path: root/blog/post/Privacy.html
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- <li><a href="#"><h3 id="title">Privacy Policy &amp; Terms</h3></a></li>
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- <span>Table of Contents</span>
- <ul id="tocroot">
- <li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch0">1. This site uses Cookies.</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch1">2. Information collected by this site.</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch2">3. Guestbook.</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch3">4. Data retention.</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch4">5. Backups.</a></li><li><a class="toctarg" href="#tocanch5">6. Your rights.</a></li></ul>
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- <h2 id="titleh" class="TText" style="font-wight:normal;">Privacy Policy &amp; Terms</h2>
- <div id="datetags" class="TText" style="margin-bottom:1em;">2019-09-03<br>#special-page</div>
- <hr><div id="article" class="TText"><article>
-<p>last updated 2019-09-03</p>
-<p>These clauses might be super unprofessional. The only goal is to inform the users of this site (i.e. <a href=""></a>) about their rights and duties.</p>
-<p>Take footnotes with a pinch of salt!</p>
-<h2 id="tocanch0" class="tvis">1. This site uses Cookies.</h2>
-<p>... to store your browsing preferences and to improve your browsing experience. Below is a list of saved items:</p>
-<li>color scheme of your choice.</li>
-<li>loop / shuffle states, last used music visualizer.</li>
-<li>password of encrypted section in blog posts (if you decrypted one successfully).</li>
-<p>These cookies are not used by the server to do analytics.</p>
-<p>If you don't like cookies for whatever reason, feel free to disable them. The basic functionality of the site will still work perfectly fine.</p>
-<h2 id="tocanch1" class="tvis">2. Information collected by this site.</h2>
-<p>This site collects a minimal set of your data to make the site work and do some basic level of spam prevention. Collected information includes:</p>
-<li>Your public IP address.</li>
-<li>User agent string of your browser.</li>
-<li>UTC representation of the time of access.</li>
-<li>Anything you filled in inside the guestbook form.</li>
-<p>The collected data are also retained in log files.</p>
-<h2 id="tocanch2" class="tvis">3. Guestbook.</h2>
-<p>The guestbook page is where you can leave me a note. Your message will be <strong>permanently</strong> archived in a private location not accessible on this site. In case of a message being deleted from the guestbook page, the message <strong>doesn't</strong> also get removed in the private archive.</p>
-<p>You <strong>can't</strong>:</p>
-<li>Be offensive.</li>
-<p>Messages violating rules above will be deleted without further notice.</p>
-<p>You <strong>may</strong>:</p>
-<li>Request deletion of <strong>your</strong> messages. Contact the owner of this site for further information on this.</li>
-<p>This site <strong>will never</strong>:</p>
-<li>Alter your message.</li>
-<li>Take responsibility of the message you left.</li>
-<p>When leaving a message, your IP address will be checked against a spamming blacklist. You can review the source code on this section <a href="">here</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="tocanch3" class="tvis">4. Data retention.</h2>
-<p>Your data collected by this site will be kept indefinitely unless there is a data loss, about which you will not be informed, and might be covered by ...</p>
-<h2 id="tocanch4" class="tvis">5. Backups.</h2>
-<p>Like every site ever existed <a id="n1" href="#note1" class="note">[1]</a>, data stored on this site, including those submitted by you, is backed up in a timely manner. <a id="n2" href="#note2" class="note">[2]</a> These backups may contain deleted data.</p>
-<h2 id="tocanch5" class="tvis">6. Your rights.</h2>
-<p>You hold the right to decide whether to use this site. If you feel uncomfortable about these terms, you might as well consider stop using this site immediately.</p>
-<p>Your rights on your submitted comments in the guestbook are already stated in section 3.</p>
- <div class="TText" id="notediv" style="font-size:80%;"><span class="TText"><a id="note1" href="#n1">[1]</a>: except the old Gentoo Wiki<br></span><span class="TText"><a id="note2" href="#n2">[2]</a>: Of course they are also deleted in a timely manner.<br></span></div>
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