path: root/src/main/java/org/chrisoft/trashyaddon/commands/CEntitySelectorReader.java
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authorGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2024-05-18 01:24:05 -0400
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2024-05-18 01:24:05 -0400
commit04b4941e65693f8d6b55f924781d7dd7cd26b1d5 (patch)
treec78ff16924c246c3c0073c0f880a5582689c4a37 /src/main/java/org/chrisoft/trashyaddon/commands/CEntitySelectorReader.java
parent2b0c0f25b9e9ca690bb334479f798794fec6dd38 (diff)
commands: EntityHighlight, improved MapLocate.HEADdev
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/org/chrisoft/trashyaddon/commands/CEntitySelectorReader.java')
1 files changed, 626 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/chrisoft/trashyaddon/commands/CEntitySelectorReader.java b/src/main/java/org/chrisoft/trashyaddon/commands/CEntitySelectorReader.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c978d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/org/chrisoft/trashyaddon/commands/CEntitySelectorReader.java
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+package org.chrisoft.trashyaddon.commands;
+import com.google.common.primitives.Doubles;
+import com.mojang.brigadier.StringReader;
+import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.CommandSyntaxException;
+import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.DynamicCommandExceptionType;
+import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.SimpleCommandExceptionType;
+import com.mojang.brigadier.suggestion.Suggestions;
+import com.mojang.brigadier.suggestion.SuggestionsBuilder;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
+import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
+import java.util.function.BiFunction;
+import java.util.function.Consumer;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Predicate;
+import java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction;
+import net.minecraft.command.FloatRangeArgument;
+import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
+import net.minecraft.entity.EntityType;
+import net.minecraft.predicate.NumberRange;
+import net.minecraft.text.Text;
+import net.minecraft.util.math.Box;
+import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
+import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
+public class CEntitySelectorReader {
+ public static final char SELECTOR_PREFIX = '@';
+ private static final char ARGUMENTS_OPENING = '[';
+ private static final char ARGUMENTS_CLOSING = ']';
+ public static final char ARGUMENT_DEFINER = '=';
+ private static final char ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR = ',';
+ public static final char INVERT_MODIFIER = '!';
+ public static final char TAG_MODIFIER = '#';
+ private static final char NEAREST_PLAYER = 'p';
+ private static final char ALL_PLAYERS = 'a';
+ private static final char RANDOM_PLAYER = 'r';
+ private static final char SELF = 's';
+ private static final char ALL_ENTITIES = 'e';
+ public static final SimpleCommandExceptionType INVALID_ENTITY_EXCEPTION = new SimpleCommandExceptionType(Text.translatable("argument.entity.invalid"));
+ public static final DynamicCommandExceptionType UNKNOWN_SELECTOR_EXCEPTION = new DynamicCommandExceptionType(
+ selectorType -> Text.stringifiedTranslatable("argument.entity.selector.unknown", selectorType)
+ );
+ public static final SimpleCommandExceptionType NOT_ALLOWED_EXCEPTION = new SimpleCommandExceptionType(
+ Text.translatable("argument.entity.selector.not_allowed")
+ );
+ public static final SimpleCommandExceptionType MISSING_EXCEPTION = new SimpleCommandExceptionType(Text.translatable("argument.entity.selector.missing"));
+ public static final SimpleCommandExceptionType UNTERMINATED_EXCEPTION = new SimpleCommandExceptionType(
+ Text.translatable("argument.entity.options.unterminated")
+ );
+ public static final DynamicCommandExceptionType VALUELESS_EXCEPTION = new DynamicCommandExceptionType(
+ option -> Text.stringifiedTranslatable("argument.entity.options.valueless", option)
+ );
+ public static final BiConsumer<Vec3d, List<? extends Entity>> NEAREST = (pos, entities) -> entities.sort(
+ (entity1, entity2) -> Doubles.compare(entity1.squaredDistanceTo(pos), entity2.squaredDistanceTo(pos))
+ );
+ public static final BiConsumer<Vec3d, List<? extends Entity>> FURTHEST = (pos, entities) -> entities.sort(
+ (entity1, entity2) -> Doubles.compare(entity2.squaredDistanceTo(pos), entity1.squaredDistanceTo(pos))
+ );
+ public static final BiConsumer<Vec3d, List<? extends Entity>> RANDOM = (pos, entities) -> Collections.shuffle(entities);
+ public static final BiFunction<SuggestionsBuilder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder>, CompletableFuture<Suggestions>> DEFAULT_SUGGESTION_PROVIDER = (builder, consumer) -> builder.buildFuture();
+ private final StringReader reader;
+ private final boolean atAllowed;
+ private int limit;
+ private boolean includesNonPlayers;
+ private boolean localWorldOnly;
+ private NumberRange.DoubleRange distance = NumberRange.DoubleRange.ANY;
+ private NumberRange.IntRange levelRange = NumberRange.IntRange.ANY;
+ @Nullable
+ private Double x;
+ @Nullable
+ private Double y;
+ @Nullable
+ private Double z;
+ @Nullable
+ private Double dx;
+ @Nullable
+ private Double dy;
+ @Nullable
+ private Double dz;
+ private FloatRangeArgument pitchRange = FloatRangeArgument.ANY;
+ private FloatRangeArgument yawRange = FloatRangeArgument.ANY;
+ private Predicate<Entity> predicate = entity -> true;
+ private BiConsumer<Vec3d, List<? extends Entity>> sorter = CEntitySelector.ARBITRARY;
+ private boolean senderOnly;
+ @Nullable
+ private String playerName;
+ private int startCursor;
+ @Nullable
+ private UUID uuid;
+ private BiFunction<SuggestionsBuilder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder>, CompletableFuture<Suggestions>> suggestionProvider = DEFAULT_SUGGESTION_PROVIDER;
+ private boolean selectsName;
+ private boolean excludesName;
+ private boolean hasLimit;
+ private boolean hasSorter;
+ private boolean selectsGameMode;
+ private boolean excludesGameMode;
+ private boolean selectsTeam;
+ private boolean excludesTeam;
+ @Nullable
+ private EntityType<?> entityType;
+ private boolean excludesEntityType;
+ private boolean selectsScores;
+ private boolean selectsAdvancements;
+ private boolean usesAt;
+ public CEntitySelectorReader(StringReader reader) {
+ this(reader, true);
+ }
+ public CEntitySelectorReader(StringReader reader, boolean atAllowed) {
+ this.reader = reader;
+ this.atAllowed = atAllowed;
+ }
+ public CEntitySelector build() {
+ Box lv;
+ if (this.dx == null && this.dy == null && this.dz == null) {
+ if (this.distance.max().isPresent()) {
+ double d = this.distance.max().get();
+ lv = new Box(-d, -d, -d, d + 1.0, d + 1.0, d + 1.0);
+ } else {
+ lv = null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ lv = this.createBox(this.dx == null ? 0.0 : this.dx, this.dy == null ? 0.0 : this.dy, this.dz == null ? 0.0 : this.dz);
+ }
+ Function<Vec3d, Vec3d> function;
+ if (this.x == null && this.y == null && this.z == null) {
+ function = pos -> pos;
+ } else {
+ function = pos -> new Vec3d(this.x == null ? pos.x : this.x, this.y == null ? pos.y : this.y, this.z == null ? pos.z : this.z);
+ }
+ return new CEntitySelector(
+ this.limit,
+ this.includesNonPlayers,
+ this.localWorldOnly,
+ this.predicate,
+ this.distance,
+ function,
+ lv,
+ this.sorter,
+ this.senderOnly,
+ this.playerName,
+ this.uuid,
+ this.entityType,
+ this.usesAt
+ );
+ }
+ private Box createBox(double x, double y, double z) {
+ boolean bl = x < 0.0;
+ boolean bl2 = y < 0.0;
+ boolean bl3 = z < 0.0;
+ double g = bl ? x : 0.0;
+ double h = bl2 ? y : 0.0;
+ double i = bl3 ? z : 0.0;
+ double j = (bl ? 0.0 : x) + 1.0;
+ double k = (bl2 ? 0.0 : y) + 1.0;
+ double l = (bl3 ? 0.0 : z) + 1.0;
+ return new Box(g, h, i, j, k, l);
+ }
+ private void buildPredicate() {
+ if (this.pitchRange != FloatRangeArgument.ANY) {
+ this.predicate = this.predicate.and(this.rotationPredicate(this.pitchRange, Entity::getPitch));
+ }
+ if (this.yawRange != FloatRangeArgument.ANY) {
+ this.predicate = this.predicate.and(this.rotationPredicate(this.yawRange, Entity::getYaw));
+ }
+ if (!this.levelRange.isDummy()) {
+ this.predicate = this.predicate
+ .and(entity -> false); // no support for the xp predicate
+ }
+ }
+ private Predicate<Entity> rotationPredicate(FloatRangeArgument angleRange, ToDoubleFunction<Entity> entityToAngle) {
+ double d = (double)MathHelper.wrapDegrees(angleRange.min() == null ? 0.0F : angleRange.min());
+ double e = (double)MathHelper.wrapDegrees(angleRange.max() == null ? 359.0F : angleRange.max());
+ return entity -> {
+ double f = MathHelper.wrapDegrees(entityToAngle.applyAsDouble(entity));
+ return d > e ? f >= d || f <= e : f >= d && f <= e;
+ };
+ }
+ protected void readAtVariable() throws CommandSyntaxException {
+ this.usesAt = true;
+ this.suggestionProvider = this::suggestSelectorRest;
+ if (!this.reader.canRead()) {
+ throw MISSING_EXCEPTION.createWithContext(this.reader);
+ } else {
+ int i = this.reader.getCursor();
+ char c = this.reader.read();
+ if (c == 'p') {
+ this.limit = 1;
+ this.includesNonPlayers = false;
+ this.sorter = NEAREST;
+ this.setEntityType(EntityType.PLAYER);
+ } else if (c == 'a') {
+ this.limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+ this.includesNonPlayers = false;
+ this.sorter = CEntitySelector.ARBITRARY;
+ this.setEntityType(EntityType.PLAYER);
+ } else if (c == 'r') {
+ this.limit = 1;
+ this.includesNonPlayers = false;
+ this.sorter = RANDOM;
+ this.setEntityType(EntityType.PLAYER);
+ } else if (c == 's') {
+ this.limit = 1;
+ this.includesNonPlayers = true;
+ this.senderOnly = true;
+ } else {
+ if (c != 'e') {
+ this.reader.setCursor(i);
+ throw UNKNOWN_SELECTOR_EXCEPTION.createWithContext(this.reader, "@" + c);
+ }
+ this.limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+ this.includesNonPlayers = true;
+ this.sorter = CEntitySelector.ARBITRARY;
+ this.predicate = Entity::isAlive;
+ }
+ this.suggestionProvider = this::suggestOpen;
+ if (this.reader.canRead() && this.reader.peek() == '[') {
+ this.reader.skip();
+ this.suggestionProvider = this::suggestOptionOrEnd;
+ this.readArguments();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void readRegular() throws CommandSyntaxException {
+ if (this.reader.canRead()) {
+ this.suggestionProvider = this::suggestNormal;
+ }
+ int i = this.reader.getCursor();
+ String string = this.reader.readString();
+ try {
+ this.uuid = UUID.fromString(string);
+ this.includesNonPlayers = true;
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException var4) {
+ if (string.isEmpty() || string.length() > 16) {
+ this.reader.setCursor(i);
+ throw INVALID_ENTITY_EXCEPTION.createWithContext(this.reader);
+ }
+ this.includesNonPlayers = false;
+ this.playerName = string;
+ }
+ this.limit = 1;
+ }
+ protected void readArguments() throws CommandSyntaxException {
+ this.suggestionProvider = this::suggestOption;
+ this.reader.skipWhitespace();
+ while (this.reader.canRead() && this.reader.peek() != ']') {
+ this.reader.skipWhitespace();
+ int i = this.reader.getCursor();
+ String string = this.reader.readString();
+ CEntitySelectorOptions.SelectorHandler lv = CEntitySelectorOptions.getHandler(this, string, i);
+ this.reader.skipWhitespace();
+ if (!this.reader.canRead() || this.reader.peek() != '=') {
+ this.reader.setCursor(i);
+ throw VALUELESS_EXCEPTION.createWithContext(this.reader, string);
+ }
+ this.reader.skip();
+ this.reader.skipWhitespace();
+ this.suggestionProvider = DEFAULT_SUGGESTION_PROVIDER;
+ lv.handle(this);
+ this.reader.skipWhitespace();
+ this.suggestionProvider = this::suggestEndNext;
+ if (this.reader.canRead()) {
+ if (this.reader.peek() != ',') {
+ if (this.reader.peek() != ']') {
+ throw UNTERMINATED_EXCEPTION.createWithContext(this.reader);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ this.reader.skip();
+ this.suggestionProvider = this::suggestOption;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.reader.canRead()) {
+ this.reader.skip();
+ this.suggestionProvider = DEFAULT_SUGGESTION_PROVIDER;
+ } else {
+ throw UNTERMINATED_EXCEPTION.createWithContext(this.reader);
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean readNegationCharacter() {
+ this.reader.skipWhitespace();
+ if (this.reader.canRead() && this.reader.peek() == '!') {
+ this.reader.skip();
+ this.reader.skipWhitespace();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean readTagCharacter() {
+ this.reader.skipWhitespace();
+ if (this.reader.canRead() && this.reader.peek() == '#') {
+ this.reader.skip();
+ this.reader.skipWhitespace();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public StringReader getReader() {
+ return this.reader;
+ }
+ public void setPredicate(Predicate<Entity> predicate) {
+ this.predicate = this.predicate.and(predicate);
+ }
+ public void setLocalWorldOnly() {
+ this.localWorldOnly = true;
+ }
+ public NumberRange.DoubleRange getDistance() {
+ return this.distance;
+ }
+ public void setDistance(NumberRange.DoubleRange distance) {
+ this.distance = distance;
+ }
+ public NumberRange.IntRange getLevelRange() {
+ return this.levelRange;
+ }
+ public void setLevelRange(NumberRange.IntRange levelRange) {
+ this.levelRange = levelRange;
+ }
+ public FloatRangeArgument getPitchRange() {
+ return this.pitchRange;
+ }
+ public void setPitchRange(FloatRangeArgument pitchRange) {
+ this.pitchRange = pitchRange;
+ }
+ public FloatRangeArgument getYawRange() {
+ return this.yawRange;
+ }
+ public void setYawRange(FloatRangeArgument yawRange) {
+ this.yawRange = yawRange;
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ public Double getX() {
+ return this.x;
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ public Double getY() {
+ return this.y;
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ public Double getZ() {
+ return this.z;
+ }
+ public void setX(double x) {
+ this.x = x;
+ }
+ public void setY(double y) {
+ this.y = y;
+ }
+ public void setZ(double z) {
+ this.z = z;
+ }
+ public void setDx(double dx) {
+ this.dx = dx;
+ }
+ public void setDy(double dy) {
+ this.dy = dy;
+ }
+ public void setDz(double dz) {
+ this.dz = dz;
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ public Double getDx() {
+ return this.dx;
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ public Double getDy() {
+ return this.dy;
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ public Double getDz() {
+ return this.dz;
+ }
+ public void setLimit(int limit) {
+ this.limit = limit;
+ }
+ public void setIncludesNonPlayers(boolean includesNonPlayers) {
+ this.includesNonPlayers = includesNonPlayers;
+ }
+ public BiConsumer<Vec3d, List<? extends Entity>> getSorter() {
+ return this.sorter;
+ }
+ public void setSorter(BiConsumer<Vec3d, List<? extends Entity>> sorter) {
+ this.sorter = sorter;
+ }
+ public CEntitySelector read() throws CommandSyntaxException {
+ this.startCursor = this.reader.getCursor();
+ this.suggestionProvider = this::suggestSelector;
+ if (this.reader.canRead() && this.reader.peek() == '@') {
+ if (!this.atAllowed) {
+ throw NOT_ALLOWED_EXCEPTION.createWithContext(this.reader);
+ }
+ this.reader.skip();
+ this.readAtVariable();
+ } else {
+ this.readRegular();
+ }
+ this.buildPredicate();
+ return this.build();
+ }
+ private static void suggestSelector(SuggestionsBuilder builder) {
+ builder.suggest("@p", Text.translatable("argument.entity.selector.nearestPlayer"));
+ builder.suggest("@a", Text.translatable("argument.entity.selector.allPlayers"));
+ builder.suggest("@r", Text.translatable("argument.entity.selector.randomPlayer"));
+ builder.suggest("@s", Text.translatable("argument.entity.selector.self"));
+ builder.suggest("@e", Text.translatable("argument.entity.selector.allEntities"));
+ }
+ private CompletableFuture<Suggestions> suggestSelector(SuggestionsBuilder builder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder> consumer) {
+ consumer.accept(builder);
+ if (this.atAllowed) {
+ suggestSelector(builder);
+ }
+ return builder.buildFuture();
+ }
+ private CompletableFuture<Suggestions> suggestNormal(SuggestionsBuilder builder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder> consumer) {
+ SuggestionsBuilder suggestionsBuilder2 = builder.createOffset(this.startCursor);
+ consumer.accept(suggestionsBuilder2);
+ return builder.add(suggestionsBuilder2).buildFuture();
+ }
+ private CompletableFuture<Suggestions> suggestSelectorRest(SuggestionsBuilder builder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder> consumer) {
+ SuggestionsBuilder suggestionsBuilder2 = builder.createOffset(builder.getStart() - 1);
+ suggestSelector(suggestionsBuilder2);
+ builder.add(suggestionsBuilder2);
+ return builder.buildFuture();
+ }
+ private CompletableFuture<Suggestions> suggestOpen(SuggestionsBuilder builder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder> consumer) {
+ builder.suggest(String.valueOf('['));
+ return builder.buildFuture();
+ }
+ private CompletableFuture<Suggestions> suggestOptionOrEnd(SuggestionsBuilder builder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder> consumer) {
+ builder.suggest(String.valueOf(']'));
+ CEntitySelectorOptions.suggestOptions(this, builder);
+ return builder.buildFuture();
+ }
+ private CompletableFuture<Suggestions> suggestOption(SuggestionsBuilder builder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder> consumer) {
+ CEntitySelectorOptions.suggestOptions(this, builder);
+ return builder.buildFuture();
+ }
+ private CompletableFuture<Suggestions> suggestEndNext(SuggestionsBuilder builder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder> consumer) {
+ builder.suggest(String.valueOf(','));
+ builder.suggest(String.valueOf(']'));
+ return builder.buildFuture();
+ }
+ private CompletableFuture<Suggestions> suggestDefinerNext(SuggestionsBuilder builder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder> consumer) {
+ builder.suggest(String.valueOf('='));
+ return builder.buildFuture();
+ }
+ public boolean isSenderOnly() {
+ return this.senderOnly;
+ }
+ public void setSuggestionProvider(BiFunction<SuggestionsBuilder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder>, CompletableFuture<Suggestions>> suggestionProvider) {
+ this.suggestionProvider = suggestionProvider;
+ }
+ public CompletableFuture<Suggestions> listSuggestions(SuggestionsBuilder builder, Consumer<SuggestionsBuilder> consumer) {
+ return this.suggestionProvider.apply(builder.createOffset(this.reader.getCursor()), consumer);
+ }
+ public boolean selectsName() {
+ return this.selectsName;
+ }
+ public void setSelectsName(boolean selectsName) {
+ this.selectsName = selectsName;
+ }
+ public boolean excludesName() {
+ return this.excludesName;
+ }
+ public void setExcludesName(boolean excludesName) {
+ this.excludesName = excludesName;
+ }
+ public boolean hasLimit() {
+ return this.hasLimit;
+ }
+ public void setHasLimit(boolean hasLimit) {
+ this.hasLimit = hasLimit;
+ }
+ public boolean hasSorter() {
+ return this.hasSorter;
+ }
+ public void setHasSorter(boolean hasSorter) {
+ this.hasSorter = hasSorter;
+ }
+ public boolean selectsGameMode() {
+ return this.selectsGameMode;
+ }
+ public void setSelectsGameMode(boolean selectsGameMode) {
+ this.selectsGameMode = selectsGameMode;
+ }
+ public boolean excludesGameMode() {
+ return this.excludesGameMode;
+ }
+ public void setExcludesGameMode(boolean excludesGameMode) {
+ this.excludesGameMode = excludesGameMode;
+ }
+ public boolean selectsTeam() {
+ return this.selectsTeam;
+ }
+ public void setSelectsTeam(boolean selectsTeam) {
+ this.selectsTeam = selectsTeam;
+ }
+ public boolean excludesTeam() {
+ return this.excludesTeam;
+ }
+ public void setExcludesTeam(boolean excludesTeam) {
+ this.excludesTeam = excludesTeam;
+ }
+ public void setEntityType(EntityType<?> entityType) {
+ this.entityType = entityType;
+ }
+ public void setExcludesEntityType() {
+ this.excludesEntityType = true;
+ }
+ public boolean selectsEntityType() {
+ return this.entityType != null;
+ }
+ public boolean excludesEntityType() {
+ return this.excludesEntityType;
+ }
+ public boolean selectsScores() {
+ return this.selectsScores;
+ }
+ public void setSelectsScores(boolean selectsScores) {
+ this.selectsScores = selectsScores;
+ }
+ public boolean selectsAdvancements() {
+ return this.selectsAdvancements;
+ }
+ public void setSelectsAdvancements(boolean selectsAdvancements) {
+ this.selectsAdvancements = selectsAdvancements;
+ }