path: root/hge/CxImage/ximajas.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'hge/CxImage/ximajas.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/hge/CxImage/ximajas.cpp b/hge/CxImage/ximajas.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 788e204..0000000
--- a/hge/CxImage/ximajas.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
- * File: ximajas.cpp
- * Purpose: Platform Independent JasPer Image Class Loader and Writer
- * 12/Apr/2003 Davide Pizzolato - www.xdp.it
- * CxImage version 7.0.0 31/Dec/2010
- */
-#include "ximajas.h"
-bool CxImageJAS::Decode(CxFile *hFile, uint32_t imagetype)
- if (hFile == NULL) return false;
- jas_image_t *image=0;
- jas_stream_t *in=0;
- jas_matrix_t **bufs=0;
- int32_t i,error=0;
- int32_t fmt;
- //jas_setdbglevel(0);
- cx_try
- {
- if (jas_init())
- cx_throw("cannot initialize jasper");
- in = jas_stream_fdopen(0, "rb");
- if (!in)
- cx_throw("error: cannot open standard input");
- CxFileJas src(hFile,in);
- fmt = jas_image_getfmt(in);
- if (fmt<0)
- cx_throw("error: unknowm format");
- image = jas_image_decode(in, fmt, 0);
- if (!image){
- fmt = -1;
- cx_throw("error: cannot load image data");
- }
- char szfmt[4];
- *szfmt = '\0';
- strncpy(szfmt,jas_image_fmttostr(fmt),3);
- szfmt[3] = '\0';
- fmt = -1;
- if (strcmp(szfmt,"jp2")==0) fmt = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JP2;
- if (strcmp(szfmt,"jpc")==0) fmt = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPC;
- if (strcmp(szfmt,"ras")==0) fmt = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAS;
- if (strcmp(szfmt,"pnm")==0) fmt = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNM;
- if (strcmp(szfmt,"pgx")==0) fmt = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PGX;
- //if (fmt<0)
- // cx_throw("error: unknowm format");
- int32_t x,y,w,h,depth,cmptno;
- w = jas_image_cmptwidth(image,0);
- h = jas_image_cmptheight(image,0);
- depth = jas_image_cmptprec(image,0);
- if (info.nEscape == -1){
- head.biWidth = w;
- head.biHeight= h;
- info.dwType = fmt<0 ? 0 : fmt;
- cx_throw("output dimensions returned");
- }
- if (image->numcmpts_ > 64 || image->numcmpts_ < 0)
- cx_throw("error: too many components");
- // <LD> 01/Jan/2005: Always force conversion to sRGB. Seems to be required for many types of JPEG2000 file.
- // if (depth!=1 && depth!=4 && depth!=8)
- if (image->numcmpts_>=3 && depth <=8)
- {
- jas_image_t *newimage;
- jas_cmprof_t *outprof;
- //jas_eprintf("forcing conversion to sRGB\n");
- outprof = jas_cmprof_createfromclrspc(JAS_CLRSPC_SRGB);
- if (!outprof) {
- cx_throw("cannot create sRGB profile");
- }
- newimage = jas_image_chclrspc(image, outprof, JAS_CMXFORM_INTENT_PER);
- if (!newimage) {
- jas_cmprof_destroy(outprof); // <LD> 01/Jan/2005: Destroy color profile on error.
- cx_throw("cannot convert to sRGB");
- }
- jas_image_destroy(image);
- jas_cmprof_destroy(outprof);
- image = newimage;
- }
- bufs = (jas_matrix_t **)calloc(image->numcmpts_, sizeof(jas_matrix_t**));
- for (i = 0; i < image->numcmpts_; ++i) {
- bufs[i] = jas_matrix_create(1, w);
- if (!bufs[i]) {
- cx_throw("error: cannot allocate memory");
- }
- }
- int32_t nshift = (depth>8) ? (depth-8) : 0;
- if (image->numcmpts_==3 &&
- image->cmpts_[0]->width_ == image->cmpts_[1]->width_ &&
- image->cmpts_[1]->width_ == image->cmpts_[2]->width_ &&
- image->cmpts_[0]->height_ == image->cmpts_[1]->height_ &&
- image->cmpts_[1]->height_ == image->cmpts_[2]->height_ &&
- image->cmpts_[0]->prec_ == image->cmpts_[1]->prec_ &&
- image->cmpts_[1]->prec_ == image->cmpts_[2]->prec_ )
- {
- if(!Create(w,h,24,fmt))
- cx_throw("");
- for (y=0; y<h; y++) {
- for (cmptno = 0; cmptno < image->numcmpts_; ++cmptno) {
- jas_image_readcmpt(image, cmptno, 0, y, w, 1, bufs[cmptno]);
- }
- for (x=0; x<w; x++){
- c.rgbRed = (uint8_t)((jas_matrix_getv(bufs[0], x)>>nshift));
- c.rgbGreen = (uint8_t)((jas_matrix_getv(bufs[1], x)>>nshift));
- c.rgbBlue = (uint8_t)((jas_matrix_getv(bufs[2], x)>>nshift));
- SetPixelColor(x,h-1-y,c);
- }
- }
- } else {
- info.nNumFrames = image->numcmpts_;
- if ((info.nFrame<0)||(info.nFrame>=info.nNumFrames)){
- cx_throw("wrong frame!");
- }
- for (cmptno=0; cmptno<=info.nFrame; cmptno++) {
- w = jas_image_cmptwidth(image,cmptno);
- h = jas_image_cmptheight(image,cmptno);
- depth = jas_image_cmptprec(image,cmptno);
- if (depth>8) depth=8;
- if(!Create(w,h,depth,imagetype))
- cx_throw("");
- SetGrayPalette();
- for (y=0; y<h; y++) {
- jas_image_readcmpt(image, cmptno, 0, y, w, 1, bufs[0]);
- for (x=0; x<w; x++){
- SetPixelIndex(x,h-1-y,(uint8_t)((jas_matrix_getv(bufs[0], x)>>nshift)));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } cx_catch {
- if (strcmp(message,"")) strncpy(info.szLastError,message,255);
- if (info.nEscape == -1 && fmt>0){
- error = 0;
- } else {
- error = 1;
- }
- }
- if (bufs) {
- for (i = 0; i < image->numcmpts_; ++i){ if (bufs[i]) jas_matrix_destroy(bufs[i]);}
- free(bufs);
- }
- jas_cleanup();
- if (image) jas_image_destroy(image);
- if (in) jas_stream_close(in);
- return (error==0);
-bool CxImageJAS::Encode(CxFile * hFile, uint32_t imagetype)
- if (EncodeSafeCheck(hFile)) return false;
- if (head.biClrUsed!=0 && !IsGrayScale()){
- strcpy(info.szLastError,"JasPer can save only RGB or GrayScale images");
- return false;
- }
- jas_image_t *image=0;
- jas_stream_t *out=0;
- jas_matrix_t *cmpts[3];
- int32_t x,y,yflip,error=0;
- uint_fast16_t cmptno, numcmpts=0;
- jas_image_cmptparm_t cmptparms[3], *cmptparm;
- cx_try {
- if (jas_init())
- cx_throw("cannot initialize jasper");
- out = jas_stream_fdopen(0, "wb");
- if (!out)
- cx_throw("error: cannot open standard output");
- CxFileJas src(hFile,out);
- numcmpts = head.biClrUsed==0 ? 3 : 1;
- for (cmptno = 0, cmptparm = cmptparms; cmptno < numcmpts; ++cmptno, ++cmptparm) {
- cmptparm->tlx = 0;
- cmptparm->tly = 0;
- cmptparm->hstep = 1;
- cmptparm->vstep = 1;
- cmptparm->width = head.biWidth;
- cmptparm->height = head.biHeight;
- cmptparm->prec = 8;
- cmptparm->sgnd = false;
- }
- /* Create image object. */
- image = jas_image_create(numcmpts, cmptparms, JAS_CLRSPC_UNKNOWN);
- if (!image)
- cx_throw("error : jas_image_create");
- if (numcmpts == 3) {
- jas_image_setclrspc(image, JAS_CLRSPC_SRGB);
- jas_image_setcmpttype(image, 0,
- jas_image_setcmpttype(image, 1,
- jas_image_setcmpttype(image, 2,
- } else {
- jas_image_setclrspc(image, JAS_CLRSPC_SGRAY);
- jas_image_setcmpttype(image, 0,
- }
- for (x = 0; x < numcmpts; ++x) { cmpts[x] = 0; }
- /* Create temporary matrices to hold component data. */
- for (x = 0; x < numcmpts; ++x) {
- cmpts[x] = jas_matrix_create(1, head.biWidth);
- if (!cmpts[x]) {
- cx_throw("error : can't allocate memory");
- }
- }
- for (y = 0; y < head.biHeight; ++y) {
- for (x = 0; x < head.biWidth; ++x) {
- if (head.biClrUsed==0){
- c = GetPixelColor(x,y);
- jas_matrix_setv(cmpts[0], x, c.rgbRed);
- jas_matrix_setv(cmpts[1], x, c.rgbGreen);
- jas_matrix_setv(cmpts[2], x, c.rgbBlue);
- } else {
- jas_matrix_setv(cmpts[0], x, GetPixelIndex(x,y));
- }
- }
- yflip = head.biHeight - 1 - y;
- for (cmptno = 0; cmptno < numcmpts; ++cmptno) {
- if (jas_image_writecmpt(image, cmptno, 0, yflip, head.biWidth, 1, cmpts[cmptno])) {
- cx_throw("error : jas_image_writecmpt");
- }
- }
- }
- char szfmt[4];
- *szfmt = '\0';
- if (imagetype == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JP2) strcpy(szfmt,"jp2");
- if (imagetype == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPC) strcpy(szfmt,"jpc");
- if (imagetype == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAS) strcpy(szfmt,"ras");
- if (imagetype == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNM) strcpy(szfmt,"pnm");
- if (imagetype == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PGX){
- strcpy(szfmt,"pgx");
- if (head.biClrUsed==0) cx_throw("PGX can save only GrayScale images");
- }
- int32_t outfmt = jas_image_strtofmt(szfmt);
- char szoutopts[32];
- sprintf(szoutopts,"rate=%.3f", info.fQuality/100.0f);
- if (jas_image_encode(image, out, outfmt, szoutopts)) {
- cx_throw("error: cannot encode image");
- }
- jas_stream_flush(out);
- } cx_catch {
- if (strcmp(message,"")) strncpy(info.szLastError,message,255);
- error = 1;
- }
- for (x = 0; x < numcmpts; ++x) { if (cmpts[x]) { jas_matrix_destroy(cmpts[x]); } }
- jas_cleanup();
- if (image) jas_image_destroy(image);
- if (out) jas_stream_close(out);
- return (error==0);