitle
<span style="float:right;">Meet the power of open source!</span></td>
- <td class="TText"><div class="TPartitle">Over view</div><br>
+ <td class="TText"><div class="TPartitle">Notice</div><br>
+ All development of Bullet Lab Remix ceased in 2017, and as of August 2023 there's no plan to resume. In fact it's
+ probably never going to resume unless I literally have a brain tumor.
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="TText"><div class="TPartitle">Overview</div><br>
<img src="./scrot/BLRIII_Menu.png" width="480" height="360" alt="BLRIII menu screenshot"><br>
Bullet Lab Remix
- is an open source game project inspired by Gameboltz's <a href="">Bullet Lab</a> <a href="">(Original link, dead)</a> and (somehow) <a href="">the Touhou Project</a>. However, this is a strange game with its own style.<br>
+ is an open source game project and an attempt to further develop <a href="">styxtwo's</a>
+ <a href="">BulletLAB</a>
+ <a href="">(Original link, dead)</a>.
+ Level design is heavily influenced by
+ <a href="">the Touhou Project</a>. However, this is a strange game with its own style.<br>
(Surprisingly, this game has native Linux support!)</td>
@@ -40,22 +49,103 @@ div.TPartitle
<td class="TText"><div class="TPartitle">Development Status</div><br>
- [20150912]Bullet Lab Remix III is now in its main development phase.<br>
- [20150614]Bullet Lab Remix III first development phase finished... The whole development folder can be found <a href="./public/BLRScriptTestbed">here</a>.<br>
- [20150217]Bullet Lab Remix II 1.0.0-0 completed! Get source code <a href="">Here</a>!<br>
- [20130828]Bullet Lab Remix I 1.0.3 (stable release) Released!
+ [20150912] Bullet Lab Remix III is now in its main development phase.<br>
+ [20150614] Bullet Lab Remix III first development phase finished... <s>The whole development folder can be found <a href="#">here</a>.</s><br>
+ [20150217] Bullet Lab Remix II 1.0.0-0 completed! Get source code <a href="">Here</a>!<br>
+ [20130828] Bullet Lab Remix I 1.0.3 (stable release) Released!
<td class="TText"><div class="TPartitle">Distribution</div><br>
- <a href="./public">Click here</a> to visit the download folder, which includes all binaries for different operating systems and, of course, the source code!
- <br><br>
- <a href="">Project git repository</a>
+ <a href="">Click here</a> to visit the download folder. All versions -- from BLR I o BLR III Test Bed
+ are there, including the original modded flash version.<br>
+ To get the source code, please check out the
+ <a href="">project git repository</a>. I unfortunately no longer
+ have the sources for the modded flash version, but any decent Flash decompiler should be helpful here.
<td class="TText"><div class="TPartitle">Screen Shots</div><br>
- View Screen Shots <a href="./scrot.html">Here</a>(not maintained and outdated).</td>
+ View Screen Shots <a href="./scrot.html">Here</a> (not maintained and outdated).</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="TText"><div class="TPartitle">Untold back story of the project</div><br>
+ <p>
+ The year was 2012. I was a high school freshman deeply sucked into the Touhou rabbit hole. (yeah, yeah, I know. Weeb and nerd stuff. But calling me
+ a weeb isn't appropriate since I myself is Asian...) One day when I was randomly roaming on the Internet I noticed the game "BulletLAB". I played
+ it for a bit, and thanks to my Touhou addiction I cleared the entire game in medium difficulty on the same day. It turns out if you are accustomed
+ to Touhou-level bullet hell (well, I wasn't even that good back then, only playing the normal difficulty. And it was all down hill from there),
+ this game is pretty much a walk in the park.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ "This game needs some desperate help," so I thought. So I busted out my flash decompiler and adobe flash (both pirated, of course). Before long a
+ modded version came into being. Basically I buffed the sh*t out of certain levels and, cough cough, totally play tested all of them (not the truth
+ lol). I also removed momentum from player movement completely since that's a completely foreign concept to Touhou players.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ But soon I found myself strangled by the poor performance of Flash. The game quickly slows down to a crawl when there's too many bullets on screen.
+ I had to move on to something other than flash.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Coincidentally I was playing another shooter game called "Beat Hazard" at the time. I learned about the 2D game engine
+ <a href="">"HGE"</a> by going through its game files.
+ Soon enough I started rewriting the entire game using HGE and C++.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ By the following year (early 2013), the first iteration of Bullet Lab Remix entered maturity. Thanks to the hardware accelerated nature of HGE,
+ it ran at a solid 1000 FPS on my crappy laptop. And no - the code does not look good, thanks to my competitive programming entrenched ass.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ At around the same time, I started daily driving Linux, which gave me the motivation to port the game to Linux. I found out
+ <a href="">hge-unix</a>, a port to hge to any platform supported by SDL. Without much trouble, a Linux port was soon
+ released. Unfortunately I didn't learn how to write a makefile until years later, so for quite a long time these games are built with a shell
+ script.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Soon after I started the development of Bullet Lab Remix II, this time almost exclusively done on Linux. I took a much more liberal approach
+ designing the levels, that is, completely unhinged from the original game and taking direct inspiration from Touhou. Some levels are even just
+ blatant rip-off of Touhou spell cards. The game took shape fairly quickly and entered finalizing phase in 2014, at which point however I got
+ stuck in trying to come up with in-game music for it. Untalented and unfamiliar with music production tool, it wasn't an easy task for me back
+ then.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ While I was busy worrying about the music, I also ported HGE to DirectX 9 on Windows, which turned out to be a trivial task as DirectX 9 kept
+ almost everything from DirectX 8 and is more or less a find-and-replace job. I also started experimenting with extending the feature set of HGE,
+ giving it basic support for rendering 3D-transformed sprites and 3D objects, as well as truetype font rendering. With these new features I started
+ working on a new secret project called BLRScriptTestBed in which I tested all these new library features and laid down the foundation
+ of what was supposed to be the level scripting engine used in BLR III.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ But time was merciless. Before I could come up with a single track of my own, my free time is almost up -- it was the final year of high school
+ and I'm soon facing the National College Entrance Examination (more notoriously known as "Gaokao"). I had no choice but to give BLR II a rushed
+ finish. I pulled a few (2, to be precise) tracks from, chopped them up as the tracks, and called it done.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ In the final year of my high school, during which I had to actually attend classes instead of doing my competitive programming nonsense, I was
+ planning for the third game non-stop. I had an entire notebook that contains nothing but level design, code design and supposed story line for
+ BLR III. All that effort turned out to be in vain though, because the third game, as you already know, is never finished.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ When I started college in 2015, development of BLR III briefly resumed for a bit. Curiously the first thing I decided to do is to fork HGE, perhaps
+ because I decided that I've outgrown this purely 2D-oriented engine. The original fork wasn't too much of a divergence from the original at all.
+ I just unified the original HGE code base and hge-unix's code base, merged my added 3D and truetype functionalities, and called it my fork.
+ Later the fork was given a major API overhaul, migrated to GLFW instead of SDL and rewritten in OpenGL 3.2, at which point I gave it the name
+ "SMELT".
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Development continued fairly smoothly until late December 2015, when I decided I need to start a new project (now known as QMidiPlayer). I was super
+ passionate about this new project, so passionate that I already have a prototype with 3D MIDI visualization by mid January 2016 (which is also
+ implemented using SMELT). This new project quickly took precedence over everything about BLR III. With that and my decreasing interest in danmaku
+ (or bullet hell) type games in general, unsurprisingly, BLR was neglected to its final demise.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If you ask me if I've ever got anything out of this project, I'd answer that with a definite yes, despite that there are few people outside of my
+ tiny circle that know the existence of this game. Besides the priceless experience dealing with accelerated graphics and a few other programming
+ tricks, the most significant self-discovery from the project is that ... I should probably never work on a game on my own again.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Ah yes I forgot to apologize for the terrible l33t haxxor style of the page. Average 16yo behavior.
+ </p>
<td colspan="4" class="TText"><div align="center">Copyright Chrisoft 2015&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="../about.html">About</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Site Map</div></td>