I figured I wanted to give an update on this website (and my current +state in general), so why don’t do it on the leap day…
+The blog has been renamed. Its new name is “Specluncam Ursae” +(Bearess’ Den). And the link has been condensed into a single one +“Specluncam Ursae visere” (Visit the Bearess’ Den).
+The name change has been on my mind for years actually. I enjoy word +play quite a lot, and my surname (which literally means “bear” in the +language) is an excellent subject of word play – also a source of +bullying when I was a kid. Since the blog is a place where I just +randomly dump stuff, I figured the name “bear’s den” would be a suiting +name, as I treat it as the home to my thoughts. (Well, not +every single one of them, as you’ll see soon…) As for why it’s +in Latin, that’s because I started naming things in Latin whenever I +feel like it since I started learning the language.
+Removing the categories “Development blog” and “Nonsense blog” is +another long overdue change. They were actually a leftover of the +original PHP-based version of SBS. By the time tags were +introduced to SBS version 2, those links have been de facto +obsolete. I just didn’t find the excuse to remove them.
+“Why are you using the feminine version of the word ‘bear’?” you may
+ask. Well the reason is twofold: first is to disassociate with the
+hairy, non-heterosexual male stereotypical imagery of bears. The second
+reason is the same as why I wrote “However according to the Haskell
+tutorial found at haskell.org, "chirs" == sort "chris"
+is her twin nemesis. That would be a very playful joke.” on the
+homepage. [1]
One last point here. I decided to shift the focus of this blog to +more technical subjects. The majority of future posts will be on +technical aspects of my personal projects – I’m going to leave my +profession work (if I can call it that) elsewhere. Reviews and relevant +personal updates will still be posted. Political stuff will still be +kept at a minimum. But I promise those old, extremely cringeworthy posts +on trifling matters will be no more – I was reviewing some of those old +posts recently and part of me really wanted to take +them off the website… It’s really for everybody’s interest that I keep +those to myself…
+As for the unfinished posts… no they will probably never get +finished, ever.
+Home Page
+There were a few readability improvements made to the home page. One +of them is that the about section no longer requires JavaScript to load. +This “noscript support improvement program” might extend to other +sections in the future as well. Besides that, nothing really changed. +There will be no design change to the home page in the foreseeable +future. The random design I used for QMidiPlayer’s documentation is a +surprisingly serviceable template (at least to my eyes).
+I may reorganize the list of projects in a different way some +day.
+Serving the Website
+The URL on the filestorage subdomain is now served through +Cloudflare’s CDN. This will have a positive impact on the load time of +blog images and tracks in the music library, but not much else.
+Other Online-presence Stuff
+I’m not on Twitter anymore [2] I have uninstalled their mobile application and blocked +their website (at my own discretion). I’m only keeping the account +because Musk is a narcissistic dick, and doesn’t let me see shit on that +website if I somehow have to obtain a certain piece of information from +it without logging in. I now post random crap on Mastodon, on a public +instance (c.im).
+I’m considering to set up a private email server (once again) as my +personal gmail account is flooded with useless junk and my work email is +flooded with another type of junk. Once that’s done I will update my +homepage to reflect that.
+I somehow restored access to my supposedly deleted Bilibili account. +I don’t intend to post much there but I guess it’s back now.
+I think that’s it? Now I should really get some sleep to recover from +my sleep deprived ass…