10000_copies_of_w10.gitA game of stupidness. 7 years
A-Peek-Into-Virtools-Scripting.git... From a Ballancer's Perspective 6 years
QMidiPlayer.gitA free cross-platform midi file player based on libfluidsynth and Qt. 4 months
SMELT.gitSimple MultimEdia LiTerator -- a simple wrapper for interactive graphic applicat...5 years
Script-Materializer.gita.k.a. Fsck for Virtools 7 years
bktmc-skyblock.gitDatapack for private block game server. 4 years
bullet-lab-remix.gitA bullet dodging game... with extra features 7 years
deduper.gitNothing to see here. 4 months
fifteen-thieves.gitfūrēs, ostendite sē! 3 years
it2midi.gitUseless crap. 3 weeks
lightsd.gitAuto brightness for Linux without a complete desktop environment or systemd 6 years
meteor-trashy-addon.gitI'm bad at the block game so I need these. 12 days
minesweeperjs.gitA fancy minesweeper in your browser with multimine mode 7 years
notekins.gitNotekins -- micro-blogging without the social media nonsense. 7 months
oddities.gitJust random stuff. 4 years
ppo.gitPrivate Portage Overlay. 2 days
rbus-adat.git-Mom, can I have DIF-AT? -No, we have DIF-AT at home. DIF-AT at home: 13 months
sbs.gitThe stupid blogging system. 7 months
sound-of-sorting.gitSound of sorting right in your browser. 7 years
web.git(almost) everything on 3 weeks