path: root/archive/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp
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authorGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-11-01 23:32:22 +0800
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-11-01 23:32:22 +0800
commitf68cc9034a576b6f91cf0db0344ece971944c973 (patch)
tree123744e85445f51d058b74d9c9fb2174f6abefd7 /archive/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp
parent1981e9bc81e92f479c725e6ac60ff3bd419cefd0 (diff)
Move hge to an archive.
Finish the main part of smPath. This is a C++ project, add C++ tags to all source code that could be identified as C source files.
Diffstat (limited to 'archive/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index eb06393..0000000
--- a/archive/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeFont helper class implementation
-#include "hgefont.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-const char FNTHEADERTAG[] = "[HGEFONT]";
-const char FNTBITMAPTAG[] = "Bitmap";
-const char FNTCHARTAG[] = "Char";
-HGE *hgeFont::hge=0;
-char hgeFont::buffer[1024];
-hgeFont::hgeFont(const char *szFont, bool bMipmap)
- void *data;
- DWORD size;
- char *desc, *pdesc;
- char linebuf[256];
- char buf[MAX_PATH], *pbuf;
- char chr;
- int i, x, y, w, h, a, c;
- // Setup variables
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- fHeight=0.0f;
- fScale=1.0f;
- fProportion=1.0f;
- fRot=0.0f;
- fTracking=0.0f;
- fSpacing=1.0f;
- hTexture=0;
- fZ=0.5f;
- dwCol=0xFFFFFFFF;
- ZeroMemory( &letters, sizeof(letters) );
- ZeroMemory( &pre, sizeof(pre) );
- ZeroMemory( &post, sizeof(post) );
- // Load font description
- data=hge->Resource_Load(szFont, &size);
- if(!data) return;
- desc = new char[size+1];
- memcpy(desc,data,size);
- desc[size]=0;
- hge->Resource_Free(data);
- pdesc=_get_line(desc,linebuf);
- if(strcmp(linebuf, FNTHEADERTAG))
- {
- hge->System_Log("Font %s has incorrect format.", szFont);
- delete[] desc;
- return;
- }
- // Parse font description
- while((pdesc = _get_line(pdesc,linebuf)))
- {
- if(!strncmp(linebuf, FNTBITMAPTAG, sizeof(FNTBITMAPTAG)-1 ))
- {
- strcpy(buf,szFont);
- pbuf=strrchr(buf,'\\');
- if(!pbuf) pbuf=strrchr(buf,'/');
- if(!pbuf) pbuf=buf;
- else pbuf++;
- if(!sscanf(linebuf, "Bitmap = %s", pbuf)) continue;
- hTexture=hge->Texture_Load(buf, 0, bMipmap);
- if(!hTexture)
- {
- delete[] desc;
- return;
- }
- }
- else if(!strncmp(linebuf, FNTCHARTAG, sizeof(FNTCHARTAG)-1 ))
- {
- pbuf=strchr(linebuf,'=');
- if(!pbuf) continue;
- pbuf++;
- while(*pbuf==' ') pbuf++;
- if(*pbuf=='\"')
- {
- pbuf++;
- i=(unsigned char)*pbuf++;
- pbuf++; // skip "
- }
- else
- {
- i=0;
- while((*pbuf>='0' && *pbuf<='9') || (*pbuf>='A' && *pbuf<='F') || (*pbuf>='a' && *pbuf<='f'))
- {
- chr=*pbuf;
- if(chr >= 'a') chr-='a'-':';
- if(chr >= 'A') chr-='A'-':';
- chr-='0';
- if(chr>0xF) chr=0xF;
- i=(i << 4) | chr;
- pbuf++;
- }
- if(i<0 || i>255) continue;
- }
- sscanf(pbuf, " , %d , %d , %d , %d , %d , %d", &x, &y, &w, &h, &a, &c);
- letters[i] = new hgeSprite(hTexture, (float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h);
- pre[i]=(float)a;
- post[i]=(float)c;
- if(h>fHeight) fHeight=(float)h;
- }
- }
- delete[] desc;
- for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
- if(letters[i]) delete letters[i];
- if(hTexture) hge->Texture_Free(hTexture);
- hge->Release();
-void hgeFont::Render(float x, float y, int align, const char *string)
- int i;
- float fx=x;
- if(align==HGETEXT_RIGHT) fx-=GetStringWidth(string, false);
- if(align==HGETEXT_CENTER) fx-=int(GetStringWidth(string, false)/2.0f);
- while(*string)
- {
- if(*string=='\n')
- {
- y += int(fHeight*fScale*fSpacing);
- fx = x;
- if(align == HGETEXT_RIGHT) fx -= GetStringWidth(string+1, false);
- if(align == HGETEXT_CENTER) fx -= int(GetStringWidth(string+1, false)/2.0f);
- }
- else
- {
- i=(unsigned char)*string;
- if(!letters[i]) i='?';
- if(letters[i])
- {
- fx += pre[i]*fScale*fProportion;
- letters[i]->RenderEx(fx, y, fRot, fScale*fProportion, fScale);
- fx += (letters[i]->GetWidth()+post[i]+fTracking)*fScale*fProportion;
- }
- }
- string++;
- }
-void hgeFont::printf(float x, float y, int align, const char *format, ...)
- va_list vl;
- va_start(vl, format);
- vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, vl);
- va_end(vl);
- buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
- Render(x,y,align,buffer);
-void hgeFont::printfb(float x, float y, float w, float h, int align, const char *format, ...)
- char chr, *pbuf, *prevword, *linestart;
- int i,lines=0;
- float tx, ty, hh, ww;
- va_list vl;
- va_start(vl, format);
- vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, vl);
- va_end(vl);
- buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
- linestart=buffer;
- pbuf=buffer;
- prevword=0;
- for(;;)
- {
- i=0;
- while(pbuf[i] && pbuf[i]!=' ' && pbuf[i]!='\n') i++;
- chr=pbuf[i];
- pbuf[i]=0;
- ww=GetStringWidth(linestart);
- pbuf[i]=chr;
- if(ww > w)
- {
- if(pbuf==linestart)
- {
- pbuf[i]='\n';
- linestart=&pbuf[i+1];
- }
- else
- {
- *prevword='\n';
- linestart=prevword+1;
- }
- lines++;
- }
- if(pbuf[i]=='\n')
- {
- prevword=&pbuf[i];
- linestart=&pbuf[i+1];
- pbuf=&pbuf[i+1];
- lines++;
- continue;
- }
- if(!pbuf[i]) {lines++;break;}
- prevword=&pbuf[i];
- pbuf=&pbuf[i+1];
- }
- tx=x;
- ty=y;
- hh=fHeight*fSpacing*fScale*lines;
- switch(align & HGETEXT_HORZMASK)
- {
- case HGETEXT_LEFT: break;
- case HGETEXT_RIGHT: tx+=w; break;
- case HGETEXT_CENTER: tx+=int(w/2); break;
- }
- switch(align & HGETEXT_VERTMASK)
- {
- case HGETEXT_TOP: break;
- case HGETEXT_BOTTOM: ty+=h-hh; break;
- case HGETEXT_MIDDLE: ty+=int((h-hh)/2); break;
- }
- Render(tx,ty,align,buffer);
-float hgeFont::GetStringWidth(const char *string, bool bMultiline) const
- int i;
- float linew, w = 0;
- while(*string)
- {
- linew = 0;
- while(*string && *string != '\n')
- {
- i=(unsigned char)*string;
- if(!letters[i]) i='?';
- if(letters[i])
- linew += letters[i]->GetWidth() + pre[i] + post[i] + fTracking;
- string++;
- }
- if(!bMultiline) return linew*fScale*fProportion;
- if(linew > w) w = linew;
- while (*string == '\n' || *string == '\r') string++;
- }
- return w*fScale*fProportion;
-void hgeFont::SetColor(DWORD col)
- dwCol = col;
- for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
- if(letters[i])
- letters[i]->SetColor(col);
-void hgeFont::SetZ(float z)
- fZ = z;
- for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
- if(letters[i])
- letters[i]->SetZ(z);
-void hgeFont::SetBlendMode(int blend)
- nBlend = blend;
- for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
- if(letters[i])
- letters[i]->SetBlendMode(blend);
-char *hgeFont::_get_line(char *file, char *line)
- int i=0;
- if(!file[i]) return 0;
- while(file[i] && file[i]!='\n' && file[i]!='\r')
- {
- line[i]=file[i];
- i++;
- }
- line[i]=0;
- while(file[i] && (file[i]=='\n' || file[i]=='\r')) i++;
- return file + i;