path: root/levels.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'levels.h')
1 files changed, 3352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/levels.h b/levels.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae7c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/levels.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3352 @@
+//Chrisoft Bullet Lab Remix HGE
+//Level Implementations
+//"Copyleft" Chrisoft 2013
+//Now this is being fully rewritten..
+Planning Level Order:
+No Name Music Length Frozen?
+Level -1: Over the Horizon BLR2_TR08.ogg
+Level 1: Down by the Bank BLR2_TR01.ogg 3 Minutes F*
+Level 2: Pentagon Mystery BLR2_TR02.ogg 3.5 Minutes F*
+Level 3: Missing Colour BLR2_TR03.ogg 2.5 Minutes F*
+Level 4: Reunion BLR2_TR04.ogg 4.5 Minutes F*
+Level 5: Crazy Autumn BLR2_TR05.ogg 5+2/3 Min F*
+Level 6: Peaceful(?) Winter BLR2_TR06.ogg 6.5 Minutes F*
+Level 7: Rainbow of Spring BLR2_TR07.ogg
+Other Music:
+About Scene BLR2_TR09.ogg
+How to write a classic level/part...
+Classic parts need only one procedure, like this.
+ frameleft=...;
+ if (towercnt==/!=...)return ClearAll();
+ DisableAllTower=false;bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+How to write an "advanced" part...
+"Advanced" parts usually need two parts, ont for initalize and one for things to do every frame.
+Write on your own thought...
+bool squashrev;
+int posx,posy,fskp,posx2,posy2;
+bool doneredir;
+int pnt1,pnt2;
+//Let's start now!
+double towers[16];int tcnt;
+double dscroll,roll;
+bool sout,tendone;bool dmt[16];
+static const char* LEVEL_H_FN="levels.h";
+void Level1Part1()
+ //Level procedure
+ //Simple Level procedures should only run once during a level
+ if ((tower[CreateTower1(400,300,857,2)].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)>=0x80)IfCallLevel=false;
+ //Current_Position=2;
+ frameleft=AMinute*2;
+ tcnt=1;sout=false;dscroll=-0.025f;memset(dmt,true,sizeof(dmt));
+ for (int i=0;i<tcnt;++i)
+ {
+ towers[i]=600+600.0f/(double)tcnt*i+12;
+ CreateTower3(200,towers[i],428,3,4);
+ CreateTower3(600,towers[i],428,3,4);
+ }
+ ++part;roll=0;tendone=false;
+ ShowTip("\
+Level 1-Down by the Bank\n\
+Everything going on properly?\n\
+ Current_Position=2;
+void Level1Part2()
+ //Process the action here...
+ for (int i=0;i<tcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)towers[i]+=17*dscroll;else towers[i]+=dscroll;
+ tower[2*(i+1)].towerpos.y=tower[2*(i+1)+1].towerpos.y=towers[i];
+ if (towers[i]<=300&&towers[i]>=290&&dmt[i])
+ {
+ NewMultpo(tower[2*(i+1)+1].towerpos);
+ NewMultpo(tower[2*(i+1)].towerpos);
+ dmt[i]=false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!sout)
+ {
+ if (towers[tcnt-1]<-12)++roll;
+ for (int i=0;i<tcnt;++i)if (towers[i]<-12)towers[i]=612,dmt[i]=true;
+ if (roll==1)
+ {
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towertype==3)tower[i].t3t=5;
+ }
+ if (roll==2)
+ {
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towertype==3)tower[i].t3t=0;
+ }
+ if (roll==3&&!tendone)
+ {
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towertype==3)tower[i].t3t=4;
+ tcnt=10;
+ tendone=true;
+ for (int i=0;i<tcnt;++i)
+ {
+ towers[i]=600+600.0f/(double)tcnt*i+12;
+ CreateTower3(200,towers[i],428,3,4);
+ CreateTower3(600,towers[i],428,3,4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Level1Part3()
+ frameleft=AMinute;
+ if (towcnt!=50&&towcnt!=0)return ClearAll();
+ DisableAllTower=false;bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Double-directed Labyrinth!");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ //CreateTower1(400,300,857,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=25;++i)
+ CreateTower3(772,i*24-24,1714,2,2),
+ CreateTower3(28,i*24-12,1714,2,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ ++part;
+ return;
+ }
+int labyred;
+void Level1Part4()
+ if (frameleft<=TwentySeconds)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)labyred+=17;else ++labyred;
+ if (labyred>=1500)CreateBullet6(rand()%800,rand()%600,2,0,1,12,true),labyred=0;
+ }
+ if (frameleft<=TenSeconds&&tower[1].towertimer>857)
+ {
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)tower[i].towertimer=857;
+ }
+BCircle Level2Circle,Level2Circle2;
+Bullet* fakes[12];
+double L2D;
+void Level2Part0()
+ frameleft=50;L2D=0;
+ if (towcnt==50)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("\
+Level 2-Polygon Mystery\n\
+Place yourself correctly!\
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level2Part1()
+ frameleft=AMinute;
+ Level2Circle.Init(230,pi/12000,96,vector2d(400,300));
+ Level2Circle2.Init(270,-pi/12000,96,vector2d(400,300));
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(400,50,300,3,-2.0f/3.0f*pi);
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(400,51,300,3,-1.0f/3.0f*pi);
+ //=======
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(400,550,300,3,2.0f/3.0f*pi);
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(400,549,300,3,1.0f/3.0f*pi);
+ //=======
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(616.51,175,300,3,0);
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(616.51,176,300,3,-1.0f/3.0f*pi);
+ //=======
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(183.49,175,300,3,-pi);
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(183.49,176,300,3,-2.0f/3.0f*pi);
+ //=======
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(616.51,425,300,3,0);
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(616.51,424,300,3,1.0f/3.0f*pi);
+ //=======
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(183.49,425,300,3,-pi);
+ CreateTower3_fixeddir(183.49,424,300,3,2.0f/3.0f*pi);
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)fakes[i]=&bullet[CreateBullet6(400,300,0,999999999,1,1,false)];
+ /*CreateTower1(30,10,500,3);
+ CreateTower1(31,10,500,3,pi/16);
+ CreateTower1(30,11,500,3,-pi/16);
+ CreateTower1(746,10,500,3);
+ CreateTower1(745,10,500,3,pi/16);
+ CreateTower1(746,11,500,3,-pi/16);
+ CreateTower1(30,556,500,3);
+ CreateTower1(31,556,500,3,pi/16);
+ CreateTower1(30,555,500,3,-pi/16);
+ CreateTower1(746,556,500,3);
+ CreateTower1(745,556,500,3,pi/16);
+ CreateTower1(746,555,500,3,pi/16);*/
+ //To prevent to be criticized... I made this much easier to play...
+ //...But a lot harder to write...
+ ++part;
+void Level2Part2()
+ Level2Circle.Update();
+ Level2Circle2.Update();
+ L2D+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ double base=Level2Circle.GetRad();
+ double r=(Level2Circle.GetRange()+Level2Circle2.GetRange())/2.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ fakes[i]->bulletpos=vector2d(400+r*cos(base+i*pi/3.0f),300+r*sin(base+i*pi/3.0f));
+ if (L2D>=1.5)
+ {
+ L2D=0;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ CreateBullet6(403+r*cos(base+i*pi/3.0f),303+r*sin(base+i*pi/3.0f),
+ 2,0,1,6,true),clockrot=0;
+ }
+void Level2Part3()
+ frameleft=AMinute;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)fakes[i]->exist=false;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)fakes[i]=&bullet[CreateBullet7(400,300,0,999999999,false)];
+ whicnt=3;clockrot=deltarot=0;++part;
+void Level2Part4()
+ Level2Circle.Update();
+ Level2Circle2.Update();
+ L2D+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ double base=Level2Circle.GetRad();
+ double r=(Level2Circle.GetRange()+Level2Circle2.GetRange())/2.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ fakes[i]->bulletpos=vector2d(400+r*cos(base+i*pi/3.0f),300+r*sin(base+i*pi/3.0f));
+ if (L2D>=5)
+ {
+ L2D=0;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ CreateBullet7(403+r*cos(base+i*pi/3.0f),303+r*sin(base+i*pi/3.0f),
+ 2,0,true);
+ }
+void Level2Part5()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/2;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("You've got 5 seconds to choose a fine place...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++part;
+Laser Lock;
+void Level2Part6()
+ Level2Circle.Update();
+ Level2Circle2.Update();
+ L2D+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ double base=Level2Circle.GetRad();
+ double r=(Level2Circle.GetRange()+Level2Circle2.GetRange())/2.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ fakes[i]->bulletpos=vector2d(400+r*cos(base+i*pi/3.0f),300+r*sin(base+i*pi/3.0f));
+ if (L2D>=5)
+ {
+ L2D=0;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ CreateBullet7(403+r*cos(base+i*pi/3.0f),303+r*sin(base+i*pi/3.0f),
+ 2,0,true);
+ }
+ if (frameleft<TenSeconds/20)++part,frameleft=AMinute;
+void Level2Part7()
+ if (!playerLockY)playerLockY=true;
+ Level2Circle.Update();
+ Level2Circle2.Update();
+ L2D+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ double base=Level2Circle.GetRad();
+ double r=(Level2Circle.GetRange()+Level2Circle2.GetRange())/2.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ fakes[i]->bulletpos=vector2d(400+r*cos(base+i*pi/3.0f),300+r*sin(base+i*pi/3.0f));
+ if (L2D>=5)
+ {
+ L2D=0;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ CreateBullet7(403+r*cos(base+i*pi/3.0f),303+r*sin(base+i*pi/3.0f),
+ 2,0,true);
+ }
+double L2D1;
+void Level2Part8()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;L2D1=0;
+ playerLockY=false;
+ for (int i=6;i<12;++i)fakes[i]=&bullet[CreateBullet6(400,300,0,999999999,1,1,false)];
+ ++part;
+void Level2Part9()
+ Level2Circle.Update();
+ Level2Circle2.Update();
+ L2D+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ L2D1+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ double base=Level2Circle.GetRad();
+ double base2=Level2Circle2.GetRad();
+ double r=(Level2Circle.GetRange()+Level2Circle2.GetRange())/2.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ fakes[i]->bulletpos=vector2d(400+r*cos(base+i*pi/3.0f),300+r*sin(base+i*pi/3.0f));
+ for (int i=6;i<12;++i)
+ fakes[i]->bulletpos=vector2d(400+r*cos(base2+i*pi/3.0f),300+r*sin(base2+i*pi/3.0f));
+ if (L2D1>=2)
+ {
+ L2D1=0;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ CreateBullet6(403+r*cos(base2+i*pi/3.0f),303+r*sin(base2+i*pi/3.0f),
+ 2,0,1,6,true),clockrot=0;
+ }
+ if (L2D>=5)
+ {
+ L2D=0;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ CreateBullet7(403+r*cos(base+i*pi/3.0f),303+r*sin(base+i*pi/3.0f),
+ 2,0,true);
+ }
+void Level3Part0()
+ frameleft=50;
+ if (towcnt==50)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("\
+Level 3-Missing Colour\n\
+A negative omen...\
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level3Part1()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt!=1&&towcnt!=0)return ClearAll();
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Meet my new weapon...Is it cool?");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ CreateTower8(400,300,857,3,57,30,false);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level3Part2()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt!=4&&towcnt!=0)return ClearAll(false);
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("What about quad reflective towers...?");
+ All2pnt();
+ return;
+ }
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ CreateTower8(30,10,1250,3,57,15,false);
+ CreateTower8(746,10,1250,3,57,15,false);
+ CreateTower8(30,556,1250,3,57,15,false);
+ CreateTower8(746,556,1250,3,57,15,false);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+#undef rad1
+#undef rad2
+class TRotateFucker
+ Bullet *Bul[32];
+ double rad1,rad2,drad,srad,dtrad,dtrad2;
+ double range,drange,dtrange,cdtrange;
+ //cdtrange: dist to centre from the tail bullet
+ //dtrange : dist limit of cdtrange
+ //drange : disired range of rotate start
+ //range : current movement range
+ int stage,cnt,ccnt,delay,cf;
+ double elasp;
+ void init()
+ {
+ stage=0;rad1=rad2=srad;elasp=0.0f;ccnt=0;
+ for (int i=0;i<cnt;++i)Bul[i]=&bullet[CreateBullet8(400,300,0,false)],DirectBullet(*Bul[i],srad),Bul[i]->bulletspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ Bul[0]->bulletspeed=2;Bul[0]->bulletspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ }
+ void stage0()
+ {
+ elasp+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if ((int)(elasp/0.15f)>ccnt&&ccnt<cnt-1)
+ {
+ ccnt=(int)(elasp/0.2f);
+ if (ccnt==1)dtrange=GetDist(Bul[0]->bulletpos,Bul[1]->bulletpos);
+ Bul[ccnt]->bulletspeed=2;Bul[ccnt]->bulletspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ }
+ if (elasp>2)
+ {
+ stage=1;
+ drange=GetDist(Bul[cnt-1]->bulletpos,vector2d(400,300));
+ dtrad=(drad-srad);while (dtrad>pi/6.0f)dtrad-=pi/6.0f;dtrad/=delay;
+ dtrad2=(2*pi-drad+srad);while (dtrad2>pi/6.0f)dtrad2-=pi/6.0f;dtrad2/=delay;
+ for (int i=0;i<cnt;++i)Bul[i]->bulletspeed=0;
+ cf=0;
+ }
+ }
+ void stage1()
+ {
+ ++cf;
+ rad1=srad+dtrad*cf;rad2=srad-dtrad2*cf;
+ for (int i=0;i<cnt;++i)
+ if (Bul[i]->bullettype==8)
+ {
+ if (i&1)
+ Bul[i]->bulletpos=vector2d(400+(drange+(cnt-i)*dtrange)*cos(rad1-pi),300+(drange+(cnt-i)*dtrange)*sin(rad1-pi));
+ else
+ Bul[i]->bulletpos=vector2d(400+(drange+(cnt-i)*dtrange)*cos(rad2-pi),300+(drange+(cnt-i)*dtrange)*sin(rad2-pi));
+ }
+ if (cf>delay)
+ {
+ for (int i=0;i<cnt;++i)
+ if (Bul[i]->bullettype==8)
+ Bul[i]->bulletspeed=2,Bul[i]->redir(vector2d(400,300)),
+ Bul[i]->bulletdir=vector2d(-Bul[i]->bulletdir.x,-Bul[i]->bulletdir.y);
+ stage=2;
+ }
+ }
+ void stage2(){}
+ void update()
+ {
+ switch(stage)
+ {
+ case 0:stage0();break;
+ case 1:stage1();break;
+ case 2:stage2();break;
+ }
+ }
+int cur;
+double elasped;
+void Level3Part3()
+ frameleft=AMinute;
+ if (towcnt!=1&&towcnt!=0)return ClearAll(false);
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ All2pnt();
+ ShowTip("Precise mode is not so precise as expected...");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ CreateTower8(400,300,999999999,0,999999999,0,false);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ for (int k=0;k<6;++k)
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ {
+ fr[k][i].cnt=10;
+ fr[k][i].drad=(i+1)*pi/3.0f;
+ fr[k][i].srad=i*pi/3.0f;
+ fr[k][i].delay=750;
+ fr[k][i].stage=-1;
+ if (k==0)fr[k][i].init();
+ }
+ ++part;
+ elasped=0;cur=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level3Part4()
+ if (frameleft<TwentySeconds&&tower[1].towertimer==999999999)
+ {
+ tower[1].towertimer=tower[1].curtimer=1500;
+ tower[1].towertimer2=100;
+ tower[1].bulletspeed=3;tower[1].shotcount=tower[1].curshotcount=10;
+ }
+ for (int k=0;k<6;++k)
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ fr[k][i].update();
+ elasped+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (elasped>3)
+ {
+ elasped=0;++cur;
+ if (cur>=6)cur=0;
+ double sr=(rand()%10)*pi/30.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ {
+ fr[cur][i].drad=(i+1)*pi/3.0f+sr;
+ fr[cur][i].srad=i*pi/3.0f+sr;
+ fr[cur][i].init();
+ }
+ }
+double l3p5brk;
+void Level3Part5()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt!=0)return ClearAll(false);
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ All2pnt();
+ ShowTip("Well, here is a...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++part;l3p5brk=0;
+void Level3Part6()
+ l3p5brk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (l3p5brk>0.2)
+ {
+ l3p5brk=0;
+ for (int i=1;i<=8;++i)DirectBullet(bullet[CreateBullet8(i*100-50,20,2,false)],-pi/2);
+ }
+void Level4Part0()
+ frameleft=50;All2pnt();towcnt=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("\
+Level 4-Reunion\n\
+What was the weather like yesterday?...\n\
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;bulcnt=0;BTarg.TargHide();
+ return;
+ }
+void Level4Part1()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt!=1&&towcnt!=0)return ClearAll();
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Where is this idea from?");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ CreateTower9(400,300,1000,4,750,36,750);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+Bullet* redirs[400];int cred;
+void Level4Part2()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/2;clrtime=0;
+ if (towcnt==1)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("...");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ ATarg.TargShow();
+ posx=10,posy=10,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level4Part3()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>30)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx<766)
+ {
+ posx+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy<566)
+ {
+ posy+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level4Part4()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/2;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ posx2=766,posy2=566,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level4Part5()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>30)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx2>10)
+ {
+ posx2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy2>10)
+ {
+ posy2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level4Part6()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/10*4;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ ATarg.TargShow();
+ posx=10,posy=10,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level4Part7()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>30)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx<766)
+ {
+ posx+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy<566)
+ {
+ posy+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level4Part8()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/10*4;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ posx2=766,posy2=566,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level4Part9()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>30)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx2>10)
+ {
+ posx2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy2>10)
+ {
+ posy2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level4Part10()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/10*3;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ ATarg.TargShow();
+ posx=10,posy=10,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level4Part11()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>15)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx<766)
+ {
+ posx+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy<566)
+ {
+ posy+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level4Part12()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/10*3;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ posx2=766,posy2=566,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level4Part13()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>15)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx2>10)
+ {
+ posx2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy2>10)
+ {
+ posy2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level4Part14()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/10*2;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ ATarg.TargShow();
+ posx=10,posy=10,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level4Part15()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>15)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx<766)
+ {
+ posx+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy<566)
+ {
+ posy+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level4Part16()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/10*2;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ posx2=766,posy2=566,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level4Part17()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>15)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx2>10)
+ {
+ posx2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy2>10)
+ {
+ posy2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level4Part18()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/2;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ posx=10,posy=10,posx2=766,posy2=566,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level4Part19()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>33)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx2>10)
+ {
+ posx2-=24;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy2>10)
+ {
+ posy2-=24;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=2,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ if (posx<766)
+ {
+ posx+=24;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy<566)
+ {
+ posy+=24;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+double rot1,dta1,rot2,dta2,spd2,elsp1;
+void Level4Part20()
+ frameleft=AMinute;All2pnt();towcnt=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Double Kill, right?");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ BTarg.TargHide();ATarg.TargHide();CreateTower3(400,300,999999999,0,0);
+ rot1=dta1=rot2=dta2=elsp1=0;spd2=1;++part;IfCallLevel=true;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level4Part21()
+ elsp1+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (elsp1<=0.3)return;
+ elsp1=0;
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=17;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ {
+ dta1+=2*pi/180;dta2-=2*pi/180;spd2=1+4.0f*((AMinute-frameleft)/(double)AMinute);
+ rot1+=dta1;rot2+=dta2;
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)CreateBullet2(400,300,4,rot1+i*pi/3);
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)CreateBullet2(400,300,spd2,rot2+i*pi/3);
+void Level4Part22()
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=1;
+ if (towcnt==1)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Have problem breathing?\n\...so try this!");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;
+ pnt1=CreateTower3(10,10,50,20,1);
+ pnt2=CreateTower3(790,10,50,20,1);
+ CreateTower9(400,10,2000,2,2000,6,1000);
+ }
+void Level4Part23()
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ tower[pnt1].towerpos.x+=0.006,tower[pnt2].towerpos.x-=0.006;
+ else
+ tower[pnt1].towerpos.x+=0.006*17,tower[pnt2].towerpos.x-=0.006*17;
+void Level4Part24()
+ frameleft=AMinute;
+ if (towcnt!=5&&towcnt!=0)return ClearAll(false);
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;All2pnt();
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Let's meet a more classical circle-drawing part...\n\
+...as the end of this level...\nCan you draw perfectly?");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ CreateTower4(400,300,2000,2.5);
+ CreateTower1(9,9,2000,3);
+ CreateTower1(767,11,2000,3);
+ CreateTower1(9,567,2000,3);
+ CreateTower1(767,567,2000,3);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ ++part;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level4Part25()
+ for (int i=2;i<=5;++i)
+ tower[i].towertimer=((frameleft)/(double)AMinute)*1800+200;
+void Level5Part0()
+ frameleft=50;All2pnt();towcnt=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ LE_Active=true;letex=TLeaf;lescale=0.75;letr=TextureRect(0,0,108,108);lecolor=0xCCCC3333;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("\
+Level 5-Crazy Autumn\n\
+Autumn is considered as a miserable season for \n\
+thousands of years...\n\
+This autumn, however, is coming too fast...\
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level5Part1()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt!=2&&towcnt!=0)return ClearAll(false);
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ CreateTower9(400,300,2000,3,1000,36,750);
+ CreateTower4(400,50,2000,2.5,0);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level5Part2()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;All2pnt();
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("What if your cheaser is faster than you...");
+ return;
+ }
+ tower[2].bulletspeed=4;IfCallLevel=false;
+int pos,lsrbrk;
+bool rev;
+void Level5Part3()
+ frameleft=AMinute;
+ if (towcnt!=0)return (void)ClearAll();
+ Lasercnt=12;
+ for (int i=1;i<=12;++i)
+ {
+ laser[i].Init(32);
+ laser[i].SetTexture(SprSheet,0,264,248,8);
+ laser[i].RenCtr.x=406,laser[i].RenCtr.y=306;
+ }
+ ++part;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;All2pnt();
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Vortex of leaves...");
+ return;
+ }
+void Level5Part4()
+ bool shot=false;
+ if (LOWFPS)lsrbrk+=16;
+ if (++lsrbrk>=100)lsrbrk=0,shot=true,++pos;
+ if (pos==32)
+ {
+ pos=0;rev=!rev;
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ if (bullet[i].bulletspeed<1e-5)
+ bullet[i].bulletaccel=0.001,
+ bullet[i].limv=1+1.5*(frameleft/(double)AMinute);
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=12;++i)
+ {
+ double initrad=pi/6.0f*(i-1);
+ double dist;
+ for (int j=0;j<32;++j)
+ {
+ dist=j*Resd;
+ double trad;
+ if (rev)trad=initrad-j*pi/36.0f;else trad=initrad+j*pi/36.0f;
+ vector2d t,tt,s;
+ t.x=cos(trad)*dist;
+ t.y=sin(trad)*dist;
+ dist=(j+1)*Resd;
+ if (rev)trad=initrad-(j+1)*pi/36.0f;else trad=initrad+(j+1)*pi/36.0f;
+ tt.x=cos(trad)*dist;tt.y=sin(trad)*dist;
+ tt.x-=t.x;tt.y-=t.y;trad=tt.x;tt.x=tt.y;tt.y=-trad;
+ trad=sqrt(sqr(tt.x)+sqr(tt.y));
+ tt.x/=trad;tt.y/=trad;
+ //pos: 0~8, mult:0~8
+ //pos: 24~32, mult: 8~0
+ if (pos>=24)
+ tt.x*=(32-pos)/1.5f,tt.y*=(32-pos)/1.5f;
+ else
+ if (pos<=8)
+ tt.x*=pos/1.5f,tt.y*=pos/1.5f;
+ else
+ tt.x*=5.33f,tt.y*=5.33f;
+ //We only consider collisions when pos is between 9 and 23.
+ if (pos>9&&pos<23)laser[i].EnableColl=true;else laser[i].EnableColl=false;
+ s.x=t.x+tt.x;s.y=t.y+tt.y;
+ if (j==31)
+ for (int k=31;k<MaxRes;++k)
+ laser[i].Setdata(k,t,s,0xEEFF8800);
+ else
+ laser[i].Setdata(j,t,s,0xEEFF8800);
+ trad=initrad+j*pi/36.0f;
+ if (shot&&j==pos)CreateBullet2(400+t.x,300+t.y,0.0f,rand()%100,1);
+ }
+ if (pos>8&&pos<23)
+ laser[i].EnableColl=true;
+ else
+ laser[i].EnableColl=false;
+ }
+Bullet* tbuls[1000];double lv5brk;
+void Level5Part5()
+ frameleft=AMinute;All2pnt();towcnt=0;Lasercnt=0;
+ memset(tbuls,0,sizeof(tbuls));lv5brk=0;++part;
+void Level5Part6()
+ lv5brk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (lv5brk<=0.3)return;
+ lv5brk=0;
+ for (int i=1;i<=9;++i)
+ for (int j=0;j<1000;++j)
+ if (!tbuls[j])
+ {
+ tbuls[j]=&bullet[CreateBullet2(i*80,570,3,0.5*pi)];
+ break;
+ }
+ for (int j=0;j<1000;++j)
+ if (tbuls[j]&&tbuls[j]->bulletpos.y<150)
+ {
+ if (rand()%1000>800)
+ {
+ if (rand()%1000>500)
+ CreateBullet6(tbuls[j]->bulletpos.x,tbuls[j]->bulletpos.y,3,200,1,18);
+ else
+ if (rand()%1000>850)
+ CreateBullet9(tbuls[j]->bulletpos.x,tbuls[j]->bulletpos.y,3,500,18,300);
+ }
+ tbuls[j]->exist=false;
+ tbuls[j]=NULL;
+ }
+double tbrk;
+void Level5Part7()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;Dis8ref=true;tbrk=0;
+ if (towcnt!=33&&towcnt!=0)return ClearAll();
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Threatening effect of high speed bullets");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)CreateTower8(i*24-12,12,500,10,20,30);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ ++part;All2pnt();
+ return;
+ }
+void Level5Part8()
+ tbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (tbrk<=3)return;
+ tbrk=0;int tg;
+ if (rand()%1000>=500)tg=CreateBullet9(200,12,8,300,12,200);else tg=CreateBullet9(600,12,8,300,12,200);
+ bullet[tg].redir(playerpos);
+void Level5Part9()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;Dis8ref=true;tbrk=0;
+ if (towcnt!=66&&towcnt!=0)return ClearAll();
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Do not panic!");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)CreateTower8(i*24-12,12,750,1,1,1),CreateTower8(i*24-12,588,750,1,1,1);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ ++part;All2pnt();
+ return;
+ }
+void Level5Part10()
+ tbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (tbrk<=3)return;
+ tbrk=0;
+ int p=CreateBullet1(playerpos.x,12,2);
+ bullet[p].bulletspr->SetTextureRect(72,0,24,24);
+void Level5Part11()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/10*2;clrtime=0;
+ if (towcnt==66)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("They are getting out of control...\n\
+Have you noticed that strange things are happening?...");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;All2pnt();
+ ATarg.TargShow();
+ posx=10,posy=10,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level5Part12()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>15)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx<766)
+ {
+ posx+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx-400)*0.95+400,(posy-300)*0.95+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy<566)
+ {
+ posy+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx-400)*0.95+400,(posy-300)*0.95+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<=cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level5Part13()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/10*2;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ posx2=766,posy2=566,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level5Part14()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>15)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx2>10)
+ {
+ posx2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx2-400)*0.95+400,(posy2-300)*0.95+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy2>10)
+ {
+ posy2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx2-400)*0.95+400,(posy2-300)*0.95+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<=cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level5Part15()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/10*2;clrtime=0;
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ posx=10,posy=10,doneredir=false;
+void Level5Part16()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>15)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx<766)
+ {
+ posx+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx-400)*0.95+400,(posy-300)*0.95+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx-400)*0.9+400,(posy-300)*0.9+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy<566)
+ {
+ posy+=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx-400)*0.95+400,(posy-300)*0.95+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx-400)*0.9+400,(posy-300)*0.9+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<=cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level5Part17()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds/10*2;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;memset(redirs,0,sizeof(redirs));cred=-1;
+ posx2=766,posy2=566,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level5Part18()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>15)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx2>10)
+ {
+ posx2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx2-400)*0.95+400,(posy2-300)*0.95+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx2-400)*0.9+400,(posy2-300)*0.9+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy2>10)
+ {
+ posy2-=12;
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx2-400)*0.95+400,(posy2-300)*0.95+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ redirs[++cred]=&bullet[CreateBullet9((posx2-400)*0.9+400,(posy2-300)*0.9+300,0,999999,1,999999)];
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=0;i<=cred;++i)
+ redirs[i]->redir(ATarg.targpos),redirs[i]->bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+double ntrot,ntbrk;
+int ntcnt;
+void Level5Part19()
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=0;ntrot=ntbrk=0;ntcnt=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("You are the fish in my barrel.");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;All2pnt();
+ ATarg.TargHide();
+ }
+void Level5Part20()
+ ntbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (LOWFPS)ntrot+=16*pi/960.0f;else ntrot+=pi/960.0f;
+ if (ntbrk<0.01)return;
+ ntbrk=0;++ntcnt;if (ntcnt>15)ntcnt=0;
+ if (ntcnt==0)
+ {
+ int a=CreateBullet9(400+250*sin(ntrot),300+250*cos(ntrot),2,500,1,500);
+ bullet[a].redattrib=1;bullet[a].redir(vector2d(400,300));
+ bullet[a].bulletdir.x=-bullet[a].bulletdir.x;
+ bullet[a].bulletdir.y=-bullet[a].bulletdir.y;
+ a=CreateBullet9(400+250*sin(ntrot+pi),300+250*cos(ntrot+pi),2,500,1,500);
+ bullet[a].redattrib=1;bullet[a].redir(vector2d(400,300));
+ bullet[a].bulletdir.x=-bullet[a].bulletdir.x;
+ bullet[a].bulletdir.y=-bullet[a].bulletdir.y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int a=CreateBullet9(400+250*sin(ntrot),300+250*cos(ntrot),2,999999999,1,999999999);
+ bullet[a].redattrib=1;bullet[a].redir(vector2d(400,300));
+ bullet[a].bulletdir.x=-bullet[a].bulletdir.x;
+ bullet[a].bulletdir.y=-bullet[a].bulletdir.y;
+ a=CreateBullet9(400+250*sin(ntrot+pi),300+250*cos(ntrot+pi),2,999999999,1,999999999);
+ bullet[a].redattrib=1;bullet[a].redir(vector2d(400,300));
+ bullet[a].bulletdir.x=-bullet[a].bulletdir.x;
+ bullet[a].bulletdir.y=-bullet[a].bulletdir.y;
+ }
+void Level5Part21()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ All2pnt();
+ Lasercnt=0;
+ CTarg.Init(18,75,5.0f);
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ CreateTower1(30,10,500,2);
+ CreateTower1(746,10,500,2);
+ CreateTower1(30,556,500,2);
+ CreateTower1(746,556,500,2);
+ ++part;
+void Level5Part22()
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=16;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ CTarg.SetRange(CTarg.GetRange()-0.002f);
+ CTarg.Update();
+void Level6Part0()
+ frameleft=50;All2pnt();towcnt=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ LE_Active=true;letex=TSflake;lescale=0.2;letr=TextureRect(0,0,350,350);lecolor=0xCC3366CC;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("\
+Level 6-Peaceful(?) Winter\n\
+Look, there's a question mark in the title...\
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level6Part1()
+ //Some component of this level is in towernbullet...
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ //Consider Low FPS mode here.
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ //Create your towers
+ whicnt=10;
+ CreateTower7(400,300,750,3,500);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+int spcnt;double sixrad,sixbrk;
+void Level6Part2()
+ while (towcnt)return ClearAll(false);
+ All2pnt();frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ ++part;spcnt=2;sixrad=sixbrk=0;
+ whicnt=1;DisableAllTower=false;
+void Level6Part3()
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (sixrad>2*pi)return;
+ if (sixbrk<0.04)return;
+ sixbrk=0;
+ sixrad+=pi/25.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<spcnt;++i)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet7(400,300,2,1500);
+ bullet[pnt].setdir(pi/2+sixrad+((double)i/(double)spcnt)*2.0f*pi);
+ }
+void Level6Part4()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;whrcnt=9;
+ ++part;spcnt=3;sixrad=sixbrk=0;
+ whicnt=1;DisableAllTower=false;
+void Level6Part5()
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (sixrad>2*pi)return;
+ if (sixbrk<0.04)return;
+ sixbrk=0;
+ sixrad+=pi/25.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<spcnt;++i)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet7(400,300,2.2,1500);
+ bullet[pnt].setdir(pi/2+sixrad+((double)i/(double)spcnt)*2.0f*pi);
+ }
+void Level6Part6()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ ++part;spcnt=4;sixrad=sixbrk=0;
+ whicnt=1;DisableAllTower=false;
+void Level6Part7()
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (sixrad>2*pi)return;
+ if (sixbrk<0.04)return;
+ sixbrk=0;
+ sixrad+=pi/25.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<spcnt;++i)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet7(400,300,2.4,1500);
+ bullet[pnt].setdir(pi/2+sixrad+((double)i/(double)spcnt)*2.0f*pi);
+ }
+void Level6Part8()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;whrcnt=6;
+ ++part;spcnt=5;sixrad=sixbrk=0;
+ whicnt=1;DisableAllTower=false;
+void Level6Part9()
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (sixrad>2*pi)return;
+ if (sixbrk<0.04)return;
+ sixbrk=0;
+ sixrad+=pi/25.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<spcnt;++i)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet7(400,300,2.6,1500);
+ bullet[pnt].setdir(pi/2+sixrad+((double)i/(double)spcnt)*2.0f*pi);
+ }
+void Level6Part10()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;whrcnt=6;
+ ++part;spcnt=6;sixrad=sixbrk=0;
+ whicnt=1;DisableAllTower=false;
+void Level6Part11()
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (sixrad>2*pi)return;
+ if (sixbrk<0.04)return;
+ sixbrk=0;
+ sixrad+=pi/25.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<spcnt;++i)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet7(400,300,2.6,1500);
+ bullet[pnt].setdir(pi/2+sixrad+((double)i/(double)spcnt)*2.0f*pi);
+ }
+void Level6Part12()
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=1;
+ if (towcnt!=8&&towcnt)
+ {
+ ClearAll(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Get out before you are squashed...");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;squashrev=false;All2pnt();
+ CreateTower3(10,10,400,2,1);
+ CreateTower3(766,10,400,2,1);
+ CreateTower3(10,566,400,2,1);
+ CreateTower3(766,566,400,2,1);
+ CreateTower1(9,9,1000,1.5);
+ CreateTower1(767,11,1000,1.5);
+ CreateTower1(9,567,1000,1.5);
+ CreateTower1(767,567,1000,1.5);
+ }
+void Level6Part13()
+ if (!squashrev)
+ {
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ tower[1].towerpos.x+=0.01;
+ tower[1].towerpos.y+=0.007354;
+ tower[2].towerpos.x-=0.01;
+ tower[2].towerpos.y+=0.007354;
+ tower[3].towerpos.x+=0.01;
+ tower[3].towerpos.y-=0.007354;
+ tower[4].towerpos.x-=0.01;
+ tower[4].towerpos.y-=0.007354;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tower[1].towerpos.x+=0.1;
+ tower[1].towerpos.y+=0.07354;
+ tower[2].towerpos.x-=0.1;
+ tower[2].towerpos.y+=0.07354;
+ tower[3].towerpos.x+=0.1;
+ tower[3].towerpos.y-=0.07354;
+ tower[4].towerpos.x-=0.1;
+ tower[4].towerpos.y-=0.07354;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ tower[1].towerpos.x-=0.01;
+ tower[1].towerpos.y-=0.007354;
+ tower[2].towerpos.x+=0.01;
+ tower[2].towerpos.y-=0.007354;
+ tower[3].towerpos.x-=0.01;
+ tower[3].towerpos.y+=0.007354;
+ tower[4].towerpos.x+=0.01;
+ tower[4].towerpos.y+=0.007354;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tower[1].towerpos.x-=0.1;
+ tower[1].towerpos.y-=0.07354;
+ tower[2].towerpos.x+=0.1;
+ tower[2].towerpos.y-=0.07354;
+ tower[3].towerpos.x-=0.1;
+ tower[3].towerpos.y+=0.07354;
+ tower[4].towerpos.x+=0.1;
+ tower[4].towerpos.y+=0.07354;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towerpos.x>766||tower[1].towerpos.x<10)squashrev=!squashrev;
+double avabrk,avacurbrk;
+bool dir;
+void Level6Part14()//Avalanche
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=1;
+ if (towcnt)
+ {
+ ClearAll(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Avalanche...");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;All2pnt();avabrk=1.0f;avacurbrk=0;dir=false;
+ }
+void Level6Part15()
+ avacurbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ avabrk=((double)frameleft/(double)AMinute)*0.04f+0.01f;
+ if (avacurbrk>avabrk)
+ {
+ avacurbrk=0;
+ int pnt=CreateBullet2(rand()%780+10,200,-6.25,3*pi/2.0f);
+ bullet[pnt].limv=2+rand()%7;bullet[pnt].bulletaccel=0.005;
+ }
+void Level6Part16()
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=2;
+ if (towcnt)
+ {
+ ClearAll(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("?..");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;All2pnt();avabrk=1.0f;
+ avacurbrk=0;dir=false;ATarg.TargShow();
+ ATarg.targpos=vector2d(400,300);
+ whicnt=3;avacurbrk=0;
+ }
+void Level6Part17()
+ avacurbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ avabrk=((double)frameleft/(double)AMinute)*0.8f+0.2f;
+ if (avacurbrk>avabrk)
+ {
+ avacurbrk=0;
+ int pnt;
+ if (rand()%100<80)
+ pnt=CreateBullet7(ATarg.targpos.x,ATarg.targpos.y,3,500);
+ else
+ pnt=CreateBullet9(ATarg.targpos.x,ATarg.targpos.y,3,500,36,500);
+ bullet[pnt].dist=1;bullet[pnt].bulletdir=vector2d(0,0);
+ }
+//begin hexagon
+Bullet bheader[100],*beewx[500];
+static int sxcnt,seq,beecnt;
+bool brdir;
+double offset;
+void Level6Part18()
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Hexagon loops");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ sxcnt=-1;beecnt=-1;brdir=false;frameleft=TenSeconds;offset=86;
+ memset(bheader,0,sizeof(bheader));
+ memset(beewx,0,sizeof(beewx));
+ avacurbrk=1;avabrk=1;sixbrk=0.1;seq=3;
+ for (int i=1;i<=5;++i)
+ {
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],offset+2*(i-1)*offset,10,2,-pi/6);
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],offset+2*(i-1)*offset,10,2,-5*pi/6);
+ }
+ ++part;ATarg.TargHide();All2pnt();
+ }
+void Level6Part19()
+ avacurbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (frameleft<TenSeconds/10*1&&!brdir)
+ {
+ brdir=true;
+ for (int i=0;i<=beecnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[i]->bulletaccel=0.001;beewx[i]->limv=1;
+ DirectBullet(*beewx[i],(double)(rand()%3140)/1000.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)ProcessBullet2(bheader[i]);
+ if (avacurbrk>avabrk)
+ {
+ avacurbrk=0;++seq;seq%=4;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (i&1)
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-5*pi/6);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/6);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/6);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-5*pi/6);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sixbrk>0.2&&!brdir)
+ {
+ sixbrk=0;
+ if (bheader[0].bulletpos.y>610)return;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[++beecnt]=&bullet[CreateBullet2(bheader[i].bulletpos.x,bheader[i].bulletpos.y,0,pi,true)];
+ }
+ }
+void Level6Part20()
+ sxcnt=-1;beecnt=-1;brdir=false;frameleft=TwentySeconds;offset=43;
+ memset(bheader,0,sizeof(bheader));
+ memset(beewx,0,sizeof(beewx));
+ avacurbrk=0.5;avabrk=0.5;sixbrk=0.1;seq=3;
+ for (int i=1;i<=10;++i)
+ {
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],offset+2*(i-1)*offset,10,2,-pi/6);
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],offset+2*(i-1)*offset,10,2,-5*pi/6);
+ }
+ ++part;
+void Level6Part21()
+ avacurbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta(); //Well, you killed process.
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta(); //Yeah, this is the 2014th line.
+ if (frameleft<TenSeconds/10*11&&!brdir)
+ {
+ brdir=true;
+ for (int i=0;i<=beecnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[i]->bulletaccel=0.001;beewx[i]->limv=1;
+ DirectBullet(*beewx[i],(double)(rand()%3140)/1000.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)ProcessBullet2(bheader[i]);
+ if (avacurbrk>avabrk)
+ {
+ avacurbrk=0;++seq;seq%=4;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (i&1)
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-5*pi/6);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/6);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/6);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-5*pi/6);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sixbrk>0.2&&!brdir)
+ {
+ sixbrk=0;
+ if (bheader[0].bulletpos.y>610)return;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[++beecnt]=&bullet[CreateBullet2(bheader[i].bulletpos.x,bheader[i].bulletpos.y,0,pi,true)];
+ }
+ }
+void Level6Part22()
+ sxcnt=-1;beecnt=-1;brdir=false;frameleft=TenSeconds/10*7;offset=43;
+ memset(bheader,0,sizeof(bheader));
+ memset(beewx,0,sizeof(beewx));
+ avacurbrk=0.25;avabrk=0.25;sixbrk=0.1;seq=3;
+ for (int i=1;i<=10;++i)
+ {
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],offset+2*(i-1)*offset,10,4,-pi/6);
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],offset+2*(i-1)*offset,10,4,-5*pi/6);
+ }
+ ++part;
+void Level6Part23()
+ avacurbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (frameleft<TenSeconds/10*1&&!brdir)
+ {
+ brdir=true;
+ for (int i=0;i<=beecnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[i]->bulletaccel=0.001;beewx[i]->limv=1;
+ DirectBullet(*beewx[i],(double)(rand()%3140)/1000.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)ProcessBullet2(bheader[i]);
+ if (avacurbrk>avabrk)
+ {
+ avacurbrk=0;++seq;seq%=4;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (i&1)
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-5*pi/6);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/6);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/6);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-5*pi/6);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],-pi/2);break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sixbrk>0.1&&!brdir)
+ {
+ sixbrk=0;
+ if (bheader[0].bulletpos.y>610)return;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[++beecnt]=&bullet[CreateBullet2(bheader[i].bulletpos.x,bheader[i].bulletpos.y,0,pi,true)];
+ }
+ }
+void Level6Part24()
+ sxcnt=-1;beecnt=-1;brdir=false;frameleft=TenSeconds/10*7;offset=43;
+ memset(bheader,0,sizeof(bheader));
+ memset(beewx,0,sizeof(beewx));
+ avacurbrk=0.25;avabrk=0.25;sixbrk=0.1;seq=3;
+ for (int i=1;i<=10;++i)
+ {
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],offset+2*(i-1)*offset,590,4,pi/6);
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],offset+2*(i-1)*offset,590,4,5*pi/6);
+ }
+ ++part;
+void Level6Part25()
+ avacurbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (frameleft<TenSeconds/10*1&&!brdir)
+ {
+ brdir=true;
+ for (int i=0;i<=beecnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[i]->bulletaccel=0.001;beewx[i]->limv=1;
+ DirectBullet(*beewx[i],(double)(rand()%3140)/1000.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)ProcessBullet2(bheader[i]);
+ if (avacurbrk>avabrk)
+ {
+ avacurbrk=0;++seq;seq%=4;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (i&1)
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],5*pi/6);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi/2);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi/6);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi/2);break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi/6);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi/2);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],5*pi/6);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi/2);break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sixbrk>0.1&&!brdir)
+ {
+ sixbrk=0;
+ if (bheader[0].bulletpos.y<-10)return;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[++beecnt]=&bullet[CreateBullet2(bheader[i].bulletpos.x,bheader[i].bulletpos.y,0,pi,true)];
+ }
+ }
+void Level6Part26()
+ sxcnt=-1;beecnt=-1;brdir=false;frameleft=TenSeconds/10*7;offset=43;
+ memset(bheader,0,sizeof(bheader));
+ memset(beewx,0,sizeof(beewx));
+ avacurbrk=0.25;avabrk=0.25;sixbrk=0.1;seq=3;
+ for (int i=1;i<=10;++i)
+ {
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],790,offset+2*(i-1)*offset,4,5*pi/3);
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],790,offset+2*(i-1)*offset,4,pi/3);
+ }
+ ++part;
+void Level6Part27()
+ avacurbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (frameleft<TenSeconds/10*1&&!brdir)
+ {
+ brdir=true;
+ for (int i=0;i<=beecnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[i]->bulletaccel=0.001;beewx[i]->limv=1;
+ DirectBullet(*beewx[i],(double)(rand()%3140)/1000.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)ProcessBullet2(bheader[i]);
+ if (avacurbrk>avabrk)
+ {
+ avacurbrk=0;++seq;seq%=4;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (i&1)
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi/3);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],0);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],5*pi/3);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],0);break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],5*pi/3);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],0);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi/3);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],0);break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sixbrk>0.1&&!brdir)
+ {
+ sixbrk=0;
+ if (bheader[0].bulletpos.x<-10)return;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[++beecnt]=&bullet[CreateBullet2(bheader[i].bulletpos.x,bheader[i].bulletpos.y,0,pi,true)];
+ }
+ }
+void Level6Part28()
+ sxcnt=-1;beecnt=-1;brdir=false;frameleft=TenSeconds+TenSeconds/10*9;offset=43;
+ memset(bheader,0,sizeof(bheader));
+ memset(beewx,0,sizeof(beewx));
+ avacurbrk=0.25;avabrk=0.25;sixbrk=0.1;seq=3;
+ for (int i=1;i<=10;++i)
+ {
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],10,offset+2*(i-1)*offset,4,pi+5*pi/3);
+ CreateBullet2(bheader[++sxcnt],10,offset+2*(i-1)*offset,4,pi+pi/3);
+ }
+ ++part;
+void Level6Part29()
+ avacurbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (frameleft<TenSeconds/10*6&&!brdir)
+ {
+ brdir=true;
+ for (int i=0;i<=beecnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[i]->bulletaccel=0.001;beewx[i]->limv=1;
+ DirectBullet(*beewx[i],(double)(rand()%3140)/1000.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)ProcessBullet2(bheader[i]);
+ if (avacurbrk>avabrk)
+ {
+ avacurbrk=0;++seq;seq%=4;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (i&1)
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi+pi/3);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi+5*pi/3);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi);break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (seq)
+ {
+ case 0:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi+5*pi/3);break;
+ case 1:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi);break;
+ case 2:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi+pi/3);break;
+ case 3:DirectBullet(bheader[i],pi);break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sixbrk>0.1&&!brdir)
+ {
+ sixbrk=0;
+ if (bheader[0].bulletpos.x>810)return;
+ for (int i=0;i<=sxcnt;++i)
+ {
+ beewx[++beecnt]=&bullet[CreateBullet2(bheader[i].bulletpos.x,bheader[i].bulletpos.y,0,pi,true)];
+ }
+ }
+void Level6Part30()//Hyperfluid!
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=2;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Hyperfluid!");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;All2pnt();avabrk=0.2f;avacurbrk=0;sixbrk=-1;
+ }
+void Level6Part999999999()//well this isnot an easter egg!
+ avabrk=(frameleft/(double)AMinute)*0.15f+0.05f;
+ avacurbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (avacurbrk>avabrk)
+ {
+ avacurbrk=0;
+ for (int i=1;i<=rand()%10;++i)
+ if (rand()%1000>499)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet2(10,rand()%580+10,0,-3*pi/4);
+ bullet[pnt].bulletaccel=0.0025;bullet[pnt].limv=6;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet2(rand()%780+10,10,0,-3*pi/4);
+ bullet[pnt].bulletaccel=0.0025;bullet[pnt].limv=6;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sixbrk>0.5)
+ {
+ sixbrk=0;
+ for (int i=1;i<=rand()%10;++i)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet2(rand()%780+10,590,1,pi/2);
+ bullet[pnt].bulletspr->SetTextureRect(168,0,24,24);
+ }
+ }
+int bgbrk;
+double bgdbbrk;
+void Level7Part0()
+ frameleft=50;All2pnt();towcnt=0;bgbrk=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ LE_Active=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("\
+Level 7-Rainbow of Spring\n\
+Will there be a clearer day?\
+ //IfCallLevel=false;
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;++part;
+ }
+//change the color to dark grey. lightning.
+void Level7Part1()
+ ++bgbrk;if (LOWFPS)bgbrk+=16;
+ if (bgbrk<30)return;
+ bgbrk=0;
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ DBGColor=ColorTransfer(DBGColor,0xFF0B0916);
+ else
+ for (int i=1;i<=17;++i)DBGColor=ColorTransfer(DBGColor,0xFF0B0916);
+ if (DBGColor==0xFF0B0916)
+ {
+ frameleft=AMinute,++part;
+ bgdbbrk=rand()%15+5,bgbrk=0;
+ avabrk=0.2f;avacurbrk=0;
+ }
+void Level7Part2()
+ if (bgbrk==1||bgbrk==4)
+ {
+ int times=5;if (LOWFPS)times*=16;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)DBGColor=ColorTransfer(DBGColor,0xFF23459A);
+ if (DBGColor==0xFF23459A)
+ {
+ if(bgbrk==1)bgbrk=2;
+ if(bgbrk==4)bgbrk=5;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bgbrk==2||bgbrk==5)
+ {
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times*=16;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)DBGColor=ColorTransfer(DBGColor,0xFF0B0916);
+ if (DBGColor==0xFF0B0916)
+ {
+ if(bgbrk==2)bgbrk=3,bgdbbrk=0.1;
+ if(bgbrk==5)bgbrk=0,bgdbbrk=rand()%15+5;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bgbrk==3||bgbrk==0)
+ {
+ bgdbbrk-=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (bgdbbrk<=0)
+ {
+ if (bgbrk==0)bgbrk=1;
+ if (bgbrk==3)bgbrk=4;
+ }
+ }
+ avabrk=(frameleft/(double)AMinute)*0.15f+0.15f;
+ avacurbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ sixbrk+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (avacurbrk>avabrk)
+ {
+ avacurbrk=0;
+ for (int i=1;i<=rand()%10;++i)
+ {
+ if (rand()%1000>499)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet2(10,rand()%580+10,0,-3*pi/4);
+ bullet[pnt].bulletaccel=0.0025;bullet[pnt].limv=6;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet2(rand()%780+10,10,0,-3*pi/4);
+ bullet[pnt].bulletaccel=0.0025;bullet[pnt].limv=6;
+ }
+ if (rand()%1000>499)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet2(780,rand()%580+10,0,-pi/4);
+ bullet[pnt].bulletaccel=0.0025;bullet[pnt].limv=6;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet2(rand()%780+10,10,0,-pi/4);
+ bullet[pnt].bulletaccel=0.0025;bullet[pnt].limv=6;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Level7Part3()
+ DBGColor=0xFF0B0916;
+ frameleft=(AMinute+ThirtySeconds);clrtime=5;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Rainbow tower...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ deltadelta=pi/720;
+ CreateTower6(400,300,600,2,1000,3,72);
+ ++part;All2pnt();
+void Level7Part4()
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (tower[1].towertype==6)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower9(400,300,600,2,1500,72,1200);//Orange
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==9)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower4(400,300,500,1,500);//Yellow
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==4)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower1(400,300,50,4);//Green
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==1)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower2(400,300,50,4);//Cyan
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==2)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/2)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower8(400,300,500,5,20,50);//Blue
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==8)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower5(400,300,50,5);//Purple
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==5)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower6(400,300,600,2,1000,3,72);//Red
+ }
+ }
+BulletnLaser bnl[100];//Yukari...
+double ykbrk;
+void Level7Part5()//This should be another part.
+ memset(bnl,0,sizeof(bnl));
+ frameleft=AMinute;
+ ykbrk=1.0f;
+void Level7Part6()
+ ykbrk-=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ if (ykbrk<0)
+ {
+ ykbrk=1.0f;
+ for (int i=0;i<100;++i)
+ if (!bnl[i].active){bnl[i].Init(vector2d(rand()%800,rand()%600),vector2d(rand()%800,rand()%600));break;}
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<100;++i)
+ if (bnl[i].active)bnl[i].Update();
+//vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Old Levels vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv//
+/*void Level1Part2()//Simple tower8-discard
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;clrtime=5;
+ if (towcnt!=2&&towcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Dev-version!!!");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ DBGColor=ColTrans(DBGColor,0xFFC0C030,3);
+ CreateTower8(400,300,1000,3,30,30,true);
+ CreateTower2(999,999,9999,0);
+ //Remember to hide BTarg after this level.
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ ATarg.TargShow();
+ LE_Active=true;
+ //Sky.Init(0xC0);Sky.SetFadein();
+ return;
+ }
+void Level1Part3()//Simple tower9-discard
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;clrtime=0;
+ if (towcnt!=1&&towcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Dev-version!!!");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower9(400,300,3000,2,2000,48,1000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ BTarg.TargHide();
+ Leaves.Init(0xF0);Leaves.Update();Leaves.SetFadeIn();
+ return;
+ }
+void Level1Part4()//Crowded board-used
+ //Todo: Change the green tower to the orange one in Extreme mode
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=1;
+ if (towcnt==1)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("A crowded board?");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;
+ LE_Active=false;Leaves.SetFadeOut();
+ ATarg.TargHide();
+ pnt1=CreateTower3(10,10,50,20,1);
+ pnt2=CreateTower3(790,10,50,20,1);
+ CreateTower1(400,10,400,2);
+ }
+void Level1Part5()//Crowded board-child
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ tower[pnt1].towerpos.x+=0.006,tower[pnt2].towerpos.x-=0.006;
+ else
+ tower[pnt1].towerpos.x+=0.006*17,tower[pnt2].towerpos.x-=0.006*17;
+ if (frameleft<=TwentySeconds)
+ {
+ CreateTower1(400.1,10,400,2,pi/36);
+ CreateTower1(399.9,10,400,2,-pi/36);
+ }
+void Level1Part6()//Squash-used
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=1;
+ if (towcnt==5)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Get out before you are squashed...");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;squashrev=false;
+ ATarg.TargHide();
+ CreateTower3(10,10,400,2,1);
+ CreateTower3(766,10,400,2,1);
+ CreateTower3(10,566,400,2,1);
+ CreateTower3(766,566,400,2,1);
+ CreateTower1(9,9,1000,1.5);
+ CreateTower1(767,11,1000,1.5);
+ CreateTower1(9,567,1000,1.5);
+ CreateTower1(767,567,1000,1.5);
+ }
+void Level1Part7()//Squash-child
+ if (!squashrev)
+ {
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ tower[1].towerpos.x+=0.01;
+ tower[1].towerpos.y+=0.007354;
+ tower[2].towerpos.x-=0.01;
+ tower[2].towerpos.y+=0.007354;
+ tower[3].towerpos.x+=0.01;
+ tower[3].towerpos.y-=0.007354;
+ tower[4].towerpos.x-=0.01;
+ tower[4].towerpos.y-=0.007354;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tower[1].towerpos.x+=0.1;
+ tower[1].towerpos.y+=0.07354;
+ tower[2].towerpos.x-=0.1;
+ tower[2].towerpos.y+=0.07354;
+ tower[3].towerpos.x+=0.1;
+ tower[3].towerpos.y-=0.07354;
+ tower[4].towerpos.x-=0.1;
+ tower[4].towerpos.y-=0.07354;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ tower[1].towerpos.x-=0.01;
+ tower[1].towerpos.y-=0.007354;
+ tower[2].towerpos.x+=0.01;
+ tower[2].towerpos.y-=0.007354;
+ tower[3].towerpos.x-=0.01;
+ tower[3].towerpos.y+=0.007354;
+ tower[4].towerpos.x+=0.01;
+ tower[4].towerpos.y+=0.007354;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tower[1].towerpos.x-=0.1;
+ tower[1].towerpos.y-=0.07354;
+ tower[2].towerpos.x+=0.1;
+ tower[2].towerpos.y-=0.07354;
+ tower[3].towerpos.x-=0.1;
+ tower[3].towerpos.y+=0.07354;
+ tower[4].towerpos.x+=0.1;
+ tower[4].towerpos.y+=0.07354;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towerpos.x>766||tower[1].towerpos.x<10)squashrev=!squashrev;
+void Level1Part8()//?_trash-abused..--ignore before 13
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;clrtime=0;
+ if (towcnt==8)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Dev-version!");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;
+ ATarg.TargShow();
+ posx=10,posy=10,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level1Part9()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>30)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx<766)
+ {
+ posx+=12;
+ CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy<566)
+ {
+ posy+=12;
+ CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999);
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ bullet[i].redir(ATarg.targpos),bullet[i].bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level1Part10()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;
+ posx2=766,posy2=566,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level1Part11()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>30)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx2>10)
+ {
+ posx2-=12;
+ CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy2>10)
+ {
+ posy2-=12;
+ CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999);
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ bullet[i].redir(ATarg.targpos),bullet[i].bulletspeed=4,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ }
+void Level1Part12()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;clrtime=0;
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;
+ posx=10,posy=10,posx2=766,posy2=566,doneredir=false;
+ }
+void Level1Part13()
+ if (!LOWFPS)++fskp;else fskp+=17;
+ if (fskp>60)
+ {
+ fskp=0;
+ if (posx2>10)
+ {
+ posx2-=24;
+ CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy2>10)
+ {
+ posy2-=24;
+ CreateBullet9(posx2,posy2,0,999999,1,999999);
+ }
+ else
+ if (!doneredir)
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ bullet[i].redir(ATarg.targpos),bullet[i].bulletspeed=2,doneredir=true;
+ }
+ if (posx<766)
+ {
+ posx+=24;
+ CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (posy<566)
+ {
+ posy+=24;
+ CreateBullet9(posx,posy,0,999999,1,999999);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//let's start again..
+void Level1Part14()//?-discard
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;clrtime=0;
+ if (towcnt!=3&&bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("whassat..?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower1(400,300,200,4,0,false);
+ CreateTower1(399.9,300,200,4,-pi/36,false);
+ CreateTower1(400.1,300,200,4,pi/36,false);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ BTarg.TargHide();
+ return;
+ }
+void Level1Part15()//Rainbowtower-
+ frameleft=(AMinute+ThirtySeconds);clrtime=5;
+ if (bulcnt!=0&&towcnt!=1)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Rainbow tower...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ deltadelta=pi/720;
+ CreateTower6(400,300,600,2,1000,3,72);
+ ++part;
+void Level1Part16()//Rainbowtower-child
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (tower[1].towertype==6)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower9(400,300,600,2,1500,72,1200);//Orange
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==9)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower4(400,300,500,1,500);//Yellow
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==4)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower1(400,300,50,4);//Green
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==1)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower2(400,300,50,4);//Cyan
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==2)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/2)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower8(400,300,500,5,20,50);//Blue
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==8)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower5(400,300,50,5);//Purple
+ }
+ }
+ if (tower[1].towertype==5)
+ {
+ if (frameskips>TenSeconds/5)
+ {
+ frameskips=0;
+ towcnt=0;
+ CreateTower6(400,300,600,2,1000,3,72);//Red
+ }
+ }
+void Level1Part17()//33*b+1*r-
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=0;
+ if (bulcnt!=0&&towcnt!=34)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("The last level for Dev-version...\n\
+It seems really easy right?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower6(400,30,500,4,750,1,36);
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ {
+ int tmp=CreateTower1(i*24-20,10,1000,3,i<16?-pi/90:pi/90);
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ ++part;
+ BTarg.TargHide();
+ return;
+ }
+void Level1Part18()//Child of last level
+ //This is the child of Part17
+ //Keep them together, thanks a lot
+ // --Commented by Chirsno, 03/08/2013
+ if (frameleft<2*TwentySeconds)
+ {
+ tower[1].exp2=48;
+ tower[1].towertimer=400;
+ }
+ if (frameleft<ThirtySeconds)
+ {
+ tower[1].exp2=60;
+ tower[1].towertimer=300;
+ tower[1].bulletspeed=3;
+ }
+ if (frameleft<TwentySeconds)
+ {
+ tower[1].exp2=72;
+ }
+ if (frameleft<TenSeconds)
+ {
+ tower[1].exp2=108;
+ tower[1].towertimer=200;
+ }
+int brk,pos;
+bool rev;
+void Level1Part19()//laser vertex-used
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt!=0)return (void)ClearAll();
+ Lasercnt=12;
+ for (int i=1;i<=12;++i)
+ {
+ laser[i].Init(32);
+ laser[i].SetTexture(SprSheet,0,264,248,8);
+ laser[i].RenCtr.x=406,laser[i].RenCtr.y=306;
+ }
+ ++part;
+void Level1Part20()//laser vertex-child
+ bool shot=false;
+ if (++brk>=100)brk=0,shot=true,++pos;
+ if (pos==32)
+ {
+ pos=0;rev=!rev;
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ if (bullet[i].bulletspeed<1e-5)
+ bullet[i].bulletaccel=0.001,
+ bullet[i].limv=2.5;
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=12;++i)
+ {
+ double initrad=pi/6.0f*(i-1);
+ double dist;
+ for (int j=0;j<32;++j)
+ {
+ dist=j*Resd;
+ double trad;
+ if (rev)trad=initrad-j*pi/36.0f;else trad=initrad+j*pi/36.0f;
+ vector2d t,tt,s;
+ t.x=cos(trad)*dist;
+ t.y=sin(trad)*dist;
+ dist=(j+1)*Resd;
+ if (rev)trad=initrad-(j+1)*pi/36.0f;else trad=initrad+(j+1)*pi/36.0f;
+ tt.x=cos(trad)*dist;tt.y=sin(trad)*dist;
+ tt.x-=t.x;tt.y-=t.y;trad=tt.x;tt.x=tt.y;tt.y=-trad;
+ trad=sqrt(sqr(tt.x)+sqr(tt.y));
+ tt.x/=trad;tt.y/=trad;
+ //pos: 0~8, mult:0~8
+ //pos: 24~32, mult: 8~0
+ if (pos>=24)
+ tt.x*=(32-pos)/1.5f,tt.y*=(32-pos)/1.5f;
+ else
+ if (pos<=8)
+ tt.x*=pos/1.5f,tt.y*=pos/1.5f;
+ else
+ tt.x*=5.33f,tt.y*=5.33f;
+ //We only consider collisions when pos is between 9 and 23.
+ s.x=t.x+tt.x;s.y=t.y+tt.y;
+ if (j==31)
+ for (int k=31;k<MaxRes;++k)
+ laser[i].Setdata(k,t,s);
+ else
+ laser[i].Setdata(j,t,s);
+ trad=initrad+j*pi/36.0f;
+ if (shot&&j==pos)CreateBullet2(400+t.x,300+t.y,0.0f,rand()%100,1);
+ }
+ if (pos>8&&pos<23)
+ laser[i].EnableColl=true;
+ else
+ laser[i].EnableColl=false;
+ }
+void Level1Part21()//Minesweeper?-
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (bulcnt!=0)return (void)ClearAll();
+ Lasercnt=0;
+ ++part;
+void Level1Part22()//Minesweeper?-child
+ if (rand()%100>98)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i=1;i<=nonamecnt+1;++i)
+ {
+ if (!noname[i].Exist())
+ {
+ if (frameleft<TenSeconds)
+ noname[i].Init(rand()%800,4,100,150,70);
+ else if (frameleft<TwentySeconds)
+ noname[i].Init(rand()%800,4,100,150,75);
+ else noname[i].Init(rand()%800,4,100,150,80);
+ if (i>nonamecnt)nonamecnt=i;break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Level1Part23()//The unbreakable jail?-used
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (bulcnt!=0)return (void)ClearAll();
+ Lasercnt=0;
+ CTarg.Init(18,75,5.0f);
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ CreateTower1(30,10,500,2);
+ CreateTower1(746,10,500,2);
+ CreateTower1(30,556,500,2);
+ CreateTower1(746,556,500,2);
+ ++part;
+void Level1Part24()//child
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=17;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ CTarg.SetRange(CTarg.GetRange()-0.002f);
+ CTarg.Update();
+double DTCircle;
+BCircle Circles[20];
+int CCnt;
+void Level1Part25()//Great circles-
+ towcnt=0;
+ frameleft=Infinity;
+ Circles[0].Init(444,20*pi/50000.0f,6,vector2d(400,300));
+ Circles[1].Init(444,-20*pi/50000.0f,6,vector2d(400,300));
+ CCnt=1;
+ DTCircle=0.0f;
+ ++part;
+void Level1Part26()//Great circles-child1
+ frameleft=Infinity;
+ DTCircle+=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ //Create New Circles here.
+ if (DTCircle>1&&CCnt<3)
+ {
+ Circles[2].Init(444,10*pi/50000.0f,12,vector2d(400,300));
+ Circles[3].Init(444,-10*pi/50000.0f,12,vector2d(400,300));
+ CCnt=3;
+ }
+ if (DTCircle>2&&CCnt<5)
+ {
+ Circles[4].Init(444,8*pi/50000.0f,18,vector2d(400,300));
+ Circles[5].Init(444,-8*pi/50000.0f,18,vector2d(400,300));
+ CCnt=5;
+ }
+ if (DTCircle>3&&CCnt<7)
+ {
+ Circles[6].Init(444,8*pi/50000.0f,27,vector2d(400,300));
+ Circles[7].Init(444,-8*pi/50000.0f,27,vector2d(400,300));
+ CCnt=7;
+ }
+ if (DTCircle>4&&CCnt<9)
+ {
+ Circles[8].Init(444,6*pi/50000.0f,45,vector2d(400,300));
+ Circles[9].Init(444,-6*pi/50000.0f,45,vector2d(400,300));
+ CCnt=9;
+ }
+ if (DTCircle>5&&CCnt<11)
+ {
+ Circles[10].Init(444,6*pi/50000.0f,60,vector2d(400,300));
+ Circles[11].Init(444,-6*pi/50000.0f,60,vector2d(400,300));
+ CCnt=11;
+ }
+ if (DTCircle>5&&CCnt<13)
+ {
+ Circles[12].Init(444,3*pi/50000.0f,96,vector2d(400,300));
+ Circles[13].Init(444,-3*pi/50000.0f,96,vector2d(400,300));
+ CCnt=13;
+ }
+ if (Circles[0].GetRange()>=50)//6
+ {
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=17;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ Circles[0].SetRange(Circles[0].GetRange()-0.1),
+ Circles[1].SetRange(Circles[1].GetRange()-0.1);
+ }
+ if (Circles[2].GetRange()>=100&&CCnt>=3)//12
+ {
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=17;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ Circles[2].SetRange(Circles[2].GetRange()-0.1),
+ Circles[3].SetRange(Circles[3].GetRange()-0.1);
+ }
+ if (Circles[4].GetRange()>=150&&CCnt>=5)//18
+ {
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=17;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ Circles[4].SetRange(Circles[4].GetRange()-0.1),
+ Circles[5].SetRange(Circles[5].GetRange()-0.1);
+ }
+ if (Circles[6].GetRange()>=210&&CCnt>=7)//27
+ {
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=17;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ Circles[6].SetRange(Circles[6].GetRange()-0.1),
+ Circles[7].SetRange(Circles[7].GetRange()-0.1);
+ }
+ if (Circles[8].GetRange()>=270&&CCnt>=9)//45
+ {
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=17;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ Circles[8].SetRange(Circles[8].GetRange()-0.1),
+ Circles[9].SetRange(Circles[9].GetRange()-0.1);
+ }
+ if (Circles[10].GetRange()>=320&&CCnt>=11)//60
+ {
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=17;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ Circles[10].SetRange(Circles[10].GetRange()-0.1),
+ Circles[11].SetRange(Circles[11].GetRange()-0.1);
+ }
+ if (Circles[12].GetRange()>=380&&CCnt>=13)//96
+ {
+ int times=1;if (LOWFPS)times=17;
+ for (int i=1;i<=times;++i)
+ Circles[12].SetRange(Circles[12].GetRange()-0.1),
+ Circles[13].SetRange(Circles[13].GetRange()-0.1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (CCnt>=13)++part;
+ for (int i=1;i<=CCnt;++i)
+ Circles[i].SetDT(i*pi);
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<=CCnt;++i)Circles[i].Update();
+void Level1Part27()//Great circles-child2
+ frameleft=Infinity;
+ for (int i=0;i<=CCnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (i==0||i==1)Circles[i].SetRange(50+10*sin(Circles[i].GetDT()));
+ if (i==2||i==3)Circles[i].SetRange(100+10*sin(Circles[i].GetDT()));
+ if (i==4||i==5)Circles[i].SetRange(150+10*sin(Circles[i].GetDT()));
+ if (i==6||i==7)Circles[i].SetRange(210+20*sin(Circles[i].GetDT()));
+ if (i==8||i==9)Circles[i].SetRange(270+20*sin(Circles[i].GetDT()));
+ if (i==10||i==11)Circles[i].SetRange(320+20*sin(Circles[i].GetDT()));
+ if (i==12||i==13)Circles[i].SetRange(380+30*sin(Circles[i].GetDT()));
+ Circles[i].Update();
+ }
+void Level1Part28()//?
+ if (bulcnt)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("End of the TestBed version!");
+ return;
+ }
+ Current_Position=0;
+ gui->Enter();