path: root/archive/blr1/src/menuitem.cpp
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authorGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-10-26 22:52:36 +0800
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-10-26 22:52:36 +0800
commit3bd383baf6a17e734329e1fc677c7e86283db772 (patch)
tree69a9148087577f797624ceb9c71323a2563d6bb4 /archive/blr1/src/menuitem.cpp
parent543e4f570be9b279ba558ca61cc02cda251af384 (diff)
Added support for relative line numbers.
Added instructions for, brk and cont. (They are still untested...) Parser code cleanup. Removed garbage output to stderr. Reorganize the repository structure. Updated BLR2 code move it into archive. Added BLR1 files.
Diffstat (limited to 'archive/blr1/src/menuitem.cpp')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/menuitem.cpp b/archive/blr1/src/menuitem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..353b6b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/menuitem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** Tutorial 06 - Creating menus
+// In menuitem.cpp/h we define the
+// behaviour of our custom GUI control
+#include "menuitem.h"
+#define UnfocColor 0xFFAAAAAA
+#define FocColor 0xFFFFFFFF
+// This is a GUI control constructor,
+// we should initialize all the variables here
+hgeGUIMenuItem::hgeGUIMenuItem(int _id, hgeFont *_fnt, HEFFECT _snd, float _x, float _y, float _delay, char *_title)
+ float w;
+ id=_id;
+ fnt=_fnt;
+ snd=_snd;
+ delay=_delay;
+ title=_title;
+ color.SetHWColor(UnfocColor);
+ shadow.SetHWColor(0x30000000);
+ offset=0.0f;
+ timer=-1.0f;
+ timer2=-1.0f;
+ bStatic=false;
+ bVisible=true;
+ bEnabled=true;
+ w=fnt->GetStringWidth(title);
+ rect.Set(_x-w/2, _y, _x+w/2, _y+fnt->GetHeight());
+// Reposition the item
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::RePos(float x,float y)
+ float w=fnt->GetStringWidth(title);
+ rect.Set(x-w/2, y, x+w/2, y+fnt->GetHeight());
+// This method is called when the control should be rendered
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::Render()
+ fnt->SetColor(shadow.GetHWColor());
+ fnt->Render(rect.x1+offset+3, rect.y1+3, HGETEXT_LEFT, title);
+ fnt->SetColor(color.GetHWColor());
+ fnt->Render(rect.x1-offset, rect.y1-offset, HGETEXT_LEFT, title);
+// This method is called each frame,
+// we should update the animation here
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::Update(float dt)
+ if(timer2 != -1.0f)
+ {
+ timer2+=dt;
+ if(timer2 >= delay+0.1f)
+ {
+ color=scolor2+dcolor2;
+ shadow=sshadow+dshadow;
+ offset=0.0f;
+ timer2=-1.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(timer2 < delay) { color=scolor2; shadow=sshadow; }
+ else { color=scolor2+dcolor2*(timer2-delay)*10; shadow=sshadow+dshadow*(timer2-delay)*10; }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(timer != -1.0f)
+ {
+ timer+=dt;
+ if(timer >= 0.2f)
+ {
+ color=scolor+dcolor;
+ offset=soffset+doffset;
+ timer=-1.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ color=scolor+dcolor*timer*5;
+ offset=soffset+doffset*timer*5;
+ }
+ }
+// This method is called when the GUI
+// is about to appear on the screen
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::Enter()
+ hgeColor tcolor2;
+ scolor2.SetHWColor(UnfocColor&0x00FFFFFF);
+ tcolor2.SetHWColor(UnfocColor);
+ dcolor2=tcolor2-scolor2;
+ sshadow.SetHWColor(0x00000000);
+ tcolor2.SetHWColor(0x30000000);
+ dshadow=tcolor2-sshadow;
+ timer2=0.0f;
+// This method is called when the GUI
+// is about to disappear from the screen
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::Leave()
+ hgeColor tcolor2;
+ scolor2.SetHWColor(UnfocColor);
+ tcolor2.SetHWColor(UnfocColor&0x00FFFFFF);
+ dcolor2=tcolor2-scolor2;
+ sshadow.SetHWColor(0x30000000);
+ tcolor2.SetHWColor(0x00000000);
+ dshadow=tcolor2-sshadow;
+ timer2=0.0f;
+// This method is called to test whether the control
+// have finished it's Enter/Leave animation
+bool hgeGUIMenuItem::IsDone()
+ if(timer2==-1.0f) return true;
+ else return false;
+// This method is called when the control
+// receives or loses keyboard input focus
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::Focus(bool bFocused)
+ hgeColor tcolor;
+ if(bFocused)
+ {
+ hge->Effect_Play(snd);
+ scolor.SetHWColor(UnfocColor);
+ tcolor.SetHWColor(FocColor);
+ soffset=0;
+ doffset=4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ scolor.SetHWColor(FocColor);
+ tcolor.SetHWColor(UnfocColor);
+ soffset=4;
+ doffset=-4;
+ }
+ dcolor=tcolor-scolor;
+ timer=0.0f;
+// This method is called to notify the control
+// that the mouse cursor has entered or left it's area
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::MouseOver(bool bOver)
+ if(bOver) gui->SetFocus(id);
+// This method is called to notify the control
+// that the left mouse button state has changed.
+// If it returns true - the caller will receive
+// the control's ID
+bool hgeGUIMenuItem::MouseLButton(bool bDown)
+ if(!bDown)
+ {
+ offset=4;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hge->Effect_Play(snd);
+ offset=0;
+ return false;
+ }
+// This method is called to notify the
+// control that a key has been clicked.
+// If it returns true - the caller will
+// receive the control's ID
+bool hgeGUIMenuItem::KeyClick(int key, int chr)
+ if(key==HGEK_ENTER || key==HGEK_SPACE || key==HGEK_Z)
+ {
+ MouseLButton(true);
+ return MouseLButton(false);
+ }
+ return false;