path: root/hge/CxImage/ximapng.cpp
diff options
authorGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-10-26 22:52:36 +0800
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-10-26 22:52:36 +0800
commit3bd383baf6a17e734329e1fc677c7e86283db772 (patch)
tree69a9148087577f797624ceb9c71323a2563d6bb4 /hge/CxImage/ximapng.cpp
parent543e4f570be9b279ba558ca61cc02cda251af384 (diff)
Added support for relative line numbers.
Added instructions for, brk and cont. (They are still untested...) Parser code cleanup. Removed garbage output to stderr. Reorganize the repository structure. Updated BLR2 code move it into archive. Added BLR1 files.
Diffstat (limited to 'hge/CxImage/ximapng.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 644 deletions
diff --git a/hge/CxImage/ximapng.cpp b/hge/CxImage/ximapng.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index db2f636..0000000
--- a/hge/CxImage/ximapng.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
- * File: ximapng.cpp
- * Purpose: Platform Independent PNG Image Class Loader and Writer
- * 07/Aug/2001 Davide Pizzolato - www.xdp.it
- * CxImage version 7.0.0 31/Dec/2010
- */
-#include "ximapng.h"
-#include "ximaiter.h"
-void CxImagePNG::ima_png_error(png_struct *png_ptr, char *message)
- strcpy(info.szLastError,message);
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1);
- longjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf, 1);
-void CxImagePNG::expand2to4bpp(uint8_t* prow)
- uint8_t *psrc,*pdst;
- uint8_t pos,idx;
- for(int32_t x=head.biWidth-1;x>=0;x--){
- psrc = prow + ((2*x)>>3);
- pdst = prow + ((4*x)>>3);
- pos = (uint8_t)(2*(3-x%4));
- idx = (uint8_t)((*psrc & (0x03<<pos))>>pos);
- pos = (uint8_t)(4*(1-x%2));
- *pdst &= ~(0x0F<<pos);
- *pdst |= (idx & 0x0F)<<pos;
- }
-bool CxImagePNG::Decode(CxFile *hFile)
- png_struct *png_ptr;
- png_info *info_ptr;
- uint8_t *row_pointers=NULL;
- CImageIterator iter(this);
- cx_try
- {
- /* Create and initialize the png_struct with the desired error handler
- * functions. If you want to use the default stderr and longjump method,
- * you can supply NULL for the last three parameters. We also supply the
- * the compiler header file version, so that we know if the application
- * was compiled with a compatible version of the library. REQUIRED */
- png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,(void *)NULL,NULL,NULL);
- if (png_ptr == NULL) cx_throw("Failed to create PNG structure");
- /* Allocate/initialize the memory for image information. REQUIRED. */
- info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
- if (info_ptr == NULL) {
- png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL, (png_infopp)NULL);
- cx_throw("Failed to initialize PNG info structure");
- }
- /* Set error handling if you are using the setjmp/longjmp method (this is
- * the normal method of doing things with libpng). REQUIRED unless you
- * set up your own error handlers in the png_create_read_struct() earlier. */
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
- if (setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
- /* Free all of the memory associated with the png_ptr and info_ptr */
- delete [] row_pointers;
- png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL);
- cx_throw("");
- }
- // use custom I/O functions
- png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, hFile, /*(png_rw_ptr)*/user_read_data);
- png_set_error_fn(png_ptr,info.szLastError,/*(png_error_ptr)*/user_error_fn,NULL);
- /* read the file information */
- png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
- png_uint_32 _width,_height;
- int _bit_depth,_color_type,_interlace_type,_compression_type,_filter_type;
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- png_get_IHDR(png_ptr,info_ptr,&_width,&_height,&_bit_depth,&_color_type,
- &_interlace_type,&_compression_type,&_filter_type);
- _width=info_ptr->width;
- _height=info_ptr->height;
- _bit_depth=info_ptr->bit_depth;
- _color_type=info_ptr->color_type;
- _interlace_type=info_ptr->interlace_type;
- //_compression_type=info_ptr->compression_type;
- //_filter_type=info_ptr->filter_type;
- if (info.nEscape == -1){
- head.biWidth = _width;
- head.biHeight= _height;
- info.dwType = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG;
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1);
- longjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf, 1);
- }
- /* calculate new number of channels */
- int32_t channels=0;
- switch(_color_type){
- channels = 1;
- break;
- channels = 2;
- break;
- channels = 3;
- break;
- channels = 4;
- break;
- default:
- strcpy(info.szLastError,"unknown PNG color type");
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1);
- longjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf, 1);
- }
- //find the right pixel depth used for cximage
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- int pixel_depth = _bit_depth * png_get_channels(png_ptr,info_ptr);
- int pixel_depth = info_ptr->pixel_depth;
- if (channels == 1 && pixel_depth>8) pixel_depth=8;
- if (channels == 2) pixel_depth=8;
- if (channels >= 3) pixel_depth=24;
- if (!Create(_width, _height, pixel_depth, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG)){
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1);
- longjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf, 1);
- }
- /* get metrics */
- png_uint_32 _x_pixels_per_unit,_y_pixels_per_unit;
- int _phys_unit_type;
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- png_get_pHYs(png_ptr,info_ptr,&_x_pixels_per_unit,&_y_pixels_per_unit,&_phys_unit_type);
- _x_pixels_per_unit=info_ptr->x_pixels_per_unit;
- _y_pixels_per_unit=info_ptr->y_pixels_per_unit;
- _phys_unit_type=info_ptr->phys_unit_type;
- switch (_phys_unit_type)
- {
- SetXDPI(_x_pixels_per_unit);
- SetYDPI(_y_pixels_per_unit);
- break;
- SetXDPI((long)floor(_x_pixels_per_unit * 254.0 / 10000.0 + 0.5));
- SetYDPI((long)floor(_y_pixels_per_unit * 254.0 / 10000.0 + 0.5));
- break;
- }
- int _num_palette;
- png_colorp _palette;
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- png_get_PLTE(png_ptr,info_ptr,&_palette,&_num_palette);
- _num_palette=info_ptr->num_palette;
- _palette=info_ptr->palette;
- if (_num_palette>0){
- SetPalette((rgb_color*)_palette,_num_palette);
- SetClrImportant(_num_palette);
- } else if (_bit_depth ==2) { //<DP> needed for 2 bpp grayscale PNGs
- SetPaletteColor(0,0,0,0);
- SetPaletteColor(1,85,85,85);
- SetPaletteColor(2,170,170,170);
- SetPaletteColor(3,255,255,255);
- } else SetGrayPalette(); //<DP> needed for grayscale PNGs
- int nshift = max(0,(_bit_depth>>3)-1)<<3;
- png_bytep _trans_alpha;
- int _num_trans;
- png_color_16p _trans_color;
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- png_get_tRNS(png_ptr,info_ptr,&_trans_alpha,&_num_trans,&_trans_color);
- _num_trans=info_ptr->num_trans;
- if (_num_trans!=0){ //palette transparency
- if (_num_trans==1){
- if (_color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE){
- info.nBkgndIndex = _trans_color->index;
- } else{
- info.nBkgndIndex = _trans_color->gray>>nshift;
- }
- }
- if (_num_trans>1){
- RGBQUAD* pal=GetPalette();
- if (pal){
- uint32_t ip;
- if(_trans_alpha != 0) {
- for (ip=0;ip<min(head.biClrUsed,(unsigned long)_num_trans);ip++)
- pal[ip].rgbReserved=_trans_alpha[ip];
- }
- for (ip=_num_trans;ip<head.biClrUsed;ip++){
- pal[ip].rgbReserved=255;
- }
- info.bAlphaPaletteEnabled=true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (channels == 3){ //check RGB binary transparency
- /* seems unnecessary to call again, but the conditional must be important so... */
- if (png_get_tRNS(png_ptr,info_ptr,&_trans_alpha,&_num_trans,&_trans_color)){
- info.nBkgndColor.rgbRed = (uint8_t)(_trans_color->red>>nshift);
- info.nBkgndColor.rgbGreen = (uint8_t)(_trans_color->green>>nshift);
- info.nBkgndColor.rgbBlue = (uint8_t)(_trans_color->blue>>nshift);
- info.nBkgndColor.rgbReserved = 0;
- info.nBkgndIndex = 0;
- }
- }
- int32_t alpha_present = (channels - 1) % 2;
- if (alpha_present){
- AlphaCreate();
- png_set_strip_alpha(png_ptr);
- }
- // <vho> - flip the RGB pixels to BGR (or RGBA to BGRA)
- if (_color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR){
- png_set_bgr(png_ptr);
- }
- // <vho> - handle cancel
- if (info.nEscape)
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1);
- longjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf, 1);
- // row_bytes is the width x number of channels x (bit-depth / 8)
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- row_pointers = new uint8_t[png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr,info_ptr) + 8];
- row_pointers = new uint8_t[info_ptr->rowbytes + 8];
- // turn on interlace handling
- int32_t number_passes = png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr);
- if (number_passes>1){
- SetCodecOption( (ENCODE_INTERLACE) | GetCodecOption(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG));
- } else {
- SetCodecOption(~(ENCODE_INTERLACE) & GetCodecOption(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG));
- }
- int chan_offset = _bit_depth >> 3;
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- int pixel_offset = (_bit_depth * png_get_channels(png_ptr,info_ptr)) >> 3;
- int pixel_offset = info_ptr->pixel_depth >> 3;
- for (int32_t pass=0; pass < number_passes; pass++) {
- iter.Upset();
- int32_t y=0;
- do {
- // <vho> - handle cancel
- if (info.nEscape)
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1);
- longjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf, 1);
- if (AlphaIsValid()) {
- //compute the correct position of the line
- int32_t ax,ay;
- ay = head.biHeight-1-y;
- uint8_t* prow= iter.GetRow(ay);
- //recover data from previous scan
- if (_interlace_type && pass>0 && pass!=7){
- for(ax=0;ax<head.biWidth;ax++){
- int32_t px = ax * pixel_offset;
- if (channels == 2){
- row_pointers[px] = prow[ax];
- row_pointers[px+chan_offset]=AlphaGet(ax,ay);
- } else {
- int32_t qx = ax * 3;
- row_pointers[px] =prow[qx];
- row_pointers[px+chan_offset] =prow[qx+1];
- row_pointers[px+chan_offset*2]=prow[qx+2];
- row_pointers[px+chan_offset*3]=AlphaGet(ax,ay);
- }
- }
- }
- //read next row
- png_read_row(png_ptr, row_pointers, NULL);
- //RGBA -> RGB + A
- for(ax=0;ax<head.biWidth;ax++){
- int32_t px = ax * pixel_offset;
- if (channels == 2){
- prow[ax] = row_pointers[px];
- AlphaSet(ax,ay,row_pointers[px+chan_offset]);
- } else {
- int32_t qx = ax * 3;
- prow[qx] =row_pointers[px];
- prow[qx+1]=row_pointers[px+chan_offset];
- prow[qx+2]=row_pointers[px+chan_offset*2];
- AlphaSet(ax,ay,row_pointers[px+chan_offset*3]);
- }
- }
- } else
-#endif // CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA // vho
- {
- //recover data from previous scan
- if (_interlace_type && pass>0){
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- iter.GetRow(row_pointers, png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr,info_ptr));
- iter.GetRow(row_pointers, info_ptr->rowbytes);
- //re-expand buffer for images with bit depth > 8
- if (_bit_depth > 8){
- for(int32_t ax=(head.biWidth*channels-1);ax>=0;ax--)
- row_pointers[ax*chan_offset] = row_pointers[ax];
- }
- }
- //read next row
- png_read_row(png_ptr, row_pointers, NULL);
- //shrink 16 bit depth images down to 8 bits
- if (_bit_depth > 8){
- for(int32_t ax=0;ax<(head.biWidth*channels);ax++)
- row_pointers[ax] = row_pointers[ax*chan_offset];
- }
- //copy the pixels
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 10399
- iter.SetRow(row_pointers, png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr,info_ptr));
- iter.SetRow(row_pointers, info_ptr->rowbytes);
- //<DP> expand 2 bpp images only in the last pass
- if (_bit_depth==2 && pass==(number_passes-1))
- expand2to4bpp(iter.GetRow());
- //go on
- iter.PrevRow();
- }
- y++;
- } while(y<head.biHeight);
- }
- delete [] row_pointers;
- row_pointers = NULL;
- /* read the rest of the file, getting any additional chunks in info_ptr - REQUIRED */
- png_read_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
- /* clean up after the read, and free any memory allocated - REQUIRED */
- png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL);
- } cx_catch {
- if (strcmp(message,"")) strncpy(info.szLastError,message,255);
- if (info.nEscape == -1 && info.dwType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG) return true;
- return false;
- }
- /* that's it */
- return true;
-bool CxImagePNG::Encode(CxFile *hFile)
- if (EncodeSafeCheck(hFile)) return false;
- CImageIterator iter(this);
- uint8_t trans[256]; //for transparency (don't move)
- png_struct *png_ptr;
- png_info *info_ptr;
- cx_try
- {
- /* Create and initialize the png_struct with the desired error handler
- * functions. If you want to use the default stderr and longjump method,
- * you can supply NULL for the last three parameters. We also check that
- * the library version is compatible with the one used at compile time,
- * in case we are using dynamically linked libraries. REQUIRED.
- */
- png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,(void *)NULL,NULL,NULL);
- if (png_ptr == NULL) cx_throw("Failed to create PNG structure");
- /* Allocate/initialize the image information data. REQUIRED */
- info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
- if (info_ptr == NULL){
- png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL);
- cx_throw("Failed to initialize PNG info structure");
- }
- /* Set error handling. REQUIRED if you aren't supplying your own
- * error hadnling functions in the png_create_write_struct() call.
- */
- if (setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf)){
- /* If we get here, we had a problem reading the file */
- if (info_ptr->palette) free(info_ptr->palette);
- png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)&info_ptr);
- cx_throw("Error saving PNG file");
- }
- /* set up the output control */
- //png_init_io(png_ptr, hFile);
- // use custom I/O functions
- png_set_write_fn(png_ptr,hFile,/*(png_rw_ptr)*/user_write_data,/*(png_flush_ptr)*/user_flush_data);
- /* set the file information here */
- info_ptr->width = GetWidth();
- info_ptr->height = GetHeight();
- info_ptr->pixel_depth = (uint8_t)GetBpp();
- info_ptr->channels = (GetBpp()>8) ? (uint8_t)3: (uint8_t)1;
- info_ptr->bit_depth = (uint8_t)(GetBpp()/info_ptr->channels);
- info_ptr->compression_type = info_ptr->filter_type = 0;
- info_ptr->valid = 0;
- // set interlace type
- DWORD codec_opt = GetCodecOption(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG);
- if (codec_opt & CxImagePNG::ENCODE_INTERLACE)
- info_ptr->interlace_type = PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7;
- else
- info_ptr->interlace_type = PNG_INTERLACE_NONE;
- /* set compression level */
- int32_t compress_level;
- switch (codec_opt & CxImagePNG::ENCODE_COMPRESSION_MASK)
- {
- compress_level = Z_NO_COMPRESSION;
- break;
- compress_level = Z_BEST_SPEED;
- break;
- compress_level = Z_BEST_COMPRESSION;
- break;
- default:
- compress_level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
- break;
- }
- png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, compress_level);
- bool bGrayScale = IsGrayScale();
- if (GetNumColors()){
- if (bGrayScale){
- info_ptr->color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY;
- } else {
- info_ptr->color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE;
- }
- } else {
- info_ptr->color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
- }
- if (AlphaIsValid()){
- info_ptr->color_type |= PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA;
- info_ptr->channels++;
- info_ptr->bit_depth = 8;
- info_ptr->pixel_depth += 8;
- }
- /* set background */
- png_color_16 image_background={ 0, 255, 255, 255, 0 };
- RGBQUAD tc = GetTransColor();
- if (info.nBkgndIndex>=0) {
- image_background.blue = tc.rgbBlue;
- image_background.green = tc.rgbGreen;
- image_background.red = tc.rgbRed;
- }
- png_set_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &image_background);
- /* set metrics */
- png_set_pHYs(png_ptr, info_ptr, head.biXPelsPerMeter, head.biYPelsPerMeter, PNG_RESOLUTION_METER);
- png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, info_ptr->width, info_ptr->height, info_ptr->bit_depth,
- info_ptr->color_type, info_ptr->interlace_type,
- //<DP> simple transparency
- if (info.nBkgndIndex >= 0){
- info_ptr->num_trans = 1;
- info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_tRNS;
- info_ptr->trans_alpha = trans;
- info_ptr->trans_color.index = (uint8_t)info.nBkgndIndex;
- info_ptr->trans_color.red = tc.rgbRed;
- info_ptr->trans_color.green = tc.rgbGreen;
- info_ptr->trans_color.blue = tc.rgbBlue;
- info_ptr->trans_color.gray = info_ptr->trans_color.index;
- // the transparency indexes start from 0 for non grayscale palette
- if (!bGrayScale && head.biClrUsed && info.nBkgndIndex)
- SwapIndex(0,(uint8_t)info.nBkgndIndex);
- }
- /* set the palette if there is one */
- if (GetPalette()){
- if (!bGrayScale){
- info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_PLTE;
- }
- int32_t nc = GetClrImportant();
- if (nc==0) nc = GetNumColors();
- if (info.bAlphaPaletteEnabled){
- for(uint16_t ip=0; ip<nc;ip++)
- trans[ip]=GetPaletteColor((uint8_t)ip).rgbReserved;
- info_ptr->num_trans = (uint16_t)nc;
- info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_tRNS;
- info_ptr->trans_alpha = trans;
- }
- // copy the palette colors
- info_ptr->palette = new png_color[nc];
- info_ptr->num_palette = (png_uint_16) nc;
- for (int32_t i=0; i<nc; i++)
- GetPaletteColor(i, &info_ptr->palette[i].red, &info_ptr->palette[i].green, &info_ptr->palette[i].blue);
- }
- //Merge the transparent color with the alpha channel
- if (AlphaIsValid() && head.biBitCount==24 && info.nBkgndIndex>=0){
- for(int32_t y=0; y < head.biHeight; y++){
- for(int32_t x=0; x < head.biWidth ; x++){
- RGBQUAD c=GetPixelColor(x,y,false);
- if (*(int32_t*)&c==*(int32_t*)&tc)
- AlphaSet(x,y,0);
- } } }
-#endif // CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA // <vho>
- int32_t row_size = max(info.dwEffWidth, info_ptr->width*info_ptr->channels*(info_ptr->bit_depth/8));
- info_ptr->rowbytes = row_size;
- uint8_t *row_pointers = new uint8_t[row_size];
- /* write the file information */
- png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
- //interlace handling
- int32_t num_pass = png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr);
- for (int32_t pass = 0; pass < num_pass; pass++){
- //write image
- iter.Upset();
- int32_t ay=head.biHeight-1;
- do {
- if (AlphaIsValid()){
- for (int32_t ax=head.biWidth-1; ax>=0;ax--){
- c = BlindGetPixelColor(ax,ay);
- int32_t px = ax * info_ptr->channels;
- if (!bGrayScale){
- row_pointers[px++]=c.rgbRed;
- row_pointers[px++]=c.rgbGreen;
- }
- row_pointers[px++]=c.rgbBlue;
- row_pointers[px] = AlphaGet(ax,ay);
- }
- png_write_row(png_ptr, row_pointers);
- ay--;
- }
- else
-#endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA // <vho>
- {
- iter.GetRow(row_pointers, row_size);
- if (info_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) //HACK BY OP
- RGBtoBGR(row_pointers, row_size);
- png_write_row(png_ptr, row_pointers);
- }
- } while(iter.PrevRow());
- }
- delete [] row_pointers;
- row_pointers = NULL;
- //if necessary, restore the original palette
- if (!bGrayScale && head.biClrUsed && info.nBkgndIndex>0)
- SwapIndex((uint8_t)info.nBkgndIndex,0);
- /* It is REQUIRED to call this to finish writing the rest of the file */
- png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
- /* if you malloced the palette, free it here */
- if (info_ptr->palette){
- delete [] (info_ptr->palette);
- info_ptr->palette = NULL;
- }
- /* clean up after the write, and free any memory allocated */
- png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)&info_ptr);
- } cx_catch {
- if (strcmp(message,"")) strncpy(info.szLastError,message,255);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* that's it */
- return TRUE;