path: root/ballance/levels
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authorGravatar Chris Xiong <> 2020-07-25 16:00:20 +0800
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <> 2020-07-25 16:00:20 +0800
commit860cf480016bfe1943df555c468665ffb30b9ba2 (patch)
treea1764fc35c746cc558ddae6cec7caec48d7c776e /ballance/levels
parentf632a481109546d622b127eecc094a50105a937d (diff)
Shit I shouldn't have been doing.
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5 files changed, 663 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ballance/levels/index.html b/ballance/levels/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
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index 0000000..1c6aac0
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+<meta charset="utf-8">
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+<title>Chrisoft::Ballance | Back and Forth - A Lucid Dream | 彷徨梦</title>
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+<h1><a href="/">Chrisoft</a>::Ballance</h1>
+<h2>Back and Forth - A Lucid Dream</h2>
+<h4><a href="bonus_zh.html">中文</a></h4>
+<a href="//"> <img width="630" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" src="//"></a>
+If you are reading this, you probably just discovered the easter egg in the level "Back and Forth - A Lucid Dream", or followed a link in some random spoilers. If you discovered the easter egg all by yourself, you're super awesome.
+Unfortunately there are no actual rewards. So here is your compensation: the author's comments and some hints on this level.
+Contrary to the claim made in the download page, the level is actually neither very 2010-ish (it makes use of a lot of techniques used by later levels, although it did have its origin in the year 2010) nor that relaxing. Cycling mechanisms has always been the bane of my existence in a lot of games. And I'm determined to bring the pain to you, my fellow Ballance player.
+The basic idea of this level, which is making a tiny level where everything happens on the same platform but you have to run back and forth, has been in my mind since I got into level making. Back then folks in the custom level community were still experimenting with weird usage of components. I did finally made a level out of that idea, however it was so short that it wasn't worth publishing (three sectors, two of which contains actual content). Also, by the time I finished the level, the custom level community has started rolling out serious creations, such as "mechanism madness II", making my level look super boring in comparison. So I just put the file away.
+<div style="text-align:center;">
+<a href="//"> <img width="700" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" src="//"></a>
+Virtools view of Level_01_board.nmo. The time stamp of the file is 12/05/2010 10:35.
+Time flies. I stepped away from Ballance. But I still occasionally opened up Virtools when I was bored, and sometimes made discoveries that were regarded as 'groundbreaking' by others (and sometimes, myself, shamelessly). But I never picked up custom level making ever, since I have witnessed the evolution of custom levels and I don't think I have the creativity or skills to reach the 'quality threshold' anymore.
+However my desire to remake this level was unstoppable when I pulled the file from my supposedly dead hard drive that randomly decided to show signs of life a few weeks ago: if all I have done is remaking a level I made 10 years ago, I have a perfect excuse to fall behind the current quality average. Also maybe I can salvage the idea by adding custom elements into the level. So I quickly started scribbling down ideas on my computer and piecing the parts together together in Virtools. I then started writing the scripts: it was me who made the discovery first, so it would be embarrassing if I don't use it myself. That was followed by a long and dull debugging session. And voilà, the level was done!
+<div style="text-align:center;">
+<a href="//"> <img width="480" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" src="//"></a>
+Sketch of the level. There're obvious errors.
+The level contains TONS and TONS of scripts, more than any scripted custom levels released ever. I mean, if all the scripts were removed from the level, the file size would shrink by almost 60% percent, that's 73KB of my precious disk space taken up by just Virtools behavior scripts! However, what the huge scripts inside the level achieved is surprisingly little: just the morphing transformer and handling some animated parts (which also reveals that Virtools behavior script is a terrible tool to implement any less than trivial mechanisms). I've also took a look into all the levels with less than trivial scripting currently available, and almost all of them just crammed everything into a single script (which isn't really good for readability, especially when you are writing a script that's already hard to read by its very own nature). Hopefully this level also serves as an example of how to split your script logic properly.
+I haven't been playing a lot of custom levels since 2013 really, so I don't have a clue where should I put this level on the current difficulty scale. However I think it's a fairly easy level. Collecting all the extra points does take efforts, but it's mostly just timing and RNG. Below is my dissection of the level.
+Sector 1: nothing much. Carbon copied from the original level. Placing rotated and/or scaled parts all over the place seemed trendy back then.
+Sector 2: still nothing much. It's slightly modified compared to the original. Forces you to do some maneuvering through sand sacks with a paper ball, which can be avoided altogether but requires timing.
+Sector 3: a tiny puzzle. Shouldn't take too long to figure out.
+The flipping tile that's farther from the spawn doesn't tilt towards the suspension bridge. This is intentional, in attempt to make this section a little bit easier for unskilled players like me.
+<p class="reduced">
+Solution is easy: clear the first obstacle with the stone ball, then switch to wood and get to the other side using the alternate path. Return via the seesaw, pushing it down in the process. Then switch back to stone and the sector is done.
+Sector 4: There is something hidden very poorly in this sector. If you are not interested, you can safely ignore the entire sector.
+<p class="reduced">
+Hint: the preferred way to get to the extra point is to be caught by the morphing transformer when its material is wood. Then drop onto the seesaw and accelerate towards the box. You will get the points on impact, then you can proceed via the seesaw. If you are unfortunately caught by the morphing transformer when its material is stone, you have a single chance to try again by pushing the box through and change back to paper. If you got caught twice however, doom is upon you.
+Sector 5: Timing is everything! Get to the elevator before it is started or you have to push through all the boxes with a stone ball! Also try to stay safe on the elevator and avoid anything unexpected from above.
+Sector 6: Just a cliché usage of the turnstile. Nothing to see here, move along.
+<p class="reduced">
+Hint: you have to be in your paper suit <b>before</b> entering the sector in order to collect the points!
+Sector 7: The road sunk! What's next?
+<p class="reduced">
+Hint 1: Turn up your volume.
+<p class="reduced">
+Hint 2: This is actually a cliché from some other games. I just don't know which.
+<p class="reduced">
+Final hint: ventilators are aligned with the towers.
+Sector 8: Congratulations! Now enjoy the (not really) cool animation sequence.
+Other trivia:
+<li>I haven't had a perfect playthrough of this level, cause I'm really that bad at the game. I tested the level sector by sector and with the help of special scripts.</li>
+<li>The level took a little shorter than three days to make. I spent two days writing and debugging the scripts.</li>
+<li>There were no extra life items in the level before release candidate 2. After receiving multiple complaints, I finally added two of them.</li>
+<li>I'm actually considering making sequels to this level.</li>
+<li>The name of the level is from my showerthoughts: you run back and forth in this level, but you have no time to wait. Both are reflected in the Chinese word "彷徨" (which means walking back and forth or roaming around). As for why is it a dream... maybe the entire game is a dream?</li>
+<li>Before the level has a formal name, it was referred to as Level_board_rehash or "A Stupid Level" in the scripts.</li>
+<li>If you are here without actually finding the easter egg, maybe you're still wondering where it is. Well, here you are.</li>
+<div style="text-align:center;">
+<a href="//"> <img width="640" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" src="//"></a>
+I don't have to tell you the answer, do I?
+<a href="./index.html">Return</a>
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+<h1><a href="/">Chrisoft</a>::Ballance</h1>
+<h2>Back and Forth - A Lucid Dream</h2>
+<h4><a href="bonus.html">English</a></h4>
+<a href="//"> <img width="630" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" src="//"></a>
+<div style="text-align:center;">
+<a href="//"> <img width="700" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" src="//"></a>
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+<p class="reduced">
+<p class="reduced">
+<p class="reduced">
+<p class="reduced">
+<p class="reduced">
+<p class="reduced">
+<li>在正式起名前,我使用"Level_board_rehash"或者"A Stupid Level"(愚蠢关卡)代称此关。</li>
+<div style="text-align:center;">
+<a href="//"> <img width="640" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" src="//"></a>
+<a href="./index_zh.html">返回</a>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..970cc14
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+<h1><a href="/">Chrisoft</a>::Ballance</h1>
+<h2>Back and Forth - A Lucid Dream</h2>
+<h4><a href="index_zh.html">中文</a></h4>
+<a href="//"> <img width="630" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" src="//"></a>
+An very 2010-ish map where you can just relax and ... keep annoyed by your own bad timings.
+This level introduces a brand new type of transformer: the morphing transformer. Its type changes over time, but locks once the player is close by. The level has no fancy brainteasers or parts that require spectacular skills. But it does have tight timings, thanks to the new type of transformer. So there's no time to roam around.
+The entire map (except the final sector which is so short that it can be completely ignored) happens on a platform that measures less than 100 meters in length. You have to run to and fro and finally escape somehow after the platform sinks.
+Level info
+<td>Number of sectors</td>
+<td>8 (7 with actual content)</td>
+<td>Expected play time for first playthrough</td>
+<td>&lt;=10 minutes</td>
+<td>Time spent producing the level</td>
+a little bit shorter than 3 days or almost 10 years (depending on interpretation)</td>
+<td>Number of extra points</td>
+<td>Number of extra life</td>
+<td>Easter egg included</td>
+<td>Yes (who said that an easter egg must be discoverable in game? wait that's a HUGE hint!)</td>
+<td>Software used</td>
+<td>Virtools Dev 3.5, Blender 2.80, Blender 2.79b</td>
+<td>Special thanks</td>
+<td>yyc12345 (exporting NMO from blender files without losing normals), and ballancebug (fixing model of M17)</td>
+<td>Beta testers</td>
+<td>617274873, ballancebug, BallanceLover, yyc12345, 湮尘灬冷曦, yunjuyihao (chronological order)</td>
+<td>Current revision</td>
+<td>release1 (20200723)</td>
+<td><a href="">Expat (The MIT License)</a></td>
+<h3>Extra info</h3>
+Playing this level with a modified copy of Ballance (other than replacing the level file) shall be criminalized.
+(In case you are wondering, if you play this level with a modified game and encountered any problems, it's probably not my fault.)
+This level is designed to be played at 60fps. Some scripts may fail if your game deviates too much from this value.
+This level is somewhat resource intensive (due to excessive use of scripts that are active every frame). If you are experiencing frequent frame drops or shaky camera, please make sure that you don't have any intensive background tasks running (or just find another computer).
+If you encountered weird bugs (disappearing transformers, overlapping transformers, etc.), restarting the level should help in most cases.
+Click <a href="//">here</a>. Or <a href="">download</a> from Ballance Wiki.
+<a href="">How to install.</a>
+vim: tw=80 syntax=html spell spelllang=en_us
diff --git a/ballance/levels/lucid/index_zh.html b/ballance/levels/lucid/index_zh.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4840cc4
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+<h1><a href="/">Chrisoft</a>::Ballance</h1>
+<h2>Back and Forth - A Lucid Dream</h2>
+<h4><a href="index.html">English</a></h4>
+<a href="//"> <img width="630" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" src="//"></a>
+<td>8 (7个有实际内容的小节)</td>
+<td>有 (谁说彩蛋一定要藏在游戏里面的? 这个提示给的也太直接了!)</td>
+<td>Virtools Dev 3.5, Blender 2.80, Blender 2.79b</td>
+<td>yyc12345 (从blender文件导出保留法线数据的NMO文件), ballancebug (修复17号机关的模型)</td>
+<td>617274873, ballancebug, BallanceLover, yyc12345, 湮尘灬冷曦, yunjuyihao (按测试时间顺序排列)</td>
+<td>release1 (20200723)</td>
+<td><a href="">Expat (The MIT License)</a></td>
+ 用非原版游戏(除替换关卡文件外)游玩此关卡应入刑。
+本关卡中的脚本均为运行在 60fps 的情况设计。如果你的游戏帧率与此值差异过大,可能会导致某些脚本出错。
+如果你在 Virtools 中打开此关卡后,在脚本视图中看到了乱码,并且使用的系统是 Windows 10 1803 以上的版本,可以尝试以下调整:
+控制面板 -> 区域 -> 管理选项卡 -> 非 Unicode 程序的语言 / 更改系统区域设置:
+当前系统区域设置: 中文(简体,中国)
+启用"使用 Unicode UTF-8 提供全球语言支持"
+(如此调整可能会导致其他程序出现问题。如果发现了问题,关闭"使用 Unicode UTF-8 提供全球语言支持"即可。)
+按<a href="//">此链接</a>从本站下载。或按<a href="">此链接</a>从Ballance Wiki下载。
+<a href="">如何安装关卡</a>
+vim: tw=80 syntax=html