path: root/archive/hgehelp
diff options
authorGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-10-26 22:52:36 +0800
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-10-26 22:52:36 +0800
commit3bd383baf6a17e734329e1fc677c7e86283db772 (patch)
tree69a9148087577f797624ceb9c71323a2563d6bb4 /archive/hgehelp
parent543e4f570be9b279ba558ca61cc02cda251af384 (diff)
Added support for relative line numbers.
Added instructions for, brk and cont. (They are still untested...) Parser code cleanup. Removed garbage output to stderr. Reorganize the repository structure. Updated BLR2 code move it into archive. Added BLR1 files.
Diffstat (limited to 'archive/hgehelp')
17 files changed, 4246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgeanim.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgeanim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e370db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgeanim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeAnimation helper class implementation
+#include "hgeanim.h"
+hgeAnimation::hgeAnimation(HTEXTURE tex, int nframes, float FPS, float x, float y, float w, float h)
+ : hgeSprite(tex, x, y, w, h)
+ orig_width = hge->Texture_GetWidth(tex, true);
+ fSinceLastFrame=-1.0f;
+ fSpeed=1.0f/FPS;
+ bPlaying=false;
+ nFrames=nframes;
+ nDelta=1;
+ SetFrame(0);
+hgeAnimation::hgeAnimation(const hgeAnimation & anim)
+: hgeSprite(anim)
+ // Copy hgeAnimation parameters:
+ this->orig_width = anim.orig_width;
+ this->bPlaying = anim.bPlaying;
+ this->fSpeed = anim.fSpeed;
+ this->fSinceLastFrame = anim.fSinceLastFrame;
+ this->Mode = anim.Mode;
+ this->nDelta = anim.nDelta;
+ this->nFrames = anim.nFrames;
+ this->nCurFrame = anim.nCurFrame;
+void hgeAnimation::SetMode(int mode)
+ Mode=mode;
+ if(mode & HGEANIM_REV)
+ {
+ nDelta = -1;
+ SetFrame(nFrames-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nDelta = 1;
+ SetFrame(0);
+ }
+void hgeAnimation::Play()
+ bPlaying=true;
+ fSinceLastFrame=-1.0f;
+ if(Mode & HGEANIM_REV)
+ {
+ nDelta = -1;
+ SetFrame(nFrames-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nDelta = 1;
+ SetFrame(0);
+ }
+void hgeAnimation::Update(float fDeltaTime)
+ if(!bPlaying) return;
+ if(fSinceLastFrame == -1.0f)
+ fSinceLastFrame=0.0f;
+ else
+ fSinceLastFrame += fDeltaTime;
+ while(fSinceLastFrame >= fSpeed)
+ {
+ fSinceLastFrame -= fSpeed;
+ if(nCurFrame + nDelta == nFrames)
+ {
+ switch(Mode)
+ {
+ bPlaying = false;
+ break;
+ nDelta = -nDelta;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(nCurFrame + nDelta < 0)
+ {
+ switch(Mode)
+ {
+ bPlaying = false;
+ break;
+ nDelta = -nDelta;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bPlaying) SetFrame(nCurFrame+nDelta);
+ }
+void hgeAnimation::SetFrame(int n)
+ float tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
+ bool bX, bY, bHS;
+ int ncols = int(orig_width) / int(width);
+ n = n % nFrames;
+ if(n < 0) n = nFrames + n;
+ nCurFrame = n;
+ // calculate texture coords for frame n
+ ty1 = ty;
+ tx1 = tx + n*width;
+ if(tx1 > orig_width-width)
+ {
+ n -= int(orig_width-tx) / int(width);
+ tx1 = width * (n%ncols);
+ ty1 += height * (1 + n/ncols);
+ }
+ tx2 = tx1 + width;
+ ty2 = ty1 + height;
+ tx1 /= tex_width;
+ ty1 /= tex_height;
+ tx2 /= tex_width;
+ ty2 /= tex_height;
+ quad.v[0].tx=tx1; quad.v[0].ty=ty1;
+ quad.v[1].tx=tx2; quad.v[1].ty=ty1;
+ quad.v[2].tx=tx2; quad.v[2].ty=ty2;
+ quad.v[3].tx=tx1; quad.v[3].ty=ty2;
+ bX=bXFlip; bY=bYFlip; bHS=bHSFlip;
+ bXFlip=false; bYFlip=false;
+ SetFlip(bX,bY,bHS);
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgecolor.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgecolor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..561a9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgecolor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeColor*** helper classes implementation
+#include "hgecolor.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#ifndef min
+#define min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#ifndef max
+#define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+void hgeColorHSV::SetHWColor(DWORD col)
+ float r, g, b;
+ float minv, maxv, delta;
+ float del_R, del_G, del_B;
+ a = (col>>24) / 255.0f;
+ r = ((col>>16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f;
+ g = ((col>>8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f;
+ b = (col & 0xFF) / 255.0f;
+ minv = min(min(r, g), b);
+ maxv = max(max(r, g), b);
+ delta = maxv - minv;
+ v = maxv;
+ if (delta == 0)
+ {
+ h = 0;
+ s = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s = delta / maxv;
+ del_R = (((maxv - r) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ del_G = (((maxv - g) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ del_B = (((maxv - b) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ if (r == maxv) {h = del_B - del_G;}
+ else if (g == maxv) {h = (1.0f / 3.0f) + del_R - del_B;}
+ else if (b == maxv) {h = (2.0f / 3.0f) + del_G - del_R;}
+ if (h < 0) h += 1;
+ if (h > 1) h -= 1;
+ }
+DWORD hgeColorHSV::GetHWColor() const
+ float r, g, b;
+ float xh, i, p1, p2, p3;
+ if (s == 0)
+ {
+ r = v;
+ g = v;
+ b = v;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xh = h * 6;
+ if(xh == 6) xh=0;
+ i = floorf(xh);
+ p1 = v * (1 - s);
+ p2 = v * (1 - s * (xh - i));
+ p3 = v * (1 - s * (1 - (xh - i)));
+ if (i == 0) {r = v; g = p3; b = p1;}
+ else if (i == 1) {r = p2; g = v; b = p1;}
+ else if (i == 2) {r = p1; g = v; b = p3;}
+ else if (i == 3) {r = p1; g = p2; b = v; }
+ else if (i == 4) {r = p3; g = p1; b = v; }
+ else {r = v; g = p1; b = p2;}
+ }
+ return (DWORD(a*255.0f)<<24) + (DWORD(r*255.0f)<<16) + (DWORD(g*255.0f)<<8) + DWORD(b*255.0f);
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgedistort.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgedistort.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7dc821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgedistort.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeDistortionMesh helper class implementation
+#include "hgedistort.h"
+HGE *hgeDistortionMesh::hge=0;
+hgeDistortionMesh::hgeDistortionMesh(int cols, int rows)
+ int i;
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ nRows=rows;
+ nCols=cols;
+ cellw=cellh=0;
+ quad.tex=0;
+ disp_array=new hgeVertex[rows*cols];
+ for(i=0;i<rows*cols;i++)
+ {
+ disp_array[i].x=0.0f;
+ disp_array[i].y=0.0f;
+ disp_array[i].tx=0.0f;
+ disp_array[i].ty=0.0f;
+ disp_array[i].z=0.5f;
+ disp_array[i].col=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ }
+hgeDistortionMesh::hgeDistortionMesh(const hgeDistortionMesh &dm)
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ nRows=dm.nRows;
+ nCols=dm.nCols;
+ cellw=dm.cellw;
+ cellh=dm.cellh;
+ tx=dm.tx;
+ ty=dm.ty;
+ width=dm.width;
+ height=dm.height;
+ quad=dm.quad;
+ disp_array=new hgeVertex[nRows*nCols];
+ memcpy(disp_array, dm.disp_array, sizeof(hgeVertex)*nRows*nCols);
+ delete[] disp_array;
+ hge->Release();
+hgeDistortionMesh& hgeDistortionMesh::operator= (const hgeDistortionMesh &dm)
+ if(this!=&dm)
+ {
+ nRows=dm.nRows;
+ nCols=dm.nCols;
+ cellw=dm.cellw;
+ cellh=dm.cellh;
+ tx=dm.tx;
+ ty=dm.ty;
+ width=dm.width;
+ height=dm.height;
+ quad=dm.quad;
+ delete[] disp_array;
+ disp_array=new hgeVertex[nRows*nCols];
+ memcpy(disp_array, dm.disp_array, sizeof(hgeVertex)*nRows*nCols);
+ }
+ return *this;
+void hgeDistortionMesh::SetTexture(HTEXTURE tex)
+ quad.tex=tex;
+void hgeDistortionMesh::SetTextureRect(float x, float y, float w, float h)
+ int i,j;
+ float tw,th;
+ tx=x; ty=y; width=w; height=h;
+ if (quad.tex)
+ {
+ tw=(float)hge->Texture_GetWidth(quad.tex);
+ th=(float)hge->Texture_GetHeight(quad.tex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tw = w;
+ th = h;
+ }
+ cellw=w/(nCols-1);
+ cellh=h/(nRows-1);
+ for(j=0; j<nRows; j++)
+ for(i=0; i<nCols; i++)
+ {
+ disp_array[j*nCols+i].tx=(x+i*cellw)/tw;
+ disp_array[j*nCols+i].ty=(y+j*cellh)/th;
+ disp_array[j*nCols+i].x=i*cellw;
+ disp_array[j*nCols+i].y=j*cellh;
+ }
+void hgeDistortionMesh::SetBlendMode(int blend)
+ quad.blend=blend;
+void hgeDistortionMesh::Clear(DWORD col, float z)
+ int i,j;
+ for(j=0; j<nRows; j++)
+ for(i=0; i<nCols; i++)
+ {
+ disp_array[j*nCols+i].x=i*cellw;
+ disp_array[j*nCols+i].y=j*cellh;
+ disp_array[j*nCols+i].col=col;
+ disp_array[j*nCols+i].z=z;
+ }
+void hgeDistortionMesh::Render(float x, float y)
+ int i,j,idx;
+ for(j=0; j<nRows-1; j++)
+ for(i=0; i<nCols-1; i++)
+ {
+ idx=j*nCols+i;
+ quad.v[0].tx=disp_array[idx].tx;
+ quad.v[0].ty=disp_array[idx].ty;
+ quad.v[0].x=x+disp_array[idx].x;
+ quad.v[0].y=y+disp_array[idx].y;
+ quad.v[0].z=disp_array[idx].z;
+ quad.v[0].col=disp_array[idx].col;
+ quad.v[1].tx=disp_array[idx+1].tx;
+ quad.v[1].ty=disp_array[idx+1].ty;
+ quad.v[1].x=x+disp_array[idx+1].x;
+ quad.v[1].y=y+disp_array[idx+1].y;
+ quad.v[1].z=disp_array[idx+1].z;
+ quad.v[1].col=disp_array[idx+1].col;
+ quad.v[2].tx=disp_array[idx+nCols+1].tx;
+ quad.v[2].ty=disp_array[idx+nCols+1].ty;
+ quad.v[2].x=x+disp_array[idx+nCols+1].x;
+ quad.v[2].y=y+disp_array[idx+nCols+1].y;
+ quad.v[2].z=disp_array[idx+nCols+1].z;
+ quad.v[2].col=disp_array[idx+nCols+1].col;
+ quad.v[3].tx=disp_array[idx+nCols].tx;
+ quad.v[3].ty=disp_array[idx+nCols].ty;
+ quad.v[3].x=x+disp_array[idx+nCols].x;
+ quad.v[3].y=y+disp_array[idx+nCols].y;
+ quad.v[3].z=disp_array[idx+nCols].z;
+ quad.v[3].col=disp_array[idx+nCols].col;
+ hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
+ }
+void hgeDistortionMesh::SetZ(int col, int row, float z)
+ if(row<nRows && col<nCols) disp_array[row*nCols+col].z=z;
+void hgeDistortionMesh::SetColor(int col, int row, DWORD color)
+ if(row<nRows && col<nCols) disp_array[row*nCols+col].col=color;
+void hgeDistortionMesh::SetDisplacement(int col, int row, float dx, float dy, int ref)
+ if(row<nRows && col<nCols)
+ {
+ switch(ref)
+ {
+ case HGEDISP_NODE: dx+=col*cellw; dy+=row*cellh; break;
+ case HGEDISP_CENTER: dx+=cellw*(nCols-1)/2;dy+=cellh*(nRows-1)/2; break;
+ case HGEDISP_TOPLEFT: break;
+ }
+ disp_array[row*nCols+col].x=dx;
+ disp_array[row*nCols+col].y=dy;
+ }
+float hgeDistortionMesh::GetZ(int col, int row) const
+ if(row<nRows && col<nCols) return disp_array[row*nCols+col].z;
+ else return 0.0f;
+DWORD hgeDistortionMesh::GetColor(int col, int row) const
+ if(row<nRows && col<nCols) return disp_array[row*nCols+col].col;
+ else return 0;
+void hgeDistortionMesh::GetDisplacement(int col, int row, float *dx, float *dy, int ref) const
+ if(row<nRows && col<nCols)
+ {
+ switch(ref)
+ {
+ case HGEDISP_NODE: *dx=disp_array[row*nCols+col].x-col*cellw;
+ *dy=disp_array[row*nCols+col].y-row*cellh;
+ break;
+ case HGEDISP_CENTER: *dx=disp_array[row*nCols+col].x-cellw*(nCols-1)/2;
+ *dy=disp_array[row*nCols+col].x-cellh*(nRows-1)/2;
+ break;
+ case HGEDISP_TOPLEFT: *dx=disp_array[row*nCols+col].x;
+ *dy=disp_array[row*nCols+col].y;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb06393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeFont helper class implementation
+#include "hgefont.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+const char FNTHEADERTAG[] = "[HGEFONT]";
+const char FNTBITMAPTAG[] = "Bitmap";
+const char FNTCHARTAG[] = "Char";
+HGE *hgeFont::hge=0;
+char hgeFont::buffer[1024];
+hgeFont::hgeFont(const char *szFont, bool bMipmap)
+ void *data;
+ DWORD size;
+ char *desc, *pdesc;
+ char linebuf[256];
+ char buf[MAX_PATH], *pbuf;
+ char chr;
+ int i, x, y, w, h, a, c;
+ // Setup variables
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ fHeight=0.0f;
+ fScale=1.0f;
+ fProportion=1.0f;
+ fRot=0.0f;
+ fTracking=0.0f;
+ fSpacing=1.0f;
+ hTexture=0;
+ fZ=0.5f;
+ dwCol=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ ZeroMemory( &letters, sizeof(letters) );
+ ZeroMemory( &pre, sizeof(pre) );
+ ZeroMemory( &post, sizeof(post) );
+ // Load font description
+ data=hge->Resource_Load(szFont, &size);
+ if(!data) return;
+ desc = new char[size+1];
+ memcpy(desc,data,size);
+ desc[size]=0;
+ hge->Resource_Free(data);
+ pdesc=_get_line(desc,linebuf);
+ if(strcmp(linebuf, FNTHEADERTAG))
+ {
+ hge->System_Log("Font %s has incorrect format.", szFont);
+ delete[] desc;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Parse font description
+ while((pdesc = _get_line(pdesc,linebuf)))
+ {
+ if(!strncmp(linebuf, FNTBITMAPTAG, sizeof(FNTBITMAPTAG)-1 ))
+ {
+ strcpy(buf,szFont);
+ pbuf=strrchr(buf,'\\');
+ if(!pbuf) pbuf=strrchr(buf,'/');
+ if(!pbuf) pbuf=buf;
+ else pbuf++;
+ if(!sscanf(linebuf, "Bitmap = %s", pbuf)) continue;
+ hTexture=hge->Texture_Load(buf, 0, bMipmap);
+ if(!hTexture)
+ {
+ delete[] desc;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(linebuf, FNTCHARTAG, sizeof(FNTCHARTAG)-1 ))
+ {
+ pbuf=strchr(linebuf,'=');
+ if(!pbuf) continue;
+ pbuf++;
+ while(*pbuf==' ') pbuf++;
+ if(*pbuf=='\"')
+ {
+ pbuf++;
+ i=(unsigned char)*pbuf++;
+ pbuf++; // skip "
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i=0;
+ while((*pbuf>='0' && *pbuf<='9') || (*pbuf>='A' && *pbuf<='F') || (*pbuf>='a' && *pbuf<='f'))
+ {
+ chr=*pbuf;
+ if(chr >= 'a') chr-='a'-':';
+ if(chr >= 'A') chr-='A'-':';
+ chr-='0';
+ if(chr>0xF) chr=0xF;
+ i=(i << 4) | chr;
+ pbuf++;
+ }
+ if(i<0 || i>255) continue;
+ }
+ sscanf(pbuf, " , %d , %d , %d , %d , %d , %d", &x, &y, &w, &h, &a, &c);
+ letters[i] = new hgeSprite(hTexture, (float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h);
+ pre[i]=(float)a;
+ post[i]=(float)c;
+ if(h>fHeight) fHeight=(float)h;
+ }
+ }
+ delete[] desc;
+ for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
+ if(letters[i]) delete letters[i];
+ if(hTexture) hge->Texture_Free(hTexture);
+ hge->Release();
+void hgeFont::Render(float x, float y, int align, const char *string)
+ int i;
+ float fx=x;
+ if(align==HGETEXT_RIGHT) fx-=GetStringWidth(string, false);
+ if(align==HGETEXT_CENTER) fx-=int(GetStringWidth(string, false)/2.0f);
+ while(*string)
+ {
+ if(*string=='\n')
+ {
+ y += int(fHeight*fScale*fSpacing);
+ fx = x;
+ if(align == HGETEXT_RIGHT) fx -= GetStringWidth(string+1, false);
+ if(align == HGETEXT_CENTER) fx -= int(GetStringWidth(string+1, false)/2.0f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i=(unsigned char)*string;
+ if(!letters[i]) i='?';
+ if(letters[i])
+ {
+ fx += pre[i]*fScale*fProportion;
+ letters[i]->RenderEx(fx, y, fRot, fScale*fProportion, fScale);
+ fx += (letters[i]->GetWidth()+post[i]+fTracking)*fScale*fProportion;
+ }
+ }
+ string++;
+ }
+void hgeFont::printf(float x, float y, int align, const char *format, ...)
+ va_list vl;
+ va_start(vl, format);
+ vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, vl);
+ va_end(vl);
+ buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
+ Render(x,y,align,buffer);
+void hgeFont::printfb(float x, float y, float w, float h, int align, const char *format, ...)
+ char chr, *pbuf, *prevword, *linestart;
+ int i,lines=0;
+ float tx, ty, hh, ww;
+ va_list vl;
+ va_start(vl, format);
+ vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, vl);
+ va_end(vl);
+ buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
+ linestart=buffer;
+ pbuf=buffer;
+ prevword=0;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ i=0;
+ while(pbuf[i] && pbuf[i]!=' ' && pbuf[i]!='\n') i++;
+ chr=pbuf[i];
+ pbuf[i]=0;
+ ww=GetStringWidth(linestart);
+ pbuf[i]=chr;
+ if(ww > w)
+ {
+ if(pbuf==linestart)
+ {
+ pbuf[i]='\n';
+ linestart=&pbuf[i+1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *prevword='\n';
+ linestart=prevword+1;
+ }
+ lines++;
+ }
+ if(pbuf[i]=='\n')
+ {
+ prevword=&pbuf[i];
+ linestart=&pbuf[i+1];
+ pbuf=&pbuf[i+1];
+ lines++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!pbuf[i]) {lines++;break;}
+ prevword=&pbuf[i];
+ pbuf=&pbuf[i+1];
+ }
+ tx=x;
+ ty=y;
+ hh=fHeight*fSpacing*fScale*lines;
+ switch(align & HGETEXT_HORZMASK)
+ {
+ case HGETEXT_LEFT: break;
+ case HGETEXT_RIGHT: tx+=w; break;
+ case HGETEXT_CENTER: tx+=int(w/2); break;
+ }
+ switch(align & HGETEXT_VERTMASK)
+ {
+ case HGETEXT_TOP: break;
+ case HGETEXT_BOTTOM: ty+=h-hh; break;
+ case HGETEXT_MIDDLE: ty+=int((h-hh)/2); break;
+ }
+ Render(tx,ty,align,buffer);
+float hgeFont::GetStringWidth(const char *string, bool bMultiline) const
+ int i;
+ float linew, w = 0;
+ while(*string)
+ {
+ linew = 0;
+ while(*string && *string != '\n')
+ {
+ i=(unsigned char)*string;
+ if(!letters[i]) i='?';
+ if(letters[i])
+ linew += letters[i]->GetWidth() + pre[i] + post[i] + fTracking;
+ string++;
+ }
+ if(!bMultiline) return linew*fScale*fProportion;
+ if(linew > w) w = linew;
+ while (*string == '\n' || *string == '\r') string++;
+ }
+ return w*fScale*fProportion;
+void hgeFont::SetColor(DWORD col)
+ dwCol = col;
+ for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
+ if(letters[i])
+ letters[i]->SetColor(col);
+void hgeFont::SetZ(float z)
+ fZ = z;
+ for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
+ if(letters[i])
+ letters[i]->SetZ(z);
+void hgeFont::SetBlendMode(int blend)
+ nBlend = blend;
+ for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
+ if(letters[i])
+ letters[i]->SetBlendMode(blend);
+char *hgeFont::_get_line(char *file, char *line)
+ int i=0;
+ if(!file[i]) return 0;
+ while(file[i] && file[i]!='\n' && file[i]!='\r')
+ {
+ line[i]=file[i];
+ i++;
+ }
+ line[i]=0;
+ while(file[i] && (file[i]=='\n' || file[i]=='\r')) i++;
+ return file + i;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgegui.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgegui.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2faf24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgegui.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeGUI helper class implementation
+#include "hgegui.h"
+HGE *hgeGUI::hge=0;
+HGE *hgeGUIObject::hge=0;
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ ctrls=0;
+ ctrlLock=0;
+ ctrlFocus=0;
+ ctrlOver=0;
+ bLPressed=bLReleased=false;
+ bRPressed=bRReleased=false;
+ nWheel=0;
+ mx=my=0.0f;
+ nEnterLeave=0;
+ sprCursor=0;
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls, *nextctrl;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ nextctrl=ctrl->next;
+ delete ctrl;
+ ctrl=nextctrl;
+ }
+ hge->Release();
+void hgeGUI::AddCtrl(hgeGUIObject *ctrl)
+ hgeGUIObject *last=ctrls;
+ ctrl->gui=this;
+ if(!ctrls)
+ {
+ ctrls=ctrl;
+ ctrl->prev=0;
+ ctrl->next=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(last->next) last=last->next;
+ last->next=ctrl;
+ ctrl->prev=last;
+ ctrl->next=0;
+ }
+void hgeGUI::DelCtrl(int id)
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ if(ctrl->id == id)
+ {
+ if(ctrl->prev) ctrl->prev->next = ctrl->next;
+ else ctrls = ctrl->next;
+ if(ctrl->next) ctrl->next->prev = ctrl->prev;
+ delete ctrl;
+ return;
+ }
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+hgeGUIObject* hgeGUI::GetCtrl(int id) const
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ if(ctrl->id == id) return ctrl;
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void hgeGUI::MoveCtrl(int id, float x, float y)
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl=GetCtrl(id);
+ ctrl->rect.x2=x + (ctrl->rect.x2 - ctrl->rect.x1);
+ ctrl->rect.y2=y + (ctrl->rect.y2 - ctrl->rect.y1);
+ ctrl->rect.x1=x;
+ ctrl->rect.y1=y;
+void hgeGUI::ShowCtrl(int id, bool bVisible)
+ GetCtrl(id)->bVisible=bVisible;
+void hgeGUI::EnableCtrl(int id, bool bEnabled)
+ GetCtrl(id)->bEnabled=bEnabled;
+void hgeGUI::SetNavMode(int mode)
+ navmode=mode;
+void hgeGUI::SetCursor(hgeSprite *spr)
+ sprCursor=spr;
+void hgeGUI::SetColor(DWORD color)
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ ctrl->SetColor(color);
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+void hgeGUI::Reset()
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ ctrl->Reset();
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+ ctrlLock=0;
+ ctrlOver=0;
+ ctrlFocus=0;
+void hgeGUI::Move(float dx, float dy)
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ ctrl->rect.x1 += dx;
+ ctrl->rect.y1 += dy;
+ ctrl->rect.x2 += dx;
+ ctrl->rect.y2 += dy;
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+void hgeGUI::SetFocus(int id)
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrlNewFocus=GetCtrl(id);
+ if(ctrlNewFocus==ctrlFocus) return;
+ if(!ctrlNewFocus)
+ {
+ if(ctrlFocus) ctrlFocus->Focus(false);
+ ctrlFocus=0;
+ }
+ else if(!ctrlNewFocus->bStatic && ctrlNewFocus->bVisible && ctrlNewFocus->bEnabled)
+ {
+ if(ctrlFocus) ctrlFocus->Focus(false);
+ if(ctrlNewFocus) ctrlNewFocus->Focus(true);
+ ctrlFocus=ctrlNewFocus;
+ }
+int hgeGUI::GetFocus() const
+ if(ctrlFocus) return ctrlFocus->id;
+ else return 0;
+void hgeGUI::Enter()
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ ctrl->Enter();
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+ nEnterLeave=2;
+void hgeGUI::Leave()
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ ctrl->Leave();
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+ ctrlFocus=0;
+ ctrlOver=0;
+ ctrlLock=0;
+ nEnterLeave=1;
+void hgeGUI::Render()
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ if(ctrl->bVisible) ctrl->Render();
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+ if(hge->Input_IsMouseOver() && sprCursor) sprCursor->Render(mx,my);
+int hgeGUI::Update(float dt)
+ bool bDone;
+ int key;
+ hgeGUIObject *ctrl;
+// Update the mouse variables
+ hge->Input_GetMousePos(&mx, &my);
+ bLPressed = hge->Input_KeyDown(HGEK_LBUTTON);
+ bLReleased = hge->Input_KeyUp(HGEK_LBUTTON);
+ bRPressed = hge->Input_KeyDown(HGEK_RBUTTON);
+ bRReleased = hge->Input_KeyUp(HGEK_RBUTTON);
+ nWheel=hge->Input_GetMouseWheel();
+// Update all controls
+ ctrl=ctrls;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ ctrl->Update(dt);
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+// Handle Enter/Leave
+ if(nEnterLeave)
+ {
+ ctrl=ctrls; bDone=true;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ if(!ctrl->IsDone()) { bDone=false; break; }
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+ if(!bDone) return 0;
+ else
+ {
+ if(nEnterLeave==1) return -1;
+ else nEnterLeave=0;
+ }
+ }
+// Handle keys
+ key=hge->Input_GetKey();
+ if(((navmode & HGEGUI_LEFTRIGHT) && key==HGEK_LEFT) ||
+ ((navmode & HGEGUI_UPDOWN) && key==HGEK_UP))
+ {
+ ctrl=ctrlFocus;
+ if(!ctrl)
+ {
+ ctrl=ctrls;
+ if(!ctrl) return 0;
+ }
+ do {
+ ctrl=ctrl->prev;
+ if(!ctrl && ((navmode & HGEGUI_CYCLED) || !ctrlFocus))
+ {
+ ctrl=ctrls;
+ while(ctrl->next) ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+ if(!ctrl || ctrl==ctrlFocus) break;
+ } while(ctrl->bStatic==true || ctrl->bVisible==false || ctrl->bEnabled==false);
+ if(ctrl && ctrl!=ctrlFocus)
+ {
+ if(ctrlFocus) ctrlFocus->Focus(false);
+ if(ctrl) ctrl->Focus(true);
+ ctrlFocus=ctrl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(((navmode & HGEGUI_LEFTRIGHT) && key==HGEK_RIGHT) ||
+ ((navmode & HGEGUI_UPDOWN) && key==HGEK_DOWN))
+ {
+ ctrl=ctrlFocus;
+ if(!ctrl)
+ {
+ ctrl=ctrls;
+ if(!ctrl) return 0;
+ while(ctrl->next) ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ }
+ do {
+ ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ if(!ctrl && ((navmode & HGEGUI_CYCLED) || !ctrlFocus)) ctrl=ctrls;
+ if(!ctrl || ctrl==ctrlFocus) break;
+ } while(ctrl->bStatic==true || ctrl->bVisible==false || ctrl->bEnabled==false);
+ if(ctrl && ctrl!=ctrlFocus)
+ {
+ if(ctrlFocus) ctrlFocus->Focus(false);
+ if(ctrl) ctrl->Focus(true);
+ ctrlFocus=ctrl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ctrlFocus && key && key!=HGEK_LBUTTON && key!=HGEK_RBUTTON)
+ {
+ if(ctrlFocus->KeyClick(key, hge->Input_GetChar())) return ctrlFocus->id;
+ }
+// Handle mouse
+ bool bLDown = hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_LBUTTON);
+ bool bRDown = hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_RBUTTON);
+ if(ctrlLock)
+ {
+ ctrl=ctrlLock;
+ if(!bLDown && !bRDown) ctrlLock=0;
+ if(ProcessCtrl(ctrl)) return ctrl->id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find last (topmost) control
+ ctrl=ctrls;
+ if(ctrl)
+ while(ctrl->next) ctrl=ctrl->next;
+ while(ctrl)
+ {
+ if(ctrl->rect.TestPoint(mx,my) && ctrl->bEnabled)
+ {
+ if(ctrlOver != ctrl)
+ {
+ if(ctrlOver) ctrlOver->MouseOver(false);
+ ctrl->MouseOver(true);
+ ctrlOver=ctrl;
+ }
+ if(ProcessCtrl(ctrl)) return ctrl->id;
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ ctrl=ctrl->prev;
+ }
+ if(ctrlOver) {ctrlOver->MouseOver(false); ctrlOver=0;}
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool hgeGUI::ProcessCtrl(hgeGUIObject *ctrl)
+ bool bResult=false;
+ if(bLPressed) { ctrlLock=ctrl;SetFocus(ctrl->id);bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseLButton(true); }
+ if(bRPressed) { ctrlLock=ctrl;SetFocus(ctrl->id);bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseRButton(true); }
+ if(bLReleased) { bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseLButton(false); }
+ if(bRReleased) { bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseRButton(false); }
+ if(nWheel) { bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseWheel(nWheel); }
+ bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseMove(mx-ctrl->rect.x1,my-ctrl->rect.y1);
+ return bResult;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgeguictrls.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgeguictrls.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4319491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgeguictrls.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeGUI default controls implementation
+#include "hgeguictrls.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
+#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
+** hgeGUIText
+hgeGUIText::hgeGUIText(int _id, float x, float y, float w, float h, hgeFont *fnt)
+ id=_id;
+ bStatic=true;
+ bVisible=true;
+ bEnabled=true;
+ rect.Set(x, y, x+w, y+h);
+ font=fnt;
+ tx=x;
+ ty=y+(h-fnt->GetHeight())/2.0f;
+ text[0]=0;
+void hgeGUIText::SetMode(int _align)
+ align=_align;
+ if(align==HGETEXT_RIGHT) tx=rect.x2;
+ else if(align==HGETEXT_CENTER) tx=(rect.x1+rect.x2)/2.0f;
+ else tx=rect.x1;
+void hgeGUIText::SetText(const char *_text)
+ strncpy(text, _text, sizeof(text)-1);
+ text[sizeof(text) - 1] = '\0';
+void hgeGUIText::printf(const char *format, ...)
+ va_list vl;
+ va_start(vl, format);
+ vsnprintf(text, sizeof(text)-1, format, vl);
+ va_end(vl);
+void hgeGUIText::Render()
+ font->SetColor(color);
+ font->Render(tx,ty,align,text);
+** hgeGUIButton
+hgeGUIButton::hgeGUIButton(int _id, float x, float y, float w, float h, HTEXTURE tex, float tx, float ty)
+ id=_id;
+ bStatic=false;
+ bVisible=true;
+ bEnabled=true;
+ rect.Set(x, y, x+w, y+h);
+ bPressed=false;
+ bTrigger=false;
+ sprUp = new hgeSprite(tex, tx, ty, w, h);
+ sprDown = new hgeSprite(tex, tx+w, ty, w, h);
+ if(sprUp) delete sprUp;
+ if(sprDown) delete sprDown;
+void hgeGUIButton::Render()
+ if(bPressed) sprDown->Render(rect.x1, rect.y1);
+ else sprUp->Render(rect.x1, rect.y1);
+bool hgeGUIButton::MouseLButton(bool bDown)
+ if(bDown)
+ {
+ bOldState=bPressed; bPressed=true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bTrigger) bPressed=!bOldState;
+ else bPressed=false;
+ return true;
+ }
+** hgeGUISlider
+hgeGUISlider::hgeGUISlider(int _id, float x, float y, float w, float h, HTEXTURE tex, float tx, float ty, float sw, float sh, bool vertical)
+ id=_id;
+ bStatic=false;
+ bVisible=true;
+ bEnabled=true;
+ bPressed=false;
+ bVertical=vertical;
+ rect.Set(x, y, x+w, y+h);
+ fMin=0; fMax=100; fVal=50;
+ sl_w=sw; sl_h=sh;
+ sprSlider=new hgeSprite(tex, tx, ty, sw, sh);
+ if(sprSlider) delete sprSlider;
+void hgeGUISlider::SetValue(float _fVal)
+ if(_fVal<fMin) fVal=fMin;
+ else if(_fVal>fMax) fVal=fMax;
+ else fVal=_fVal;
+void hgeGUISlider::Render()
+ float xx, yy;
+ float x1,y1,x2,y2;
+ xx=rect.x1+(rect.x2-rect.x1)*(fVal-fMin)/(fMax-fMin);
+ yy=rect.y1+(rect.y2-rect.y1)*(fVal-fMin)/(fMax-fMin);
+ if(bVertical)
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ case HGESLIDER_BAR: x1=rect.x1; y1=rect.y1; x2=rect.x2; y2=yy; break;
+ case HGESLIDER_BARRELATIVE: x1=rect.x1; y1=(rect.y1+rect.y2)/2; x2=rect.x2; y2=yy; break;
+ case HGESLIDER_SLIDER: x1=(rect.x1+rect.x2-sl_w)/2; y1=yy-sl_h/2; x2=(rect.x1+rect.x2+sl_w)/2; y2=yy+sl_h/2; break;
+ }
+ else
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ case HGESLIDER_BAR: x1=rect.x1; y1=rect.y1; x2=xx; y2=rect.y2; break;
+ case HGESLIDER_BARRELATIVE: x1=(rect.x1+rect.x2)/2; y1=rect.y1; x2=xx; y2=rect.y2; break;
+ case HGESLIDER_SLIDER: x1=xx-sl_w/2; y1=(rect.y1+rect.y2-sl_h)/2; x2=xx+sl_w/2; y2=(rect.y1+rect.y2+sl_h)/2; break;
+ }
+ sprSlider->RenderStretch(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+bool hgeGUISlider::MouseLButton(bool bDown)
+ bPressed=bDown;
+ return false;
+bool hgeGUISlider::MouseMove(float x, float y)
+ if(bPressed)
+ {
+ if(bVertical)
+ {
+ if(y>rect.y2-rect.y1) y=rect.y2-rect.y1;
+ if(y<0) y=0;
+ fVal=fMin+(fMax-fMin)*y/(rect.y2-rect.y1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(x>rect.x2-rect.x1) x=rect.x2-rect.x1;
+ if(x<0) x=0;
+ fVal=fMin+(fMax-fMin)*x/(rect.x2-rect.x1);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+** hgeGUIListbox
+hgeGUIListbox::hgeGUIListbox(int _id, float x, float y, float w, float h, hgeFont *fnt, DWORD tColor, DWORD thColor, DWORD hColor)
+ id=_id;
+ bStatic=false;
+ bVisible=true;
+ bEnabled=true;
+ rect.Set(x, y, x+w, y+h);
+ font=fnt;
+ sprHighlight=new hgeSprite(0, 0, 0, w, fnt->GetHeight());
+ sprHighlight->SetColor(hColor);
+ textColor=tColor;
+ texthilColor=thColor;
+ pItems=0;
+ nItems=0;
+ nSelectedItem=0;
+ nTopItem=0;
+ mx=0; my=0;
+ Clear();
+ if(sprHighlight) delete sprHighlight;
+int hgeGUIListbox::AddItem(char *item)
+ hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems, *pPrev=0, *pNew;
+ pNew = new hgeGUIListboxItem;
+ memcpy(pNew->text, item, min(sizeof(pNew->text), strlen(item)+1));
+ pNew->text[sizeof(pNew->text)-1]='\0';
+ pNew->next=0;
+ while(pItem) { pPrev=pItem; pItem=pItem->next; }
+ if(pPrev) pPrev->next=pNew;
+ else pItems=pNew;
+ nItems++;
+ return nItems-1;
+void hgeGUIListbox::DeleteItem(int n)
+ int i;
+ hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems, *pPrev=0;
+ if(n<0 || n>=GetNumItems()) return;
+ for(i=0;i<n;i++) { pPrev=pItem; pItem=pItem->next; }
+ if(pPrev) pPrev->next=pItem->next;
+ else pItems=pItem->next;
+ delete pItem;
+ nItems--;
+char *hgeGUIListbox::GetItemText(int n)
+ int i;
+ hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems;
+ if(n<0 || n>=GetNumItems()) return 0;
+ for(i=0;i<n;i++) pItem=pItem->next;
+ return pItem->text;
+void hgeGUIListbox::Clear()
+ hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems, *pNext;
+ while(pItem)
+ {
+ pNext=pItem->next;
+ delete pItem;
+ pItem=pNext;
+ }
+ pItems=0;
+ nItems=0;
+void hgeGUIListbox::Render()
+ int i;
+ hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems;
+ for(i=0;i<nTopItem;i++) pItem=pItem->next;
+ for(i=0;i<GetNumRows();i++)
+ {
+ if(i>=nItems) return;
+ if(nTopItem+i == nSelectedItem)
+ {
+ sprHighlight->Render(rect.x1,rect.y1+i*font->GetHeight());
+ font->SetColor(texthilColor);
+ }
+ else
+ font->SetColor(textColor);
+ font->Render(rect.x1+3, rect.y1+i*font->GetHeight(), HGETEXT_LEFT, pItem->text);
+ pItem=pItem->next;
+ }
+bool hgeGUIListbox::MouseLButton(bool bDown)
+ int nItem;
+ if(bDown)
+ {
+ nItem=nTopItem+int(my)/int(font->GetHeight());
+ if(nItem<nItems)
+ {
+ nSelectedItem=nItem;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool hgeGUIListbox::MouseWheel(int nNotches)
+ nTopItem-=nNotches;
+ if(nTopItem<0) nTopItem=0;
+ if(nTopItem>GetNumItems()-GetNumRows()) nTopItem=GetNumItems()-GetNumRows();
+ return true;
+bool hgeGUIListbox::KeyClick(int key, int chr)
+ switch(key)
+ {
+ case HGEK_DOWN:
+ if(nSelectedItem < nItems-1)
+ {
+ nSelectedItem++;
+ if(nSelectedItem > nTopItem+GetNumRows()-1) nTopItem=nSelectedItem-GetNumRows()+1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HGEK_UP:
+ if(nSelectedItem > 0)
+ {
+ nSelectedItem--;
+ if(nSelectedItem < nTopItem) nTopItem=nSelectedItem;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d054d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+// PLEASE NOTE that this is not the 1.81 version of hgeparticle.cpp ...
+// the game I'm working on used an older HGE that breaks with the 1.81
+// particle system. If you want 1.81, add the "byteswap" stuff to it. --ryan.
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.61
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeParticleSystem helper class implementation
+#include "hgeparticle.h"
+HGE *hgeParticleSystem::hge=0;
+hgeParticleSystem::hgeParticleSystem(const char *filename, hgeSprite *sprite, float fps)
+ void *psi;
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ psi=hge->Resource_Load(filename);
+ if(!psi) return;
+ char *ptr = (char *) psi;
+ memset(&info, '\0', sizeof (info));
+ info.sprite = sprite;
+ ptr += 4; // skip these bytes.
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define BYTESWAP(a)
+ #define SETMEMBER(typ, x) \
+ { info.x = *((const typ *) ptr); ptr += sizeof (typ); BYTESWAP(info.x); }
+ SETMEMBER(int, nEmission);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fLifetime);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fParticleLifeMin);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fParticleLifeMax);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fDirection);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fSpread);
+ SETMEMBER(BYTE, bRelative);
+ ptr += 3; // padding.
+ SETMEMBER(float, fSpeedMin);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fSpeedMax);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fGravityMin);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fGravityMax);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fRadialAccelMin);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fRadialAccelMax);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fTangentialAccelMin);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fTangentialAccelMax);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fSizeStart);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fSizeEnd);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fSizeVar);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fSpinStart);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fSpinEnd);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fSpinVar);
+ SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.r);
+ SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.g);
+ SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.b);
+ SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.a);
+ SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.r);
+ SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.g);
+ SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.b);
+ SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.a);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fColorVar);
+ SETMEMBER(float, fAlphaVar);
+ #undef SETMEMBER
+ hge->Resource_Free(psi);
+ vecLocation.x=vecPrevLocation.x=0.0f;
+ vecLocation.y=vecPrevLocation.y=0.0f;
+ fTx=fTy=0;
+ fEmissionResidue=0.0f;
+ nParticlesAlive=0;
+ fAge=-2.0;
+ if(fps!=0.0f) fUpdSpeed=1.0f/fps;
+ else fUpdSpeed=0.0f;
+ fResidue=0.0f;
+ rectBoundingBox.Clear();
+ bUpdateBoundingBox=false;
+hgeParticleSystem::hgeParticleSystem(hgeParticleSystemInfo *psi, float fps)
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ memcpy(&info, psi, sizeof(hgeParticleSystemInfo));
+ vecLocation.x=vecPrevLocation.x=0.0f;
+ vecLocation.y=vecPrevLocation.y=0.0f;
+ fTx=fTy=0;
+ fEmissionResidue=0.0f;
+ nParticlesAlive=0;
+ fAge=-2.0;
+ if(fps!=0.0f) fUpdSpeed=1.0f/fps;
+ else fUpdSpeed=0.0f;
+ fResidue=0.0f;
+ rectBoundingBox.Clear();
+ bUpdateBoundingBox=false;
+hgeParticleSystem::hgeParticleSystem(const hgeParticleSystem &ps)
+ memcpy(this, &ps, sizeof(hgeParticleSystem));
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+void hgeParticleSystem::Update(float fDeltaTime)
+ if(fUpdSpeed==0.0f) _update(fDeltaTime);
+ else
+ {
+ fResidue+=fDeltaTime;
+ if(fResidue>=fUpdSpeed)
+ {
+ _update(fUpdSpeed);
+ while(fResidue>=fUpdSpeed) fResidue-=fUpdSpeed;
+ }
+ }
+void hgeParticleSystem::_update(float fDeltaTime)
+ int i;
+ float ang;
+ hgeParticle *par;
+ hgeVector vecAccel, vecAccel2;
+ if(fAge >= 0)
+ {
+ fAge += fDeltaTime;
+ if(fAge >= info.fLifetime) fAge = -2.0f;
+ }
+ // update all alive particles
+ if(bUpdateBoundingBox) rectBoundingBox.Clear();
+ par=particles;
+ for(i=0; i<nParticlesAlive; i++)
+ {
+ par->fAge += fDeltaTime;
+ if(par->fAge >= par->fTerminalAge)
+ {
+ nParticlesAlive--;
+ memcpy(par, &particles[nParticlesAlive], sizeof(hgeParticle));
+ i--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ vecAccel = par->vecLocation-vecLocation;
+ vecAccel.Normalize();
+ vecAccel2 = vecAccel;
+ vecAccel *= par->fRadialAccel;
+ // vecAccel2.Rotate(M_PI_2);
+ // the following is faster
+ ang = vecAccel2.x;
+ vecAccel2.x = -vecAccel2.y;
+ vecAccel2.y = ang;
+ vecAccel2 *= par->fTangentialAccel;
+ par->vecVelocity += (vecAccel+vecAccel2)*fDeltaTime;
+ par->vecVelocity.y += par->fGravity*fDeltaTime;
+ par->vecLocation += par->vecVelocity;
+ par->fSpin += par->fSpinDelta*fDeltaTime;
+ par->fSize += par->fSizeDelta*fDeltaTime;
+ par->colColor += par->colColorDelta*fDeltaTime;
+ if(bUpdateBoundingBox) rectBoundingBox.Encapsulate(par->vecLocation.x, par->vecLocation.y);
+ par++;
+ }
+ // generate new particles
+ if(fAge != -2.0f)
+ {
+ float fParticlesNeeded = info.nEmission*fDeltaTime + fEmissionResidue;
+ int nParticlesCreated = (unsigned int)fParticlesNeeded;
+ fEmissionResidue=fParticlesNeeded-nParticlesCreated;
+ par=&particles[nParticlesAlive];
+ for(i=0; i<nParticlesCreated; i++)
+ {
+ if(nParticlesAlive>=MAX_PARTICLES) break;
+ par->fAge = 0.0f;
+ par->fTerminalAge = hge->Random_Float(info.fParticleLifeMin, info.fParticleLifeMax);
+ par->vecLocation = vecPrevLocation+(vecLocation-vecPrevLocation)*hge->Random_Float(0.0f, 1.0f);
+ par->vecLocation.x += hge->Random_Float(-2.0f, 2.0f);
+ par->vecLocation.y += hge->Random_Float(-2.0f, 2.0f);
+ ang=info.fDirection-M_PI_2+hge->Random_Float(0,info.fSpread)-info.fSpread/2.0f;
+ if(info.bRelative) ang += (vecPrevLocation-vecLocation).Angle()+M_PI_2;
+ par->vecVelocity.x = cosf(ang);
+ par->vecVelocity.y = sinf(ang);
+ par->vecVelocity *= hge->Random_Float(info.fSpeedMin, info.fSpeedMax);
+ par->fGravity = hge->Random_Float(info.fGravityMin, info.fGravityMax);
+ par->fRadialAccel = hge->Random_Float(info.fRadialAccelMin, info.fRadialAccelMax);
+ par->fTangentialAccel = hge->Random_Float(info.fTangentialAccelMin, info.fTangentialAccelMax);
+ par->fSize = hge->Random_Float(info.fSizeStart, info.fSizeStart+(info.fSizeEnd-info.fSizeStart)*info.fSizeVar);
+ par->fSizeDelta = (info.fSizeEnd-par->fSize) / par->fTerminalAge;
+ par->fSpin = hge->Random_Float(info.fSpinStart, info.fSpinStart+(info.fSpinEnd-info.fSpinStart)*info.fSpinVar);
+ par->fSpinDelta = (info.fSpinEnd-par->fSpin) / par->fTerminalAge;
+ par->colColor.r = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.r, info.colColorStart.r+(info.colColorEnd.r-info.colColorStart.r)*info.fColorVar);
+ par->colColor.g = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.g, info.colColorStart.g+(info.colColorEnd.g-info.colColorStart.g)*info.fColorVar);
+ par->colColor.b = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.b, info.colColorStart.b+(info.colColorEnd.b-info.colColorStart.b)*info.fColorVar);
+ par->colColor.a = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.a, info.colColorStart.a+(info.colColorEnd.a-info.colColorStart.a)*info.fAlphaVar);
+ par->colColorDelta.r = (info.colColorEnd.r-par->colColor.r) / par->fTerminalAge;
+ par->colColorDelta.g = (info.colColorEnd.g-par->colColor.g) / par->fTerminalAge;
+ par->colColorDelta.b = (info.colColorEnd.b-par->colColor.b) / par->fTerminalAge;
+ par->colColorDelta.a = (info.colColorEnd.a-par->colColor.a) / par->fTerminalAge;
+ if(bUpdateBoundingBox) rectBoundingBox.Encapsulate(par->vecLocation.x, par->vecLocation.y);
+ nParticlesAlive++;
+ par++;
+ }
+ }
+ vecPrevLocation=vecLocation;
+void hgeParticleSystem::MoveTo(float x, float y, bool bMoveParticles)
+ int i;
+ float dx,dy;
+ if(bMoveParticles)
+ {
+ dx=x-vecLocation.x;
+ dy=y-vecLocation.y;
+ for(i=0;i<nParticlesAlive;i++)
+ {
+ particles[i].vecLocation.x += dx;
+ particles[i].vecLocation.y += dy;
+ }
+ vecPrevLocation.x=vecPrevLocation.x + dx;
+ vecPrevLocation.y=vecPrevLocation.y + dy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(fAge==-2.0) { vecPrevLocation.x=x; vecPrevLocation.y=y; }
+ else { vecPrevLocation.x=vecLocation.x; vecPrevLocation.y=vecLocation.y; }
+ }
+ vecLocation.x=x;
+ vecLocation.y=y;
+void hgeParticleSystem::FireAt(float x, float y)
+ Stop();
+ MoveTo(x,y);
+ Fire();
+void hgeParticleSystem::Fire()
+ if(info.fLifetime==-1.0f) fAge=-1.0f;
+ else fAge=0.0f;
+ fResidue=0.0;
+void hgeParticleSystem::Stop(bool bKillParticles)
+ fAge=-2.0f;
+ if(bKillParticles)
+ {
+ nParticlesAlive=0;
+ rectBoundingBox.Clear();
+ }
+void hgeParticleSystem::Render()
+ int i;
+ DWORD col;
+ hgeParticle *par=particles;
+ col=info.sprite->GetColor();
+ for(i=0; i<nParticlesAlive; i++)
+ {
+ info.sprite->SetColor(par->colColor.GetHWColor());
+ info.sprite->RenderEx(par->vecLocation.x+fTx, par->vecLocation.y+fTy, par->fSpin*par->fAge, par->fSize);
+ par++;
+ }
+ info.sprite->SetColor(col);
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgepmanager.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgepmanager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16a0b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgepmanager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// PLEASE NOTE that this is not the 1.81 version of hgeparticle.cpp ...
+// the game I'm working on used an older HGE that breaks with the 1.81
+// particle system. If you want 1.81, just overwrite this file. --ryan.
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeParticleManager helper class implementation
+#include "hgeparticle.h"
+hgeParticleManager::hgeParticleManager(const float fps)
+ nPS=0;
+ fFPS=fps;
+ tX=tY=0.0f;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<nPS;i++) delete psList[i];
+void hgeParticleManager::Update(float dt)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<nPS;i++)
+ {
+ psList[i]->Update(dt);
+ if(psList[i]->GetAge()==-2.0f && psList[i]->GetParticlesAlive()==0)
+ {
+ delete psList[i];
+ psList[i]=psList[nPS-1];
+ nPS--;
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+void hgeParticleManager::Render()
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<nPS;i++) psList[i]->Render();
+hgeParticleSystem* hgeParticleManager::SpawnPS(hgeParticleSystemInfo *psi, float x, float y)
+ if(nPS==MAX_PSYSTEMS) return 0;
+ psList[nPS]=new hgeParticleSystem(psi,fFPS);
+ psList[nPS]->FireAt(x,y);
+ psList[nPS]->Transpose(tX,tY);
+ nPS++;
+ return psList[nPS-1];
+bool hgeParticleManager::IsPSAlive(hgeParticleSystem *ps) const
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<nPS;i++) if(psList[i]==ps) return true;
+ return false;
+void hgeParticleManager::Transpose(float x, float y)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<nPS;i++) psList[i]->Transpose(x,y);
+ tX=x; tY=y;
+void hgeParticleManager::KillPS(hgeParticleSystem *ps)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<nPS;i++)
+ {
+ if(psList[i]==ps)
+ {
+ delete psList[i];
+ psList[i]=psList[nPS-1];
+ nPS--;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void hgeParticleManager::KillAll()
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<nPS;i++) delete psList[i];
+ nPS=0;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgerect.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgerect.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..303286c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgerect.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeRect helper class implementation
+#include "hgerect.h"
+#include <math.h>
+void hgeRect::Encapsulate(float x, float y)
+ if(bClean)
+ {
+ x1=x2=x;
+ y1=y2=y;
+ bClean=false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(x<x1) x1=x;
+ if(x>x2) x2=x;
+ if(y<y1) y1=y;
+ if(y>y2) y2=y;
+ }
+bool hgeRect::TestPoint(float x, float y) const
+ if(x>=x1 && x<x2 && y>=y1 && y<y2) return true;
+ return false;
+bool hgeRect::Intersect(const hgeRect *rect) const
+ if(fabs(x1 + x2 - rect->x1 - rect->x2) < (x2 - x1 + rect->x2 - rect->x1))
+ if(fabs(y1 + y2 - rect->y1 - rect->y2) < (y2 - y1 + rect->y2 - rect->y1))
+ return true;
+ return false;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgeresource.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgeresource.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e681369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgeresource.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeResourceManager helper class implementation
+#include "hgeresource.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "resources.h"
+HGE *hgeResourceManager::hge=0;
+hgeResourceManager::hgeResourceManager(const char *scriptname)
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ for(int i=0;i<RESTYPES;i++) res[i]=0;
+ _parse_script(scriptname);
+ _remove_all();
+ hge->Release();
+void hgeResourceManager::_parse_script(const char *scriptname)
+ ResDesc *rc, *rcnext;
+ if(scriptname)
+ {
+ RScript::Parse(this, NULL, scriptname, NULL);
+ rc=res[RES_SCRIPT];
+ while(rc)
+ {
+ rc->Free();
+ rcnext=rc->next;
+ delete rc;
+ rc=rcnext;
+ }
+ res[RES_SCRIPT]=0;
+ }
+void hgeResourceManager::_remove_all()
+ int i;
+ ResDesc *rc, *rcnext;
+ for(i=0;i<RESTYPES;i++)
+ {
+ rc=res[i];
+ while(rc)
+ {
+ rc->Free();
+ rcnext=rc->next;
+ delete rc;
+ rc=rcnext;
+ }
+ res[i]=0;
+ }
+void hgeResourceManager::ChangeScript(const char *scriptname)
+ _remove_all();
+ _parse_script(scriptname);
+bool hgeResourceManager::Precache(int groupid)
+ int i;
+ ResDesc *rc;
+ bool bResult=true;
+ for(i=0;i<RESTYPES;i++)
+ {
+ rc=res[i];
+ while(rc)
+ {
+ if(!groupid || groupid==rc->resgroup) bResult=bResult && (rc->Get(this)!=0);
+ rc=rc->next;
+ }
+ }
+ return bResult;
+void hgeResourceManager::Purge(int groupid)
+ int i;
+ ResDesc *rc;
+ for(i=0;i<RESTYPES;i++)
+ {
+ rc=res[i];
+ while(rc)
+ {
+ if(!groupid || groupid==rc->resgroup) rc->Free();
+ rc=rc->next;
+ }
+ }
+void* hgeResourceManager::GetResource(const char *name, int resgroup)
+ void *reshandle;
+ RResource *resource;
+ ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_RESOURCE, name);
+ if(Res) return (void *)Res->Get(this);
+ else
+ {
+ reshandle=hge->Resource_Load(name);
+ if(reshandle)
+ {
+ resource=new RResource();
+ resource->handle=(size_t)reshandle;
+ resource->resgroup=resgroup;
+ strcpy(resource->name, name);
+ strcpy(resource->filename, name);
+ AddRes(this, RES_RESOURCE, resource);
+ return reshandle;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+HTEXTURE hgeResourceManager::GetTexture(const char *name, int resgroup)
+ HTEXTURE reshandle;
+ RTexture *resource;
+ ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_TEXTURE, name);
+ if(Res) return (HTEXTURE)Res->Get(this);
+ else
+ {
+ reshandle=hge->Texture_Load(name);
+ if(reshandle)
+ {
+ resource=new RTexture();
+ resource->handle=reshandle;
+ resource->resgroup=resgroup;
+ resource->mipmap=false;
+ strcpy(resource->name, name);
+ strcpy(resource->filename, name);
+ AddRes(this, RES_TEXTURE, resource);
+ return reshandle;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+HEFFECT hgeResourceManager::GetEffect(const char *name, int resgroup)
+ HEFFECT reshandle;
+ REffect *resource;
+ ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_EFFECT, name);
+ if(Res) return (HEFFECT)Res->Get(this);
+ else
+ {
+ reshandle=hge->Effect_Load(name);
+ if(reshandle)
+ {
+ resource=new REffect();
+ resource->handle=reshandle;
+ resource->resgroup=resgroup;
+ strcpy(resource->name, name);
+ strcpy(resource->filename, name);
+ AddRes(this, RES_EFFECT, resource);
+ return reshandle;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+HTARGET hgeResourceManager::GetTarget(const char *name)
+ ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_TARGET, name);
+ if(Res) return (HTARGET)Res->Get(this);
+ else return 0;
+hgeSprite* hgeResourceManager::GetSprite(const char *name)
+ ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_SPRITE, name);
+ if(Res) return (hgeSprite *)Res->Get(this);
+ else return 0;
+hgeAnimation* hgeResourceManager::GetAnimation(const char *name)
+ ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_ANIMATION, name);
+ if(Res) return (hgeAnimation *)Res->Get(this);
+ else return 0;
+hgeFont* hgeResourceManager::GetFont(const char *name)
+ ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_FONT, name);
+ if(Res) return (hgeFont *)Res->Get(this);
+ else return 0;
+hgeParticleSystem* hgeResourceManager::GetParticleSystem(const char *name)
+ ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_PARTICLE, name);
+ if(Res) return (hgeParticleSystem *)Res->Get(this);
+ else return 0;
+hgeDistortionMesh* hgeResourceManager::GetDistortionMesh(const char *name)
+ ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_DISTORT, name);
+ if(Res) return (hgeDistortionMesh *)Res->Get(this);
+ else return 0;
+hgeStringTable* hgeResourceManager::GetStringTable(const char *name, int resgroup)
+ hgeStringTable *strtable;
+ RStringTable *resource;
+ ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_STRTABLE, name);
+ if(Res) return (hgeStringTable*)Res->Get(this);
+ else
+ {
+ strtable=new hgeStringTable(name);
+ if(strtable)
+ {
+ resource=new RStringTable();
+ resource->handle=(size_t)strtable;
+ resource->resgroup=resgroup;
+ strcpy(resource->name, name);
+ strcpy(resource->filename, name);
+ AddRes(this, RES_STRTABLE, resource);
+ return strtable;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgesprite.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgesprite.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ff926f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgesprite.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeSprite helper class implementation
+#include "hgesprite.h"
+#include <math.h>
+HGE *hgeSprite::hge=0;
+hgeSprite::hgeSprite(HTEXTURE texture, float texx, float texy, float w, float h)
+ float texx1, texy1, texx2, texy2;
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ tx=texx; ty=texy;
+ width=w; height=h;
+ if(texture)
+ {
+ tex_width = (float)hge->Texture_GetWidth(texture);
+ tex_height = (float)hge->Texture_GetHeight(texture);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tex_width = 1.0f;
+ tex_height = 1.0f;
+ }
+ hotX=0;
+ hotY=0;
+ bXFlip=false;
+ bYFlip=false;
+ bHSFlip=false;
+ quad.tex=texture;
+ texx1=texx/tex_width;
+ texy1=texy/tex_height;
+ texx2=(texx+w)/tex_width;
+ texy2=(texy+h)/tex_height;
+ quad.v[0].tx = texx1; quad.v[0].ty = texy1;
+ quad.v[1].tx = texx2; quad.v[1].ty = texy1;
+ quad.v[2].tx = texx2; quad.v[2].ty = texy2;
+ quad.v[3].tx = texx1; quad.v[3].ty = texy2;
+ quad.v[0].z =
+ quad.v[1].z =
+ quad.v[2].z =
+ quad.v[3].z = 0.5f;
+ quad.v[0].col =
+ quad.v[1].col =
+ quad.v[2].col =
+ quad.v[3].col = 0xffffffff;
+ quad.blend=BLEND_DEFAULT;
+hgeSprite::hgeSprite(const hgeSprite &spr)
+ memcpy(this, &spr, sizeof(hgeSprite));
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+void hgeSprite::Render(float x, float y)
+ float tempx1, tempy1, tempx2, tempy2;
+ tempx1 = x-hotX;
+ tempy1 = y-hotY;
+ tempx2 = x+width-hotX;
+ tempy2 = y+height-hotY;
+ quad.v[0].x = tempx1; quad.v[0].y = tempy1;
+ quad.v[1].x = tempx2; quad.v[1].y = tempy1;
+ quad.v[2].x = tempx2; quad.v[2].y = tempy2;
+ quad.v[3].x = tempx1; quad.v[3].y = tempy2;
+ hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
+void hgeSprite::RenderEx(float x, float y, float rot, float hscale, float vscale)
+ float tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
+ float sint, cost;
+ if(vscale==0) vscale=hscale;
+ tx1 = -hotX*hscale;
+ ty1 = -hotY*vscale;
+ tx2 = (width-hotX)*hscale;
+ ty2 = (height-hotY)*vscale;
+ if (rot != 0.0f)
+ {
+ cost = cosf(rot);
+ sint = sinf(rot);
+ quad.v[0].x = tx1*cost - ty1*sint + x;
+ quad.v[0].y = tx1*sint + ty1*cost + y;
+ quad.v[1].x = tx2*cost - ty1*sint + x;
+ quad.v[1].y = tx2*sint + ty1*cost + y;
+ quad.v[2].x = tx2*cost - ty2*sint + x;
+ quad.v[2].y = tx2*sint + ty2*cost + y;
+ quad.v[3].x = tx1*cost - ty2*sint + x;
+ quad.v[3].y = tx1*sint + ty2*cost + y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ quad.v[0].x = tx1 + x; quad.v[0].y = ty1 + y;
+ quad.v[1].x = tx2 + x; quad.v[1].y = ty1 + y;
+ quad.v[2].x = tx2 + x; quad.v[2].y = ty2 + y;
+ quad.v[3].x = tx1 + x; quad.v[3].y = ty2 + y;
+ }
+ hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
+void hgeSprite::RenderStretch(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
+ quad.v[0].x = x1; quad.v[0].y = y1;
+ quad.v[1].x = x2; quad.v[1].y = y1;
+ quad.v[2].x = x2; quad.v[2].y = y2;
+ quad.v[3].x = x1; quad.v[3].y = y2;
+ hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
+void hgeSprite::Render4V(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)
+ quad.v[0].x = x0; quad.v[0].y = y0;
+ quad.v[1].x = x1; quad.v[1].y = y1;
+ quad.v[2].x = x2; quad.v[2].y = y2;
+ quad.v[3].x = x3; quad.v[3].y = y3;
+ hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
+hgeRect* hgeSprite::GetBoundingBoxEx(float x, float y, float rot, float hscale, float vscale, hgeRect *rect) const
+ float tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
+ float sint, cost;
+ rect->Clear();
+ tx1 = -hotX*hscale;
+ ty1 = -hotY*vscale;
+ tx2 = (width-hotX)*hscale;
+ ty2 = (height-hotY)*vscale;
+ if (rot != 0.0f)
+ {
+ cost = cosf(rot);
+ sint = sinf(rot);
+ rect->Encapsulate(tx1*cost - ty1*sint + x, tx1*sint + ty1*cost + y);
+ rect->Encapsulate(tx2*cost - ty1*sint + x, tx2*sint + ty1*cost + y);
+ rect->Encapsulate(tx2*cost - ty2*sint + x, tx2*sint + ty2*cost + y);
+ rect->Encapsulate(tx1*cost - ty2*sint + x, tx1*sint + ty2*cost + y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rect->Encapsulate(tx1 + x, ty1 + y);
+ rect->Encapsulate(tx2 + x, ty1 + y);
+ rect->Encapsulate(tx2 + x, ty2 + y);
+ rect->Encapsulate(tx1 + x, ty2 + y);
+ }
+ return rect;
+void hgeSprite::SetFlip(bool bX, bool bY, bool bHotSpot)
+ float tx, ty;
+ if(bHSFlip && bXFlip) hotX = width - hotX;
+ if(bHSFlip && bYFlip) hotY = height - hotY;
+ bHSFlip = bHotSpot;
+ if(bHSFlip && bXFlip) hotX = width - hotX;
+ if(bHSFlip && bYFlip) hotY = height - hotY;
+ if(bX != bXFlip)
+ {
+ tx=quad.v[0].tx; quad.v[0].tx=quad.v[1].tx; quad.v[1].tx=tx;
+ ty=quad.v[0].ty; quad.v[0].ty=quad.v[1].ty; quad.v[1].ty=ty;
+ tx=quad.v[3].tx; quad.v[3].tx=quad.v[2].tx; quad.v[2].tx=tx;
+ ty=quad.v[3].ty; quad.v[3].ty=quad.v[2].ty; quad.v[2].ty=ty;
+ bXFlip=!bXFlip;
+ }
+ if(bY != bYFlip)
+ {
+ tx=quad.v[0].tx; quad.v[0].tx=quad.v[3].tx; quad.v[3].tx=tx;
+ ty=quad.v[0].ty; quad.v[0].ty=quad.v[3].ty; quad.v[3].ty=ty;
+ tx=quad.v[1].tx; quad.v[1].tx=quad.v[2].tx; quad.v[2].tx=tx;
+ ty=quad.v[1].ty; quad.v[1].ty=quad.v[2].ty; quad.v[2].ty=ty;
+ bYFlip=!bYFlip;
+ }
+void hgeSprite::SetTexture(HTEXTURE tex)
+ float tx1,ty1,tx2,ty2;
+ float tw,th;
+ quad.tex=tex;
+ if(tex)
+ {
+ tw = (float)hge->Texture_GetWidth(tex);
+ th = (float)hge->Texture_GetHeight(tex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tw = 1.0f;
+ th = 1.0f;
+ }
+ if(tw!=tex_width || th!=tex_height)
+ {
+ tx1=quad.v[0].tx*tex_width;
+ ty1=quad.v[0].ty*tex_height;
+ tx2=quad.v[2].tx*tex_width;
+ ty2=quad.v[2].ty*tex_height;
+ tex_width=tw;
+ tex_height=th;
+ tx1/=tw; ty1/=th;
+ tx2/=tw; ty2/=th;
+ quad.v[0].tx=tx1; quad.v[0].ty=ty1;
+ quad.v[1].tx=tx2; quad.v[1].ty=ty1;
+ quad.v[2].tx=tx2; quad.v[2].ty=ty2;
+ quad.v[3].tx=tx1; quad.v[3].ty=ty2;
+ }
+void hgeSprite::SetTextureRect(float x, float y, float w, float h, bool adjSize)
+ float tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
+ bool bX,bY,bHS;
+ tx=x;
+ ty=y;
+ if(adjSize)
+ {
+ width=w;
+ height=h;
+ }
+ tx1=tx/tex_width; ty1=ty/tex_height;
+ tx2=(tx+w)/tex_width; ty2=(ty+h)/tex_height;
+ quad.v[0].tx=tx1; quad.v[0].ty=ty1;
+ quad.v[1].tx=tx2; quad.v[1].ty=ty1;
+ quad.v[2].tx=tx2; quad.v[2].ty=ty2;
+ quad.v[3].tx=tx1; quad.v[3].ty=ty2;
+ bX=bXFlip; bY=bYFlip; bHS=bHSFlip;
+ bXFlip=false; bYFlip=false;
+ SetFlip(bX,bY,bHS);
+void hgeSprite::SetColor(DWORD col, int i)
+ if(i != -1)
+ quad.v[i].col = col;
+ else
+ quad.v[0].col = quad.v[1].col = quad.v[2].col = quad.v[3].col = col;
+void hgeSprite::SetZ(float z, int i)
+ if(i != -1)
+ quad.v[i].z = z;
+ else
+ quad.v[0].z = quad.v[1].z = quad.v[2].z = quad.v[3].z = z;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgestrings.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgestrings.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eda71c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgestrings.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeStringTable helper class implementation
+#include "hgestrings.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+const char STRFORMATERROR[]="String table %s has incorrect format.";
+HGE *hgeStringTable::hge=0;
+hgeStringTable::hgeStringTable(const char *filename)
+ int i;
+ void *data;
+ DWORD size;
+ char *desc, *pdesc;
+ NamedString *str;
+ char str_name[MAXSTRNAMELENGTH];
+ char *str_value, *pvalue;
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ strings=0;
+ // load string table file
+ data=hge->Resource_Load(filename, &size);
+ if(!data) return;
+ desc = new char[size+1];
+ memcpy(desc,data,size);
+ desc[size]=0;
+ hge->Resource_Free(data);
+ // check header
+ if(memcmp(desc, STRHEADERTAG, sizeof(STRHEADERTAG)-1))
+ {
+ hge->System_Log(STRFORMATERROR, filename);
+ delete[] desc;
+ return;
+ }
+ pdesc=desc+sizeof(STRHEADERTAG);
+ str_value=new char[8192];
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ // skip whitespaces
+ while(isspace(*pdesc)) pdesc++;
+ if(!*pdesc) break;
+ // skip comments
+ if(*pdesc==';')
+ {
+ while(*pdesc && *pdesc != '\n') pdesc++;
+ pdesc++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // get string name -> str_name
+ i=0;
+ while(pdesc[i] && pdesc[i]!='=' && !isspace(pdesc[i]) && i<MAXSTRNAMELENGTH)
+ {
+ str_name[i]=pdesc[i];
+ i++;
+ }
+ str_name[i]=0;
+ pdesc+=i;
+ // skip string name overflow characters
+ while(*pdesc && *pdesc!='=' && !isspace(*pdesc)) pdesc++;
+ if(!*pdesc) break;
+ // skip whitespaces to '='
+ while(isspace(*pdesc)) pdesc++;
+ if(*pdesc!='=') { hge->System_Log(STRFORMATERROR, filename); break; }
+ pdesc++;
+ // skip whitespaces to '"'
+ while(isspace(*pdesc)) pdesc++;
+ if(*pdesc!='"') { hge->System_Log(STRFORMATERROR, filename); break; }
+ pdesc++;
+ // parse string value till the closing '"' -> str_value
+ // consider: \", \n, \\, LF, CR, whitespaces at line begin/end
+ pvalue=str_value;
+ while(*pdesc && *pdesc!='"')
+ {
+ if(*pdesc=='\n' || *pdesc=='\r')
+ {
+ while(isspace(*pdesc)) pdesc++;
+ pvalue--;
+ while(pvalue>=str_value && isspace(*pvalue)) pvalue--;
+ pvalue++; *pvalue=' '; pvalue++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(*pdesc=='\\')
+ {
+ pdesc++;
+ if(!*pdesc) continue;
+ if(*pdesc=='n') *pvalue='\n';
+ else *pvalue=*pdesc;
+ pvalue++;
+ pdesc++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ *pvalue=*pdesc; pvalue++;
+ pdesc++;
+ }
+ *pvalue=0;
+ // add the parsed string to the list
+ str=new NamedString;
+ strcpy(str->name, str_name);
+ str->string=new char[strlen(str_value)+1];
+ strcpy(str->string, str_value);
+ str->next=strings;
+ strings=str;
+ if(!*pdesc) break;
+ pdesc++;
+ }
+ delete[] str_value;
+ delete[] desc;
+ NamedString *str, *strnext;
+ str=strings;
+ while(str)
+ {
+ strnext=str->next;
+ delete[] str->string;
+ delete str;
+ str=strnext;
+ }
+ hge->Release();
+char *hgeStringTable::GetString(const char *name)
+ NamedString *str=strings;
+ while(str)
+ {
+ if(!strcmp(name, str->name)) return str->string;
+ str=str->next;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/hgevector.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/hgevector.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..921f7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/hgevector.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeVector helper class implementation
+#include "hgevector.h"
+float InvSqrt(float x)
+ union
+ {
+ int intPart;
+ float floatPart;
+ } convertor;
+ convertor.floatPart = x;
+ convertor.intPart = 0x5f3759df - (convertor.intPart >> 1);
+ return convertor.floatPart*(1.5f - 0.4999f*x*convertor.floatPart*convertor.floatPart);
+hgeVector *hgeVector::Normalize()
+ float lenRcp;
+ lenRcp=sqrtf(Dot(this));
+ if(lenRcp)
+ {
+ lenRcp=1.0f/lenRcp;
+ x*=lenRcp;
+ y*=lenRcp;
+ }
+ return this;
+float hgeVector::Angle(const hgeVector *v) const
+ if(v)
+ {
+ hgeVector s=*this, t=*v;
+ s.Normalize(); t.Normalize();
+ return acosf(s.Dot(&t));
+ }
+ else return atan2f(y, x);
+hgeVector *hgeVector::Rotate(float a)
+ hgeVector v;
+ v.x=x*cosf(a) - y*sinf(a);
+ v.y=x*sinf(a) + y*cosf(a);
+ x=v.x; y=v.y;
+ return this;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/parser.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/parser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0386ef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/parser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** Resource script parser implementation
+#include "parser.h"
+HGE *RScriptParser::hge=0;
+struct keyword
+ const char* word;
+ int code;
+keyword keytable[]=
+ { "=", TTEQUALS },
+ { ":", TTBASED },
+ { ",", TTSEPARATOR },
+ { "{", TTOPENBLOCK },
+ { "}", TTCLOSEBLOCK },
+ { "true", TTBOOL },
+ { "false", TTBOOL },
+ { "Include", TTRES_INCLUDE },
+ { "Resource", TTRES_RESOURCE },
+ { "Texture", TTRES_TEXTURE },
+ { "Sound", TTRES_SOUND },
+ { "Music", TTRES_MUSIC },
+ { "Stream", TTRES_STREAM },
+ { "Target", TTRES_TARGET },
+ { "Sprite", TTRES_SPRITE },
+ { "Animation", TTRES_ANIMATION },
+ { "Font", TTRES_FONT },
+ { "Particle", TTRES_PARTICLE },
+ { "Distortion", TTRES_DISTORT },
+ { "StringTable",TTRES_STRTABLE },
+ { "filename", TTPAR_FILENAME },
+ { "resgroup", TTPAR_RESGROUP },
+ { "mipmap", TTPAR_MIPMAP },
+ { "amplify", TTPAR_AMPLIFY },
+ { "size", TTPAR_SIZE },
+ { "zbuffer", TTPAR_ZBUFFER },
+ { "texture", TTPAR_TEXTURE },
+ { "rect", TTPAR_RECT },
+ { "hotspot", TTPAR_HOTSPOT },
+ { "blendmode", TTPAR_BLENDMODE },
+ { "color", TTPAR_COLOR },
+ { "zorder", TTPAR_ZORDER },
+ { "flip", TTPAR_FLIP },
+ { "scale", TTPAR_SCALE },
+ { "proportion", TTPAR_PROPORTION},
+ { "rotation", TTPAR_ROTATION },
+ { "frames", TTPAR_FRAMES },
+ { "fps", TTPAR_FPS },
+ { "mode", TTPAR_MODE },
+ { "tracking", TTPAR_TRACKING },
+ { "spacing", TTPAR_SPACING },
+ { "sprite", TTPAR_SPRITE },
+ { "mesh", TTPAR_MESH },
+RScriptParser::RScriptParser(char *name, char *scr)
+ hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ scriptname=name;
+ script=scr;
+ tokenvalue[0]=0;
+ tokentype=TTNONE;
+ line=1;
+int RScriptParser::get_token()
+ int i;
+ // Skip whitespaces and comments
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ while(*script==' ' || *script=='\t' || *script=='\n' || *script=='\r')
+ {
+ if(*script=='\n') line++;
+ script++;
+ }
+ if(*script==';') while(*script && *script!='\n' && *script!='\r') script++;
+ else break;
+ }
+ // End of script
+ if(!*script) { tokentype=TTEND; tokenvalue[0]=0; return tokentype; }
+ // Number
+ if((*script>='0' && *script<='9') || *script=='.' || *script=='-')
+ {
+ tokentype=TTNUMBER;
+ for(i=0;(*script>='0' && *script<='9') || *script=='.' || *script=='-';i++)
+ tokenvalue[i]=*script++;
+ // Hexadecimal number starting with decimal digit
+ if((*script>='A' && *script<='F') || (*script>='a' && *script<='f'))
+ {
+ tokentype=TTSTRING;
+ for(; (*script>='A' && *script<='F') || (*script>='a' && *script<='f') ; i++)
+ tokenvalue[i]=*script++;
+ }
+ tokenvalue[i]=0;
+ return tokentype;
+ }
+ // Quoted string
+ if(*script=='"')
+ {
+ tokentype=TTSTRING;
+ script++;
+ for(i=0;*script && *script!='"' && *script!='\n' && *script!='\r';i++)
+ tokenvalue[i]=*script++;
+ tokenvalue[i]=0;
+ if(*script) script++;
+ return tokentype;
+ }
+ // Keyword
+ for(i=0;keytable[i].word;i++)
+ if(!strtkcmp(keytable[i].word, script))
+ {
+ tokentype = keytable[i].code;
+ strcpy(tokenvalue,keytable[i].word);
+ script+=strlen(keytable[i].word);
+ return tokentype;
+ }
+ // Unquoted string or hexadecimal number
+ tokentype=TTSTRING;
+ for(i=0;
+ *script && *script!=' ' && *script!='\t' && *script!='\n' && *script!='\r'
+ && *script!=',' && *script!='=' && *script!='{' && *script!='}' && *script!=':';
+ i++)
+ tokenvalue[i]=*script++;
+ tokenvalue[i]=0;
+ return tokentype;
+bool RScriptParser::strtkcmp(const char* str, const char* mem)
+ int i,len=strlen(str);
+ for(i=0;i<len;i++)
+ {
+ if(!mem[i]) return true;
+ if(mem[i] != str[i]) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+DWORD RScriptParser::tkn_hex()
+ int i;
+ DWORD dw=0;
+ char chr;
+ for(i=0; tokenvalue[i]; i++)
+ {
+ chr=tokenvalue[i];
+ if(chr >= 'a') chr-='a'-':';
+ if(chr >= 'A') chr-='A'-':';
+ chr-='0';
+ if(chr>0xF) chr=0xF;
+ dw=(dw << 4) | chr;
+ }
+ return dw;
+void RScriptParser::ScriptPostError(const char *msg1, const char *msg2)
+ hge->System_Log("%s, line %d: %s'%s'%s",
+ get_name(), get_line(), msg1, tokenvalue[0] ? tkn_string():"<EOF>", msg2);
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/parser.h b/archive/hgehelp/parser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c33ff11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/parser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** Resource script parser header
+#ifndef HGEPARSER_H
+#define HGEPARSER_H
+#include "hge.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+class RScriptParser
+ RScriptParser(char *name, char *scr);
+ ~RScriptParser() { hge->Release(); }
+ int get_token();
+ void put_back() { script-=strlen(tokenvalue); }
+ int get_line() { return line;}
+ char* get_name() { return scriptname;}
+ char* tkn_string() { return tokenvalue; }
+ int tkn_int() { return atoi(tokenvalue); }
+ float tkn_float() { return (float)atof(tokenvalue); }
+ bool tkn_bool() { return (tokenvalue[0]=='t' || tokenvalue[0]=='T') ? true : false; }
+ DWORD tkn_hex();
+ void ScriptPostError(const char *msg1, const char *msg2);
+ int tokentype;
+ char tokenvalue[128];
+ char* script;
+ char* scriptname;
+ int line;
+ bool strtkcmp(const char *str, const char *mem);
+ static HGE *hge;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/resources.cpp b/archive/hgehelp/resources.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33afcaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/resources.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeResourceManager resources implementation
+#include "hgeresource.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "resources.h"
+HGE *ResDesc::hge=0;
+/////////////// COMMON //
+void AddRes(hgeResourceManager *rm, int type, ResDesc *resource)
+ resource->next=rm->res[type];
+ rm->res[type]=resource;
+ResDesc *FindRes(hgeResourceManager *rm, int type, const char *name)
+ ResDesc *rc;
+ rc=rm->res[type];
+ while(rc)
+ {
+ if(!strcmp(name, rc->name)) return rc;
+ rc=rc->next;
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool ScriptSkipToNextParameter(RScriptParser *sp, bool bIgnore)
+ bool bToBeIgnored=bIgnore;
+ if(bIgnore) sp->put_back();
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ sp->get_token();
+ if(sp->tokentype == TTCLOSEBLOCK) { if(bIgnore) {sp->put_back(); return true;} return false; }
+ if((sp->tokentype > TTRES__FIRST && sp->tokentype < TTRES__LAST) || sp->tokentype == TTEND)
+ {
+ sp->put_back();
+ if(bIgnore) return true;
+ sp->ScriptPostError("'}' missed, "," encountered.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if((sp->tokentype <= TTPAR__FIRST && sp->tokentype >= TTPAR__LAST) || bToBeIgnored)
+ {
+ bToBeIgnored=false;
+ sp->ScriptPostError("Unsupported resource parameter ",".");
+ do sp->get_token();
+ while((sp->tokentype <= TTPAR__FIRST || sp->tokentype >= TTPAR__LAST) &&
+ (sp->tokentype <= TTRES__FIRST || sp->tokentype >= TTRES__LAST) &&
+ sp->tokentype != TTCLOSEBLOCK && sp->tokentype != TTEND);
+ sp->put_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bIgnore) sp->put_back();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+void ScriptParseFileResource(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename, ResDesc *rr, int restype)
+ RResource *rc=(RResource *)rr, *base;
+ base = (RResource *)FindRes(rm, restype, basename);
+ if(base) *rc=*base; else
+ {
+ rc->resgroup=0;
+ rc->filename[0]=0;
+ }
+ rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
+ while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,false))
+ {
+ switch(sp->tokentype)
+ {
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ strcpy(rc->filename, sp->tkn_string());
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ AddRes(rm, restype, rc);
+void ScriptParseBlendMode(RScriptParser *sp, int *blend)
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ sp->get_token();
+ if(sp->tokentype != TTEQUALS && sp->tokentype != TTSEPARATOR) { sp->put_back(); return; }
+ switch(sp->get_token())
+ {
+ *blend &= ~BLEND_COLORADD;
+ break;
+ *blend |= BLEND_COLORADD;
+ break;
+ break;
+ *blend &= ~BLEND_ALPHABLEND;
+ break;
+ *blend |= BLEND_ZWRITE;
+ break;
+ *blend &= ~BLEND_ZWRITE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ sp->ScriptPostError("Unsupported value ",".");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void ScriptParseSpriteAnim(RScriptParser *sp, RSprite *rc, bool anim)
+ while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,false))
+ {
+ switch(sp->tokentype)
+ {
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ strcpy(rc->texname,sp->tkn_string());
+ break;
+ case TTPAR_RECT:
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->tx=sp->tkn_float();
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->ty=sp->tkn_float();
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->w=sp->tkn_float();
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->h=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->hotx=sp->tkn_float();
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->hoty=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ ScriptParseBlendMode(sp, &rc->blend);
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->color=sp->tkn_hex();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->z=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ case TTPAR_FLIP:
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->bXFlip=sp->tkn_bool();
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->bYFlip=sp->tkn_bool();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
+ break;
+ if(anim)
+ {
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ ((RAnimation *)rc)->frames=sp->tkn_int();
+ break;
+ }
+ case TTPAR_FPS:
+ if(anim)
+ {
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ ((RAnimation *)rc)->fps=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ }
+ case TTPAR_MODE:
+ if(anim)
+ {
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ sp->get_token();
+ if(sp->tokentype != TTEQUALS && sp->tokentype != TTSEPARATOR) { sp->put_back(); break; }
+ switch(sp->get_token())
+ {
+ ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode &= ~HGEANIM_REV;
+ break;
+ ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode |= HGEANIM_REV;
+ break;
+ ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode &= ~HGEANIM_PINGPONG;
+ break;
+ ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode |= HGEANIM_PINGPONG;
+ break;
+ ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode &= ~HGEANIM_LOOP;
+ break;
+ case TTCON_LOOP:
+ ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode |= HGEANIM_LOOP;
+ break;
+ default:
+ sp->ScriptPostError("Unsupported value ",".");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/////////////// RScript //
+void RScript::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *sname, const char *sbasename)
+ RScriptParser *np;
+ RScript *res_script;
+ void *data;
+ DWORD size;
+ char *script, name[MAXRESCHARS], basename[MAXRESCHARS];
+ int restype;
+ if(!FindRes(rm, RES_SCRIPT, sname))
+ {
+ res_script = new RScript(); // hack! we need an instance of RScript to access hge
+ // if all ok, this object is used later to keep the script
+ data=hge->Resource_Load(sname, &size);
+ if(!data)
+ {
+ if(sp) sp->ScriptPostError("Script "," not found.");
+ else hge->System_Log("Script '%s' not found.",sname);
+ delete res_script;
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ script= new char[size+1];
+ memcpy(script, data, size);
+ script[size]=0;
+ hge->Resource_Free(data);
+ strcpy(res_script->name, sname);
+ AddRes(rm, RES_SCRIPT, res_script);
+ np = new RScriptParser(res_script->name, script);
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ np->get_token();
+ if(np->tokentype == TTEND) break;
+ else if(np->tokentype == TTRES_INCLUDE)
+ {
+ np->get_token();
+ RScript::Parse(rm, np, np->tkn_string(), NULL);
+ }
+ else if(np->tokentype > TTRES__FIRST && np->tokentype < TTRES__LAST)
+ {
+ restype=np->tokentype-TTRES__FIRST-1;
+ name[0]=basename[0]=0;
+ np->get_token();
+ if(FindRes(rm, restype, np->tkn_string()))
+ {
+ np->ScriptPostError("Resource "," of the same type already has been defined.");
+ while((np->tokentype <= TTRES__FIRST || np->tokentype >= TTRES__LAST) && np->tokentype != TTEND) np->get_token();
+ np->put_back();
+ continue;
+ }
+ strcpy(name, np->tkn_string());
+ np->get_token();
+ if(np->tokentype == TTBASED)
+ {
+ np->get_token();
+ if(!FindRes(rm, restype, np->tkn_string())) np->ScriptPostError("Base resource "," is not defined.");
+ else strcpy(basename, np->tkn_string());
+ np->get_token();
+ }
+ if(np->tokentype == TTOPENBLOCK)
+ {
+ switch(restype)
+ {
+ case RES_RESOURCE: RResource::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
+ case RES_TEXTURE: RTexture::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
+ case RES_EFFECT: REffect::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
+ case RES_TARGET: RTarget::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
+ case RES_SPRITE: RSprite::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
+ case RES_ANIMATION: RAnimation::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
+ case RES_FONT: RFont::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
+ case RES_PARTICLE: RParticle::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
+ case RES_DISTORT: RDistort::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
+ case RES_STRTABLE: RStringTable::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ np->ScriptPostError("Illegal resource syntax, "," found; '{' expected.");
+ while((np->tokentype <= TTRES__FIRST || np->tokentype >= TTRES__LAST) && np->tokentype != TTEND) np->get_token();
+ np->put_back();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ np->ScriptPostError("Unrecognized resource specificator ",".");
+ while((np->tokentype <= TTRES__FIRST || np->tokentype >= TTRES__LAST) && np->tokentype != TTEND) np->get_token();
+ np->put_back();
+ }
+ }
+ delete np;
+ delete[] script;
+ }
+ }
+ else sp->ScriptPostError("Script "," already has been parsed.");
+/////////////// RResource //
+void RResource::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
+ ScriptParseFileResource(rm, sp, name, basename, new RResource(), RES_RESOURCE);
+DWORD RResource::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
+ if(!handle) handle=(size_t)hge->Resource_Load(filename);
+ return handle;
+void RResource::Free()
+ if(handle) hge->Resource_Free((void *)handle);
+ handle=0;
+/////////////// RTexture //
+void RTexture::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
+ RTexture *rc, *base;
+ rc=new RTexture();
+ base = (RTexture *)FindRes(rm, RES_TEXTURE, basename);
+ if(base) *rc=*base;
+ else
+ {
+ rc->resgroup=0;
+ rc->mipmap=false;
+ }
+ rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
+ while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,false))
+ {
+ switch(sp->tokentype)
+ {
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ strcpy(rc->filename, sp->tkn_string());
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->mipmap=sp->tkn_bool();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ AddRes(rm, RES_TEXTURE, rc);
+DWORD RTexture::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
+ if(!handle) handle=(DWORD)hge->Texture_Load(filename, 0, mipmap);
+ return handle;
+void RTexture::Free()
+ if(handle) hge->Texture_Free((HTEXTURE)handle);
+ handle=0;
+/////////////// REffect //
+void REffect::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
+ ScriptParseFileResource(rm, sp, name, basename, new REffect(), RES_EFFECT);
+DWORD REffect::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
+ if(!handle) handle=(DWORD)hge->Effect_Load(filename);
+ return handle;
+void REffect::Free()
+ if(handle) hge->Effect_Free((HEFFECT)handle);
+ handle=0;
+/////////////// RTarget //
+void RTarget::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
+ RTarget *rc, *base;
+ rc = new RTarget();
+ base = (RTarget *)FindRes(rm, RES_TARGET, basename);
+ if(base) *rc=*base;
+ else
+ {
+ rc->resgroup=0;
+ rc->width=256;
+ rc->height=256;
+ rc->zbuffer=false;
+ }
+ rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
+ while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, false))
+ {
+ switch(sp->tokentype)
+ {
+ case TTPAR_SIZE:
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->width=sp->tkn_int();
+ sp->get_token();
+ sp->get_token();
+ rc->height=sp->tkn_int();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->zbuffer=sp->tkn_bool();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ AddRes(rm, RES_TARGET, rc);
+DWORD RTarget::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
+ if(!handle) handle=(DWORD)hge->Target_Create(width, height, zbuffer);
+ return handle;
+void RTarget::Free()
+ if(handle) hge->Target_Free((HTARGET)handle);
+ handle=0;
+/////////////// RSprite //
+void RSprite::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
+ RSprite *rc, *base;
+ rc = new RSprite();
+ base = (RSprite *)FindRes(rm, RES_SPRITE, basename);
+ if(base) *rc=*base;
+ else
+ {
+ rc->resgroup=0;
+ rc->texname[0]=0;
+ rc->tx=rc->ty=0;
+ rc->w=rc->h=0;
+ rc->hotx=rc->hoty=0;
+ rc->color=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ rc->z=0.5f;
+ rc->bXFlip=false;
+ rc->bYFlip=false;
+// rc->x=rc->y=0;
+// rc->scale=1.0f;
+// rc->rotation=0.0f;
+// rc->collision=HGECOL_RECT;
+ }
+ rc->handle=0;
+ strcpy(rc->name, name);
+ ScriptParseSpriteAnim(sp, rc, false);
+ AddRes(rm, RES_SPRITE, rc);
+DWORD RSprite::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
+ hgeSprite *spr;
+ if(!handle)
+ {
+ spr = new hgeSprite(rm->GetTexture(texname, resgroup), tx, ty, w, h);
+ spr->SetColor(color);
+ spr->SetZ(z);
+ spr->SetBlendMode(blend);
+ spr->SetHotSpot(hotx,hoty);
+ spr->SetFlip(bXFlip, bYFlip);
+// spr->MoveTo(x,y);
+// spr->SetScale(scale);
+// spr->SetRotation(rotation);
+// spr->SetCollisionType(collision);
+ handle=(size_t)spr;
+ }
+ return handle;
+void RSprite::Free()
+ if(handle) delete (hgeSprite *)handle;
+ handle=0;
+/////////////// RAnimation //
+void RAnimation::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
+ RAnimation *rc, *base;
+ rc = new RAnimation();
+ base = (RAnimation *)FindRes(rm, RES_ANIMATION, basename);
+ if(base) *rc=*base;
+ else
+ {
+ rc->resgroup=0;
+ rc->texname[0]=0;
+ rc->tx=rc->ty=0;
+ rc->w=rc->h=0;
+ rc->hotx=rc->hoty=0;
+ rc->color=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ rc->z=0.5f;
+ rc->bXFlip=false;
+ rc->bYFlip=false;
+// rc->x=rc->y=0;
+// rc->scale=1.0f;
+// rc->rotation=0.0f;
+// rc->collision=HGECOL_RECT;
+ rc->frames=1;
+ rc->fps=12.0f;
+ }
+ rc->handle=0;
+ strcpy(rc->name, name);
+ ScriptParseSpriteAnim(sp, rc, true);
+ AddRes(rm, RES_ANIMATION, rc);
+DWORD RAnimation::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
+ hgeAnimation *spr;
+ if(!handle)
+ {
+ spr = new hgeAnimation(rm->GetTexture(texname, resgroup), frames, fps, tx, ty, w, h);
+ spr->SetColor(color);
+ spr->SetZ(z);
+ spr->SetBlendMode(blend);
+ spr->SetHotSpot(hotx,hoty);
+ spr->SetFlip(bXFlip, bYFlip);
+// spr->MoveTo(x,y);
+// spr->SetScale(scale);
+// spr->SetRotation(rotation);
+// spr->SetCollisionType(collision);
+ spr->SetMode(mode);
+ handle=(size_t)spr;
+ }
+ return handle;
+void RAnimation::Free()
+ if(handle) delete (hgeAnimation *)handle;
+ handle=0;
+/////////////// RFont //
+void RFont::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
+ RFont *rc, *base;
+ rc = new RFont();
+ base = (RFont *)FindRes(rm, RES_FONT, basename);
+ if(base) *rc=*base;
+ else
+ {
+ rc->resgroup=0;
+ rc->mipmap=false;
+ rc->filename[0]=0;
+ rc->color=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ rc->z=0.5f;
+ rc->scale=1.0f;
+ rc->proportion=1.0f;
+ rc->tracking=0.0f;
+ rc->spacing=1.0f;
+ rc->rotation=0.0f;
+ }
+ rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
+ while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,false))
+ {
+ switch(sp->tokentype)
+ {
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ strcpy(rc->filename, sp->tkn_string());
+ break;
+ ScriptParseBlendMode(sp, &rc->blend);
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->color=sp->tkn_hex();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->z=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->scale=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->proportion=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->rotation=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->tracking=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->spacing=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->mipmap=sp->tkn_bool();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ AddRes(rm, RES_FONT, rc);
+DWORD RFont::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
+ hgeFont *fnt;
+ if(!handle)
+ {
+ fnt = new hgeFont(filename, mipmap);
+ fnt->SetColor(color);
+ fnt->SetZ(z);
+ fnt->SetBlendMode(blend);
+ fnt->SetScale(scale);
+ fnt->SetProportion(proportion);
+ fnt->SetTracking(tracking);
+ fnt->SetSpacing(spacing);
+ fnt->SetRotation(rotation);
+ handle=(size_t)fnt;
+ }
+ return handle;
+void RFont::Free()
+ if(handle) delete (hgeFont *)handle;
+ handle=0;
+/////////////// RParticle //
+void RParticle::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
+ RParticle *rc, *base;
+ rc = new RParticle();
+ base = (RParticle *)FindRes(rm, RES_PARTICLE, basename);
+ if(base) *rc=*base;
+ else
+ {
+ rc->resgroup=0;
+ rc->filename[0]=0;
+ rc->spritename[0]=0;
+ }
+ rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
+ while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, false))
+ {
+ switch(sp->tokentype)
+ {
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ strcpy(rc->filename, sp->tkn_string());
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ strcpy(rc->spritename, sp->tkn_string());
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ AddRes(rm, RES_PARTICLE, rc);
+DWORD RParticle::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
+ hgeParticleSystem *par;
+ if(!handle)
+ {
+ par = new hgeParticleSystem(filename, rm->GetSprite(spritename));
+ handle=(size_t)par;
+ }
+ return handle;
+void RParticle::Free()
+ if(handle) delete (hgeParticleSystem *)handle;
+ handle=0;
+/////////////// RDistort //
+void RDistort::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
+ RDistort *rc, *base;
+ rc = new RDistort();
+ base = (RDistort *)FindRes(rm, RES_DISTORT, basename);
+ if(base) *rc=*base;
+ else
+ {
+ rc->resgroup=0;
+ rc->texname[0]=0;
+ rc->tx=rc->ty=0;
+ rc->w=rc->h=0;
+ rc->cols=rc->rows=2;
+ rc->color=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ rc->z=0.5f;
+ }
+ rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
+ while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, false))
+ {
+ switch(sp->tokentype)
+ {
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ strcpy(rc->texname, sp->tkn_string());
+ break;
+ case TTPAR_RECT:
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->tx=sp->tkn_float();
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->ty=sp->tkn_float();
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->w=sp->tkn_float();
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->h=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ case TTPAR_MESH:
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->cols=sp->tkn_int();
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->rows=sp->tkn_int();
+ break;
+ ScriptParseBlendMode(sp, &rc->blend);
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->color=sp->tkn_hex();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->z=sp->tkn_float();
+ break;
+ sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
+ rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ AddRes(rm, RES_DISTORT, rc);
+DWORD RDistort::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
+ hgeDistortionMesh *dis;
+ if(!handle)
+ {
+ dis = new hgeDistortionMesh(cols, rows);
+ dis->SetTexture(rm->GetTexture(texname, resgroup));
+ dis->SetTextureRect(tx,ty,w,h);
+ dis->SetBlendMode(blend);
+ dis->Clear(color,z);
+ handle=(size_t)dis;
+ }
+ return handle;
+void RDistort::Free()
+ if(handle) delete (hgeDistortionMesh *)handle;
+ handle=0;
+/////////////// RStringTable //
+void RStringTable::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
+ ScriptParseFileResource(rm, sp, name, basename, new RStringTable(), RES_STRTABLE);
+DWORD RStringTable::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
+ if(!handle) handle = (size_t)new hgeStringTable(filename);
+ return handle;
+void RStringTable::Free()
+ if(handle) delete (hgeStringTable *)handle;
+ handle=0;
diff --git a/archive/hgehelp/resources.h b/archive/hgehelp/resources.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8be8384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/hgehelp/resources.h
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** hgeResourceManager resources header
+#include "hgeresource.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#define RES_SCRIPT 0
+#define RES_RESOURCE 1
+#define RES_TEXTURE 2
+#define RES_EFFECT 3
+#define RES_MUSIC 4
+#define RES_STREAM 5
+#define RES_TARGET 6
+#define RES_SPRITE 7
+#define RES_ANIMATION 8
+#define RES_FONT 9
+#define RES_PARTICLE 10
+#define RES_DISTORT 11
+#define RES_STRTABLE 12
+void AddRes(hgeResourceManager *rm, int type, ResDesc *resource);
+ResDesc* FindRes(hgeResourceManager *rm, int type, const char *name);
+struct RScript : public ResDesc
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm) {return 0;}
+ virtual void Free() {}
+struct RResource : public ResDesc
+ char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
+ virtual void Free();
+struct RTexture : public ResDesc
+ char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
+ bool mipmap;
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
+ virtual void Free();
+struct REffect : public ResDesc
+ char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
+ virtual void Free();
+struct RTarget : public ResDesc
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ bool zbuffer;
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
+ virtual void Free();
+struct RSprite : public ResDesc
+ char texname[MAXRESCHARS];
+ float tx, ty, w, h;
+ float hotx, hoty;
+ int blend;
+ DWORD color;
+ float z;
+ bool bXFlip, bYFlip;
+// float x,y;
+// float scale;
+// float rotation;
+// int collision;
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
+ virtual void Free();
+struct RAnimation : public RSprite
+ int frames;
+ float fps;
+ int mode;
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
+ virtual void Free();
+struct RFont : public ResDesc
+ char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
+ bool mipmap;
+ int blend;
+ DWORD color;
+ float z;
+ float scale;
+ float proportion;
+ float tracking;
+ float spacing;
+ float rotation;
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
+ virtual void Free();
+struct RParticle : public ResDesc
+ char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
+ char spritename[MAXRESCHARS];
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
+ virtual void Free();
+struct RDistort : public ResDesc
+ char texname[MAXRESCHARS];
+ float tx, ty, w, h;
+ int cols, rows;
+ int blend;
+ DWORD color;
+ float z;
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
+ virtual void Free();
+struct RStringTable : public ResDesc
+ char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
+ static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
+ virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
+ virtual void Free();