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authorGravatar Chris Xiong <> 2019-02-10 11:16:07 +0800
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <> 2019-02-10 11:16:07 +0800
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+ <li><a href="#"><h3 id="title">Ideology vs Pragmatism &amp;c.</h3></a></li>
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+ <li><a href="/blog/list/sophistry/">sophistry</a></li><li><a href="/blog/list/garbage/">garbage</a></li></ul>
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+ <span>Table of Contents</span>
+ <ul id="tocroot">
+ <li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch0">Preface</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch1">Ideology vs Pragmatism</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch2">Free Software vs "Normies"</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch3">"Free" vs "Open Source"</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch4">Free software in China</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch5">Monetization of Free Software</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch6">Final words</a></li></ul>
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+ <div id="content">
+ <h2 id="titleh" class="TText" style="font-wight:normal;">Ideology vs Pragmatism &amp;c.</h2>
+ <div id="datetags" class="TText" style="margin-bottom:1em;">2018-05-18<br>#sophistry #garbage</div>
+ <hr><div id="article" class="TText">
+<h2 id="tocanch0" class="tvis">Preface</h2>
+Born in the 90s, when almost every piece of software around was
+proprietary, I felt *exteremely* lucky that I can now power my life using
+(mostly) free software. Still, I might never be able to understand the case
+in the 70s, in which, according to Richard Stallman, every piece of software
+is basically free.
+<h2 id="tocanch1" class="tvis">Ideology vs Pragmatism</h2>
+There are Linux distros<a id="n1" href="#note1" class="note">[1]</a>
+whose software repository contains free software only (e.g. Trisquel &amp;
+Parabola). There are also distros that doesn't care much about licenses
+(e.g. ArchLinux). Some distros falls between the two extremes: Debian
+has a <code>main</code> section which is entirely made up of free software,
+but it also has <code>contrib</code> and <code>non-free</code>
+<a id="n2" href="#note2" class="note">[2]</a> sections in their repository, which can be added to the system
+quite easily.
+To most of us who do not have a requirement on every single piece of
+software being free, we still have to use non-free components -- even to
+make the toaster<a id="n3" href="#note3" class="note">[3]</a> fully working. For
+example, non-free blobs in the Linux kernel and drivers. Using "free" distros
+on these computers essentially cripple the core functionality of that
+computer. If most users require non-free components, it makes sense that
+the distro providers include them in the software repository. As a matter
+of fact, I haven't met any user of a "free" distro outside of GNU.
+<a id="n4" href="#note4" class="note">[4]</a>
+Using a distro that provides proprietary software should not be considered
+a sin to free software.
+Actually it's a huge step towards freedom in today's world dominated by
+proprietary software. In order to remind the user of this, it is the
+responsibitliy for the distro provider to tell the user about the benefits
+of free software and advocate them contributing to it.
+Since I've got no mysophobia of proprietary software personally, I don't
+really care about installing proprietary software on my mostly free system.
+I prefer using free software whenever one is available. But if the use of
+free software results in crippling the core functionality (e.g. removing
+firmware blobs from the kernel causing WLAN cards made by Intel not
+working), I may compromise and install a few pieces of proprietary software
+(instead of using an external WLAN card like RMS).
+<a id="n5" href="#note5" class="note">[5]</a>
+<h2 id="tocanch2" class="tvis">Free Software vs "Normies"</h2>
+The idea of free software won't spread widely if it fails on the "normies".
+Everything about free software is a circlejerk of us <a href="">hackers</a>
+if we ignore the "normies". Sadly that is just the case right now.
+The major reason that free software fail to become daily driver of most
+people is that probably most free software targets at "mega-nerds" instead
+of the vast amount of computer "normies". These "normies" just use their
+computers either to get their office work done or to browse the web
+(sometimes both). In this sense, free software often offer terrible
+experience: Linux distributions, if not pre-installed by device vendor,
+often have bad out-of-box experience (either missing driver or firmware,
+or the software requiring too much tweaks to make it actually usable).
+Another example is window manager: the most popular window manager used
+by desktop Linux users is i3, whose default interface is obscure to new
+users and needs a lot of configuration before it suits the user. Only
+people that are really keen on tweaking would do that.
+Things are changing though. Some free software makers, for example the
+GNOME Fundation, are striving to make free software more user-friendly
+and fool-proof. They recently removed the ability to run executables
+directly in the file manager to prevent the user from accently running
+a malicious script that destroys their computer.
+<a id="n6" href="#note6" class="note">[6]</a>
+But in my opinion the components should remain customizable for the users
+who "knows what they are doing".
+<h2 id="tocanch3" class="tvis">"Free" vs "Open Source"</h2>
+Richard Stallman has made multiple statements on how he dislikes the term
+"Open Source". I pretty much simply repeat one of his points here.
+"Free" and "Open Source" has a large part in common: in fact, being "free"
+requires the software to be "open source". However the idea laying below
+is very different: The term "open source" is currently being abused by
+gigantic companies as a weasel word to avoid using "free". They often use
+free component in their proprietary products and doesn't want to remind the
+user that there is a free counterpart that doesn't take the freedom from
+them. A famous example of this is Google Chrome and
+Chromium. <a id="n7" href="#note7" class="note">[7]</a> Similarly, Microsoft "loves" Linux because it is "open source",
+not because it is "free".<a id="n8" href="#note8" class="note">[8]</a>
+On the other hand, Linus seems to be at the opposite end of it.
+<a id="n9" href="#note9" class="note">[9]</a>
+Pleased to learn that this world is never lack of diversity.
+<h2 id="tocanch4" class="tvis">Free software in China</h2>
+Free software is not having a good time in China:
+As Chinese use two distinct words for "free" as in beer and "free" as in
+freedom, we should have faced less problems than the English-speaking
+community. Sadly, almost all tranlators used the word for free beer when
+translating "free software".
+"Thanks" to the crappy copyright law in China, pirating software and
+reverse engineering is explictly allowed with some restrictions, making
+free software a lot less known to the general public
+<a id="n10" href="#note10" class="note">[10]</a>.
+That same crappy copyright law also gave chance to massive GPL violations.
+Examples: <a href="">AllWinner</a>,
+<a href="">XiaoMi</a>
+and <a href="">MediaTek</a><a id="n11" href="#note11" class="note">[11]</a>.
+As China wasn't actually involved in the software industry until proprietary
+software has almost taken the whole thing, there are misconceptions
+regarding free software in the Chinese community. For example, the
+definition of 'source code' in <i>A Dictionary of Current Chinese</i>
+claims "protecting the source code helps to lower the chance of being
+Software engineering college in China only teach the process of proprietary
+software engineering. Although they utilize free software a lot through
+out the college, they do not promote the use of free software for 'serious
+work', often putting an emphasis on the strengths of proprietary software.
+As currently the entire Chinese software industry is really addicted (and
+devoted) to AI, ML, IoT and their 'made in China' nonsense, chance of
+solving these problems seems bleak. Also Chinese doesn't do stuff that
+makes no money, but ...
+<h2 id="tocanch5" class="tvis">Monetization of Free Software</h2>
+... free software <i>can</i> make money. Ethically.
+By saying ethically I am not promoting the act of getting a maga-sponsor
+and just doing anything they requested. The only ethical way for free
+software to monetize is probably paid support and donation. Red Hat is a
+well-known company that made sheer amount of money out of free software.
+<sup><s>Sarcasm. You should have known it.</s></sup>
+However, not everyone would succeed following that route (even Microsoft
+failed to figure out how to make it work /s). Thus the choice for the vast
+number of smaller free software projects would be donation. So why is
+accepting donation a good idea?
+<li>The user donates what ever they want (money, hardware, code,
+translation etc.) voluntarily, and...</li>
+<li>There's no cap on donation amount, so those who got the fortune may
+donate <a href="">a good deal of stuff</a>.</li>
+<li>Those who don't yet have the ability to donate would not be triggered.
+More over, the spirit of "free as in freedom" remains intact.
+But when things come to money, people starts getting greedy.
+Don't let your greed ruin the entire project.
+<h2 id="tocanch6" class="tvis">Final words</h2>
+This article is full of my immature thoughts and rants. Fortunately due to
+the low popularity of this site, they would not be exposed too much.
+Writing such a long article is really a pain in my ass though.
+If you have different opinions, please consider
+<a href="/#about">telling me about it</a> and probably correcting me if I
+made a mistake.
+vim: syntax=html
+ <div class="TText" id="notediv" style="font-size:80%;"><span class="TText"><a id="note1" href="#n1">[1]</a>: By saying "Linux distros" in this article,
+I am refering to GNU/Linux distributions, except Alpine Linux.<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note2" href="#n2">[2]</a>: They use their very own guideline (DFSG) to determine whether
+a piece of software is free or not. The most famous difference between
+DFSG and GNU's guideline is that according to DFSG, GFDL is a nonfree
+license, which, in my opinion, is pretty ridiculous.
+<i>Such ideology, much hilarious.</i>
+<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note3" href="#n3">[3]</a>: i.e. computer<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note4" href="#n4">[4]</a>: There's one exception: Pure OS from Purism, which is tailored for
+their Librem devices. So it runs without proprietary software on their
+devices just find. Of course I haven't seen one of those either because
+I live in China. But I expect my next laptop to be a Librem 13 as long as
+they improve the battery life and make it thinner -- at least on par with the
+ThinkPad X line products.<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note5" href="#n5">[5]</a>: Yup I may never program OpenGL on a libreboot-ed ThinkPad T400
+or X200. Those ThinkPads were a classic but perform pretty bad whenever
+I do CPU-intense jobs.
+<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note6" href="#n6">[6]</a>:
+This is half truth, half sarcasm. It <i>does</i> make nautilus fool-proof
+(kind of).
+GNOME is always removing customizability from their desktop environment
+recently, which I can't tell is good or not. This indeed reveals the
+dictatorial decision-making process inside the development cycle.
+<b>However, <a href="">
+this change has been reverted a week ago</a>. Cringy.</b>
+<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note7" href="#n7">[7]</a>: Chromium is actually a pretty nasty example of free
+software: it contains tracking code from Google. Efforts have been made to
+strip those from the browser. The resulting product is called "Iridium".
+<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note8" href="#n8">[8]</a>: Probably because Microsoft doesn't know
+how to make profit with free software.<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note9" href="#n9">[9]</a>:
+<a href="">a</a>
+<a href="">b</a>
+<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note10" href="#n10">[10]</a>: also making China an ideal place to reverse engineer something /s.
+<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note11" href="#n11">[11]</a>: Taiwan (whether a part of
+China or not. No politics here.) has better environment for free software in
+general, but still horrible.<br></span></div>
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