path: root/design_doc/activities.text
blob: 098696ca09ffea7e6d0bdd928172c0ff9c4722ca (plain) (tree)

10000 Copies of Windows 10
(2017 Edition)

List of "Outdoor" Activities
Persuading a Windows 7/8/8.1 user to upgrade (50%)
Persuading a Mac user to migrate (33%)
Fighting free software (25%)
Hold a Windows 10 promoting Event (50%)
Raise Windows 10 fanboys
Move to another city (always)
Deploy forced upgrades (always)
Look for computer dealers, teaching them how to install
Windows 10 instead of Windows XP, also giving away S/N's
maybe. (33%)
Bribe government officials (20%)
Hitting the gym (always)

List of "Indoor" Activities
 - s/n giveaways
 - promoting
 - heated wars against competitors
 - w/ workmates
 - w/ potential users
Sort out sales data
 - csv with screwed up encoding
Become net celebrity
 - upload videos to Bilibili
 - interaction with fans on Weibo

List of Accidents
Falling ill
Caught by police (for bribing too much etc)
Fined/detention by urban mgmt.
computer breaks
 - wannacry
 - dxdiag-like animation
 - bsod-gore
  - struck bit
  - gliched graphics
 - 烫屯葺锟斤铐
 - bootloader?
 - millions-o-msgboxes
 - empty msgboxes
 - random restarts and "updates"

Detailed Activity mechanics
[Stamina costs listed in brackets].
(Default success rate in parentheses).

* Persuading a Windows 7/8/8.1 user to upgrade (50%) [20]
* Persuading a Mac user to migrate (33%) [25]
* Fighting free software (25%) [33]

See persuading section in mechanics.text.
On success, sells 1 copy of Windows 10.
Succeeding in fighting free software gains 2 local reputation instead.
On failure, loses reputation:
  - older Windows: 2
  - mac: 1
  - free software: 3

* Hold a Windows 10 promoting Event [70]

Requires >=-5 reputation (in the reputation section of mechanics.text)
Costs ¥500*CPI.
The event might be ruined by urban mgmt. (0.2*(1-urbanmgmtlaziness))
If ruined, the event does nothing. And you'll be fined ¥500.
(the cost of the event itself does not come back)

50% success rate. 1% more for each fanboy. 75% max.
8% epic success rate. 1% more for every 10 fanboys. 10% max.
(An epic success has to be a success in the first place, obviously.)
On success:
  - sells 5+population*0.1‰ copies of Windows 10
  - gains ceil(population*0.1‰*rand(0.125,1.25)) fanboys
  - local reputation + 2
On epic success:
  - sells 2 times the copies of Windows as normal
  - gains 1+ceil(population*0.1‰*rand(0.5,1.5)) fanboys
  - local reputation + 5
On failure:
  - local reputation - 2

* Raise Windows 10 fanboys [60]

 - If local reputation<2, does nothing
 - cpd+floor(fanboys*0.1)
 - fanboys+rand(0,reputation-2+fanboys*0.5)
 - check for rng, if less than 0.4 (60% success rate, that is):
   - lose rand(50,100)% of the fanboys
* Move to another city [max stamina-5]
 - see the "moving" section in mechanics.text

* deploy forced updates [40]
 - sells population*rand(0.2,0.8)‰ copies of windows 10
 - loses 20%~125% of cpd (interpolating reputation (10,-5))
 - reputation - rand(1,8)

* Look for computer dealers, teaching them how to install
Windows 10 instead of Windows XP, also giving away S/N's
maybe. [35]
This fails 67% of the times. If failed, nothing changes.
Giving away S/N switches places of success rate and failure
 - cpd+ceil(population*0.05‰)
 - Only one success attempt for each city
 - sells 100 copies of Windows but losing ¥5000 in the
 process if chose to give away S/N.
   - can shift to work in computer store immediately
* Bribe government officials [50]
This one can be risky. The player must pay an amount of
money to do so. The success rate is modified by the
amount of money paid: [15+log1.5(bribe/1000)]%, capped
within (0%,25%).
Bribing > ¥100k immediately sends the player to permanent jail,
losing all celebrity and money. Fanboys will stay intact though.
Government of each city can be only bribed exactly once,
whether it succeeds or fails.
On success:
 - sells 500 copies of Windows 10
 - reputation + 6
 - cpd+floor(population*4‰)
 - wanted level + bribe/1000, capped at 36
On failure:
 - there's a 20% chance that the government send you to a
 5 day detention (same as urban mgmt detention)
The protagonist has (wanted level)% chance to be caught by police
everyday. When the protagonist is traveling, the chance doubles.
If the protagonist is caught, the police would send the player to
 - time: total bribe/1000 days
 - celebrity: rng<0.4?*0.5:*1.33
 - no activity can be performed during being jailed, but
 max stamina increases by 5 everyday.

* Hitting the gym [90%*max stamina]
Increases max stamina by 8.

* Tieba/ s/n giveaways [10]
 - Every 10 giveaway earns 1 celebrity
 - each giveaway costs the player ¥200, which count as a sell
 - there's a 5% chance that you mess up and lose 50% celebrity,
 also losing 30 stamina for the next day.
* Tieba promoting [5]
  success rate: 60%
  on success:
   - gains (1+(celebrity/10)^2)*(1+(r0.5?1+r0.5?1+...:0:0)) fanboys
   - sells (1+(celebrity/10)^2)*rand(0.5,10) copies of Windows 10
  on failure:
   - loses max(0.5*fanboy,rand(1,10)) fanboys
* Tieba heated wars [20]
  success rate: 70%
  on success:
   - gains rand(10%,20%) fanboys
   - gains 1 celebrity
  on failure:
   - loses rand(20%,50%) fanboys
   - loses 2 celebrity
* Chatting [5]
  see the Chatting section in mechanics.text.
* Sort out sales data [5]
  finding csv and removing garbled charcters in 10*inflation factor
  obsecure folders.
  Without sorting out sales data, player will see fake (
  self-inflated) sales data.
  For each day during which the player haven't sort out the sales data,
  the inflation factor increases by 1. This factor resets after sorting
  out the sales data.
  As inflation factor increases, negative effects will start occuring:
    - > 2: The player sees +~10% cps on the stats panel
    - > 3: The figures in the stats panel starts ghosting
    - > 4: The player sees +~20% cps on the stats panel
    - > 5: The figures in the stats panel starts gliching and flickering
    - > 7: The player sees +~50% cps on the stats panel
    - >10: The stats panel becomes totally illegible
    These fake cps will also affect the apparent number of copies sold
    on the stats panel.

* going live on bilibili [80]
  success rate: 80%
  on success:
   - gains 1+extra 33% fanboys
   - gains 3 celebrity
  on failure:
   - loses 66% fanboys
   - loses 5 celebrity
* interaction with fans on weibo [5]
  always succeed
   - gains 0.1 celebrity

* Falling ill
  Everyday the protagonist has (1-cos(day#/30*pi))*(500-max_stamina)/1000
  chance to fall ill. The player has to spend ¥CPI*20 per day extra (which
  can make the player into debt).
  No outdoor activities can be performed when the player is ill. Stamina
  only fills up to 60%.
  Probability of recovering on day i after falling ill is i*10%.

* Computer breaks
  Happens during indoor activities. If happened, doubles the failure rate
  of the current activity (triples failure rate of bilibili live activity,
  however doubling the rewards if it still succeeds).