
Tags: software developer, hardware terminator, acmer, former OIer, dreamer, freedom seeker, music producer, likes to live on the edge, INTP:INTJ=6:4 and more...

Religious beliefs: Free softwares, K.I.S.S., Linux, LF for line breaks, UTF-8, FSF.

Chrisoft, aka Chris Xiong, is a young coder from a small city of China. Aged not more than 19, he is just writing some code for fun. Crazy follower of "Free Software". Develops free software alone but seldom feels lonely. Sincere friends are always cherished.

This site is written from scratch in XHTML. Later it was migrated to HTML5. There are also a few components written in PHP. History of this site is available here.

Twitter: @chirs241097
E-Mail: chirs241097 'at' gmail 'dot' com
If you're brave...
...Show me more evil!
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