path: root/main.js
diff options
authorGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2017-06-28 16:10:03 +0800
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2017-06-28 16:10:03 +0800
commitd703ee951730a81c22bc875b416adbbd76367091 (patch)
tree7cf6e5c8f0d15ea5bbc6063ef7063962b3aa88ff /main.js
Initial commit.HEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'main.js')
1 files changed, 729 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main.js b/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09af115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+//License: Expat(MIT)
+//Chris Xiong 2017
+const mrkcol=["#FFF","#F00","#0F0","#00F","#0FF","#F0F","#FF0","#F80","#F08","#0F8","#8F0","#80F","#08F"];
+const ui={};
+function min(a,b){return a<b?a:b;}
+function max(a,b){return a>b?a:b;}
+async function sleep(ms)
+ return new Promise(resolve=>setTimeout(resolve,ms));
+class ISort
+ constructor(h)
+ {
+ this.executing=false;
+ this.finished=false;
+ this.step=false;
+ this.h=h;
+ }
+ options()
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ async wait()
+ {
+ do{await sleep(5);}while(!this.step);
+ this.step=false;
+ }
+ async execute(){}
+class BubbleSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ const h=this.h;
+ let c=h.count;
+ let swapped=false;
+ do
+ {
+ swapped=false;
+ for(let i=1;i<c;++i)
+ {
+ h.mark(i,1);h.mark(i-1,2);
+ if(h.compar(i-1,i)==1)
+ {
+ h.swap(i-1,i);
+ swapped=true;
+ }
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(i,0);h.mark(i-1,0);
+ }
+ c=c-1;
+ }
+ while(swapped);
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class SelectSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ const h=this.h;
+ const c=h.count;
+ for(let i=0;i<c;++i)
+ {
+ let m=i;
+ h.mark(i,1);
+ for(let j=i+1;j<c;++j)
+ {
+ h.mark(j,3);
+ if(h.get(j)<h.get(m))
+ {
+ if(m!=i)h.mark(m,0);
+ m=j;h.mark(m,2);
+ }
+ await this.wait();
+ if(m!==j)h.mark(j,0);
+ }
+ h.mark(i,0);h.mark(m,0);
+ h.swap(i,m);
+ }
+ for(let i=0;i<c;++i)h.mark(i,0);
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class InsertSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ const h=this.h;
+ const c=h.count;
+ for(let i=1;i<c;++i)
+ {
+ let t=h.get(i);
+ h.mark(i,1);
+ for(let j=i-1;j>=0&&h.get(j)>t;--j)
+ {
+ h.mark(j,2);
+ h.swap(j,j+1);
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(j,0);
+ }
+ h.mark(i,0);
+ }
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class CombSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ const h=this.h;
+ let swapped=false;
+ let gap=h.count;
+ while((gap>1)||swapped)
+ {
+ if(gap>1)gap=Math.floor(gap/1.3);
+ swapped=false;
+ for(let i=0;gap+i<h.count;++i)
+ {
+ h.mark(i,1);h.mark(i+gap,1);
+ if(h.get(i)>h.get(i+gap))
+ {
+ h.swap(i,i+gap);
+ swapped=true;
+ }
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(i,0);h.mark(i+gap,0);
+ }
+ }
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class ShellSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ const gaps=[1073790977,268460033,67121153,16783361,4197377,
+ 1050113,262913,65921,16577,4193,1073,281,77,23,8,1];
+ for(let g=0;g<gaps.length;++g)
+ for(let cg=gaps[g],i=cg;i<h.count;++i)
+ {
+ h.mark(i,2);
+ let t=h.get(i),j=i;
+ for(let tv;j>=cg&&(tv=h.get(j-cg))>t;j-=cg)
+ {
+ let om=h.getmark(j);
+ h.mark(j,1);
+ h.set(j,tv);
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(j,om);
+ }
+ h.set(j,t);
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(i,0);
+ }
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class ShakerSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ const h=this.h;
+ for(let L=0,R=h.count-1,m=0;L<R;)
+ {
+ for(let i=R;i>L;--i)
+ {
+ h.mark(i-1,2);h.mark(i,1);
+ if(h.compar(i-1,i)>0)
+ {
+ h.swap(i-1,i);
+ m=i;
+ }
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(i-1,0);h.mark(i,0);
+ }
+ L=m;
+ for(let i=L;i<R;++i)
+ {
+ h.mark(i+1,2);h.mark(i,1);
+ if(h.compar(i,i+1)>0)
+ {
+ h.swap(i+1,i);
+ m=i;
+ }
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(i+1,0);h.mark(i,0);
+ }
+ R=m;
+ }
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class QuickSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ options()
+ {
+ return `{
+ "optionlist":
+ [
+ {
+ "dispname":"Pivot Selection",
+ "opt":"pivot",
+ "type":"enumsingle",
+ "options":[
+ "First",
+ "Last",
+ "Middle",
+ "Random"
+ ],
+ "defaultv":"2"
+ }
+ ]
+ }`;
+ }
+ async _sort(l,r)
+ {
+ const h=this.h;
+ let i=l,j=r;
+ let p=l;
+ switch(Number(h.getopt("pivot")))
+ {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ p=r;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ p=(l+r)>>1;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ p=Math.floor(Math.random()*(r+1-l))+l;
+ break;
+ }
+ let x=h.get(p);
+ h.mark(p,3);
+ do
+ {
+ while(h.comparv(h.get(i),x)==-1)
+ {
+ ++i;h.mark(i,1);
+ await this.wait();h.mark(i,0);
+ }
+ while(h.comparv(h.get(j),x)== 1)
+ {
+ --j;h.mark(j,1);
+ await this.wait();h.mark(j,0);
+ }
+ if(i<=j){h.swap(i,j);++i;--j;}
+ h.mark(i,1);h.mark(j,1);
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(i,0);h.mark(j,0);
+ h.mark(p,3);
+ }
+ while(i<=j);
+ h.mark(p,0);
+ if(l<j)await this._sort(l,j);
+ if(i<r)await this._sort(i,r);
+ }
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ await this._sort(0,this.h.count-1);
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class MergeSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ async merge(L,R,M)
+ {
+ this.h.mark(L,2);this.h.mark(R-1,2);
+ this.h.mark(M,3);
+ let t=[];
+ let i=L,j=M;
+ while(i<M&&j<R)
+ {
+ let a=this.h.get(i);
+ let b=this.h.get(j);
+ t.push(
+ this.h.comparv(a,b)<0?
+ (++i,a):
+ (++j,b)
+ );
+ this.h.mark(i,1);this.h.mark(j,1);
+ await this.wait();
+ this.h.mark(i,0);this.h.mark(j,0);
+ this.h.mark(L,2);this.h.mark(R-1,2);
+ this.h.mark(M,3);
+ }
+ while(i<M){t.push(this.h.get(i++));await this.wait();}
+ while(j<R){t.push(this.h.get(j++));await this.wait();}
+ for(i=0;i<R-L;++i)
+ {
+ this.h.set(L+i,t[i]);
+ let om=this.h.getmark(L+i);
+ this.h.mark(L+i,1);
+ await this.wait();
+ this.h.mark(L+i,om);
+ }
+ this.h.mark(L,0);this.h.mark(R-1,0);
+ this.h.mark(M,0);
+ }
+ async _sort(L,R)
+ {
+ if(L+1>=R)return;
+ const M=(L+R)>>1;
+ await this._sort(L,M);
+ await this._sort(M,R);
+ await this.merge(L,R,M);
+ }
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ await this._sort(0,this.h.count);
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class HeapSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ const h=this.h;
+ let n=h.count,le=n>>1;
+ for(let i=le;i<n;++i)h.mark(i,Math.floor(Math.log(i+1)/Math.log(2))+2);
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if(le>0)--le;
+ else
+ {
+ if(!--n)break;
+ h.swap(0,n);
+ h.mark(n,1);
+ if(n+1<h.count)h.mark(n+1,0);
+ await this.wait();
+ }
+ let par=le,ch=(le<<1)|1;
+ while(ch<n)
+ {
+ if(ch+1<n&&h.compar(ch+1,ch)>0)++ch;
+ if(h.compar(ch,par)>0)
+ {
+ h.swap(ch,par);
+ par=ch;ch=(par<<1)|1;
+ }else break;
+ await this.wait();
+ }
+ h.mark(le,Math.floor(Math.log(le+1)/Math.log(2))+2);
+ await this.wait();
+ }
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class LSDRadixSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ const R=4;
+ const pm=Math.ceil(Math.log(h.maxval+1)/Math.log(R));
+ for(let p=0;p<pm;++p)
+ {
+ let base=Math.round(Math.pow(R,p));
+ let c=[];for(let i=0;i<R;++i)c[i]=0;
+ let cpy=[];
+ for(let i=0;i<h.count;++i)
+ {
+ h.mark(i,1);
+ cpy[i]=h.get(i);
+ let r=Math.floor(cpy[i]/base)%R;
+ ++c[r];
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(i,0);
+ }
+ let ps=[];ps.push(0);
+ for(let i=0;i<R;++i)
+ ps[i+1]=ps[i]+c[i];
+ for(let i=0;i<ps.length-1;++i)
+ {
+ if(ps[i]>=h.count)continue;
+ h.mark(ps[i],3);
+ }
+ for(let i=0;i<h.count;++i)
+ {
+ let r=Math.floor(cpy[i]/base)%R;
+ let om=h.getmark(ps[r]);
+ h.set(ps[r],cpy[i]);
+ h.mark(ps[r],1);
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(ps[r]++,om);
+ }
+ for(let i=0;i<h.count;++i)h.mark(i,0);
+ }
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class MSDRadixSort extends ISort
+ constructor(h){super(h);}
+ async _sort(L,R,dpt)
+ {
+ const Rdx=4;
+ const h=this.h;
+ h.mark(L,2);h.mark(R-1,2);
+ const pm=Math.floor(Math.log(h.maxval+1)/Math.log(Rdx));
+ let base=Math.round(Math.pow(Rdx,pm-dpt));
+ let c=[];for(let i=0;i<Rdx;++i)c[i]=0;
+ for(let i=L;i<R;++i)
+ {
+ let om=h.getmark(i);
+ h.mark(i,1);
+ let r=Math.floor(h.get(i)/base)%Rdx;
+ ++c[r];
+ await this.wait();
+ h.mark(i,om);
+ }
+ let ps=[];ps[0]=c[0];
+ for(let i=1;i<Rdx;++i)
+ ps[i]=ps[i-1]+c[i];
+ for(let i=0;i<ps.length;++i)
+ {
+ if(ps[i]===0)continue;
+ h.mark(L+ps[i]-1,3);
+ }
+ for(let i=0,j;i<(R-L);)
+ {
+ while((j=--ps[Math.floor(h.get(L+i)/base)%Rdx])>i)
+ {
+ h.swap(L+i,L+j);
+ await this.wait();
+ }
+ i+=c[Math.floor(h.get(L+i)/base)%Rdx];
+ }
+ for(let i=0;i<h.count;++i)h.mark(i,0);
+ if(dpt+1>pm)return;
+ let s=L;
+ for(let i=0;i<Rdx;++i)
+ {
+ if(c[i]>1)
+ await this._sort(s,s+c[i],dpt+1);
+ s+=c[i];
+ }
+ }
+ async execute()
+ {
+ this.executing=true;
+ await this._sort(0,h.count,0);
+ this.finished=true;
+ }
+class SortHypervisor
+ constructor()
+ {
+ this.ctx=ui.cvs.getContext("2d");
+ this.w=ui.cvs.width;
+ this.h=ui.cvs.height;
+ this.ctx.clearRect(0,0,this.w,this.h);
+ this.ctx.lineWidth=window.devicePixelRatio.toString();
+ window.AudioContext=window.AudioContext||window.webkitAudioContext;
+ this.actx=new AudioContext();
+ this.dly=20;
+ this.reset(100);
+ }
+ reset(c)
+ {
+ this.raccess=0;
+ this.waccess=0;
+ this.count=c;
+ this.bin=[];
+ this.mrk=[];
+ this.algo=null;
+ this.initalgo();
+ this.breakexec=false;
+ for(let i=0;i<this.count;++i)
+ {this.bin[i]=i+1;this.mrk[i]=0;}
+ this.maxval=this.count+1;
+ }
+ shuffle()
+ {
+ this.breakexec=true;
+ this.initalgo();
+ for(let i=0;i<this.count;++i)
+ {this.bin[i]=i+1;this.mrk[i]=0;}
+ this.maxval=this.count+1;
+ switch(ui.sdat.value)
+ {
+ case "asc":
+ break;
+ case "dec":
+ for(let i=0;i<this.count;++i)
+ this.bin[i]=this.count-i;
+ break;
+ case "rnd":
+ case "cub":
+ case "qui":
+ let pow=(ui.sdat.value==="cub"?3:5);
+ if(ui.sdat.value!="rnd")
+ for(let i=0;i<this.count;++i)
+ this.bin[i]=Math.floor((Math.pow((2.*i/this.count-1),pow)+1)*this.count/2)+1;
+ this.maxval=this.bin[this.count-1];
+ for(let i=this.count-1;i>0;--i)
+ {
+ let r=Math.floor(Math.random()*(i+1));
+ let t=this.bin[i];
+ this.bin[i]=this.bin[r];
+ this.bin[r]=t;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ this.fullredraw();
+ }
+ swap(ida,idb)
+ {
+ this.raccess+=2;
+ this.waccess+=2;
+ let t=this.bin[ida];
+ this.bin[ida]=this.bin[idb];
+ this.bin[idb]=t;
+ this.singleredraw(ida);
+ this.singleredraw(idb);
+ }
+ get(id)
+ {
+ ++this.raccess;
+ this.sound(this.bin[id]/this.count*1100+132);
+ return this.bin[id];
+ }
+ set(id,v)
+ {
+ ++this.waccess;
+ this.bin[id]=v;
+ this.sound(this.bin[id]/this.count*1100+132);
+ this.singleredraw(id);
+ }
+ comparv(a,b){return a<b?-1:a>b?1:0;}
+ compar(ida,idb)
+ {
+ let a=this.get(ida),b=this.get(idb);
+ return this.comparv(a,b);
+ }
+ getmark(id){return this.mrk[id];}
+ mark(id,m){
+ this.mrk[id]=m;
+ this.singleredraw(id);
+ }
+ fullredraw()
+ {
+ const w=this.w,h=this.h,n=this.count;
+ this.ctx.clearRect(0,0,w,h);
+ for(let i=0;i<n;++i)
+ {
+ this.ctx.fillStyle=mrkcol[this.mrk[i]];
+ this.ctx.fillRect(i*w/n,(n+1-this.bin[i])/n*h,w/n,this.bin[i]/n*h);
+ this.ctx.strokeRect(i*w/n,(n+1-this.bin[i])/n*h,w/n,this.bin[i]/n*h);
+ }
+ }
+ singleredraw(id)
+ {
+ const w=this.w,h=this.h,n=this.count;
+ this.ctx.clearRect(id*w/n-w/n*0.5,0,w/n*2,h);
+ for(let i=max(id-1,0);i<=min(id+1,n-1);++i)
+ {
+ this.ctx.fillStyle=mrkcol[this.mrk[i]];
+ this.ctx.fillRect(i*w/n,(n+1-this.bin[i])/n*h,w/n,this.bin[i]/n*h);
+ this.ctx.strokeRect(i*w/n,(n+1-this.bin[i])/n*h,w/n,this.bin[i]/n*h);
+ }
+ }
+ initalgo(algochanged)
+ {
+ this.raccess=this.waccess=0;
+ ui.lbra.innerHTML="0";
+ ui.lbwa.innerHTML="0";
+ this.algo=eval('new '+ui.salg.value+'(this);');
+ if(algochanged)
+ {
+ this.algoopt=new Map();
+ while(ui.wopt.hasChildNodes())ui.wopt.removeChild(ui.wopt.lastChild);
+ if(!this.algo.options().length)return;
+ let ol=JSON.parse(this.algo.options()).optionlist;
+ for(let i=0;i<ol.length;++i)
+ {
+ let ell=document.createElement('label');
+ ell.htmlFor=ol[i].opt;
+ ell.innerHTML=ol[i].dispname;
+ ui.wopt.appendChild(ell);
+ switch(ol[i].type)
+ {
+ case "enumsingle":
+ let elo=document.createElement('select');
+ this.algoopt.set(ol[i].opt,{"el":elo,"type":ol[i].type});
+ elo.id=ol[i].opt;
+ ui.wopt.appendChild(elo);
+ for(let j=0;j<ol[i].options.length;++j)
+ {
+ let eloc=document.createElement('option');
+ eloc.text=ol[i].options[j];
+ eloc.value=j;
+ if(j==Number(ol[i].defaultv))
+ eloc.selected="selected";
+ elo.appendChild(eloc);
+ }
+ ui.wopt.appendChild(elo);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async execute()
+ {
+ if(!this.algo.executing||this.algo.finished)
+ {
+ this.initalgo();
+ this.algo.execute();
+ }
+ this.breakexec=false;
+ while(!this.algo.finished&&!this.breakexec)
+ {
+ await sleep(this.dly);
+ this.algo.step=true;
+ ui.lbra.innerHTML=this.raccess;
+ ui.lbwa.innerHTML=this.waccess;
+ }
+ if(this.algo.finished)
+ {
+ let last=0,err=false;
+ for(let i=0;i<this.count;++i)
+ {
+ let t=this.get(i);
+ if(t<last){if(!err)alert("The algorithm failed to sort the array...");err=true;}
+ last=t;
+ this.mark(i,2);
+ await sleep(10);
+ }
+ for(let i=0;i<this.count;++i)this.mark(i,0);
+ }
+ }
+ step()
+ {
+ if(!this.algo.executing||this.algo.finished)
+ {
+ this.initalgo();
+ this.algo.execute();
+ }
+ else this.algo.step=true;
+ this.breakexec=true;
+ ui.lbra.innerHTML=this.raccess;
+ ui.lbwa.innerHTML=this.waccess;
+ }
+ changealgo()
+ {
+ this.breakexec=true;
+ this.initalgo(true);
+ this.shuffle();
+ }
+ getopt(o)
+ {
+ switch(this.algoopt.get(o).type)
+ {
+ case "enumsingle":
+ return this.algoopt.get(o).el.value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ sound(freq)
+ {
+ let o=this.actx.createOscillator();
+ let g=this.actx.createGain();
+ o.connect(g);g.connect(this.actx.destination);
+ o.frequency.value=freq;o.type="triangle";
+ let t=this.actx.currentTime;
+ o.start(0);
+ g.gain.setValueAtTime(0,0);
+ g.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0.1,t+0.005)
+ g.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0,t+0.105);
+ o.stop(t+0.1);
+ }
+let h=null;
+function init()
+ ui.cvs=document.getElementById("cvs");
+ ui.rspd=document.getElementById("spd");
+ ui.rcnt=document.getElementById("count");
+ ui.wopt=document.getElementById("optw");
+ ui.salg=document.getElementById("sel");
+ ui.sdat=document.getElementById("data");
+ ui.lbra=document.getElementById("racc");
+ ui.lbwa=document.getElementById("wacc");
+ ui.lbcnt=document.getElementById("lbcnt");
+ ui.lbspd=document.getElementById("lbspd");
+ if(!window.devicePixelRatio)window.devicePixelRatio=1;
+ if(ui.cvs.width>window.innerWidth*0.95)ui.cvs.width=window.innerWidth*0.95;
+ ui.cvs.height=ui.cvs.width/16*9;
+ if(ui.cvs.height>window.innerHeight*0.72)
+ {
+ ui.cvs.height=window.innerHeight*0.72;
+ ui.cvs.width=ui.cvs.height/9*16;
+ }
+ ui.cvs.style.width=ui.cvs.width+"px";
+ ui.cvs.style.height=ui.cvs.height+"px";
+ ui.cvs.width=ui.cvs.width*window.devicePixelRatio;
+ ui.cvs.height=ui.cvs.height*window.devicePixelRatio;
+ ui.rspd.onchange=()=>{h.dly=Number(ui.rspd.value);}
+ ui.rcnt.onchange=()=>{h.reset(Number(ui.rcnt.value));h.fullredraw();}
+ ui.rspd.oninput=()=>{ui.lbspd.innerHTML=ui.rspd.value+"ms";}
+ ui.rcnt.oninput=()=>{ui.lbcnt.innerHTML=ui.rcnt.value;}
+ ui.salg.onchange=()=>{h.changealgo();}
+ h=new SortHypervisor();
+ h.fullredraw();