From e8d1cc816d0ffd04df1abcb03619580bdd5d8cc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chris Xiong Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 02:15:26 -0400 Subject: add pages for ... things. --- ballance/levels/index.html | 40 ++++++ ballance/levels/landfill/ | 69 ++++++++++ ballance/levels/landfill/ | 70 +++++++++++ ballance/levels/landfill/index.html | 221 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ballance/levels/landfill/index_zh.html | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5 files changed, 584 insertions(+) create mode 100644 ballance/levels/landfill/ create mode 100644 ballance/levels/landfill/ create mode 100644 ballance/levels/landfill/index.html create mode 100644 ballance/levels/landfill/index_zh.html (limited to 'ballance/levels') diff --git a/ballance/levels/index.html b/ballance/levels/index.html index e69de29..c6679c7 100644 --- a/ballance/levels/index.html +++ b/ballance/levels/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + + + +Chrisoft::Ballance | Custom Levels + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Chrisoft::Ballance::Custom Levels

+ +These are the custom levels for the video game "Ballance" made by me. They are weird. Give them a try! + +以下是我制作的Ballance自制关卡。它们都挺怪的。要不要玩玩试试? + + + + + + +
+ + + diff --git a/ballance/levels/landfill/ b/ballance/levels/landfill/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a878168 --- /dev/null +++ b/ballance/levels/landfill/ @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +# [Chrisoft](/)::Ballance + +## Landfill in the Clouds + +## 云端掩埋场 + +[中文版](index_zh.html) + +### Overview + +The first level to my knowledge that forces you to take a different path in each playthrough. + +Calling this level trash would be a compliment instead of an insult, thanks to how it's named. + +You would think I'm done with scripted levels after the release of my previous work. But no, that's not even close to the truth. I have a small text file stashed away on my computer where I put down all my ideas of making use of scripts in a level. Not any kind of script usage -- only those which can be somewhat seamlessly integrated with the original gameplay. (Despite the fact that I said "you can literally change the gameplay completely" when I first discovered the way to inject scripts into custom levels, I decided against doing that in my own levels. On a side note, other people have done that already.) + +This level is the result when I felt the mysterious, irresistible compulsion -- the same kind of compulsion that made me work on a modern OpenGL rasterizer for Ballance -- of doing some level designing earlier this month, plus the coincidence that urged me to test out an implementation of one of the ideas listed in the aforementioned text document. + +Did I mention that this level is also modelled exclusively with Blender? + +I felt like this level, together with my previous level, has set the tone of my own design style: bizarre and somewhat fantastical, with a strange touch of minimalism. And of course custom scripting is something that I won't let go. My goal is that the players would still be able to tell they're playing the familiar Ballance in an instant, but realize it's Ballance with more and more twists as the level progresses. I have no way to tell whether my own assessment is accurate though. + +That's about everything I want to say. Enjoy the level! Until next time my compulsion comes back, later. + +### Important Notes + + - The vast majority of the level is randomly generated. The generation will change each time you spawn in. + - It is strongly recommended to play this level with an instant respawn mod installed. BMLPlus has this feature built in. Thank me later. + - If you do not want to bother with installing mods, you may want to enable the "lifeguard" feature of the level. Read the first message in game for details. + - Turn on your game sounds for the full experience! (There are no jumpscares... in this regard.) + - This level is tested and guaranteed to work with the following setups: + - Original CD installation, with the Level 13 DLC patch applied + - [NewPlayer 0.3.2]( + [BMLPlus 0.3.3]( + - Unlike my previous scripted level, the scripts in this level are fully FPS-insensitive. It should work whether your game is running at 60 FPS or 6000 FPS. + - Due to the sheer amount of objects used in this level (over 3000 in the final sector!), older computers may experience performance issues in this level. For your reference, this level is developed on a laptop with an Intel i7-1185G7 using its integrated GPU. Most parts of this level will run at 300+ FPS on this computer. + - If you are running a custom rasterizer, this level may cause the game to crash. In any case, reverting to the default DirectX 8 rasterizer should fix the issue. If you don't know what a rasterizer is, you may safely disregard this note. + - The sector skipping feature found in BML/BMLPlus won't work with this level at the time of this release. + +For additional hints, spoilers, technical notes and ramblings, click [here]. + +### Level info + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Number of sectors6
Expected play time for first playthrough10~25 minutes
Time spent producing the levelProduction lasted 18 days, ~48 hours of work spent
Number of extra points2
Number of extra life6, one in each sector
Easter egg includedNo
Software usedBlender 4.2, Virtools Dev 2.5
Special thanksyyc12345 (Blender plugin), ballancebug (consultation)
Playtesters (in no particular order)小李子623, 有恒心得真知, 雪是不知遥, Gary Wang, doyaGu, ballancebug
Current revisionrelease1 (20240929)
License[Expat (The MIT License)](
+ +### Additional credits + + - Dumpster model based on "1/18 scale Garbage Dumpster" obtained from [thingiverse](, used under the CC-BY 4.0 license. + - Buzzer sound effect derived from "Wrong Answer by -Andreas" obtained [here](, used under the CC-0 license. + - Explosion sound effect derived from the following sounds: + - ["Coachgun_Fire2.wav by PhreaKsAccount"](, used under the CC-BY 3.0 license. + - ["cannon.round.wav by alienbomb"](, used under the CC-0 license. + - ["paper_debris.wav by themfish"](, used under the CC-BY 4.0 license. + +### Download + +Click [here]( + +[How to install custom levels.]( diff --git a/ballance/levels/landfill/ b/ballance/levels/landfill/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd3697d --- /dev/null +++ b/ballance/levels/landfill/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +# [Chrisoft](/)::Ballance + +## Landfill in the Clouds + +## 云端掩埋场 + +[English](index.html) + +### Overview + +据我所知,第一张每次游玩通关路线都不一样的地图。 + +因为这一关名称的缘故,说它垃圾不是在骂它,而是对它的褒奖。 + +你也许以为在《彷徨梦》发布以后,我已经不再玩脚本制图了。你错了,而且错得不能更离谱了。实际上我在硬盘的一个角落里藏了一个很小的文档,里面记录着我所曾想到过的各种利用脚本「增强」关卡游戏体验的设计。当然不是所有脚本用法都有资格进入这个文档——只有某种程度上能融入原版游戏玩法的才可以。尽管我在当初发现关卡文件脚本注入方式时说过「作者完全可以彻底改变游戏玩法」,但是我还是决定在我自己的关卡设计中尽可能不搞这一套(而且其他人已经试验过这种制作思路了)。 + +在九月初我突然感到了一种神秘而无法阻止的手痒——一种突然想设计Ballance关卡的手痒、与去年驱使我开发Ballance用的新OpenGL渲染后端一类的手痒。再加上突然想要验证前面提到的文档中的一个点子的一种实现方式,《云端掩埋场》就是在这样的背景下诞生的。 + +哦对了,我提过这一关是完全用Blender建模的了吗? + +我感觉这一作和我的前作《彷徨梦》基本确定了我自己的制图风格:奇特、奇幻,还有一点奇怪的极简主义。当然脚本是其中重要的一环。我的目标基本上是让玩家能够立刻意识到自己玩的是熟悉的Ballance,但是随着关卡的进行发现与越来越多的独特之处。当然这都是我自己的一家之言,准确性……有待商榷。 + +行了,差不多该说的都说过了。祝玩得愉快!(另:下次手痒的时候再见) + +### 重要注意事项 + - 本关卡大部分内容是随机生成的。你的球每次重生时随机生成的部分都会被重新生成。 + - 强烈建议游玩本关卡时启用「自杀键」。BMLPlus内置了此功能。 + - 如果不想安装mod,请启用关卡中内置的「救生员」功能。详细信息请阅读关卡开始时屏幕上显示的文字。 + - 为获得完整的游戏体验,游玩本关卡时请打开游戏声音。(保证没有恶作剧的声音在关卡里面!) + - 本关卡在以下环境中测试并确认可用: + - 原CD版游戏+13关DLC + - [NewPlayer 0.3.2]( + [BMLPlus 0.3.3]( + - 本关卡中的脚本对游戏帧率不敏感。 + - 由于使用了巨量物理对象,在旧电脑上游玩此关卡可能体验不佳。作为参照本关卡是在一台使用i7-1185G7 CPU和集成显卡的笔记本上开发的。在这台电脑上本关卡大多数时间可以运行在300 FPS以上。 + - 如果你使用了自定的渲染器后端,进入本关卡时游戏可能会崩溃。此种情况下恢复游戏默认的DirectX 8渲染器即可解决问题。如果你不知道渲染器后端 (Rasterizer) 是什么东西,则可无视本条目。 + - BML/BMLPlus的跳过小节功能与本关卡不兼容。 + - [按此]()查看本关卡中出现的所有消息的中文对照。 + +[按此]()查看更多提示、剧透、技术性信息和胡话。 + +### 关卡信息 + + + + + + + + + + + + +
使用软件Blender 4.2, Virtools Dev 2.5
致谢yyc12345 (Blender插件), ballancebug (技术咨询)
测试玩家(排名不分先后)小李子623, 有恒心得真知, 雪是不知遥, Gary Wang, doyaGu, ballancebug
当前版本release1 (20240929)
授权[Expat (The MIT License)](
+ +### 其他使用作品 + + - Dumpster model based on "1/18 scale Garbage Dumpster +" obtained from [thingiverse](, used under the CC-BY 4.0 license. + - Buzzer sound effect derived from "Wrong Answer by -Andreas" obtained [here](, used under the CC-0 license. + - Explosion sound effect derived from the following sounds: + - ["Coachgun_Fire2.wav by PhreaKsAccount"](, used under the CC-BY 3.0 license. + - ["cannon.round.wav by alienbomb"](, used under the CC-0 license. + - ["paper_debris.wav by themfish"](, used under the CC-BY 4.0 license. + +### 下载 + +按[此链接](从本站下载。 + +[如何安装关卡]( diff --git a/ballance/levels/landfill/index.html b/ballance/levels/landfill/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a862d30 --- /dev/null +++ b/ballance/levels/landfill/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ + + + + + +Chrisoft::Ballance | Landfill in the Clouds | 云端掩埋场 + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



Landfill in the Clouds





+ +



The first level to my knowledge that forces you to take a different +path in each playthrough.


Calling this level trash would be a compliment instead of an insult, +thanks to how it’s named.


You would think I’m done with scripted levels after the release of my +previous work. But no, that’s not even close to the truth. I have a +small text file stashed away on my computer where I put down all my +ideas of making use of scripts in a level. Not any kind of script usage +– only those which can be somewhat seamlessly integrated with the +original gameplay. (Despite the fact that I said “you can literally +change the gameplay completely” when I first discovered the way to +inject scripts into custom levels, I decided against doing that in my +own levels. On a side note, other people have done that already.)


This level is the result when I felt the mysterious, irresistible +compulsion – the same kind of compulsion that made me work on a modern +OpenGL rasterizer for Ballance – of doing some level designing earlier +this month, plus the coincidence that urged me to test out an +implementation of one of the ideas listed in the aforementioned text +document.


Did I mention that this level is also modelled exclusively with +Blender?


I felt like this level, together with my previous level, has set the +tone of my own design style: bizarre and somewhat fantastical, with a +strange touch of minimalism. And of course custom scripting is something +that I won’t let go. My goal is that the players would still be able to +tell they’re playing the familiar Ballance in an instant, but realize +it’s Ballance with more and more twists as the level progresses. I have +no way to tell whether my own assessment is accurate though.


That’s about everything I want to say. Enjoy the level! Until next +time my compulsion comes back, later.


Important Notes

+ +

For additional hints, spoilers, technical notes and ramblings, click +here.

+ +

Level info

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+Number of sectors + +6 +
+Expected play time for first playthrough + +10~25 minutes +
+Time spent producing the level + +Production lasted 18 days, ~48 hours of work spent +
+Number of extra points + +2 +
+Number of extra life + +6, one in each sector +
+Easter egg included + +No +
+Software used + +Blender 4.2, Virtools Dev 2.5 +
+Special thanks + +yyc12345 (Blender plugin), ballancebug (consultation) +
+Playtesters (in no particular order) + +小李子623, 有恒心得真知, 雪是不知遥, Gary Wang, doyaGu, ballancebug +
+Current revision + +release1 (20240929) +
+License + +Expat (The MIT +License) +

Additional credits

+ +



Click here.


How +to install custom levels.

+ + diff --git a/ballance/levels/landfill/index_zh.html b/ballance/levels/landfill/index_zh.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dd3714 --- /dev/null +++ b/ballance/levels/landfill/index_zh.html @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ + + + + + +Chrisoft::Ballance | Landfill in the Clouds | 云端掩埋场 + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



Landfill in the Clouds





+ +


















+ +


+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+小节数 + +6 +
+首通期望时长 + +10~25分钟 +
+制作时间 + +18天。(约48小时实际工作) +
+得分点 + +2 +
+生命球 + +6,每小节一个 +
+彩蛋 + +无 +
+使用软件 + +Blender 4.2, Virtools Dev 2.5 +
+致谢 + +yyc12345 (Blender插件), ballancebug (技术咨询) +
+测试玩家(排名不分先后) + +小李子623, 有恒心得真知, 雪是不知遥, Gary Wang, doyaGu, ballancebug +
+当前版本 + +release1 (20240929) +
+授权 + +Expat (The MIT +License) +


+ +






+ + -- cgit v1.2.3