path: root/hge/CxImage/ximage.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 537 deletions
diff --git a/hge/CxImage/ximage.cpp b/hge/CxImage/ximage.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 904b807..0000000
--- a/hge/CxImage/ximage.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-// ximage.cpp : main implementation file
-/* 07/08/2001 v1.00 - Davide Pizzolato - www.xdp.it
- * CxImage version 7.0.0 31/Dec/2010
- */
-#include "ximage.h"
-// CxImage
- * Initialize the internal structures
- */
-void CxImage::Startup(uint32_t imagetype)
- //init pointers
- pDib = pSelection = pAlpha = NULL;
- ppLayers = ppFrames = NULL;
- //init structures
- memset(&head,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- memset(&info,0,sizeof(CXIMAGEINFO));
- //init default attributes
- info.dwType = imagetype;
- info.fQuality = 90.0f;
- info.nAlphaMax = 255;
- info.nBkgndIndex = -1;
- info.bEnabled = true;
- info.nJpegScale = 1;
- int16_t test = 1;
- info.bLittleEndianHost = (*((char *) &test) == 1);
- * Empty image constructor
- * \param imagetype: (optional) set the image format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS
- */
-CxImage::CxImage(uint32_t imagetype)
- Startup(imagetype);
- * Call this function to destroy image pixels, alpha channel, selection and sub layers.
- * - Attributes are not erased, but IsValid returns false.
- *
- * \return true if everything is freed, false if the image is a Ghost
- */
-bool CxImage::Destroy()
- //free this only if it's valid and it's not a ghost
- if (info.pGhost==NULL){
- if (ppLayers) {
- for(int32_t n=0; n<info.nNumLayers;n++){ delete ppLayers[n]; }
- delete [] ppLayers; ppLayers=0; info.nNumLayers = 0;
- }
- if (pSelection) {free(pSelection); pSelection=0;}
- if (pAlpha) {free(pAlpha); pAlpha=0;}
- if (pDib) {free(pDib); pDib=0;}
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool CxImage::DestroyFrames()
- if (info.pGhost==NULL) {
- if (ppFrames) {
- for (int32_t n=0; n<info.nNumFrames; n++) { delete ppFrames[n]; }
- delete [] ppFrames; ppFrames = NULL; info.nNumFrames = 0;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- * Sized image constructor
- * \param dwWidth: width
- * \param dwHeight: height
- * \param wBpp: bit per pixel, can be 1, 4, 8, 24
- * \param imagetype: (optional) set the image format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS
- */
-CxImage::CxImage(uint32_t dwWidth, uint32_t dwHeight, uint32_t wBpp, uint32_t imagetype)
- Startup(imagetype);
- Create(dwWidth,dwHeight,wBpp,imagetype);
- * image constructor from existing source
- * \param src: source image.
- * \param copypixels: copy the pixels from the source image into the new image.
- * \param copyselection: copy the selection from source
- * \param copyalpha: copy the alpha channel from source
- * \sa Copy
- */
-CxImage::CxImage(const CxImage &src, bool copypixels, bool copyselection, bool copyalpha)
- Startup(src.GetType());
- Copy(src,copypixels,copyselection,copyalpha);
- * Copies the image from an exsisting source
- * \param src: source image.
- * \param copypixels: copy the pixels from the source image into the new image.
- * \param copyselection: copy the selection from source
- * \param copyalpha: copy the alpha channel from source
- */
-void CxImage::Copy(const CxImage &src, bool copypixels, bool copyselection, bool copyalpha)
- // if the source is a ghost, the copy is still a ghost
- if (src.info.pGhost){
- Ghost(&src);
- return;
- }
- //copy the attributes
- memcpy(&info,&src.info,sizeof(CXIMAGEINFO));
- memcpy(&head,&src.head,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); // [andy] - fix for bitmap header DPI
- //rebuild the image
- Create(src.GetWidth(),src.GetHeight(),src.GetBpp(),src.GetType());
- //copy the pixels and the palette, or at least copy the palette only.
- if (copypixels && pDib && src.pDib) memcpy(pDib,src.pDib,GetSize());
- else SetPalette(src.GetPalette());
- int32_t nSize = head.biWidth * head.biHeight;
- //copy the selection
- if (copyselection && src.pSelection){
- if (pSelection) free(pSelection);
- pSelection = (uint8_t*)malloc(nSize);
- memcpy(pSelection,src.pSelection,nSize);
- }
- //copy the alpha channel
- if (copyalpha && src.pAlpha){
- if (pAlpha) free(pAlpha);
- pAlpha = (uint8_t*)malloc(nSize);
- memcpy(pAlpha,src.pAlpha,nSize);
- }
- * Copies the image attributes from an existing image.
- * - Works only on an empty image, and the image will be still empty.
- * - <b> Use it before Create() </b>
- */
-void CxImage::CopyInfo(const CxImage &src)
- if (pDib==NULL) memcpy(&info,&src.info,sizeof(CXIMAGEINFO));
- * \sa Copy
- */
-CxImage& CxImage::operator = (const CxImage& isrc)
- if (this != &isrc) Copy(isrc);
- return *this;
- * Initializes or rebuilds the image.
- * \param dwWidth: width
- * \param dwHeight: height
- * \param wBpp: bit per pixel, can be 1, 4, 8, 24
- * \param imagetype: (optional) set the image format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS
- * \return pointer to the internal pDib object; NULL if an error occurs.
- */
-void* CxImage::Create(uint32_t dwWidth, uint32_t dwHeight, uint32_t wBpp, uint32_t imagetype)
- // destroy the existing image (if any)
- if (!Destroy())
- return NULL;
- // prevent further actions if width or height are not vaild <Balabasnia>
- if ((dwWidth == 0) || (dwHeight == 0)){
- strcpy(info.szLastError,"CxImage::Create : width and height must be greater than zero");
- return NULL;
- }
- // Make sure bits per pixel is valid
- if (wBpp <= 1) wBpp = 1;
- else if (wBpp <= 4) wBpp = 4;
- else if (wBpp <= 8) wBpp = 8;
- else wBpp = 24;
- // limit memory requirements
- if ((((float)dwWidth*(float)dwHeight*(float)wBpp)/8.0f) > (float)CXIMAGE_MAX_MEMORY)
- {
- strcpy(info.szLastError,"CXIMAGE_MAX_MEMORY exceeded");
- return NULL;
- }
- // set the correct bpp value
- switch (wBpp){
- case 1:
- head.biClrUsed = 2; break;
- case 4:
- head.biClrUsed = 16; break;
- case 8:
- head.biClrUsed = 256; break;
- default:
- head.biClrUsed = 0;
- }
- //set the common image informations
- info.dwEffWidth = ((((wBpp * dwWidth) + 31) / 32) * 4);
- info.dwType = imagetype;
- // initialize BITMAPINFOHEADER
- head.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); //<ralphw>
- head.biWidth = dwWidth; // fill in width from parameter
- head.biHeight = dwHeight; // fill in height from parameter
- head.biPlanes = 1; // must be 1
- head.biBitCount = (uint16_t)wBpp; // from parameter
- head.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- head.biSizeImage = info.dwEffWidth * dwHeight;
-// head.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; See SetXDPI
-// head.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; See SetYDPI
-// head.biClrImportant = 0; See SetClrImportant
- pDib = malloc(GetSize()); // alloc memory block to store our bitmap
- if (!pDib){
- strcpy(info.szLastError,"CxImage::Create can't allocate memory");
- return NULL;
- }
- //clear the palette
- RGBQUAD* pal=GetPalette();
- if (pal) memset(pal,0,GetPaletteSize());
- //Destroy the existing selection
- if (pSelection) SelectionDelete();
- //Destroy the existing alpha channel
- if (pAlpha) AlphaDelete();
- // use our bitmap info structure to fill in first part of
- // our DIB with the BITMAPINFOHEADER
- lpbi = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(pDib);
- *lpbi = head;
- info.pImage=GetBits();
- return pDib; //return handle to the DIB
- * \return pointer to the image pixels. <b> USE CAREFULLY </b>
- */
-uint8_t* CxImage::GetBits(uint32_t row)
- if (pDib){
- if (row) {
- if (row<(uint32_t)head.biHeight){
- return ((uint8_t*)pDib + *(uint32_t*)pDib + GetPaletteSize() + (info.dwEffWidth * row));
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- } else {
- return ((uint8_t*)pDib + *(uint32_t*)pDib + GetPaletteSize());
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- * \return the size in bytes of the internal pDib object
- */
-int32_t CxImage::GetSize()
- return head.biSize + head.biSizeImage + GetPaletteSize();
- * Checks if the coordinates are inside the image
- * \return true if x and y are both inside the image
- */
-bool CxImage::IsInside(int32_t x, int32_t y)
- return (0<=y && y<head.biHeight && 0<=x && x<head.biWidth);
- * Sets the image bits to the specified value
- * - for indexed images, the output color is set by the palette entries.
- * - for RGB images, the output color is a shade of gray.
- */
-void CxImage::Clear(uint8_t bval)
- if (pDib == 0) return;
- if (GetBpp() == 1){
- if (bval > 0) bval = 255;
- }
- if (GetBpp() == 4){
- bval = (uint8_t)(17*(0x0F & bval));
- }
- memset(info.pImage,bval,head.biSizeImage);
- * Transfers the image from an existing source image. The source becomes empty.
- * \return true if everything is ok
- */
-bool CxImage::Transfer(CxImage &from, bool bTransferFrames /*=true*/)
- if (!Destroy())
- return false;
- memcpy(&head,&from.head,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- memcpy(&info,&from.info,sizeof(CXIMAGEINFO));
- pDib = from.pDib;
- pSelection = from.pSelection;
- pAlpha = from.pAlpha;
- ppLayers = from.ppLayers;
- memset(&from.head,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- memset(&from.info,0,sizeof(CXIMAGEINFO));
- from.pDib = from.pSelection = from.pAlpha = NULL;
- from.ppLayers = NULL;
- if (bTransferFrames){
- DestroyFrames();
- ppFrames = from.ppFrames;
- from.ppFrames = NULL;
- }
- return true;
- * (this) points to the same pDib owned by (*from), the image remains in (*from)
- * but (this) has the access to the pixels. <b>Use carefully !!!</b>
- */
-void CxImage::Ghost(const CxImage *from)
- if (from){
- memcpy(&head,&from->head,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- memcpy(&info,&from->info,sizeof(CXIMAGEINFO));
- pDib = from->pDib;
- pSelection = from->pSelection;
- pAlpha = from->pAlpha;
- ppLayers = from->ppLayers;
- ppFrames = from->ppFrames;
- info.pGhost=(CxImage *)from;
- }
- * turns a 16 or 32 bit bitfield image into a RGB image
- */
-void CxImage::Bitfield2RGB(uint8_t *src, uint32_t redmask, uint32_t greenmask, uint32_t bluemask, uint8_t bpp)
- switch (bpp){
- case 16:
- {
- uint32_t ns[3]={0,0,0};
- // compute the number of shift for each mask
- for (int32_t i=0;i<16;i++){
- if ((redmask>>i)&0x01) ns[0]++;
- if ((greenmask>>i)&0x01) ns[1]++;
- if ((bluemask>>i)&0x01) ns[2]++;
- }
- ns[1]+=ns[0]; ns[2]+=ns[1]; ns[0]=8-ns[0]; ns[1]-=8; ns[2]-=8;
- // dword aligned width for 16 bit image
- int32_t effwidth2=(((head.biWidth + 1) / 2) * 4);
- uint16_t w;
- int32_t y2,y3,x2,x3;
- uint8_t *p=info.pImage;
- // scan the buffer in reverse direction to avoid reallocations
- for (int32_t y=head.biHeight-1; y>=0; y--){
- y2=effwidth2*y;
- y3=info.dwEffWidth*y;
- for (int32_t x=head.biWidth-1; x>=0; x--){
- x2 = 2*x+y2;
- x3 = 3*x+y3;
- w = (uint16_t)(src[x2]+256*src[1+x2]);
- p[ x3]=(uint8_t)((w & bluemask)<<ns[0]);
- p[1+x3]=(uint8_t)((w & greenmask)>>ns[1]);
- p[2+x3]=(uint8_t)((w & redmask)>>ns[2]);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 32:
- {
- uint32_t ns[3]={0,0,0};
- // compute the number of shift for each mask
- for (int32_t i=8;i<32;i+=8){
- if (redmask>>i) ns[0]++;
- if (greenmask>>i) ns[1]++;
- if (bluemask>>i) ns[2]++;
- }
- // dword aligned width for 32 bit image
- int32_t effwidth4 = head.biWidth * 4;
- int32_t y4,y3,x4,x3;
- uint8_t *p=info.pImage;
- // scan the buffer in reverse direction to avoid reallocations
- for (int32_t y=head.biHeight-1; y>=0; y--){
- y4=effwidth4*y;
- y3=info.dwEffWidth*y;
- for (int32_t x=head.biWidth-1; x>=0; x--){
- x4 = 4*x+y4;
- x3 = 3*x+y3;
- p[ x3]=src[ns[2]+x4];
- p[1+x3]=src[ns[1]+x4];
- p[2+x3]=src[ns[0]+x4];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- * Creates an image from a generic buffer
- * \param pArray: source memory buffer
- * \param dwWidth: image width
- * \param dwHeight: image height
- * \param dwBitsperpixel: can be 1,4,8,24,32
- * \param dwBytesperline: line alignment, in bytes, for a single row stored in pArray
- * \param bFlipImage: tune this parameter if the image is upsidedown
- * \return true if everything is ok
- */
-bool CxImage::CreateFromArray(uint8_t* pArray,uint32_t dwWidth,uint32_t dwHeight,uint32_t dwBitsperpixel, uint32_t dwBytesperline, bool bFlipImage)
- if (pArray==NULL) return false;
- if (!((dwBitsperpixel==1)||(dwBitsperpixel==4)||(dwBitsperpixel==8)||
- (dwBitsperpixel==24)||(dwBitsperpixel==32))) return false;
- if (!Create(dwWidth,dwHeight,dwBitsperpixel)) return false;
- if (dwBitsperpixel<24) SetGrayPalette();
- if (dwBitsperpixel==32) AlphaCreate();
- uint8_t *dst,*src;
- for (uint32_t y = 0; y<dwHeight; y++) {
- dst = info.pImage + (bFlipImage?(dwHeight-1-y):y) * info.dwEffWidth;
- src = pArray + y * dwBytesperline;
- if (dwBitsperpixel==32){
- for(uint32_t x=0;x<dwWidth;x++){
- *dst++=src[0];
- *dst++=src[1];
- *dst++=src[2];
- AlphaSet(x,(bFlipImage?(dwHeight-1-y):y),src[3]);
- src+=4;
- }
- } else {
- memcpy(dst,src,min(info.dwEffWidth,dwBytesperline));
- }
- }
- return true;
- * \sa CreateFromArray
- */
-bool CxImage::CreateFromMatrix(uint8_t** ppMatrix,uint32_t dwWidth,uint32_t dwHeight,uint32_t dwBitsperpixel, uint32_t dwBytesperline, bool bFlipImage)
- if (ppMatrix==NULL) return false;
- if (!((dwBitsperpixel==1)||(dwBitsperpixel==4)||(dwBitsperpixel==8)||
- (dwBitsperpixel==24)||(dwBitsperpixel==32))) return false;
- if (!Create(dwWidth,dwHeight,dwBitsperpixel)) return false;
- if (dwBitsperpixel<24) SetGrayPalette();
- if (dwBitsperpixel==32) AlphaCreate();
- uint8_t *dst,*src;
- for (uint32_t y = 0; y<dwHeight; y++) {
- dst = info.pImage + (bFlipImage?(dwHeight-1-y):y) * info.dwEffWidth;
- src = ppMatrix[y];
- if (src){
- if (dwBitsperpixel==32){
- for(uint32_t x=0;x<dwWidth;x++){
- *dst++=src[0];
- *dst++=src[1];
- *dst++=src[2];
- AlphaSet(x,(bFlipImage?(dwHeight-1-y):y),src[3]);
- src+=4;
- }
- } else {
- memcpy(dst,src,min(info.dwEffWidth,dwBytesperline));
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- * \return lightness difference between elem1 and elem2
- */
-int32_t CxImage::CompareColors(const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
- RGBQUAD* c1 = (RGBQUAD*)elem1;
- RGBQUAD* c2 = (RGBQUAD*)elem2;
- int32_t g1 = (int32_t)RGB2GRAY(c1->rgbRed,c1->rgbGreen,c1->rgbBlue);
- int32_t g2 = (int32_t)RGB2GRAY(c2->rgbRed,c2->rgbGreen,c2->rgbBlue);
- return (g1-g2);
- * simply calls "if (memblock) free(memblock);".
- * Useful when calling Encode for a memory buffer,
- * from a DLL compiled with different memory management options.
- * CxImage::FreeMemory will use the same memory environment used by Encode.
- * \author [livecn]
- */
-void CxImage::FreeMemory(void* memblock)
- if (memblock)
- free(memblock);