path: root/global.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'global.h')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/global.h b/global.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f71df6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/global.h
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+//Chrisoft Bullet Lab Remix HGE
+//Global varibles and implementations
+//"Copyleft" Chrisoft 2013
+#include <hge.h>
+#include <hgefont.h>
+#include <hgegui.h>
+#define MaxRes 80
+#define Resd 20.0f
+HGE *hge=0;
+hgeQuad quad;
+hgeGUI *gui;
+hgeFont *fnt;
+hgeSprite *spr,*titlespr;
+//Here are some Varibles in Bullet Lab
+int Current_Position;//Where are we now.
+0: main menu
+1: game scene
+2: tip scene
+3: start menu
+4: about scene
+5: death scene
+6: complete scene
+7: new highscore scene
+8: highscore scene
+9: highscore view scene
+10: highscore details scene
+11: Pause scene
+12: BackToTitle Confirm
+13: Options scene
+14: Player Profile scene
+HTEXTURE SprSheet,TexTitle,TexCredits;
+Texture Mapping:
+Bullet Blue 0,0,24,24
+Bullet Dark Blue 24,0,24,24
+Bullet Green 48,0,24,24
+Bullet Orange 72,0,24,24
+Bullet Pnt 96,0,24,24
+Bullet Purple 120,0,24,24
+Bullet Red 144,0,24,24
+Bullet White 168,0,24,24
+Bullet Yellow 192,0,24,24
+Cursor 216,0,24,24
+Player 0,24,24,24
+Tower Blue 0,48,44,44
+Tower Dark Blue 0,92,44,44
+Tower Green 0,136,44,44
+Tower Orange 0,180,44,44
+Tower Purple 48,24,44,44
+Tower Red 92,24,44,44
+Tower White 136,24,44,44
+Tower Yellow 180,24,44,44
+Target 63,71,193,193
+Laser Module 0,264,248,8
+Ribbon Module 151,264,2,8
+Multiplier"+1" 0,272,48,48
+"Multiplier bonus!" 0,235,163,21
+const double zero=1e-5;
+vector2d playerpos;
+bool playerLockX,playerLockY;
+bool DisableAllTower=false;
+bool DisablePlayer=false;
+bool LOWFPS=false,diffkey=false;
+inline double GetDist(vector2d,vector2d);
+struct Bullet
+ hgeSprite *bulletspr;
+ vector2d bulletpos;
+ vector2d bulletdir;
+ double dist;
+ int bullettype;
+ int redexplo,redattrib,oriexplo,whicnt;
+ //In Orange bullets
+ //redattrib also serves as oraattrib to determine if they will explode or change direction
+ //redexplo also serves as orange explo
+ //yelbrk serves as direction-change timer
+ //whicnt describes how much one will explode into (into an exactly circle)
+ double bulletspeed;
+ double bulletaccel,limv;
+ bool exist;
+ int whirem,whiskp,yelbrk;
+ int exp1,exp2;
+ int lifetime;
+ bool scollable;
+ double scale;int effbrk;
+ void redir(vector2d targ)
+ {
+ bulletdir.x=bulletpos.x-targ.x;
+ bulletdir.y=bulletpos.y-targ.y;
+ dist=bulletdir.x*bulletdir.x+bulletdir.y*bulletdir.y;
+ dist=sqrt(dist);
+ }
+ void setdir(double rad)
+ {
+ bulletdir.x=cos(rad);
+ bulletdir.y=sin(rad);
+ dist=1;
+ }
+//Something about bullets:
+//1: dir-based green bullet
+//2: degree-based blue bullet (for clocks only)
+//3: 12direction-based blue bullet
+//4: yellow chaser bullet
+//5: purple slow down bullet
+//6: red exploding bullet
+//7: white stalled bullet
+//8: Orange Redir bullet
+//9: dark Blue bullet
+//254: Semi-collision effect
+//255: Score point
+struct Tower
+ hgeSprite *towerspr;
+ vector2d towerpos;
+ int towertype;
+ int towertimer,curtimer;
+ int towertimer2,curtimer2,shotcount,curshotcount;
+ vector2d tdir;
+ bool dblstate;
+ double bulletspeed;
+ int redexplo,whicnt,yelbrk;
+ int exp1,exp2;
+ int t3t;
+ bool exist,effect;
+ double offset;
+//t3t is for Tower3
+//0:All 12 directions
+//1:four default directions
+//2:random left/right
+//3:random up/down
+struct Target{
+ hgeSprite *targspr;
+ vector2d targpos,targdir;
+ double rot,rotspd;
+ bool isonshow,isonhide,visible;
+ void Init(double _rotspd,vector2d ipos)
+ {
+ targspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet,63,71,193,193);
+ targspr->SetHotSpot(96.5f,96.5f);
+ rotspd=_rotspd;
+ rot=0;
+ targpos=ipos;
+ }
+ void TargShow()
+ {
+ if (!visible)
+ isonshow=true,isonhide=false,visible=true;
+ }
+ void TargHide()
+ {
+ if (visible)
+ isonhide=true,isonshow=false;
+ }
+ void TargShowProc()
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ for (int i=1;i<=17;++i)
+ targspr->SetColor(targspr->GetColor()+0x01000000);
+ else
+ targspr->SetColor(targspr->GetColor()+0x01000000);
+ if (GETA(targspr->GetColor())>=0x80)
+ isonshow=isonhide=false;
+ }
+ void TargHideProc()
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ for (int i=1;i<=17;++i)
+ targspr->SetColor(targspr->GetColor()-0x01000000);
+ else
+ targspr->SetColor(targspr->GetColor()-0x01000000);
+ if (GETA(targspr->GetColor())==0x00)
+ isonshow=isonhide=visible=false;
+ }
+ void TargFollowPlayer()
+ {
+ double curspd=0.01f;
+ if (GetDist(playerpos,targpos)>1)curspd=0.02f;
+ if (GetDist(playerpos,targpos)>2)curspd=0.1f;
+ if (GetDist(playerpos,targpos)>5)curspd=0.5f;
+ if (GetDist(playerpos,targpos)>10)curspd=0.75f;
+ if (GetDist(playerpos,targpos)>20)curspd=1.0f;
+ if (GetDist(playerpos,targpos)>30)curspd=2.0f;
+ if (GetDist(playerpos,targpos)>40)curspd=5.0f;
+ targdir.x=targpos.x-playerpos.x;
+ targdir.y=targpos.y-playerpos.y;
+ double dist=sqr(targdir.x)+sqr(targdir.y);
+ dist=sqrt(dist);
+ if (dist<1e-4)return;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ targpos.x-=targdir.x/dist*curspd*17/20,
+ targpos.y-=targdir.y/dist*curspd*17/20;
+ else
+ targpos.x-=targdir.x/dist*curspd/20,
+ targpos.y-=targdir.y/dist*curspd/20;
+ }
+ void TargGoto(vector2d pos)
+ {
+ double curspd=0.01f;
+ if (GetDist(pos,targpos)>1)curspd=0.02f;
+ if (GetDist(pos,targpos)>2)curspd=0.1f;
+ if (GetDist(pos,targpos)>5)curspd=0.5f;
+ if (GetDist(pos,targpos)>10)curspd=0.75f;
+ if (GetDist(pos,targpos)>20)curspd=1.0f;
+ if (GetDist(pos,targpos)>30)curspd=2.0f;
+ if (GetDist(pos,targpos)>40)curspd=5.0f;
+ targdir.x=targpos.x-pos.x;
+ targdir.y=targpos.y-pos.y;
+ double dist=sqr(targdir.x)+sqr(targdir.y);
+ dist=sqrt(dist);
+ if (dist<1e-4)return;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ targpos.x-=targdir.x/dist*curspd*17/20,
+ targpos.y-=targdir.y/dist*curspd*17/20;
+ else
+ targpos.x-=targdir.x/dist*curspd/20,
+ targpos.y-=targdir.y/dist*curspd/20;
+ }
+ void TargRender()
+ {
+ if (isonshow)TargShowProc();if(isonhide)TargHideProc();
+ targspr->RenderEx(targpos.x+7,targpos.y+7,rot,0.8);
+ if (!DisableAllTower)
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ rot+=17*rotspd;
+ else
+ rot+=rotspd;
+ }
+int bulcnt=0,towcnt=0,linecnt=0;
+double playerrot;
+double playerspeed;
+double playerslospeed;
+double playerfulspd=0.2;
+double playerfulslospd=0.05;
+double clockrot,deltarot,deltadelta;
+double whirot,dwhirot;
+hgeSprite *playerspr;
+int frameleft,infofade;
+int level,part,clrtime,clrbns;
+int coll,semicoll,mode,dsmc,restarts;
+double clrrange,clrrad,clrmaxrange,clrind;
+hgeSprite *clrcircle;
+bool IfCallLevel;
+bool Dis8ref;
+int frameskips=0,stepskips=0;
+bool IfShowTip=false,FadeTip=false;
+hgeFont *TipFont;
+char lasttip[200];
+int p2t1,p2t2,p2t3,p2t4;
+int whicnt,whrcnt,shots,clrusg;
+bool yelattrib;
+bool Complete=false;
+bool Refliction=false;
+double linerad=0;
+double bsscale;
+long long score,scminus;
+int mult,multbrk,multbat;
+int frms;double averfps;
+int plrspd,plrslospd;
+int TenSeconds=10000,TwentySeconds=20000,ThirtySeconds=30000,AMinute=60000;
+int Infinity=999999999;
+int effskp=0;
+hgeSprite *Credits,*CreditsRail;
+int creditsp;double creditfly,creditacc,credbrk;
+bool credstop,creddone;
+bool tfs;
+int fpslvl,clrmode;
+static const char* GLOBAL_H_FN="global.h";
+void Throw(char *Filename,char *Info)
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n",Filename,Info);
+ hge->System_Log("%s: %s\n",Filename,Info);
+void Error(char EC[],bool hgecreated=false)
+#ifndef WIN32
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",EC);
+ MessageBox(NULL,EC,"Error!",MB_ICONERROR);
+ if (hgecreated)
+ {
+ hge->System_Shutdown();
+ hge->Release();
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ remove("./Resources/bg.png");
+ remove("./Resources/blnsns.png");
+ remove("./Resources/charmap.fnt");
+ remove("./Resources/ss.png");
+ remove("./Resources/title.png");
+ remove("./Resources/credits.png");
+ remove("./Resources/b_leaves.png");
+ remove("./Resources/e_leaf.png");
+ remove("./Resources/tap.ogg");
+ remove("./Resources/Music/BLR2_TR01.ogg");
+ remove("./Resources/Music/BLR2_TR07.ogg");
+ remove("./Resources/Music/BLR2_TR09.ogg");
+ _rmdir("./Resources/Music");
+ _rmdir("./Resources");
+ exit(0);
+void ShowTip(char *tip)
+ if (strcmp(tip,lasttip)!=0)
+ {
+ TipFont->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ }
+ memcpy(lasttip,tip,sizeof(lasttip));
+ DisableAllTower=true;
+ DisablePlayer=true;
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyStateEx(HGEK_Z)==HGEKST_HIT)
+ {
+ //DisableAllTower=false;
+ //DisablePlayer=false;
+ //Current_Position=1;
+ FadeTip=true;
+ }
+ double width=TipFont->GetStringWidth(tip);
+ TipFont->printf(400-width/2,400,HGETEXT_LEFT,tip);
+ if (FadeTip)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (TipFont->GetColor()>>24>=0x08)
+ TipFont->SetColor(TipFont->GetColor()-0x8000000);
+ else
+ {
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ DisablePlayer=false;
+ Current_Position=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (TipFont->GetColor()>>24>=0x01)
+ TipFont->SetColor(TipFont->GetColor()-0x1000000);
+ else
+ {
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ DisablePlayer=false;
+ Current_Position=1;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (TipFont->GetColor()>>24<=0xFE)
+ TipFont->SetColor(TipFont->GetColor()+0x01000000);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (TipFont->GetColor()>>24<=0xF7)
+ TipFont->SetColor(TipFont->GetColor()+0x08000000);
+ }
+void ClearAll(bool cbullet=true)
+ DisableAllTower=true;
+ bool none=true;
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist)continue;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24>=0x08)
+ {
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()-0x8000000);
+ none=false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24>=0x01)
+ {
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()-0x1000000);
+ none=false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (none)
+ {
+ towcnt=0;
+ memset(tower,0,sizeof(tower));
+ }
+ if (cbullet)
+ {
+ none=true;
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()>>24>=0x08)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()-0x8000000);
+ none=false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()>>24>=0x01)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()-0x1000000);
+ none=false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (none)
+ {
+ bulcnt=0;
+ memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ }
+ none=true;
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)if (bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()>>24>=0x3F){none=false;break;}
+ if (none)
+ bulcnt=0,memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ }
+void SaySomethingAndBye(char *text)
+ ClearAll();
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip(text);
+ return;
+ }
+ Current_Position=0;
+ towcnt=bulcnt=0;
+ memset(tower,0,sizeof(tower));
+ memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ gui->Enter();
+DWORD ColTrans(DWORD src,DWORD dsr,DWORD speed)
+ DWORD sr=GETR(src),sg=GETG(src),sb=GETB(src);
+ DWORD dr=GETR(dsr),dg=GETG(dsr),db=GETB(dsr);
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=17;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ {
+ if (llabs(sr-dr)<speed)dr=sr;
+ else
+ sr-=(sr-dr)/llabs(sr-dr)*speed;
+ if (llabs(sg-dg)<speed)dg=sg;
+ else
+ sg-=(sg-dg)/llabs(sg-dg)*speed;
+ if (llabs(sb-db)<speed)db=sb;
+ else
+ sb-=(sb-db)/llabs(sb-db)*speed;
+ }
+ return ARGB(0xFF,sr,sg,sb);