path: root/hge/hge_impl.h
diff options
authorGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-10-26 22:52:36 +0800
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-10-26 22:52:36 +0800
commit3bd383baf6a17e734329e1fc677c7e86283db772 (patch)
tree69a9148087577f797624ceb9c71323a2563d6bb4 /hge/hge_impl.h
parent543e4f570be9b279ba558ca61cc02cda251af384 (diff)
Added support for relative line numbers.
Added instructions for, brk and cont. (They are still untested...) Parser code cleanup. Removed garbage output to stderr. Reorganize the repository structure. Updated BLR2 code move it into archive. Added BLR1 files.
Diffstat (limited to 'hge/hge_impl.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 416 deletions
diff --git a/hge/hge_impl.h b/hge/hge_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf42c2f..0000000
--- a/hge/hge_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.8
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** Common core implementation header
-#ifndef HGE_IMPL_UNIX_H
-#define HGE_IMPL_UNIX_H
-#include "unix_compat.h"
-#include "hge.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include "SDL/SDL.h"
-#define GL_GLEXT_LEGACY 1
-#include "gl.h"
-#ifndef WINGDIAPI
-#define WINGDIAPI
-#ifndef APIENTRY
-#define APIENTRY
-#ifndef APIENTRYP
-#define GL_PROC(ext,fn,call,ret,params) typedef call ret (APIENTRYP _HGE_PFN_##fn) params;
-#include "hge_glfuncs.h"
-#undef GL_PROC
-class COpenGLDevice
- #define GL_PROC(ext,fn,call,ret,params) _HGE_PFN_##fn fn;
- #include "hge_glfuncs.h"
- #undef GL_PROC
- GLenum TextureTarget; // texture rectangle vs (npot) 2D.
- bool have_base_opengl;
- bool have_GL_ARB_texture_rectangle;
- bool have_GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two;
- bool have_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object;
- bool have_GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc;
- bool have_GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object;
- bool have_GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422;
-#define VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE 4000
-struct gltexture; // used internally.
-struct CRenderTargetList
- int width;
- int height;
- GLuint depth;
- GLuint frame;
- CRenderTargetList* next;
-struct CTextureList
- int width;
- int height;
- CTextureList* next;
-struct CResourceList
- char filename[_MAX_PATH];
- char password[64];
- CResourceList* next;
-struct CStreamList
- HSTREAM hstream;
- void* data;
- CStreamList* next;
-struct CInputEventList
- hgeInputEvent event;
- CInputEventList* next;
-void DInit();
-void DDone();
-bool DFrame();
-** HGE Interface implementation
-class HGE_Impl : public HGE
- virtual void CALL Release();
- virtual bool CALL System_Initiate();
- virtual void CALL System_Shutdown();
- virtual bool CALL System_Start();
- virtual void CALL System_SetStateBool (hgeBoolState state, bool value);
- virtual void CALL System_SetStateFunc (hgeFuncState state, hgeCallback value);
- virtual void CALL System_SetStateHwnd (hgeHwndState state, HWND value);
- virtual void CALL System_SetStateInt (hgeIntState state, int value);
- virtual void CALL System_SetStateString(hgeStringState state, const char *value);
- virtual bool CALL System_GetStateBool (hgeBoolState );
- virtual hgeCallback CALL System_GetStateFunc (hgeFuncState );
- virtual HWND CALL System_GetStateHwnd (hgeHwndState );
- virtual int CALL System_GetStateInt (hgeIntState );
- virtual const char* CALL System_GetStateString(hgeStringState);
- virtual const char* CALL System_GetErrorMessage();
- virtual void CALL System_Log(const char *format, ...);
- virtual bool CALL System_Launch(const char *url);
- virtual void CALL System_Snapshot(const char *filename=0);
- virtual void* CALL Resource_Load(const char *filename, DWORD *size=0);
- virtual void CALL Resource_Free(void *res);
- virtual bool CALL Resource_AttachPack(const char *filename, const char *password=0);
- virtual void CALL Resource_RemovePack(const char *filename);
- virtual void CALL Resource_RemoveAllPacks();
- virtual char* CALL Resource_MakePath(const char *filename=0);
- virtual char* CALL Resource_EnumFiles(const char *wildcard=0);
- virtual char* CALL Resource_EnumFolders(const char *wildcard=0);
- virtual void CALL Ini_SetInt(const char *section, const char *name, int value);
- virtual int CALL Ini_GetInt(const char *section, const char *name, int def_val);
- virtual void CALL Ini_SetFloat(const char *section, const char *name, float value);
- virtual float CALL Ini_GetFloat(const char *section, const char *name, float def_val);
- virtual void CALL Ini_SetString(const char *section, const char *name, const char *value);
- virtual char* CALL Ini_GetString(const char *section, const char *name, const char *def_val);
- virtual void CALL Random_Seed(int seed=0);
- virtual int CALL Random_Int(int min, int max);
- virtual float CALL Random_Float(float min, float max);
- virtual float CALL Timer_GetTime();
- virtual float CALL Timer_GetDelta();
- virtual int CALL Timer_GetFPS();
- virtual float CALL Timer_GetFPSf();
- virtual HEFFECT CALL Effect_Load(const char *filename, DWORD size=0);
- virtual void CALL Effect_Free(HEFFECT eff);
- virtual HCHANNEL CALL Effect_Play(HEFFECT eff);
- virtual HCHANNEL CALL Effect_PlayEx(HEFFECT eff, float volume=1.0, float pan=0.0, float pitch=1.0f, bool loop=false);
- virtual HMUSIC CALL Music_Load(const char *filename, DWORD size=0);
- virtual void CALL Music_Free(HMUSIC mus);
- virtual HCHANNEL CALL Music_Play(HMUSIC mus, bool loop, int volume = 100, int order = 0, int row = 0);
- virtual void CALL Music_SetAmplification(HMUSIC music, int ampl);
- virtual int CALL Music_GetAmplification(HMUSIC music);
- virtual int CALL Music_GetLength(HMUSIC music);
- virtual void CALL Music_SetPos(HMUSIC music, int order, int row);
- virtual bool CALL Music_GetPos(HMUSIC music, int *order, int *row);
- virtual void CALL Music_SetInstrVolume(HMUSIC music, int instr, int volume);
- virtual int CALL Music_GetInstrVolume(HMUSIC music, int instr);
- virtual void CALL Music_SetChannelVolume(HMUSIC music, int channel, int volume);
- virtual int CALL Music_GetChannelVolume(HMUSIC music, int channel);
- virtual HSTREAM CALL Stream_Load(const char *filename, DWORD size=0);
- virtual void CALL Stream_Free(HSTREAM stream);
- virtual HCHANNEL CALL Stream_Play(HSTREAM stream, bool loop, int volume = 100);
- virtual void CALL Channel_SetPanning(HCHANNEL chn, float pan);
- virtual void CALL Channel_SetVolume(HCHANNEL chn, float volume);
- virtual void CALL Channel_SetPitch(HCHANNEL chn, float pitch);
- virtual void CALL Channel_Pause(HCHANNEL chn);
- virtual void CALL Channel_Resume(HCHANNEL chn);
- virtual void CALL Channel_Stop(HCHANNEL chn);
- virtual void CALL Channel_PauseAll();
- virtual void CALL Channel_ResumeAll();
- virtual void CALL Channel_StopAll();
- virtual bool CALL Channel_IsPlaying(HCHANNEL chn);
- virtual float CALL Channel_GetLength(HCHANNEL chn);
- virtual float CALL Channel_GetPos(HCHANNEL chn);
- virtual void CALL Channel_SetPos(HCHANNEL chn, float fSeconds);
- virtual int CALL Channel_GetPos_BySample(HCHANNEL chn);
- virtual void CALL Channel_SetPos_BySample(HCHANNEL chn, int iSample);
- virtual void CALL Channel_SlideTo(HCHANNEL channel, float time, int volume, int pan = -101, float pitch = -1);
- virtual bool CALL Channel_IsSliding(HCHANNEL channel);
- virtual void CALL Input_GetMousePos(float *x, float *y);
- virtual void CALL Input_SetMousePos(float x, float y);
- virtual int CALL Input_GetMouseWheel();
- virtual bool CALL Input_IsMouseOver();
- virtual bool CALL Input_KeyDown(int key);
- virtual bool CALL Input_KeyUp(int key);
- virtual bool CALL Input_GetKeyState(int key);
- virtual int CALL Input_GetKeyStateEx(int key);
- virtual const char* CALL Input_GetKeyName(int key);
- virtual int CALL Input_GetKey();
- virtual int CALL Input_GetChar();
- virtual bool CALL Input_GetEvent(hgeInputEvent *event);
- virtual bool CALL Gfx_BeginScene(HTARGET target=0);
- virtual void CALL Gfx_EndScene();
- virtual void CALL Gfx_Clear(DWORD color);
- virtual void CALL Gfx_RenderLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, DWORD color=0xFFFFFFFF, float z=0.5f);
- virtual void CALL Gfx_RenderTriple(const hgeTriple *triple);
- virtual void CALL Gfx_RenderQuad(const hgeQuad *quad);
- virtual hgeVertex* CALL Gfx_StartBatch(int prim_type, HTEXTURE tex, int blend, int *max_prim);
- virtual void CALL Gfx_FinishBatch(int nprim);
- virtual void CALL Gfx_SetClipping(int x=0, int y=0, int w=0, int h=0);
- virtual void CALL Gfx_SetTransform(float x=0, float y=0, float dx=0, float dy=0, float rot=0, float hscale=0, float vscale=0);
- virtual HTARGET CALL Target_Create(int width, int height, bool zbuffer);
- virtual void CALL Target_Free(HTARGET target);
- virtual HTEXTURE CALL Target_GetTexture(HTARGET target);
- virtual HTEXTURE CALL Texture_Create(int width, int height);
- virtual HTEXTURE CALL Texture_Load(const char *filename, DWORD size=0, bool bMipmap=false);
- virtual void CALL Texture_Free(HTEXTURE tex);
- virtual int CALL Texture_GetWidth(HTEXTURE tex, bool bOriginal=false);
- virtual int CALL Texture_GetHeight(HTEXTURE tex, bool bOriginal=false);
- virtual DWORD* CALL Texture_Lock(HTEXTURE tex, bool bReadOnly=true, int left=0, int top=0, int width=0, int height=0);
- virtual void CALL Texture_Unlock(HTEXTURE tex);
- bool CALL HGEEXT_Texture_PushYUV422(HTEXTURE tex, const BYTE *yuv);
- //////// Implementation ////////
- static HGE_Impl* _Interface_Get();
- void _FocusChange(bool bAct);
- void _PostError(const char *error);
- // ini ...
- void _LoadIniFile(const char *fname);
- const char* _BuildProfilePath(const char *section, const char *name, const char *szIniFile);
- bool _WritePrivateProfileString(const char *section, const char *name, const char *buf, const char *szIniFile);
- bool _GetPrivateProfileString(const char *section, const char *name, const char *deflt, char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *szIniFile);
- long MacOSXVersion;
- HWND hwnd;
- bool bActive;
- char szError[256];
- char szAppPath[_MAX_PATH];
- char szIniString[256];
- // System States
- bool (*procFrameFunc)();
- bool (*procRenderFunc)();
- bool (*procFocusLostFunc)();
- bool (*procFocusGainFunc)();
- bool (*procGfxRestoreFunc)();
- bool (*procExitFunc)();
- const char* szIcon;
- char szWinTitle[256];
- int nScreenWidth;
- int nScreenHeight;
- int nOrigScreenWidth;
- int nOrigScreenHeight;
- int nScreenBPP;
- bool bWindowed;
- bool bVsync;
- bool bZBuffer;
- bool bTextureFilter;
- char szIniFile[_MAX_PATH];
- char szLogFile[_MAX_PATH];
- bool bUseSound;
- int nSampleRate;
- int nFXVolume;
- int nMusVolume;
- int nStreamVolume;
- int nHGEFPS;
- bool bHideMouse;
- bool bDontSuspend;
- HWND hwndParent;
- bool bForceTextureCompression;
- GLuint IndexBufferObject;
- bool _PrimsOutsideClipping(const hgeVertex *v, const int verts);
- bool bTransforming;
- int clipX;
- int clipY;
- int clipW;
- int clipH;
-// #ifdef DEMO
- bool bDMO;
-// #endif
- // Power
- int nPowerStatus;
- void _InitPowerStatus();
- void _UpdatePowerStatus();
- void _DonePowerStatus();
- // Graphics
- COpenGLDevice* pOpenGLDevice; // GL entry points, dynamically loaded.
- hgeVertex* pVB; // vertex buffer is a client-side array in the OpenGL renderer.
- GLushort* pIB; // index buffer is a client-side array in the OpenGL renderer.
- CRenderTargetList* pTargets;
- CRenderTargetList* pCurTarget;
- //D3DXMATRIX matView;
- //D3DXMATRIX matProj;
- CTextureList* textures;
- hgeVertex* VertArray;
- int nPrim;
- int CurPrimType;
- int CurBlendMode;
- HTEXTURE CurTexture;
- bool _HaveOpenGLExtension(const char *extlist, const char *ext);
- void _UnloadOpenGLEntryPoints();
- bool _LoadOpenGLEntryPoints();
- bool _GfxInit();
- void _GfxDone();
- bool _GfxRestore();
- void _AdjustWindow();
- void _Resize(int width, int height);
- bool _init_lost();
- void _render_batch(bool bEndScene=false);
- void _SetTextureFilter();
- void _ConfigureTexture(gltexture *t, int width, int height, DWORD *pixels);
- void _BindTexture(gltexture *t);
- bool _BuildTarget(CRenderTargetList *pTarget, GLuint texname, int width, int height, bool zbuffer);
- HTEXTURE _BuildTexture(int width, int height, DWORD *pixels);
- //int _format_id(D3DFORMAT fmt);
- void _SetBlendMode(int blend);
- void _SetProjectionMatrix(int width, int height);
- int _flipSDLSurface(int pitch, int height, void* image_pixels);
- // Audio
- void* hBass;
- void* hOpenAL;
- bool bSilent;
- CStreamList* streams;
- bool _SoundInit();
- void _SoundDone();
- void _SetMusVolume(int vol);
- void _SetStreamVolume(int vol);
- void _SetFXVolume(int vol);
- // Input
- int VKey;
- int Char;
- int Zpos;
- float Xpos;
- float Ypos;
- SDLMod keymods;
- bool bMouseOver;
- bool bCaptured;
- char keyz[256];
- bool keylast[256];
- CInputEventList* queue;
- void _UpdateMouse();
- void _InputInit();
- void _ClearQueue();
- void _BuildEvent(int type, int key, int scan, int flags, int x, int y);
- bool _ProcessSDLEvent(const SDL_Event &e);
- // Resources
- char szTmpFilename[_MAX_PATH];
- CResourceList* res;
- bool _WildcardMatch(const char *str, const char *wildcard);
- bool _PrepareFileEnum(const char *wildcard);
- char* _DoEnumIteration(const bool wantdir);
- DIR* hSearch;
- char szSearchDir[_MAX_PATH];
- char szSearchWildcard[_MAX_PATH];
- char szSearchResult[_MAX_PATH];
- // Timer
- float fTime;
- float fDeltaTime;
- float fUpdateFPSDelay;
- float nFPSf;
- DWORD nFixedDelta;
- int nFPS;
- int Fcnt;
- DWORD t0, t0fps, dt;
- int cfps;
- HGE_Impl();
- void _MacMinimizeWindow();
- void _MacHideOtherWindows();
- void _MacHideWindow();
- #endif
-extern HGE_Impl* pHGE;
-#endif // include-once blocker
-// end of hg_impl_unix.h ...