path: root/archive/blr1/src
diff options
authorGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-10-26 22:52:36 +0800
committerGravatar Chris Xiong <chirs241097@gmail.com> 2015-10-26 22:52:36 +0800
commit3bd383baf6a17e734329e1fc677c7e86283db772 (patch)
tree69a9148087577f797624ceb9c71323a2563d6bb4 /archive/blr1/src
parent543e4f570be9b279ba558ca61cc02cda251af384 (diff)
Added support for relative line numbers.
Added instructions for, brk and cont. (They are still untested...) Parser code cleanup. Removed garbage output to stderr. Reorganize the repository structure. Updated BLR2 code move it into archive. Added BLR1 files.
Diffstat (limited to 'archive/blr1/src')
10 files changed, 5383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/effects.h b/archive/blr1/src/effects.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..044a803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/effects.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+//Chrisoft Bullet Lab Remix HGE
+//Effects Implementations
+//"Copyleft" Chrisoft 2013
+void SCEffect_Attatch()
+ int cnt=rand()%8+3;
+ for (int ii=1;ii<=cnt;++ii)
+ {
+ int i;
+ if (bulcnt==0)
+ bulcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ if (!bullet[i].exist)break;
+ if (i>bulcnt)bulcnt=i;
+ }
+ bullet[i].exist=true;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=254;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=playerpos.x;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y=playerpos.y;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=rand()%100-50;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=rand()%100-50;
+ bullet[i].dist=bullet[i].bulletdir.x*bullet[i].bulletdir.x+bullet[i].bulletdir.y*bullet[i].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=sqrt(bullet[i].dist);
+ bullet[i].bulletspeed=rand()%4+2;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet1,46,0,24,24);
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ }
+void SCEffect_Process()
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!bullet[i].exist||bullet[i].bullettype!=254)continue;//If this bullet doesn't exist or is not of this type, do not render it.
+ if (!DisablePlayer)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ ++effskp;
+ if (effskp==7)
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()-0x1F000000),effskp=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ ++effskp;
+ if (effskp==7)
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()-0x1000000),effskp=0;
+ }
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ double dis=GetDist(bullet[i].bulletpos,playerpos);//Get distance between player and bullet
+ if (GETA(bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor())<=0x0A||bullet[i].bulletpos.x<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.x>=800||bullet[i].bulletpos.y<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.y>=600)
+ //If collision is detected or the bullet flys out of screen, delete it.
+ {
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->RenderEx(bullet[i].bulletpos.x,bullet[i].bulletpos.y,0,0.2,0);
+ }
+ }
+void BulletEffect_Attatch(int n)
+ bullet[n].scale=2;
+ bullet[n].effbrk=17;
+void BulletEffect_Process(int n)
+ if (bullet[n].scale<=1){bullet[n].scale=1;return;}
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ bullet[n].effbrk-=17;
+ else
+ --bullet[n].effbrk;
+ if (bullet[n].effbrk<=0)
+ bullet[n].scale-=0.04,bullet[n].effbrk=17;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/global.h b/archive/blr1/src/global.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85804e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/global.h
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+//Chrisoft Bullet Lab Remix HGE
+//Global varibles and implementations
+//"Copyleft" Chrisoft 2013
+#include "hge.h"
+#include "hgefont.h"
+#include "hgegui.h"
+HGE *hge=0;
+hgeQuad quad;
+hgeGUI *gui;
+hgeFont *fnt;
+hgeSprite *spr,*titlespr;
+//Here are some Varibles in Bullet Lab
+int Current_Position;//Where are we now.
+0: main menu
+1: game scene
+2: tip scene
+3: start menu
+4: about scene
+5: death scene
+6: complete scene
+7: new highscore scene
+8: highscore scene
+9: highscore view scene
+10: highscore details scene
+11: Pause scene
+12: BackToTitle Confirm
+13: Options scene
+14: Player Profile scene
+HTEXTURE SprSheet1,SprSheet2,TexTitle,TexCredits;
+Texture Mapping:
+Player 47,46,24,24
+Cursor 24,46,24,24
+Blue 0,0,24,24
+Green 23,0,24,24
+Pnt 46,0,24,24
+Purple 0,23,24,24
+Red 23,23,24,24
+White 46,23,24,24
+Yellow 0,46,24,24
+Blue 0,0,44,44
+Green 44,0,44,44
+Purple 88,0,44,44
+Red 0,44,44,44
+White 44,44,44,44
+Yellow 88,44,44,44
+const double zero=1e-3;
+struct vector2d
+ double x,y;
+struct Bullet
+ hgeSprite *bulletspr;
+ vector2d bulletpos;
+ vector2d bulletdir;
+ double dist;
+ int bullettype;
+ int redexplo,redattrib,oriexplo,whicnt;
+ double bulletspeed;
+ bool exist;
+ double scale;
+ int whirem,whiskp,yelbrk;
+ int lifetime;
+ bool scollable;
+ int effbrk;
+//Something about bullets:
+//1: dir-based green bullet
+//2: degree-based blue bullet (for clocks only)
+//3: 12direction-based blue bullet
+//4: yellow chaser bullet
+//5: purple slow down bullet
+//6: red exploding bullet
+//7: white stalled bullet
+//8: black shading bullet (dummy in version 1)
+//254: Semi-collision effect
+//255: Score point
+struct Tower
+ hgeSprite *towerspr;
+ vector2d towerpos;
+ int towertype;
+ int towertimer,curtimer;
+ double bulletspeed;
+ int redexplo,whicnt,yelbrk;
+ int t3t;
+ bool exist;
+ bool effect;
+//t3t is for Tower3
+//0:All 12 directions
+//1:four default directions
+//2:random left/right
+//3:random up/down
+struct Line
+ vector2d pos;
+ double radian;
+ DWORD color;
+ bool exist;
+//Line is currently dummy.
+int bulcnt=0,towcnt=0,linecnt=0;
+vector2d playerpos;
+double playerrot;
+double playerspeed;
+double playerslospeed;
+double playerfulspd=0.2;
+double playerfulslospd=0.05;
+double clockrot,deltarot,deltadelta;
+double whirot,dwhirot;
+hgeSprite *playerspr;
+int frameleft;
+int level,part,clrtime,clrbns;
+int coll,semicoll,mode,dsmc,restarts;
+double clrrange;
+bool IfCallLevel;
+bool DisableAllTower=false;
+bool DisablePlayer=false;
+int frameskips=0,stepskips=0;
+bool IfShowTip=false,FadeTip=false;
+hgeFont *TipFont;
+char lasttip[200];
+int p2t1,p2t2,p2t3,p2t4;
+int whicnt,shots,clrusg;
+bool yelattrib;
+bool LOWFPS=false,diffkey=false;
+bool Complete=false;
+bool Refliction=false;
+double linerad=0;
+double bsscale;
+long long score,scminus;
+int frms;double averfps;
+int plrspd,plrslospd;
+int TenSeconds=10000,TwentySeconds=20000,ThirtySeconds=30000,AMinute=60000;
+int effskp=0;
+hgeSprite *Credits,*CreditsRail;
+double scroll;
+bool tfs;
+int fpslvl;
+void Error(char EC[],bool hgecreated=false)
+ fprintf(stderr,EC);
+ hge->System_Log(EC);
+ if (hgecreated)
+ {
+ hge->System_Shutdown();
+ hge->Release();
+ }
+ exit(0);
+inline double GetDist(const vector2d a,const vector2d b)
+ return sqrtf((a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x)+(a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y));
+void ShowTip(char tip[])
+ if (strcmp(tip,lasttip)!=0)
+ {
+ TipFont->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ }
+ memcpy(lasttip,tip,sizeof(lasttip));
+ DisableAllTower=true;
+ DisablePlayer=true;
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyStateEx(HGEK_Z)==HGEKST_HIT)
+ {
+ //DisableAllTower=false;
+ //DisablePlayer=false;
+ //Current_Position=1;
+ FadeTip=true;
+ }
+ double width=TipFont->GetStringWidth(tip);
+ TipFont->printf(400-width/2,400,HGETEXT_LEFT,tip);
+ if (FadeTip)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (TipFont->GetColor()>>24>=0x08)
+ TipFont->SetColor(TipFont->GetColor()-0x8000000);
+ else
+ {
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ DisablePlayer=false;
+ Current_Position=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (TipFont->GetColor()>>24>=0x01)
+ TipFont->SetColor(TipFont->GetColor()-0x1000000);
+ else
+ {
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ DisablePlayer=false;
+ Current_Position=1;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (TipFont->GetColor()>>24<=0xFE)
+ TipFont->SetColor(TipFont->GetColor()+0x01000000);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (TipFont->GetColor()>>24<=0xF7)
+ TipFont->SetColor(TipFont->GetColor()+0x08000000);
+ }
+void ClearAll()
+ DisableAllTower=true;
+ bool none=true;
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist)continue;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24>=0x08)
+ {
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()-0x8000000);
+ none=false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24>=0x01)
+ {
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()-0x1000000);
+ none=false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (none)
+ {
+ towcnt=0;
+ memset(tower,0,sizeof(tower));
+ }
+ none=true;
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()>>24>=0x08)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()-0x8000000);
+ none=false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()>>24>=0x01)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()-0x1000000);
+ none=false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (none)
+ {
+ bulcnt=0;
+ memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ }
+ none=true;
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)if (bullet[i].bulletspr->GetColor()>>24>=0x3F){none=false;break;}
+ if (none)
+ bulcnt=0,memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+void SaySomethingAndBye(char *text)
+ ClearAll();
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip(text);
+ return;
+ }
+ Current_Position=0;
+ towcnt=bulcnt=0;
+ memset(tower,0,sizeof(tower));
+ memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ gui->Enter();
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/levels.h b/archive/blr1/src/levels.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d706f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/levels.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1880 @@
+//Chrisoft Bullet Lab Remix HGE
+//Level Implementations
+//"Copyleft" Chrisoft 2013
+void Level1Part1()
+ //Level procedure
+ //Simple Level procedures should only run once during a level, you know.
+ if ((tower[CreateTower1(400,300,2000,1)].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)>=0x80)IfCallLevel=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Welcome to Bullet Lab Remix...\nMove around and hit nothing, easy right?\n\Press Z to close these tips.");
+void Level1Part2()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ ++frameskips;
+ int secondtower=CreateTower1(567,300,2000,1);
+ if (tower[secondtower].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[secondtower].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ if ((tower[secondtower].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[secondtower].towerspr->SetColor(tower[secondtower].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ if (tower[1].towerpos.x>=233)--tower[1].towerpos.x;
+ if (tower[1].towerpos.x<233)
+ {
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Want another tower?");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ }
+void Level1Part3()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ tower[1].bulletspeed=4;
+ tower[1].towertimer=1500;
+ tower[2].bulletspeed=4;
+ tower[2].towertimer=1500;
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Maybe faster bullets will kill you?");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+void Level1Part4()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ tower[1].bulletspeed=2;
+ tower[1].towertimer=100;
+ tower[2].bulletspeed=2;
+ tower[2].towertimer=100;
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("There are two things to tell you.\nFirst one is that this game has very\
+ loose collision detection.\nNext one is two machineguns are ready for\
+ the next level...");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+void Level2Part0()
+ frameleft=50;
+ if (towcnt==2)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Level 2 - Divide and Conquer!");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ p2t1=p2t2=p2t3=p2t4=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level2Part1()
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;
+ if (p2t1==0)p2t1=CreateTower1(399,299,1000,2);
+ if (p2t2==0)p2t2=CreateTower1(401,299,1000,2);
+ if (p2t3==0)p2t3=CreateTower1(399,301,1000,2);
+ if (p2t4==0)p2t4=CreateTower1(401,301,1000,2);
+ bool none=true;
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (tower[p2t1].towerpos.x>=10)tower[p2t1].towerpos.x-=0.4075,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t1].towerpos.y>=10)tower[p2t1].towerpos.y-=0.3,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t2].towerpos.x<=766)tower[p2t2].towerpos.x+=0.3813,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t2].towerpos.y>=10)tower[p2t2].towerpos.y-=0.3,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t3].towerpos.x>=10)tower[p2t3].towerpos.x-=0.4453125,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t3].towerpos.y<=566)tower[p2t3].towerpos.y+=0.3,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t4].towerpos.x<=766)tower[p2t4].towerpos.x+=0.455859,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t4].towerpos.y<=566)tower[p2t4].towerpos.y+=0.3,none=false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (tower[p2t1].towerpos.x>=10)tower[p2t1].towerpos.x-=0.4075*10,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t1].towerpos.y>=10)tower[p2t1].towerpos.y-=0.3*10,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t2].towerpos.x<=766)tower[p2t2].towerpos.x+=0.3813*10,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t2].towerpos.y>=10)tower[p2t2].towerpos.y-=0.3*10,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t3].towerpos.x>=10)tower[p2t3].towerpos.x-=0.4453125*10,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t3].towerpos.y<=566)tower[p2t3].towerpos.y+=0.3*10,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t4].towerpos.x<=766)tower[p2t4].towerpos.x+=0.455859*10,none=false;
+ if (tower[p2t4].towerpos.y<=566)tower[p2t4].towerpos.y+=0.3*10,none=false;
+ }
+ if (none)IfCallLevel=false;
+void Level2Part2()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ tower[p2t1].bulletspeed=tower[p2t2].bulletspeed=4;
+ tower[p2t3].bulletspeed=tower[p2t4].bulletspeed=4;
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+void Level2Part3()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ tower[p2t1].bulletspeed=tower[p2t2].bulletspeed=1;
+ tower[p2t3].bulletspeed=tower[p2t4].bulletspeed=1;
+ tower[p2t1].towertimer=tower[p2t2].towertimer=100;
+ tower[p2t3].towertimer=tower[p2t4].towertimer=100;
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Got ready for being hunted by four machineguns?\n\
+Don't tell me you've got stuck just here...");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+void Level3Part0()
+ frameleft=50;
+ if (towcnt==4&&(mode!=2))
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ if (mode==2)
+ ShowTip("Let's start from a higher position...\n\
+Level 3 - Blue Masters");
+ else
+ ShowTip("Time for something new now...\n\
+Level 3 - Blue Masters");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level3Part1()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (towcnt==4)towcnt=0;
+ deltadelta=0.004363322313;
+ int towerclk=CreateTower2(400,300,100,1,true);
+ if (tower[towerclk].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[towerclk].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ if ((tower[towerclk].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[towerclk].towerspr->SetColor(tower[towerclk].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else IfCallLevel=false;
+//L3P2: /*Magic, DO NOT TOUCH!!*/
+void Level3Part2()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ if (towcnt==1)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Are you scared?\nI'm just joking last time!");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower1(233,300,500,2);
+ CreateTower1(567,300,500,2);
+ int tmp=CreateTower3(100,100,1000,1,true);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=1;
+ tmp=CreateTower3(300,100,1000,1,true);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=1;
+ tmp=CreateTower3(500,100,1000,1,true);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=1;
+ tmp=CreateTower3(700,100,1000,1,true);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=1;
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level3Part3()
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;
+ if (towcnt==6&&IfShowTip)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Got stuck in my pentagon...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower3(30,10,500,2,true);
+ CreateTower3(746,10,500,2,true);
+ CreateTower3(30,556,500,2,true);
+ CreateTower3(746,556,500,2,true);
+ for (int i=1;i<=4;++i)
+ tower[i].t3t=0;
+ CreateTower1(5,10,1000,2);
+ CreateTower1(771,10,1000,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level3Part4()
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towertype==3)tower[i].towertimer=300;else tower[i].towertimer=500;
+ int aa=CreateTower1(5,556,500,2);
+ int bb=CreateTower1(771,556,500,2);
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ if (tower[aa].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[aa].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ if (tower[bb].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[bb].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ if ((tower[aa].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[aa].towerspr->SetColor(tower[aa].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((tower[bb].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[bb].towerspr->SetColor(tower[bb].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level3Part5()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ for (int i=1;i<=4;++i)tower[i].t3t=1;
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towertype==1)
+ tower[i].towertimer=750;
+ bool none=true;
+ if (tower[1].towerpos.x<=120)++tower[1].towerpos.x,none=false;
+ if (tower[1].towerpos.y<=80)++tower[1].towerpos.y,none=false;
+ if (tower[2].towerpos.x>=660)--tower[2].towerpos.x,none=false;
+ if (tower[2].towerpos.y<=80)++tower[2].towerpos.y,none=false;
+ if (tower[3].towerpos.x<=120)++tower[3].towerpos.x,none=false;
+ if (tower[3].towerpos.y>=480)--tower[3].towerpos.y,none=false;
+ if (tower[4].towerpos.x>=660)--tower[4].towerpos.x,none=false;
+ if (tower[4].towerpos.y>=480)--tower[4].towerpos.y,none=false;
+ if (none)IfCallLevel=false;
+void Level3Part6()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towertype==1)
+ tower[i].towertimer=1000,tower[i].bulletspeed=6;
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+void Level3Part7()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt==8)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("This part will be a great fun if the green tower didn't exist...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ CreateTower1(400,540,750,3);
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ {
+ int tmp=CreateTower3(i*24-20,570,300,2);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=3;
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level4Part0()
+ frameleft=50;
+ if (towcnt==34)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Someone is following you.\n\
+Level 4 - At the Pet Store");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level4Part1()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower4(400,300,2000,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level4Part2()
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;
+ if (towcnt==1)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("May be they are kittens petted by you?..");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower4(30,10,2000,1);
+ CreateTower4(746,10,2000,1);
+ CreateTower4(30,556,2000,1);
+ CreateTower4(746,556,2000,1);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level4Part3()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ if (towcnt==4)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower3(30,10,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(746,10,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(30,556,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(746,556,300,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=4;++i)
+ tower[i].t3t=1;
+ CreateTower4(5,10,2000,2);
+ CreateTower4(771,10,2000,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level4Part4()
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ tower[5].towertimer=tower[6].towertimer=1500;
+ bool none=true;
+ if (tower[1].towerpos.x<=120)++tower[1].towerpos.x,none=false;
+ if (tower[1].towerpos.y<=80)++tower[1].towerpos.y,none=false;
+ if (tower[2].towerpos.x>=660)--tower[2].towerpos.x,none=false;
+ if (tower[2].towerpos.y<=80)++tower[2].towerpos.y,none=false;
+ if (tower[3].towerpos.x<=120)++tower[3].towerpos.x,none=false;
+ if (tower[3].towerpos.y>=480)--tower[3].towerpos.y,none=false;
+ if (tower[4].towerpos.x>=660)--tower[4].towerpos.x,none=false;
+ if (tower[4].towerpos.y>=480)--tower[4].towerpos.y,none=false;
+ if (none)IfCallLevel=false;
+void Level4Part5()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt==6)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Keep your rhythm!");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower3(30,10,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(746,10,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(30,556,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(746,556,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(400,10,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(400,556,300,2);
+ CreateTower4(6,10,2000,2);
+ CreateTower4(760,10,2000,2);
+ CreateTower4(6,556,2000,2);
+ CreateTower4(760,556,2000,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ if (tower[i].towertype==3)
+ tower[i].t3t=1;
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level4Part6()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt==10)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Play with a kitten in the maze?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ CreateTower4(400,540,3000,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ {
+ int tmp=CreateTower3(i*24-20,570,500,2);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=3;
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level5Part0()
+ frameleft=50;
+ if (towcnt==34)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Bullets that kill you won't move so fast...\n\
+Level 5 - A Huge Joke");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level5Part1()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ if (towcnt==8)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ int tmp=CreateTower5(i*24-20,30,200,10);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level5Part2()
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;
+ if (towcnt==33)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ CreateTower1(233,300,750,4);
+ CreateTower1(567,300,750,4);
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ int tmp=CreateTower5(i*24-20,30,500,4);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level5Part3()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt==35)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ CreateTower4(400,300,1000,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ int tmp=CreateTower5(i*24-20,30,500,4);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level5Part4()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ if (towcnt==34)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Avoiding is no longer an option.");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ int tmp=CreateTower1(i*24-20,30,500,4);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level6Part0()
+ frameleft=50;
+ if (towcnt==33)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Now you are going to meet my ultimate fire power...\n\
+Level 6 - The Great Clock");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level6Part1()
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;clrtime=0;
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ CreateTower6(400,300,1000,2,1000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level6Part2()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=5;
+ if (towcnt==1)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Let's test the Advanced Bullet Script...\n\
+From now on you can use your Clear Ranges, try pressing Z in game.");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;
+ }
+int Level6Part3_Child()
+ ++stepskips;
+ if (stepskips<100)return 0;
+ stepskips=0;
+ if (towcnt==1){towcnt=0;return 0;}
+ CreateTower6(rand()%800,rand()%300,50,2,500);
+ return 1;
+void Level6Part3()
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ if (Level6Part3_Child())
+ {
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void Level6Part4()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=3;
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=5&&towcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Last level was very cool, wasn't it?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower6(400,300,750,2,1000);
+ CreateTower6(30,10,750,2,1000);
+ CreateTower6(746,10,750,2,1000);
+ CreateTower6(30,556,750,2,1000);
+ CreateTower6(746,556,750,2,1000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level6Part5()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=5;
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=33)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("A row of fierce red tower?...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ int tmp=CreateTower6(i*24-20,30,3000,2,1000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level6Part6()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=3;
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=37)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Enjoy the same maze.");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ CreateTower6(30,10,1500,2,1000);
+ CreateTower6(746,10,1500,2,1000);
+ CreateTower6(30,556,1500,2,1000);
+ CreateTower6(746,556,1500,2,1000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ {
+ int tmp=CreateTower3(i*24-20,570,1000,2,true);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=3;
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level6Part7()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=3;
+ if (towcnt==37)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("You are supposed to leave now...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower4(30,10,2000,2);
+ CreateTower4(746,10,2000,2);
+ CreateTower4(30,556,2000,2);
+ CreateTower4(746,556,2000,2);
+ CreateTower3(120,80,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(660,80,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(120,480,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(660,480,300,2);
+ CreateTower1(400,30,500,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ if (tower[i].towertype==3)tower[i].t3t=1;
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level6Part8()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=1;
+ if (towcnt==9)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("I don't think you can pass this easily...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower1(30,10,300,2);
+ CreateTower1(746,10,300,2);
+ CreateTower1(30,556,300,2);
+ CreateTower1(746,556,300,2);
+ CreateTower4(400,30,3000,3);
+ CreateTower3(900,900,999999,1);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level6Part9()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=3;
+ if (towcnt!=2&&towcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Okay you survived...\n\
+But that was nothing much, more bombs is always the answer!");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower2(400,300,100,1);
+ CreateTower6(400,301,2000,1,1500);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part0()
+ frameleft=50;
+ if (towcnt==2||bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Some freezy small objects are getting nearer...\n\
+Level 7 - Frozen Towers");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part1()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=0;
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ whicnt=10;
+ CreateTower7(400,300,1000,2,3000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part2()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=3;
+ if (bulcnt!=0||(towcnt!=5&&towcnt!=0))
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Is it horrifying?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ whicnt=8;
+ CreateTower7(400,300,2000,1,3000);
+ CreateTower7(30,10,2000,1,3000);
+ CreateTower7(746,10,2000,1,3000);
+ CreateTower7(30,556,2000,1,3000);
+ CreateTower7(746,556,2000,1,3000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part3()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=5;
+ if (towcnt==5)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Red & White.\n\
+Bloody snow?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ whicnt=5;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ if (i&1)
+ CreateTower6(i*24-20,30,3000,2,1000);
+ else
+ CreateTower7(i*24-20,30,3000,2,1000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part4()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=0;
+ if (towcnt==33||bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Or this is only a bonus level?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ CreateTower1(i*24-20,30,1000,4),CreateTower1(i*24-20,567,1000,4);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part5()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=3;
+ if (towcnt==66||bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Wasn't that enough?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ CreateTower1(i*24-20,30,500,4),CreateTower5(i*24-20,567,500,4);
+ CreateTower3(900,900,999999,1);//Dummy tower for avoiding mis-clearing
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part6()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=3;
+ if (towcnt==67||bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("The impossible thing happened in the end...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ if (i&1)
+ CreateTower6(i*24-20,30,3000,1,1500),CreateTower5(i*24-20,567,500,3);
+ else
+ CreateTower5(i*24-20,567,500,3);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part7()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=3;
+ if (towcnt==50||bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Do you think you are fooled?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ whicnt=3;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ if (i&1)
+ CreateTower7(i*24-20,30,2000,1,2000),CreateTower5(i*24-20,567,500,3);
+ else
+ CreateTower5(i*24-20,567,500,3);
+ CreateTower3(900,900,999999,1);//Dummy tower
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part8()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=5;
+ if (towcnt==51)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("I won't let you go easily...\n\
+But why?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ whicnt=2;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ if (i&1)
+ CreateTower6(400,30,3000,1,2000);//,CreateTower5(i*24-20,567,2000,3);
+ else
+ CreateTower1(i*24-20,567,2000,3);//,CreateTower7(i*24-20,30,3000,1,2000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part9()
+ frameleft=TwentySeconds;clrtime=1;
+ if (towcnt!=5&&towcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Let's relax a bit...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ CreateTower1(400,30,300,2);
+ CreateTower6(30,10,1000,2,1000);
+ CreateTower6(746,10,1000,2,1000);
+ CreateTower6(30,556,1000,2,1000);
+ CreateTower6(746,556,1000,2,1000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part10()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=3;
+ if (towcnt==5)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("I still can't let you go...\n\
+Just play with me! (And enjoy the double laby!)");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ {
+ int tmp=CreateTower3(i*24-20,570,500,2);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=3;
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=23;++i)
+ {
+ int tmp=CreateTower3(772,i*24,500,2);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=2;
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part11()
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=3;
+ if ((towcnt!=5&&towcnt!=0)||bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("You will be full of holes after this level...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ whicnt=50;
+ CreateTower7(400,30,3000,1,3000);
+ CreateTower6(30,10,2000,1,2000);
+ CreateTower6(746,10,2000,1,2000);
+ CreateTower6(30,556,2000,1,2000);
+ CreateTower6(746,556,2000,1,2000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level7Part12()
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=3;
+ if ((towcnt!=6&&towcnt!=0)||bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Well, here it is.");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ whicnt=50;
+ CreateTower7(400,30,3000,1,3000);
+ CreateTower6(400,300,2000,1,1500);
+ CreateTower1(30,10,2000,2);
+ CreateTower1(746,10,2000,2);
+ CreateTower1(30,556,2000,2);
+ CreateTower1(746,556,2000,2);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level8Part0()
+ frameleft=50;
+ if (towcnt==6)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Welcome to the world that is only known by...masochism\n\
+Level 8 - Entertainment!");
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ frameleft=0;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level8Part1()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=0;
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ CreateTower7(400,300,2500,8,750);
+ whicnt=25;
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level8Part2()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;clrtime=3;
+ if (towcnt!=2&&bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Just another joke?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ deltadelta=0.004363322313/4;
+ CreateTower2(420,60,100,3);
+ CreateTower2(380,60,100,3);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level8Part3()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ CreateTower2(460,100,100,3);
+ CreateTower2(340,100,100,3);
+ deltadelta=0.004363322313/8;
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+void Level8Part4()
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ CreateTower2(500,140,100,3);
+ CreateTower2(300,140,100,3);
+ deltadelta=0.004363322313/16;
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+void Level8Part5()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=1;
+ if (towcnt==6||bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("They are not cute enough to follow you all the time...");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ yelattrib=true;
+ for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ int tmp=CreateTower4(i*24-20,30,2000,4,2000);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level8Part6()
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=3;
+ clrtime=3;
+ if (towcnt==33||(bulcnt!=0&&towcnt!=4))
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Hope you can enjoy... the entertaining level\n\
+Are they bullets or other object?");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ CreateTower1(30,10,20,10);
+ CreateTower1(746,10,20,10);
+ CreateTower1(30,556,20,10);
+ CreateTower1(746,556,20,10);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level8Part7()
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;clrtime=5;
+ if (towcnt==4||bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Nautilus!");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ ++part;
+ }
+int Level8Part8_Child()
+ ++stepskips;
+ if (stepskips<2)return 0;
+ stepskips=0;
+ linerad+=0.05;
+ for (int i=1;;++i)
+ {
+ double tx=400+sin(linerad)*i*12;
+ double ty=300+cos(linerad)*i*12;
+ if (tx>800||tx<0||ty>600||ty<0)
+ {
+ hge->Gfx_RenderLine(400,300,tx,ty,0x80CCFF00);
+ break;
+ }
+ int bult=CreateBullet1(tx,ty,1);
+ bullet[bult].bulletdir.x=-sin(linerad/*-1.5707963268*/);
+ bullet[bult].bulletdir.y=-cos(linerad/*-1.5707963268*/);
+ bullet[bult].dist=bullet[bult].bulletdir.x*bullet[bult].bulletdir.x+bullet[bult].bulletdir.y*bullet[bult].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[bult].dist=sqrt(bullet[bult].dist);
+ }
+ return 1;
+void Level8Part8()
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ frameskips=0;
+ if (Level8Part8_Child())
+ {
+ }
+void Level8Part9()
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=5;
+ if (bulcnt!=0&&towcnt!=2)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Two towers means too much");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ CreateTower6(380,60,1000,8,1000);
+ CreateTower7(420,60,1000,8,750);
+ whicnt=16;
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level8Part10()
+ frameleft=AMinute;clrtime=5;
+ if (towcnt==2)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Well, here is the final mixture.\n\
+Enjoy it!");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ CreateTower4(30,10,2000,2,3000);
+ CreateTower4(746,10,2000,2,3000);
+ CreateTower4(30,556,2000,2,3000);
+ CreateTower4(746,556,2000,2,3000);
+ CreateTower3(120,80,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(660,80,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(120,480,300,2);
+ CreateTower3(660,480,300,2);
+ CreateTower1(400,30,500,2);
+ CreateTower6(380,60,1000,6,1000);
+ CreateTower7(420,60,1000,6,750);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towertype==3)
+ tower[i].t3t=1;
+ yelattrib=true;
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+void Level8Part11()
+ frameleft=AMinute;
+ if (towcnt!=1&&bulcnt!=0)
+ {
+ ClearAll();
+ if (bulcnt!=0||towcnt!=0)return;
+ }
+ DisableAllTower=false;
+ towcnt=0;bulcnt=0;memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ if (IfShowTip)
+ {
+ IfShowTip=false;
+ FadeTip=false;
+ Current_Position=2;
+ ShowTip("Addition Level: Reflection++\n\
+Give yourself an award even if you cannot pass this level.");
+ return;
+ }
+ ++frameskips;
+ if (frameskips<10&&!LOWFPS)return;
+ Refliction=true;
+ CreateTower6(400,566,1000,2,1000);
+ /*for (int i=1;i<=33;++i)
+ {
+ int tmp=CreateTower3(i*24-20,570,1000,2);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=3;
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=23;++i)
+ {
+ int tmp=CreateTower3(772,i*24,1000,2);
+ tower[tmp].t3t=2;
+ }*/
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if (tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()==0x80FFFFFF)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x00FFFFFF);
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ if ((tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()>>24)<=0x80)
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(tower[i].towerspr->GetColor()+0x01FFFFFF);
+ else
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=false;
+ return;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/loading.h b/archive/blr1/src/loading.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acf59aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/loading.h
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+unsigned char Loading[]=
+unsigned char LoadCircle[]=
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/main.cpp b/archive/blr1/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0ca2ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+//Chrisoft Bullet Lab Remix HGE
+//Main Code
+//"Copyleft" Chrisoft 2013
+//#define Debug
+#include "hge.h"
+#include "hgefont.h"
+#include "hgegui.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include "menuitem.h"
+#include "global.h"
+#include "towernbullet.h"
+#include "levels.h"
+#include "scorec.h"
+#include "menus.h"
+void firststartup()
+ /*if (MessageBoxA(NULL,"It seems that you are running BLR for the First time!\nLet's do some \
+basic settings first!\n\nEnable Low FPS Mode?","First Start Up",0x00000024)==6)
+ fpslvl=1;
+ else*/
+ fpslvl=0;
+ /*if (MessageBoxA(NULL,"Enable Fullscreen?","First Start Up",0x00000024)==6)
+ tfs=1;
+ else*/
+ tfs=0;
+ diffkey=false;
+ plrspd=3;plrslospd=3;clrbns=0;
+ hge->System_Log("Finishing first start up configuraion...");
+ Options_Writeback();
+ Score_Initailize();
+void Player_Clear()
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ clrrange+=13.6;
+ else
+ clrrange+=0.8;
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ double dis=GetDist(bullet[i].bulletpos,playerpos);
+ if (dis<=clrrange&&bullet[i].exist)
+ {
+ CreateBullet255(bullet[i].bulletpos.x,bullet[i].bulletpos.y,10);
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessPlayer()
+ playerspr->RenderEx(playerpos.x+8.4,playerpos.y+8.4,playerrot,0.7,0);
+ if (DisablePlayer)return;
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ playerrot+=0.00174533;
+ else
+ playerrot+=0.00174533*17;
+ double realspd;
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_SHIFT))
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ realspd=playerslospeed*17;
+ else
+ realspd=playerslospeed;
+ else
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ realspd=playerspeed*17;
+ else
+ realspd=playerspeed;
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_LEFT))
+ {
+ if (playerpos.x>10)
+ playerpos.x-=realspd;
+ }
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_RIGHT))
+ {
+ if (playerpos.x<770)
+ playerpos.x+=realspd;
+ }
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_UP))
+ {
+ if (playerpos.y>10)
+ playerpos.y-=realspd;
+ }
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_DOWN))
+ {
+ if (playerpos.y<570)
+ playerpos.y+=realspd;
+ }
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_Z)&&clrrange==0&&clrtime+clrbns&&!diffkey)
+ {
+ Player_Clear();--clrtime;++clrusg;
+ }
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_X)&&clrrange==0&&clrtime+clrbns&&diffkey)
+ {
+ Player_Clear();--clrtime;++clrusg;
+ }
+ //Player_Attack();
+ if (clrrange!=0)Player_Clear();
+ if (clrrange>=300)clrrange=0;
+void RefreshScore()
+ if (DisablePlayer)return;
+ int multp=1;
+ if (mode==2)multp=5;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ score+=multp*16;
+ else
+ score+=multp;
+ score+=100*shots;
+ score-=scminus;
+ score+=2000*dsmc;
+ ++frms;
+ averfps=(averfps*(frms-1)+hge->Timer_GetFPS())/(double)frms;
+void CallLevels()
+ //Use this to call level procedures.
+ //Don't use this to call the first level!
+ if (level<6)clrtime=0;
+ if ((mode==4||mode<=2)&&coll!=0){DeathGUI_Init();return;}
+ if (!IfCallLevel) return;
+ if (level==7&&part==0&&mode==4)//Easy
+ {
+ CompleteGUI_Init();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (level==8&&part==0&&mode==4)//Easy
+ {
+ CompleteGUI_Init();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (level==8&&part==12&&(mode==2||mode==3))//Extreme or FPM
+ {
+ CompleteGUI_Init();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (level==1&&part==1)Level1Part1();
+ if (level==1&&part==2)Level1Part2();
+ if (level==1&&part==3)Level1Part3();
+ if (level==1&&part==4)Level1Part4();
+ if (level==2&&part==0)Level2Part0();
+ if (level==2&&part==1)Level2Part1();
+ if (level==2&&part==2)Level2Part2();
+ if (level==2&&part==3)Level2Part3();
+ if (level==3&&part==0)Level3Part0();
+ if (level==3&&part==1)Level3Part1();
+ if (level==3&&part==2)Level3Part2();
+ if (level==3&&part==3)Level3Part3();
+ if (level==3&&part==4)Level3Part4();
+ if (level==3&&part==5)Level3Part5();
+ if (level==3&&part==6)Level3Part6();
+ if (level==3&&part==7)Level3Part7();
+ if (level==4&&part==0)Level4Part0();
+ if (level==4&&part==1)Level4Part1();
+ if (level==4&&part==2)Level4Part2();
+ if (level==4&&part==3)Level4Part3();
+ if (level==4&&part==4)Level4Part4();
+ if (level==4&&part==5)Level4Part5();
+ if (level==4&&part==6)Level4Part6();
+ if (level==5&&part==0)Level5Part0();
+ if (level==5&&part==1)Level5Part1();
+ if (level==5&&part==2)Level5Part2();
+ if (level==5&&part==3)Level5Part3();
+ if (level==5&&part==4)Level5Part4();
+ if (level==6&&part==0)Level6Part0();
+ if (level==6&&part==1)Level6Part1();
+ if (level==6&&part==2)Level6Part2();
+ if (level==6&&part==3)Level6Part3();
+ if (level==6&&part==4)Level6Part4();
+ if (level==6&&part==5)Level6Part5();
+ if (level==6&&part==6)Level6Part6();
+ if (level==6&&part==7)Level6Part7();
+ if (level==6&&part==8)Level6Part8();
+ if (level==6&&part==9)Level6Part9();
+ if (level==7&&part==0)Level7Part0();
+ if (level==7&&part==1)Level7Part1();
+ if (level==7&&part==2)Level7Part2();
+ if (level==7&&part==3)Level7Part3();
+ if (level==7&&part==4)Level7Part4();
+ if (level==7&&part==5)Level7Part5();
+ if (level==7&&part==6)Level7Part6();
+ if (level==7&&part==7)Level7Part7();
+ if (level==7&&part==8)Level7Part8();
+ if (level==7&&part==9)Level7Part9();
+ if (level==7&&part==10)Level7Part10();
+ if (level==7&&part==11)Level7Part11();
+ if (level==7&&part==12)Level7Part12();
+ if (level==8&&part==0)Level8Part0();
+ if (level==8&&part==1)Level8Part1();
+ if (level==8&&part==2)Level8Part2();
+ if (level==8&&part==3)Level8Part3();
+ if (level==8&&part==4)Level8Part4();
+ if (level==8&&part==5)Level8Part5();
+ if (level==8&&part==6)Level8Part6();
+ if (level==8&&part==7)Level8Part7();
+ if (level==8&&part==8)Level8Part8();
+ if (level==8&&part==9)Level8Part9();
+ if (level==8&&part==10)Level8Part10();
+ if (level==8&&part==11)Level8Part11();
+void AboutScene()
+ if (LOWFPS)scroll+=0.51;else scroll+=0.03;
+ Credits->Render(200,600-scroll);
+ CreditsRail->Render(200,0);
+ if(hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_Z)||scroll>1624)
+ {
+ Current_Position=0;
+ gui->SetFocus(1);
+ gui->Enter();
+ }
+bool FrameFunc()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ static float t=0.0f;
+ float tx,ty;
+ int id;
+ static int lastid=0;
+ // If ESCAPE was pressed, tell the GUI to finish
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_ESCAPE)&&Current_Position==0) { lastid=5; gui->Leave(); }
+ if (Current_Position==1&&hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_ESCAPE))PauseGUI_Init();
+ // We update the GUI and take an action if
+ // one of the menu items was selected
+ if (Current_Position==0)
+ {
+ id=gui->Update(dt);
+ if(id == -1)
+ {
+ switch(lastid)
+ {
+ case 1:Current_Position=3; StartGUI_Init();gui->Leave();break;
+ case 2:gui->Leave();HighScoreGUI_Init();break;
+ case 3:gui->Leave();OptionsGUI_Init();break;
+ case 4:
+ Credits=new hgeSprite(TexCredits,0,0,400,1024);
+ CreditsRail=new hgeSprite(TexCredits,400,0,400,1024);
+ scroll=0;
+ Current_Position=4;
+ AboutScene();
+ lastid=0;
+ break;
+ case 5: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(id) { lastid=id; gui->Leave(); }
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==3)StartGUI_FrameFnk();
+ if (Current_Position==5)DeathGUI_FrameFnk();
+ if (Current_Position==6)CompleteGUI_FrameFnk();
+ if (Current_Position==7)NewHighScoreGUI_FrameFnk();
+ if (Current_Position==8)HighScoreGUI_FrameFnk();
+ if (Current_Position==9)HSViewGUI_FrameFnk();
+ if (Current_Position==10)HSDetGUI_FrameFnk();
+ if (Current_Position==11)PauseGUI_FrameFnk();
+ if (Current_Position==12)BkTTitleGUI_FrameFnk();
+ if (Current_Position==13)OptionsGUI_FrameFnk();
+ if (Current_Position==14)PlayerProfGUI_FrameFnk();
+ // Here we update our background animation
+ t+=dt;
+ tx=50*cosf(t/60);
+ ty=50*sinf(t/60);
+ quad.v[0].tx=tx; quad.v[0].ty=ty;
+ quad.v[1].tx=tx+800/64; quad.v[1].ty=ty;
+ quad.v[2].tx=tx+800/64; quad.v[2].ty=ty+600/64;
+ quad.v[3].tx=tx; quad.v[3].ty=ty+600/64;
+ return false;
+bool RenderFunc()
+ // Render graphics
+ hge->Gfx_BeginScene();
+ hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
+ if (Current_Position==0||Current_Position==3||Current_Position==8||
+ Current_Position==9||Current_Position==10||Current_Position==13||Current_Position==14)
+ {
+ if (Current_Position==0)
+ gui->Render();
+ titlespr->Render(160,0);
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==3)
+ StartGUI->Render();
+ if (Current_Position==1||Current_Position==2||Current_Position==5||Current_Position==11||Current_Position==12)
+ {
+ //If we are at the main scene or tip scene(which towers and bullets should still appear..)
+ //Render towers, bullets and player.
+ shots=0;
+ dsmc=0;
+ scminus=0;
+ ProcessTower1();
+ ProcessTower2();
+ ProcessTower3();
+ ProcessTower4();
+ ProcessTower5();
+ ProcessTower6();
+ ProcessTower7();
+ ProcessBullet1();
+ ProcessBullet2();
+ //No ProcessBullet3() needed
+ ProcessBullet4();
+ ProcessBullet5();
+ ProcessBullet6();
+ ProcessBullet7();
+ ProcessBullet255();
+ ProcessPlayer();
+ SCEffect_Process();
+ RefreshScore();
+ if (!DisablePlayer)
+ --frameleft;//If we are at the tip scene, disable the player movement.
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (playerspeed<playerfulspd)playerspeed+=playerfulspd/400;
+ if (playerslospeed<playerfulslospd)playerslospeed+=playerfulslospd/400;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (playerspeed<playerfulspd)playerspeed+=playerfulspd/25;
+ if (playerslospeed<playerfulslospd)playerslospeed+=playerfulslospd/25;
+ }
+ }
+ if (frameleft == 0&&Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ IfCallLevel=true;
+ ++part;
+ IfShowTip=true;
+ if (level==1&&part==5)++level,part=0;
+ if (level==2&&part==4)++level,part=0;
+ if (level==3&&part==8)++level,part=0;
+ if (level==4&&part==7)++level,part=0;
+ if (level==5&&part==5)++level,part=0;
+ if (level==6&&part==10)++level,part=0;
+ if (level==7&&part==13)++level,part=0;
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==1)
+ {
+ CallLevels();
+ }
+ if (shots)hge->Effect_Play(snd);
+ if (Current_Position==2)
+ {
+ ShowTip(lasttip);
+ //if (Complete)
+ // TipFont->printf(200,200,HGETEXT_LEFT,"Score");
+ }
+ if (Current_Position==4)AboutScene();
+ if (Current_Position==5)DeathGUI->Render();
+ if (Current_Position==6)CompleteGUI->Render();
+ if (Current_Position==7)NewHighScoreGUI_Render();
+ if (Current_Position==8)HighScoreGUI->Render();
+ if (Current_Position==9)HSViewGUI->Render();
+ if (Current_Position==10)HSDetailGUI->Render();
+ if (Current_Position==11)PauseGUI->Render();
+ if (Current_Position==12)BkTTitleGUI->Render();
+ if (Current_Position==13)OptionsGUI->Render();
+ if (Current_Position==14)PlayerProfGUI->Render();
+ fnt->SetColor(0xFFFFFFFF);
+ fnt->printf(680, 575, HGETEXT_LEFT, "FPS: %d", hge->Timer_GetFPS());
+ if (Current_Position==1||Current_Position==2)
+ {
+ fnt->printf(670,555, HGETEXT_LEFT, "AF: %.2f", averfps);
+ fnt->printf(5, 0, HGETEXT_LEFT, "Frames to go: %d",frameleft);
+ fnt->printf(5, 25, HGETEXT_LEFT, "Score: %lld",score);
+ fnt->printf(5, 50, HGETEXT_LEFT, "Level %d Part %d",level,part);
+ if (mode==3)
+ fnt->printf(5, 75, HGETEXT_LEFT, "Collisions: %d",coll);
+ else
+ fnt->printf(5, 75, HGETEXT_LEFT, "Restarts: %d",restarts);
+ fnt->printf(5, 100, HGETEXT_LEFT, "Semi-Collisions: %d",semicoll);
+ fnt->printf(5, 125, HGETEXT_LEFT, "Clear Range Left: %d",clrtime+clrbns);
+ }
+ hge->Gfx_EndScene();
+ return false;
+int main()
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ hge = hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_LOGFILE, "BLRLOG.txt");
+ hge->System_Log("Bullet Lab Remix Log File");
+ hge->System_Log("Folder Decompressed created successfully.");
+ /*
+ Resourece Files list
+ bg.lz->bg.png
+ blnsns.lz->blnsns.png
+ charmap.lz->charmap.fnt
+ ss1.lz->ss1.png
+ ss2.lz->ss2.png
+ title.lz->title.png
+ credits.lz->credits.png
+ tap.lz->tap.wav
+ */
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_FRAMEFUNC, FrameFunc);
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_RENDERFUNC, RenderFunc);
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_TITLE, "Bullet Lab Remix");
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_WINDOWED, true);
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_SCREENWIDTH, 800);
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_SCREENHEIGHT, 600);
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_SCREENBPP, 32);
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_SHOWSPLASH, false);
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_FPS,0);
+ if((access("blr.cfg",0))==-1)
+ {
+ hge->System_Log("Config file not found. Calling first startup.");
+ firststartup();
+ }
+ hge->System_Log("Loading config file");
+ freopen("blr.cfg","r",stdin);
+ char tch=getchar();
+ if (tch!=';'){}
+ tch=getchar();
+ if (tch!='C'){}
+ tch=getchar();
+ if (tch!='B'){}
+ tch=getchar();
+ if (tch!='L'){}
+ fpslvl=0;
+ tch=getchar();//LOWFPS
+ if (tch==1)
+ {
+ LOWFPS=true;
+ TenSeconds=600;
+ TwentySeconds=1200;
+ ThirtySeconds=1800;
+ AMinute=3600;
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_FPS,61);
+ fpslvl=1;
+ }
+ tch=getchar();//FULLSCRREEN
+ tfs=false;
+ if (tch==1)
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_WINDOWED, false),tfs=true;
+ tch=getchar();//LockFPS
+ if (tch==1&&!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_FPS,1000);
+ fpslvl=2;
+ }
+ tch=getchar();//Key binding
+ if (tch==1)diffkey=true;
+ plrspd=tch=getchar();
+ playerfulspd=(tch)*0.05f;
+ playerspeed=playerfulspd;
+ plrslospd=tch=getchar();
+ playerfulslospd=(tch)*0.0125f;
+ playerslospeed=playerfulslospd;
+ tch=getchar();
+ clrbns=tch;
+ fclose(stdin);
+ if (AP_Update(plrspd,plrslospd,clrbns)>10000)Error("Invalid configuration!\nDelete blr.cfg and run the game again!");
+ hge->System_Log("Loading Score file");
+ Score_Init();
+#ifdef Debug
+ playerspeed=playerfulspd=0.2;
+ playerslospeed=playerfulslospd=0.05;
+ Current_Position=0;//We are at the main menu at first
+ if(hge->System_Initiate())
+ {
+ quad.tex=hge->Texture_Load("./Resources/bg.png");
+ SprSheet1=hge->Texture_Load("./Resources/ss1.png");
+ SprSheet2=hge->Texture_Load("./Resources/ss2.png");
+ TexTitle=hge->Texture_Load("./Resources/title.png");
+ TexCredits=hge->Texture_Load("./Resources/credits.png");
+ snd=hge->Effect_Load("./Resources/tap.ogg");
+ titlespr=new hgeSprite(TexTitle,0,0,640,320);
+ playerspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet1,47,46,24,24);
+ playerspr->SetHotSpot(12,12);//Set player anchor
+ playerspr->SetColor(0xC0FFFFFF);
+ if(!quad.tex||!SprSheet1||!SprSheet2||!TexTitle||!TexCredits)
+ {
+ Error("Error Loading Resources!",true);
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
+ {
+ quad.v[i].z=0.5f;
+ quad.v[i].col=0xFFFFFFFF;
+ }
+ quad.v[0].x=0; quad.v[0].y=0;
+ quad.v[1].x=800; quad.v[1].y=0;
+ quad.v[2].x=800; quad.v[2].y=600;
+ quad.v[3].x=0; quad.v[3].y=600;
+ fnt=new hgeFont("./Resources/charmap.fnt");
+ TipFont=new hgeFont("./Resources/charmap.fnt");
+ spr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet1,24,46,24,24);
+ gui=new hgeGUI();
+ gui->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,200,0.0f,"Start"));
+ gui->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(2,fnt,snd,400,240,0.1f,"Highscores && Records"));
+ gui->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(3,fnt,snd,400,280,0.2f,"Options"));
+ gui->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(4,fnt,snd,400,320,0.3f,"About"));
+ gui->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(5,fnt,snd,400,360,0.4f,"Exit"));
+ gui->SetCursor(spr);
+ gui->SetFocus(1);
+ gui->Enter();
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ hge->System_Log("Low FPS Mode Enabled.\n");
+ hge->System_Start();
+ }
+ // Clean up and shutdown
+ hge->System_Shutdown();
+ hge->Release();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/menuitem.cpp b/archive/blr1/src/menuitem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..353b6b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/menuitem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** Tutorial 06 - Creating menus
+// In menuitem.cpp/h we define the
+// behaviour of our custom GUI control
+#include "menuitem.h"
+#define UnfocColor 0xFFAAAAAA
+#define FocColor 0xFFFFFFFF
+// This is a GUI control constructor,
+// we should initialize all the variables here
+hgeGUIMenuItem::hgeGUIMenuItem(int _id, hgeFont *_fnt, HEFFECT _snd, float _x, float _y, float _delay, char *_title)
+ float w;
+ id=_id;
+ fnt=_fnt;
+ snd=_snd;
+ delay=_delay;
+ title=_title;
+ color.SetHWColor(UnfocColor);
+ shadow.SetHWColor(0x30000000);
+ offset=0.0f;
+ timer=-1.0f;
+ timer2=-1.0f;
+ bStatic=false;
+ bVisible=true;
+ bEnabled=true;
+ w=fnt->GetStringWidth(title);
+ rect.Set(_x-w/2, _y, _x+w/2, _y+fnt->GetHeight());
+// Reposition the item
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::RePos(float x,float y)
+ float w=fnt->GetStringWidth(title);
+ rect.Set(x-w/2, y, x+w/2, y+fnt->GetHeight());
+// This method is called when the control should be rendered
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::Render()
+ fnt->SetColor(shadow.GetHWColor());
+ fnt->Render(rect.x1+offset+3, rect.y1+3, HGETEXT_LEFT, title);
+ fnt->SetColor(color.GetHWColor());
+ fnt->Render(rect.x1-offset, rect.y1-offset, HGETEXT_LEFT, title);
+// This method is called each frame,
+// we should update the animation here
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::Update(float dt)
+ if(timer2 != -1.0f)
+ {
+ timer2+=dt;
+ if(timer2 >= delay+0.1f)
+ {
+ color=scolor2+dcolor2;
+ shadow=sshadow+dshadow;
+ offset=0.0f;
+ timer2=-1.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(timer2 < delay) { color=scolor2; shadow=sshadow; }
+ else { color=scolor2+dcolor2*(timer2-delay)*10; shadow=sshadow+dshadow*(timer2-delay)*10; }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(timer != -1.0f)
+ {
+ timer+=dt;
+ if(timer >= 0.2f)
+ {
+ color=scolor+dcolor;
+ offset=soffset+doffset;
+ timer=-1.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ color=scolor+dcolor*timer*5;
+ offset=soffset+doffset*timer*5;
+ }
+ }
+// This method is called when the GUI
+// is about to appear on the screen
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::Enter()
+ hgeColor tcolor2;
+ scolor2.SetHWColor(UnfocColor&0x00FFFFFF);
+ tcolor2.SetHWColor(UnfocColor);
+ dcolor2=tcolor2-scolor2;
+ sshadow.SetHWColor(0x00000000);
+ tcolor2.SetHWColor(0x30000000);
+ dshadow=tcolor2-sshadow;
+ timer2=0.0f;
+// This method is called when the GUI
+// is about to disappear from the screen
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::Leave()
+ hgeColor tcolor2;
+ scolor2.SetHWColor(UnfocColor);
+ tcolor2.SetHWColor(UnfocColor&0x00FFFFFF);
+ dcolor2=tcolor2-scolor2;
+ sshadow.SetHWColor(0x30000000);
+ tcolor2.SetHWColor(0x00000000);
+ dshadow=tcolor2-sshadow;
+ timer2=0.0f;
+// This method is called to test whether the control
+// have finished it's Enter/Leave animation
+bool hgeGUIMenuItem::IsDone()
+ if(timer2==-1.0f) return true;
+ else return false;
+// This method is called when the control
+// receives or loses keyboard input focus
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::Focus(bool bFocused)
+ hgeColor tcolor;
+ if(bFocused)
+ {
+ hge->Effect_Play(snd);
+ scolor.SetHWColor(UnfocColor);
+ tcolor.SetHWColor(FocColor);
+ soffset=0;
+ doffset=4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ scolor.SetHWColor(FocColor);
+ tcolor.SetHWColor(UnfocColor);
+ soffset=4;
+ doffset=-4;
+ }
+ dcolor=tcolor-scolor;
+ timer=0.0f;
+// This method is called to notify the control
+// that the mouse cursor has entered or left it's area
+void hgeGUIMenuItem::MouseOver(bool bOver)
+ if(bOver) gui->SetFocus(id);
+// This method is called to notify the control
+// that the left mouse button state has changed.
+// If it returns true - the caller will receive
+// the control's ID
+bool hgeGUIMenuItem::MouseLButton(bool bDown)
+ if(!bDown)
+ {
+ offset=4;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hge->Effect_Play(snd);
+ offset=0;
+ return false;
+ }
+// This method is called to notify the
+// control that a key has been clicked.
+// If it returns true - the caller will
+// receive the control's ID
+bool hgeGUIMenuItem::KeyClick(int key, int chr)
+ if(key==HGEK_ENTER || key==HGEK_SPACE || key==HGEK_Z)
+ {
+ MouseLButton(true);
+ return MouseLButton(false);
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/menuitem.h b/archive/blr1/src/menuitem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5788ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/menuitem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
+** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
+** hge.relishgames.com
+** Tutorial 06 - Creating menus
+// In menuitem.cpp/h we define the
+// behaviour of our custom GUI control
+#include "hge.h"
+#include "hgegui.h"
+#include "hgefont.h"
+#include "hgecolor.h"
+class hgeGUIMenuItem : public hgeGUIObject
+ hgeGUIMenuItem(int id, hgeFont *fnt, HEFFECT snd, float x, float y, float delay, char *title);
+ virtual void Render();
+ virtual void Update(float dt);
+ virtual void Enter();
+ virtual void Leave();
+ virtual bool IsDone();
+ virtual void Focus(bool bFocused);
+ virtual void MouseOver(bool bOver);
+ virtual bool MouseLButton(bool bDown);
+ virtual bool KeyClick(int key, int chr);
+ virtual void RePos(float x,float y);
+ char *title;
+ hgeFont *fnt;
+ HEFFECT snd;
+ float delay;
+ hgeColor scolor, dcolor, scolor2, dcolor2, sshadow, dshadow;
+ hgeColor color, shadow;
+ float soffset, doffset, offset;
+ float timer, timer2;
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/menus.h b/archive/blr1/src/menus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cffcee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/menus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+//Chrisoft Bullet Lab Remix HGE
+//Menu Implementations
+//"Copyleft" Chrisoft 2013
+hgeGUI *StartGUI,*DeathGUI,*CompleteGUI,*HighScoreGUI;
+hgeGUI *HSViewGUI,*HSDetailGUI,*PauseGUI,*BkTTitleGUI;
+hgeGUI *OptionsGUI,*PlayerProfGUI;
+char ds1[255],ds2[255],ds3[255],ds4[255];
+char hs1[255],hs2[255],hs3[255],hs4[255],hs5[255],hs6[255];
+char HSVstr[7][255];
+char HSDetstr[10][255];
+char opt[10][255];
+bool toogleundl;
+int view,detv;
+int lastkeypressed;
+void HSViewGUI_Init();
+void HighScoreGUI_Init();
+void PauseGUI_Init();
+void StartGUI_Init()
+ StartGUI=new hgeGUI();
+ StartGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,200,0.0f,"Easy"));
+ StartGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(2,fnt,snd,400,240,0.1f,"Normal"));
+ StartGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(3,fnt,snd,400,280,0.2f,"Extreme"));
+ StartGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(4,fnt,snd,400,320,0.3f,"Free Play Mode"));
+ StartGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(5,fnt,snd,400,360,0.4f,"Back"));
+ StartGUI->SetCursor(spr);
+ StartGUI->SetNavMode(HGEGUI_UPDOWN);
+ StartGUI->SetFocus(1);
+ StartGUI->Enter();
+void StartGUI_FrameFnk()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ int id=StartGUI->Update(dt);
+ if (id)
+ {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ playerpos.x=400,playerpos.y=400,playerrot=0;
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ level=1,part=1;frms=0,averfps=0.0;restarts=0;bsscale=0.75;
+ towcnt=bulcnt=0;
+ mode=4;
+ score=0;
+ coll=semicoll=clrusg=0;
+ memset(tower,0,sizeof(tower));
+ memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ Complete=false;
+ Refliction=false;
+ Level1Part1();
+ IfCallLevel=true;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ playerpos.x=400,playerpos.y=400,playerrot=0;
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ level=1,part=1;frms=0,averfps=0.0;restarts=0;bsscale=1;
+ towcnt=bulcnt=0;
+ mode=1;
+ score=0;
+ coll=semicoll=clrusg=0;
+ memset(tower,0,sizeof(tower));
+ memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ Complete=false;
+ Refliction=false;
+ Level1Part1();
+ IfCallLevel=true;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ playerpos.x=400,playerpos.y=400,playerrot=0;
+ frameleft=ThirtySeconds;
+ level=3,part=1;frms=0,averfps=0.0;restarts=0;bsscale=1.5;
+ towcnt=4;bulcnt=0;
+ memset(tower,0,sizeof(tower));
+ memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ mode=2;
+ score=0;
+ coll=semicoll=clrusg=0;
+ IfShowTip=true;
+ Complete=false;
+ Refliction=false;
+ Level3Part0();
+ IfCallLevel=true;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ playerpos.x=400,playerpos.y=400,playerrot=0;
+ frameleft=TenSeconds;
+ level=1,part=1;frms=0,averfps=0.0;bsscale=1;
+ towcnt=bulcnt=0;
+ score=0;
+ coll=semicoll=clrusg=0;
+ memset(tower,0,sizeof(tower));
+ memset(bullet,0,sizeof(bullet));
+ Complete=false;
+ Refliction=false;
+ Level1Part1();
+ IfCallLevel=true;
+ mode=3;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ Current_Position=0;
+ StartGUI->Leave();
+ gui->Enter();
+ }
+ }
+void DeathGUI_Init()
+ DeathGUI=new hgeGUI();
+ Current_Position=5;
+ DisableAllTower=true;DisablePlayer=true;
+ DeathGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,160,0.0f,"You Are Dead!"));
+ sprintf(ds1,"You scored %lld at level %d",score,level);
+ DeathGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(2,fnt,snd,400,200,0.1f,ds1));
+ switch (mode)
+ {
+ case 1:sprintf(ds2,"Difficulty: Normal");break;
+ case 2:sprintf(ds2,"Difficulty: Extreme");break;
+ case 3:sprintf(ds2,"What Happened?! You died in Free Play Mode?!");break;
+ case 4:sprintf(ds2,"Difficulty: Easy");break;
+ }
+ DeathGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(3,fnt,snd,400,240,0.2f,ds2));
+ sprintf(ds3,"Average FPS: %.2f",averfps);
+ DeathGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(4,fnt,snd,400,280,0.3f,ds3));
+ DeathGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(5,fnt,snd,400,320,0.3f,""));
+ DeathGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(6,fnt,snd,400,360,0.4f,"Continue from beginning of level? Your score will be set to minus!"));
+ DeathGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(7,fnt,snd,400,400,0.5f,"Continue!"));
+ DeathGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(8,fnt,snd,400,440,0.6f,"No thanks..."));
+ for (int i=1;i<=6;++i)DeathGUI->EnableCtrl(i,false);
+ DeathGUI->SetCursor(spr);
+ DeathGUI->SetFocus(7);
+ DeathGUI->Enter();
+void DeathGUI_FrameFnk()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ int id=DeathGUI->Update(dt);
+ if (id)
+ {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case 7:
+ IfCallLevel=true;
+ Current_Position=1;
+ DeathGUI->Leave();
+ score=-abs(score);
+ ++restarts;
+ part=1;
+ clockrot=deltarot=0;
+ coll=towcnt=bulcnt=0;
+ DisableAllTower=DisablePlayer=false;
+ break;
+ case 8:Current_Position=0;gui->Enter();DeathGUI->Leave();break;
+ }
+ }
+void NewHighScoreGUI_Init()
+ Current_Position=7;
+ memset(newname,0,sizeof(newname));newlen=0;tbframebrk=0;toogleundl=false;
+ TipFont->SetColor(0xFFFFFFFF);
+void nameins(char a)
+ if (newlen<=14)
+ newname[newlen++]=a;
+void namedel()
+ if (newlen>0)newname[--newlen]=0;
+void NewHighScoreGUI_FrameFnk()
+ int key=hge->Input_GetKey();
+ if (key>=0x30&&key<=0x39)nameins('0'+key-0x30);
+ if (key>=0x41&&key<=0x5A)
+ nameins('a'+key-0x41);
+ if (key==HGEK_SPACE)nameins('_');
+ if (key==HGEK_BACKSPACE)namedel();
+ if (key==HGEK_ENTER)
+ {
+ InsertHighScore();
+ switch (mode)
+ {
+ case 4:view=1;HSViewGUI_Init();break;
+ case 1:view=2;HSViewGUI_Init();break;
+ case 2:view=3;HSViewGUI_Init();break;
+ case 3:view=4;HSViewGUI_Init();break;
+ }
+ }
+void NewHighScoreGUI_Render()
+ if (LOWFPS)tbframebrk+=17;else ++tbframebrk;
+ if (tbframebrk>=500)toogleundl=!toogleundl,tbframebrk=0;
+ TipFont->printf(200,200,HGETEXT_LEFT,"Please Enter Your Honorable Name...");
+ if (!toogleundl)
+ TipFont->printf(200,240,HGETEXT_LEFT,"%s",newname);
+ else
+ TipFont->printf(200,240,HGETEXT_LEFT,"%s_",newname);
+void CompleteGUI_Init()
+ CompleteGUI=new hgeGUI();
+ Current_Position=6;
+ DisableAllTower=true;DisablePlayer=true;
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,120,0.0f,"YOU DID THAT!"));
+ if (CheckHighScore()!=-1)
+ sprintf(hs1,"New Highscore %lld!",score);
+ else
+ sprintf(hs1,"Score %lld",score);
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(2,fnt,snd,400,160,0.1f,hs1));
+ switch (mode)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:sprintf(hs2,"Restarts %d",restarts);break;
+ case 3:sprintf(hs2,"Collisions %d",coll);break;
+ }
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(3,fnt,snd,400,200,0.2f,hs2));
+ sprintf(hs3,"Semi-Collisions %d",semicoll);
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(4,fnt,snd,400,240,0.3f,hs3));
+ sprintf(hs4,"CLR usage %d",clrusg);
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(5,fnt,snd,400,280,0.3f,hs4));
+ sprintf(hs5,"Average FPS %.2f",averfps);
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(6,fnt,snd,400,320,0.4f,hs5));
+ if (CheckHighScore()!=-1)
+ {
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(7,fnt,snd,400,360,0.5f,"Keep this in your record?"));
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(8,fnt,snd,400,400,0.6f,"Yes"));
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(9,fnt,snd,400,440,0.7f,"No thanks..."));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(7,fnt,snd,400,360,0.5f,""));
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(8,fnt,snd,400,400,0.6f,""));
+ CompleteGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(9,fnt,snd,400,440,0.7f,"Back to menu"));
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=7;++i)CompleteGUI->EnableCtrl(i,false);
+ CompleteGUI->SetCursor(spr);
+ CompleteGUI->SetFocus(7);
+ CompleteGUI->Enter();
+void CompleteGUI_FrameFnk()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ int id=CompleteGUI->Update(dt);
+ if (id)
+ {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case 8:NewHighScoreGUI_Init();CompleteGUI->Leave();break;
+ case 9:Current_Position=0;gui->Enter();CompleteGUI->Leave();break;
+ }
+ }
+void HSDetGUI_Init()
+ HSDetailGUI=new hgeGUI();
+ Current_Position=10;
+ switch (view)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ memset(HSDetstr,0,sizeof(HSDetstr));
+ if (!ERec[detv].score)sprintf(HSDetstr[1],"Nothing here...");
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[1],"No. %d of Easy Mode",detv);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[2],"Scored %lld by %s",ERec[detv].score,ERec[detv].name);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[3],"Restarts %d",ERec[detv].rescol);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[4],"Semi-Collisions %d",ERec[detv].scoll);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[5],"CLR Usage %d",ERec[detv].clrusg);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[6],"Average FPS %d.%d",ERec[detv].af_int,ERec[detv].af_fric);
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=6;++i)
+ HSDetailGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i,fnt,snd,400,170+30*i,0.1f*i-0.1f,HSDetstr[i])),
+ HSDetailGUI->EnableCtrl(i,false);
+ HSDetailGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(7,fnt,snd,400,380,0.6f,"Back"));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ memset(HSDetstr,0,sizeof(HSDetstr));
+ if (!NRec[detv].score)sprintf(HSDetstr[1],"Nothing here...");
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[1],"No. %d of Normal Mode",detv);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[2],"Scored %lld by %s",NRec[detv].score,NRec[detv].name);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[3],"Restarts %d",NRec[detv].rescol);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[4],"Semi-Collisions %d",NRec[detv].scoll);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[5],"CLR Usage %d",NRec[detv].clrusg);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[6],"Average FPS %d.%d",NRec[detv].af_int,NRec[detv].af_fric);
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=6;++i)
+ HSDetailGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i,fnt,snd,400,170+30*i,0.1f*i-0.1f,HSDetstr[i])),
+ HSDetailGUI->EnableCtrl(i,false);
+ HSDetailGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(7,fnt,snd,400,380,0.6f,"Back"));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ memset(HSDetstr,0,sizeof(HSDetstr));
+ if (!ExRec[detv].score)sprintf(HSDetstr[1],"Nothing here...");
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[1],"No. %d of Extreme Mode",detv);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[2],"Scored %lld by %s",ExRec[detv].score,ExRec[detv].name);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[3],"Restarts %d",ExRec[detv].rescol);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[4],"Semi-Collisions %d",ExRec[detv].scoll);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[5],"CLR Usage %d",ExRec[detv].clrusg);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[6],"Average FPS %d.%d",ExRec[detv].af_int,ExRec[detv].af_fric);
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=6;++i)
+ HSDetailGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i,fnt,snd,400,170+30*i,0.1f*i-0.1f,HSDetstr[i])),
+ HSDetailGUI->EnableCtrl(i,false);
+ HSDetailGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(7,fnt,snd,400,380,0.6f,"Back"));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ memset(HSDetstr,0,sizeof(HSDetstr));
+ if (!FPMRec[detv].score)sprintf(HSDetstr[1],"Nothing here...");
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[1],"No. %d of Free Play Mode",detv);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[2],"Scored %lld by %s",FPMRec[detv].score,FPMRec[detv].name);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[3],"Collisions %d",FPMRec[detv].rescol);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[4],"Semi-Collisions %d",FPMRec[detv].scoll);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[5],"CLR Usage %d",FPMRec[detv].clrusg);
+ sprintf(HSDetstr[6],"Average FPS %d.%d",FPMRec[detv].af_int,FPMRec[detv].af_fric);
+ }
+ for (int i=1;i<=6;++i)
+ HSDetailGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i,fnt,snd,400,170+30*i,0.1f*i-0.1f,HSDetstr[i])),
+ HSDetailGUI->EnableCtrl(i,false);
+ HSDetailGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(7,fnt,snd,400,380,0.6f,"Back"));
+ break;
+ }
+ HSDetailGUI->SetCursor(spr);
+ HSDetailGUI->SetFocus(7);
+ HSDetailGUI->Enter();
+void HSDetGUI_FrameFnk()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ int id=HSDetailGUI->Update(dt);
+ if (id)
+ {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case 7:Current_Position=9;HSDetailGUI->Leave();HSViewGUI->Enter();break;
+ }
+ }
+void HSViewGUI_Init()
+ Current_Position=9;
+ HSViewGUI=new hgeGUI();
+ switch (view)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,200,0.0f,"Highscore - Easy"));
+ for (int i=1;i<=Ecnt;++i)
+ {
+ sprintf(HSVstr[i],"%d. %s - %lld",i,ERec[i].name,ERec[i].score);
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i+1,fnt,snd,400,200+30*i,0.1f*i,HSVstr[i]));
+ }
+ for (int i=Ecnt+1;i<=5;++i)
+ {
+ sprintf(HSVstr[i],"%d. ----------",i);
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i+1,fnt,snd,400,200+30*i,0.1f*i,HSVstr[i]));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,200,0.0f,"Highscore - Normal"));
+ for (int i=1;i<=Ncnt;++i)
+ {
+ sprintf(HSVstr[i],"%d. %s - %lld",i,NRec[i].name,NRec[i].score);
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i+1,fnt,snd,400,200+30*i,0.1f*i,HSVstr[i]));
+ }
+ for (int i=Ncnt+1;i<=5;++i)
+ {
+ sprintf(HSVstr[i],"%d. ----------",i);
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i+1,fnt,snd,400,200+30*i,0.1f*i,HSVstr[i]));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,200,0.0f,"Highscore - Extreme"));
+ for (int i=1;i<=Excnt;++i)
+ {
+ sprintf(HSVstr[i],"%d. %s - %lld",i,ExRec[i].name,ExRec[i].score);
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i+1,fnt,snd,400,200+30*i,0.1f*i,HSVstr[i]));
+ }
+ for (int i=Excnt+1;i<=5;++i)
+ {
+ sprintf(HSVstr[i],"%d. ----------",i);
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i+1,fnt,snd,400,200+30*i,0.1f*i,HSVstr[i]));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,200,0.0f,"Highscore - Free Play Mode"));
+ for (int i=1;i<=FPMcnt;++i)
+ {
+ sprintf(HSVstr[i],"%d. %s - %lld",i,FPMRec[i].name,FPMRec[i].score);
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i+1,fnt,snd,400,200+30*i,0.1f*i,HSVstr[i]));
+ }
+ for (int i=FPMcnt+1;i<=5;++i)
+ {
+ sprintf(HSVstr[i],"%d. ----------",i);
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(i+1,fnt,snd,400,200+30*i,0.1f*i,HSVstr[i]));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(7,fnt,snd,400,380,0.6f,"Select one record to view details."));
+ HSViewGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(8,fnt,snd,400,410,0.7f,"Back"));
+ HSViewGUI->EnableCtrl(1,false);HSViewGUI->EnableCtrl(7,false);
+ HSViewGUI->SetCursor(spr);
+ HSViewGUI->SetFocus(2);
+ HSViewGUI->Enter();
+void HSViewGUI_FrameFnk()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ int id=HSViewGUI->Update(dt);
+ if (id)
+ {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case 2:detv=1;HSDetGUI_Init();break;
+ case 3:detv=2;HSDetGUI_Init();break;
+ case 4:detv=3;HSDetGUI_Init();break;
+ case 5:detv=4;HSDetGUI_Init();break;
+ case 6:detv=5;HSDetGUI_Init();break;
+ case 8:Current_Position=8;HSViewGUI->Leave();if (!HighScoreGUI)HighScoreGUI_Init();HighScoreGUI->Enter();break;
+ }
+ }
+void HighScoreGUI_Init()
+ HighScoreGUI=new hgeGUI();
+ Current_Position=8;
+ HighScoreGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,350,200,0.0f,"View Highscores && Records for..."));
+ HighScoreGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(2,fnt,snd,400,240,0.1f,"Easy"));
+ HighScoreGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(3,fnt,snd,400,280,0.2f,"Normal"));
+ HighScoreGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(4,fnt,snd,400,320,0.3f,"Extreme"));
+ HighScoreGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(5,fnt,snd,400,360,0.4f,"Free Play Mode"));
+ HighScoreGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(6,fnt,snd,400,400,0.5f,"Back"));
+ HighScoreGUI->EnableCtrl(1,false);
+ HighScoreGUI->SetCursor(spr);
+ HighScoreGUI->SetFocus(7);
+ HighScoreGUI->Enter();
+void HighScoreGUI_FrameFnk()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ int id=HighScoreGUI->Update(dt);
+ if (id)
+ {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case 2:view=1;HSViewGUI_Init();break;
+ case 3:view=2;HSViewGUI_Init();break;
+ case 4:view=3;HSViewGUI_Init();break;
+ case 5:view=4;HSViewGUI_Init();break;
+ case 6:Current_Position=0;HighScoreGUI->Leave();gui->Enter();break;
+ }
+ }
+void BkTTitleGUI_Init()
+ BkTTitleGUI=new hgeGUI();
+ Current_Position=12;
+ BkTTitleGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,200,0.0f,"Really?"));
+ BkTTitleGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(2,fnt,snd,200,250,0.1f,"I've pressed the wrong key"));
+ BkTTitleGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(3,fnt,snd,600,250,0.2f,"Do return to menu!"));
+ BkTTitleGUI->EnableCtrl(1,false);
+ BkTTitleGUI->SetCursor(spr);
+ BkTTitleGUI->SetFocus(2);
+ BkTTitleGUI->Enter();
+void BkTTitleGUI_FrameFnk()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ int id=BkTTitleGUI->Update(dt);
+ if (id)
+ {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ BkTTitleGUI->Leave();
+ Current_Position=11;
+ PauseGUI_Init();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ Current_Position=0;BkTTitleGUI->Leave();gui->Enter();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void PauseGUI_Init()
+ PauseGUI=new hgeGUI();
+ Current_Position=11;
+ DisableAllTower=DisablePlayer=true;
+ PauseGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,200,0.0f,"Paused..."));
+ PauseGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(2,fnt,snd,400,240,0.1f,"Return to Game"));
+ PauseGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(3,fnt,snd,400,280,0.2f,"Return to Title"));
+ PauseGUI->EnableCtrl(1,false);
+ PauseGUI->SetCursor(spr);
+ PauseGUI->SetFocus(2);
+ PauseGUI->Enter();
+void PauseGUI_FrameFnk()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ int id=PauseGUI->Update(dt);
+ if (id)
+ {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ PauseGUI->Leave();
+ Current_Position=1;
+ DisableAllTower=DisablePlayer=false;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ BkTTitleGUI_Init();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+int AP_Update(int plrspd,int plrslospd,int clrbns)
+ int res=0;
+ if (plrspd<=4)res+=plrspd*1200;else res+=5000;
+ switch (plrslospd)
+ {
+ case 1:res+=4000;break;
+ case 2:res+=3200;break;
+ case 3:res+=2000;break;
+ case 4:res+=1500;break;
+ case 5:res+=700;break;
+ }
+ switch (clrbns)
+ {
+ case 0:break;
+ case 1:res+=1500;break;
+ case 2:res+=2700;break;
+ case 3:res+=4000;break;
+ case 4:res+=5500;break;
+ }
+ return res;
+void Options_Writeback()
+ freopen("blr.cfg","w",stdout);
+ printf(";CBL");
+ printf("%c",fpslvl==1?1:0);
+ printf("%c",tfs?1:0);
+ printf("%c",fpslvl==2?1:0);
+ printf("%c",diffkey?1:0);
+ printf("%c%c%c",plrspd,plrslospd,clrbns);
+ fclose(stdout);
+void OptionsGUI_Init()
+ OptionsGUI=new hgeGUI();
+ Current_Position=13;
+ if (!tfs)
+ sprintf(opt[0],"Fullscreen: Off");
+ else
+ sprintf(opt[0],"Fullscreen: On");
+ OptionsGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,200,0.0f,opt[0]));
+ switch (fpslvl)
+ {
+ case 0:sprintf(opt[1],"FPS Level: Natural");break;
+ case 1:sprintf(opt[1],"FPS Level: Low FPS");break;
+ case 2:sprintf(opt[1],"FPS Level: Highest");break;
+ }
+ OptionsGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(2,fnt,snd,400,240,0.1f,opt[1]));
+ if (diffkey)
+ sprintf(opt[2],"Use Key X for Clear Range");
+ else
+ sprintf(opt[2],"Use Key Z for Clear Range");
+ OptionsGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(3,fnt,snd,400,280,0.2f,opt[2]));
+ OptionsGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(4,fnt,snd,400,320,0.3f,"Player Profile"));
+ OptionsGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(5,fnt,snd,400,360,0.4f,"Save and Exit"));
+ OptionsGUI->SetNavMode(HGEGUI_UPDOWN);
+ OptionsGUI->SetCursor(spr);
+ OptionsGUI->SetFocus(1);
+ OptionsGUI->Enter();
+void PlayerProfGUI_Init()
+ PlayerProfGUI=new hgeGUI();
+ Current_Position=14;
+ sprintf(opt[3],"Moving Speed: -%d+",plrspd);
+ sprintf(opt[4],"Precise Moving Speed: -%d+",plrslospd);
+ sprintf(opt[5],"Clear Range Bonus: -%d+",clrbns);
+ sprintf(opt[6],"Ability Point %d/10000",AP_Update(plrspd,plrslospd,clrbns));
+ PlayerProfGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(1,fnt,snd,400,200,0.0f,opt[3]));
+ PlayerProfGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(2,fnt,snd,400,240,0.1f,opt[4]));
+ PlayerProfGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(3,fnt,snd,400,280,0.2f,opt[5]));
+ PlayerProfGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(4,fnt,snd,400,320,0.3f,opt[6]));
+ PlayerProfGUI->AddCtrl(new hgeGUIMenuItem(5,fnt,snd,400,360,0.4f,"Back"));
+ PlayerProfGUI->SetNavMode(HGEGUI_UPDOWN);
+ PlayerProfGUI->SetCursor(spr);
+ PlayerProfGUI->SetFocus(1);
+ PlayerProfGUI->Enter();
+void PlayerProfGUI_FrameFnk()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ int id=PlayerProfGUI->Update(dt);
+ if (id==5&&AP_Update(plrspd,plrslospd,clrbns)<=10000)
+ {PlayerProfGUI->Leave();OptionsGUI_Init();}
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_LEFT))
+ {
+ if (!LOWFPS)++lastkeypressed;else lastkeypressed+=17;
+ if (lastkeypressed>=100)
+ {
+ switch (PlayerProfGUI->GetFocus())
+ {
+ case 1:
+ if (plrspd>1)--plrspd;
+ sprintf(opt[3],"Moving Speed: -%d+",plrspd);
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(1))->RePos(400,200);
+ sprintf(opt[6],"Ability Point %d/10000",AP_Update(plrspd,plrslospd,clrbns));
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(4))->RePos(400,320);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (plrslospd>1)--plrslospd;
+ sprintf(opt[4],"Precise Moving Speed: -%d+",plrslospd);
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(2))->RePos(400,240);
+ sprintf(opt[6],"Ability Point %d/10000",AP_Update(plrspd,plrslospd,clrbns));
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(4))->RePos(400,320);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (clrbns>0)--clrbns;
+ sprintf(opt[5],"Clear Range Bonus: -%d+",clrbns);
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(3))->RePos(400,280);
+ sprintf(opt[6],"Ability Point %d/10000",AP_Update(plrspd,plrslospd,clrbns));
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(4))->RePos(400,320);
+ break;
+ }
+ lastkeypressed=0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_RIGHT))
+ {
+ if (!LOWFPS)++lastkeypressed;else lastkeypressed+=17;
+ if (lastkeypressed>=100)
+ {
+ switch (PlayerProfGUI->GetFocus())
+ {
+ case 1:
+ if (plrspd<5)++plrspd;
+ sprintf(opt[3],"Moving Speed: -%d+",plrspd);
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(1))->RePos(400,200);
+ sprintf(opt[6],"Ability Point %d/10000",AP_Update(plrspd,plrslospd,clrbns));
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(4))->RePos(400,320);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (plrslospd<5)++plrslospd;
+ sprintf(opt[4],"Precise Moving Speed: -%d+",plrslospd);
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(2))->RePos(400,240);
+ sprintf(opt[6],"Ability Point %d/10000",AP_Update(plrspd,plrslospd,clrbns));
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(4))->RePos(400,320);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (clrbns<4)++clrbns;
+ sprintf(opt[5],"Clear Range Bonus: -%d+",clrbns);
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(3))->RePos(400,280);
+ sprintf(opt[6],"Ability Point %d/10000",AP_Update(plrspd,plrslospd,clrbns));
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)PlayerProfGUI->GetCtrl(4))->RePos(400,320);
+ break;
+ }
+ lastkeypressed=0;
+ }
+ }
+void OptionsGUI_FrameFnk()
+ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();
+ int id=OptionsGUI->Update(dt);
+ if (id)
+ {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ tfs=!tfs;
+ if (!tfs)
+ sprintf(opt[0],"Fullscreen: Off");
+ else
+ sprintf(opt[0],"Fullscreen: On");
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)OptionsGUI->GetCtrl(1))->RePos(400,200);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ switch (fpslvl)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ fpslvl=1;LOWFPS=true;
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_FPS,61);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ fpslvl=2;LOWFPS=false;
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_FPS,1000);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ fpslvl=0;LOWFPS=false;
+ hge->System_SetState(HGE_FPS,0);
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (fpslvl)
+ {
+ case 0:sprintf(opt[1],"FPS Level: Natural");break;
+ case 1:sprintf(opt[1],"FPS Level: Low FPS");break;
+ case 2:sprintf(opt[1],"FPS Level: Highest");break;
+ }
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)OptionsGUI->GetCtrl(2))->RePos(400,240);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ diffkey=!diffkey;
+ if (diffkey)
+ sprintf(opt[2],"Use Key X for Clear Range");
+ else
+ sprintf(opt[2],"Use Key Z for Clear Range");
+ ((hgeGUIMenuItem*)OptionsGUI->GetCtrl(3))->RePos(400,280);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ PlayerProfGUI_Init();
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ Options_Writeback();
+ OptionsGUI->Leave();
+ gui->Enter();
+ Current_Position=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/scorec.h b/archive/blr1/src/scorec.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d07615a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/scorec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+//Chrisoft Bullet Lab Remix HGE
+//Score Recording Implementations
+//"Copyleft" Chrisoft 2013
+struct TRecord
+ long long score;
+ int len,rescol,scoll,clrusg;
+ int af_int,af_fric;
+ char name[16];
+unsigned int Ecnt,Ncnt,Excnt,FPMcnt;
+unsigned int header,seprt;
+char newname[16];
+int newlen,tbframebrk;
+unsigned int Getuint()
+ unsigned int c1,c2,c3,c4,res;
+ c1=c2=c3=c4=0;
+ scanf("%c%c%c%c",&c1,&c2,&c3,&c4);
+ res=(c1<<24)+(c2<<16)+(c3<<8)+c4;
+ return res;
+int Getint()
+ return (int)Getuint();
+long long Getll()
+ long long c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,res;
+ c1=c2=c3=c4=c5=c6=c7=c8=0;
+ scanf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",&c1,&c2,&c3,&c4,&c5,&c6,&c7,&c8);
+ res=(c1<<56)+(c2<<48)+(c3<<40)+(c4<<32)+(c5<<24)+(c6<<16)+(c7<<8)+c8;
+ return res;
+void Putuint(unsigned int a)
+ unsigned int c1,c2,c3,c4;
+ c1=a&0xFF000000;c2=a&0x00FF0000;
+ c3=a&0x0000FF00;c4=a&0x000000FF;
+ printf("%c%c%c%c",c1,c2,c3,c4);
+void Putint(int a)
+ Putuint((unsigned int)a);
+void Putll(long long a)
+ int c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8;
+ c1=a&0xFF00000000000000;
+ c2=a&0x00FF000000000000;
+ c3=a&0x0000FF0000000000;
+ c4=a&0x000000FF00000000;
+ c5=a&0x00000000FF000000;
+ c6=a&0x0000000000FF0000;
+ c7=a&0x000000000000FF00;
+ c8=a&0x00000000000000FF;
+ printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8);
+TRecord GetTRecord()
+ TRecord res;
+ res.len=Getint();
+ memset(res.name,0,sizeof(res.name));
+ for (int i=0;i<res.len;++i)scanf("%c",&res.name[i]);
+ res.score=Getll();
+ res.rescol=Getint();
+ res.scoll=Getint();
+ res.clrusg=Getint();
+ res.af_int=Getint();res.af_fric=Getint();
+ return res;
+void PutTRecord(TRecord a)
+ Putint(a.len);
+ for (int i=0;i<a.len;++i)printf("%c",a.name[i]);
+ Putll(a.score);
+ Putint(a.rescol);
+ Putint(a.scoll);
+ Putint(a.clrusg);
+ Putint(a.af_int);Putint(a.af_fric);
+void Score_Init()
+ freopen("score.cfg","r",stdin);
+ header=Getuint();
+ if (header!=0x3b424c53)//0x3b424c53=";BLS"
+ {
+ fclose(stdin);
+ Error("Error when loading score file!");
+ }
+ seprt=Getuint();
+ if (seprt!=0xd1ffa0c0)
+ {
+ fclose(stdin);
+ Error("Error when loading score file!");
+ }
+ Ecnt=Getuint();
+ for (unsigned int i=1;i<=Ecnt;++i)ERec[i]=GetTRecord();
+ seprt=Getuint();
+ if (seprt!=0xd1ffa0c1)
+ {
+ fclose(stdin);
+ Error("Error when loading score file!");
+ }
+ Ncnt=Getuint();
+ for (unsigned int i=1;i<=Ncnt;++i)NRec[i]=GetTRecord();
+ seprt=Getuint();
+ if (seprt!=0xd1ffa0c2)
+ {
+ fclose(stdin);
+ Error("Error when loading score file!");
+ }
+ Excnt=Getuint();
+ for (unsigned int i=1;i<=Excnt;++i)ExRec[i]=GetTRecord();
+ seprt=Getuint();
+ if (seprt!=0xd1ffa0c3)
+ {
+ fclose(stdin);
+ Error("Error when loading score file!");
+ }
+ FPMcnt=Getuint();
+ for (unsigned int i=1;i<=FPMcnt;++i)FPMRec[i]=GetTRecord();
+ fclose(stdin);
+int CheckHighScore()
+ int i;
+ switch (mode)
+ {
+ case 4:
+ for (i=1;i<=Ecnt;++i)
+ if (ERec[i].score<score)break;
+ if (i==5&&ERec[i].score>score)return -1;
+ if (Ecnt<5&&ERec[Ecnt].score>score)return Ecnt+1;
+ return i;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ for (i=1;i<=Ncnt;++i)
+ if (NRec[i].score<score)break;
+ if (i==5&&NRec[i].score>score)return -1;
+ if (Ncnt<5&&NRec[Ncnt].score>score)return Ncnt+1;
+ return i;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ for (i=1;i<=Excnt;++i)
+ if (ExRec[i].score<score)break;
+ if (i==5&&ExRec[i].score>score)return -1;
+ if (Excnt<5&&ExRec[Ncnt].score>score)return Excnt+1;
+ return i;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ for (i=1;i<=FPMcnt;++i)
+ if (FPMRec[i].score<score)break;
+ if (i==5&&FPMRec[i].score>score)return -1;
+ if (FPMcnt<5&&FPMRec[Ncnt].score>score)return FPMcnt+1;
+ return i;
+ break;
+ }
+void Score_Write()
+ freopen("score.cfg","w",stdout);
+ Putuint(0x3b424c53u);
+ Putuint(0xd1ffa0c0u);
+ Putint(Ecnt);
+ for (int i=1;i<=Ecnt;++i)
+ PutTRecord(ERec[i]);
+ Putuint(0xd1ffa0c1u);
+ Putint(Ncnt);
+ for (int i=1;i<=Ncnt;++i)
+ PutTRecord(NRec[i]);
+ Putuint(0xd1ffa0c2u);
+ Putint(Excnt);
+ for (int i=1;i<=Excnt;++i)
+ PutTRecord(ExRec[i]);
+ Putuint(0xd1ffa0c3u);
+ Putint(FPMcnt);
+ for (int i=1;i<=FPMcnt;++i)
+ PutTRecord(FPMRec[i]);
+ fclose(stdout);
+void Score_Initailize()
+ freopen("score.cfg","w",stdout);
+ printf(";BLS");
+ printf("%c%c%c%c",0xd1,0xff,0xa0,0xc0);printf("%c%c%c%c",0,0,0,0);
+ printf("%c%c%c%c",0xd1,0xff,0xa0,0xc1);printf("%c%c%c%c",0,0,0,0);
+ printf("%c%c%c%c",0xd1,0xff,0xa0,0xc2);printf("%c%c%c%c",0,0,0,0);
+ printf("%c%c%c%c",0xd1,0xff,0xa0,0xc3);printf("%c%c%c%c",0,0,0,0);
+ fclose(stdout);
+void InsertHighScore()
+ int pos=CheckHighScore();
+ switch (mode)
+ {
+ case 4:
+ if (pos<=Ecnt)
+ for (int i=5;i>pos;--i)
+ ERec[i]=ERec[i-1];
+ else ++Ecnt;
+ if (Ecnt<5)++Ecnt;
+ ERec[pos].score=score;
+ ERec[pos].len=newlen;
+ memcpy(ERec[pos].name,newname,sizeof(newname));
+ ERec[pos].clrusg=clrusg;
+ ERec[pos].rescol=restarts;ERec[pos].scoll=semicoll;
+ ERec[pos].af_int=(int)averfps;
+ ERec[pos].af_fric=(int)(averfps*10)%10*10+(int)(averfps*100)%10;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (pos<=Ncnt)
+ for (int i=5;i>pos;--i)
+ NRec[i]=NRec[i-1];
+ if (Ncnt<5)++Ncnt;
+ NRec[pos].score=score;
+ NRec[pos].len=newlen;
+ memcpy(NRec[pos].name,newname,sizeof(newname));
+ NRec[pos].clrusg=clrusg;
+ NRec[pos].rescol=restarts;NRec[pos].scoll=semicoll;
+ NRec[pos].af_int=(int)averfps;
+ NRec[pos].af_fric=(int)(averfps*10)%10*10+(int)(averfps*100)%10;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (pos<=Excnt)
+ for (int i=5;i>pos;--i)
+ ExRec[i]=ExRec[i-1];
+ if (Excnt<5)++Excnt;
+ ExRec[pos].score=score;
+ ExRec[pos].len=newlen;
+ memcpy(ExRec[pos].name,newname,sizeof(newname));
+ ExRec[pos].clrusg=clrusg;
+ ExRec[pos].rescol=restarts;ExRec[pos].scoll=semicoll;
+ ExRec[pos].af_int=(int)averfps;
+ ExRec[pos].af_fric=(int)(averfps*10)%10*10+(int)(averfps*100)%10;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (pos<=FPMcnt)
+ for (int i=5;i>pos;--i)
+ FPMRec[i]=FPMRec[i-1];
+ if (FPMcnt<5)++FPMcnt;
+ FPMRec[pos].score=score;
+ FPMRec[pos].len=newlen;
+ memcpy(FPMRec[pos].name,newname,sizeof(newname));
+ FPMRec[pos].clrusg=clrusg;
+ FPMRec[pos].rescol=coll;FPMRec[pos].scoll=semicoll;
+ FPMRec[pos].af_int=(int)averfps;
+ FPMRec[pos].af_fric=(int)(averfps*10)%10*10+(int)(averfps*100)%10;
+ break;
+ }
+ Score_Write();
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/archive/blr1/src/towernbullet.h b/archive/blr1/src/towernbullet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cae63d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/blr1/src/towernbullet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
+//Chrisoft Bullet Lab Remix HGE
+//Towers and Bullets Implementations
+//"Copyleft" Chrisoft 2013
+//Human-being which really knows what these mean, please contact Chirsno which is puzzled by these shitty codes..
+#include "effects.h"
+int CreateBullet1(double x,double y,double bs,bool eff=false)
+ ++shots;
+ int i;
+ if (bulcnt==0)
+ bulcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ if (!bullet[i].exist)break;
+ if (i>bulcnt)bulcnt=i;
+ }
+ bullet[i].exist=true;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=1;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=x;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y=y;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=x-playerpos.x;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=y-playerpos.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=bullet[i].bulletdir.x*bullet[i].bulletdir.x+bullet[i].bulletdir.y*bullet[i].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=sqrt(bullet[i].dist);
+ bullet[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet1,23,0,24,24);
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ bullet[i].scollable=true;
+ bullet[i].scale=1;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetHotSpot(12,12);
+ if (eff)BulletEffect_Attatch(i);
+ return i;
+void CreateBullet2(double x,double y,double bs,double rad,bool eff=false)
+ ++shots;
+ int i;
+ if (bulcnt==0)
+ bulcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ if (!bullet[i].exist)break;
+ if (i>bulcnt)bulcnt=i;
+ }
+ bullet[i].exist=true;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=2;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=x;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y=y;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=cos(rad);
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=sin(rad);
+ bullet[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ bullet[i].lifetime=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet1,0,0,24,24);
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ bullet[i].scollable=true;
+ bullet[i].scale=1;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetHotSpot(12,12);
+ if (eff)BulletEffect_Attatch(i);
+void CreateBullet3(double x,double y,double bs,int dir,bool eff=false)
+ CreateBullet2(x,y,bs,dir*0.5235987756,eff);
+void CreateBullet4(double x,double y,double bs,int yelbrk=0,bool eff=false)
+ ++shots;
+ int i;
+ if (bulcnt==0)
+ bulcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ if (!bullet[i].exist)break;
+ if (i>bulcnt)bulcnt=i;
+ }
+ bullet[i].exist=true;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=4;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=x;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y=y;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=x-playerpos.x;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=y-playerpos.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=bullet[i].bulletdir.x*bullet[i].bulletdir.x+bullet[i].bulletdir.y*bullet[i].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=sqrt(bullet[i].dist);
+ bullet[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ bullet[i].yelbrk=yelbrk;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet1,0,46,24,24);
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ bullet[i].scollable=true;
+ bullet[i].scale=1;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetHotSpot(12,12);
+ if (eff)BulletEffect_Attatch(i);
+void CreateBullet5(double x,double y,double bs,bool eff=false)
+ ++shots;
+ int i;
+ if (bulcnt==0)
+ bulcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ if (!bullet[i].exist)break;
+ if (i>bulcnt)bulcnt=i;
+ }
+ bullet[i].exist=true;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=5;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=x;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y=y;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=x-playerpos.x;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=y-playerpos.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=bullet[i].bulletdir.x*bullet[i].bulletdir.x+bullet[i].bulletdir.y*bullet[i].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=sqrt(bullet[i].dist);
+ bullet[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet1,0,23,24,24);
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ bullet[i].scollable=true;
+ bullet[i].scale=1;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetHotSpot(12,12);
+ if (eff)BulletEffect_Attatch(i);
+int CreateBullet6(double x,double y,double bs,int explo,bool eff=false)
+ ++shots;
+ int i;
+ if (bulcnt==0)
+ bulcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ if (!bullet[i].exist)break;
+ if (i>bulcnt)bulcnt=i;
+ }
+ bullet[i].exist=true;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=6;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=x;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y=y;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=rand()%100-50;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=rand()%100-50;
+ bullet[i].dist=bullet[i].bulletdir.x*bullet[i].bulletdir.x+bullet[i].bulletdir.y*bullet[i].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=sqrt(bullet[i].dist);
+ bullet[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ bullet[i].oriexplo=bullet[i].redexplo=explo;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet1,23,23,24,24);
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ bullet[i].scollable=true;
+ bullet[i].scale=1;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetHotSpot(12,12);
+ if (eff)BulletEffect_Attatch(i);
+ return i;
+int CreateBullet7(double x,double y,double bs,int explo,bool eff=false)
+ ++shots;
+ int i;
+ if (bulcnt==0)
+ bulcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ if (!bullet[i].exist)break;
+ if (i>bulcnt)bulcnt=i;
+ }
+ bullet[i].exist=true;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=7;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=x;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y=y;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=rand()%100-50;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=rand()%100-50;
+ bullet[i].dist=bullet[i].bulletdir.x*bullet[i].bulletdir.x+bullet[i].bulletdir.y*bullet[i].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=sqrt(bullet[i].dist);
+ bullet[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ bullet[i].oriexplo=bullet[i].redexplo=explo;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet1,46,23,24,24);
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ bullet[i].redattrib=0;
+ bullet[i].whirem=whicnt;
+ bullet[i].whiskp=0;
+ bullet[i].scollable=true;
+ bullet[i].scale=1;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetHotSpot(12,12);
+ if (eff)BulletEffect_Attatch(i);
+ return i;
+void CreateBullet255(double x,double y,double bs)
+ int i;
+ if (bulcnt==0)
+ bulcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ if (!bullet[i].exist)break;
+ if (i>bulcnt)bulcnt=i;
+ }
+ bullet[i].exist=true;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=255;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=x;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y=y;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=x-playerpos.x;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=y-playerpos.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=bullet[i].bulletdir.x*bullet[i].bulletdir.x+bullet[i].bulletdir.y*bullet[i].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=sqrt(bullet[i].dist);
+ bullet[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ bullet[i].bulletspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet1,46,0,24,24);
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+void ProcessBullet1()
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!bullet[i].exist||bullet[i].bullettype!=1)continue;//If this bullet doesn't exist or is not of this type, do not render it.
+ if (!DisablePlayer)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ }
+ BulletEffect_Process(i);
+ double dis=GetDist(bullet[i].bulletpos,playerpos);//Get distance between player and bullet
+ if (dis<=6||bullet[i].bulletpos.x<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.x>=800||bullet[i].bulletpos.y<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.y>=600)
+ //If collision is detected or the bullet flys out of screen, delete it.
+ {
+ if (dis<=6)++coll,scminus+=10000;
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->RenderEx(bullet[i].bulletpos.x+7.2,bullet[i].bulletpos.y+7.2,0,0.6*bullet[i].scale,0);
+ if (dis<=16&&bullet[i].scollable)++semicoll,++dsmc,bullet[i].scollable=false,SCEffect_Attatch();
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessBullet2()
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!bullet[i].exist||bullet[i].bullettype!=2)continue;//If this bullet doesn't exist or is not of this type, do not render it.
+ if (LOWFPS)bullet[i].lifetime+=17;else ++bullet[i].lifetime;
+ if (bullet[i].lifetime>=15000&&Refliction)
+ {
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!DisablePlayer)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x)/20*17;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y)/20*17;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ }
+ BulletEffect_Process(i);
+ double dis=GetDist(bullet[i].bulletpos,playerpos);//Get distance between player and bullet
+ if (bullet[i].bulletpos.x<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.x>=800||bullet[i].bulletpos.y<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.y>=600)
+ {
+ if (Refliction)
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=-bullet[i].bulletdir.x,
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=-bullet[i].bulletdir.y;
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dis<=6)
+ //If collision is detected or the bullet flys out of screen, delete it.
+ {
+ ++coll,scminus+=10000;
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->RenderEx(bullet[i].bulletpos.x+7.2,bullet[i].bulletpos.y+7.2,0,0.6*bullet[i].scale,0);
+ if (dis<=16&&bullet[i].scollable)++semicoll,++dsmc,bullet[i].scollable=false,SCEffect_Attatch();
+ }
+ }
+//There is no need for ProcessBullet3() because they are in fact bullet2
+void ProcessBullet4()
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!bullet[i].exist||bullet[i].bullettype!=4)continue;//If this bullet doesn't exist or is not of this type, do not render it.
+ if (!DisablePlayer)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ bullet[i].whirem+=17;
+ else
+ ++bullet[i].whirem;
+ if ((yelattrib&&bullet[i].whirem>=bullet[i].yelbrk)||!yelattrib)
+ {
+ bullet[i].whirem=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.x-playerpos.x;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=bullet[i].bulletpos.y-playerpos.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=bullet[i].bulletdir.x*bullet[i].bulletdir.x+bullet[i].bulletdir.y*bullet[i].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=sqrt(bullet[i].dist);
+ }
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ BulletEffect_Process(i);
+ double dis=GetDist(bullet[i].bulletpos,playerpos);//Get distance between player and bullet
+ if (dis<=6||bullet[i].bulletpos.x<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.x>=800||bullet[i].bulletpos.y<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.y>=600)
+ //If collision is detected or the bullet flys out of screen, delete it.
+ {
+ if (dis<=6)++coll,scminus+=10000;
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->RenderEx(bullet[i].bulletpos.x+7.2,bullet[i].bulletpos.y+7.2,0,0.6*bullet[i].scale,0);
+ if (dis<=16&&bullet[i].scollable)++semicoll,++dsmc,bullet[i].scollable=false,SCEffect_Attatch();
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessBullet5()
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!bullet[i].exist||bullet[i].bullettype!=5)continue;//If this bullet doesn't exist or is not of this type, do not render it.
+ if (!DisablePlayer)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ BulletEffect_Process(i);
+ double dis=GetDist(bullet[i].bulletpos,playerpos);//Get distance between player and bullet
+ if (dis<=6||bullet[i].bulletpos.x<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.x>=800||bullet[i].bulletpos.y<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.y>=600)
+ //If collision is detected or the bullet flys out of screen, delete it.
+ {
+ if (dis<=6)playerspeed*=0.9,playerslospeed*=0.9;
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->RenderEx(bullet[i].bulletpos.x+7.2,bullet[i].bulletpos.y+7.2,0,0.6*bullet[i].scale,0);
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessBullet6()
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!bullet[i].exist||bullet[i].bullettype!=6)continue;//If this bullet doesn't exist or is not of this type, do not render it.
+ if (!DisablePlayer)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ BulletEffect_Process(i);
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (bullet[i].redattrib==0)
+ --bullet[i].redexplo;
+ else
+ bullet[i].redexplo-=2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (bullet[i].redattrib==0)
+ bullet[i].redexplo-=17;
+ else
+ bullet[i].redexplo-=34;
+ }
+ if (bullet[i].redexplo<=0&&!DisableAllTower)
+ {
+ if (bullet[i].redattrib==0)
+ {
+ for (int j=1;j<=8;++j)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet6(bullet[i].bulletpos.x,bullet[i].bulletpos.y,bullet[i].bulletspeed,bullet[i].oriexplo);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(bullet[i].bulletpos.x-400)/4);
+ bullet[pnt].bulletdir.x=cos(j*0.785398);
+ bullet[pnt].bulletdir.y=sin(j*0.785398);
+ bullet[pnt].dist=bullet[pnt].bulletdir.x*bullet[pnt].bulletdir.x+bullet[pnt].bulletdir.y*bullet[pnt].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[pnt].dist=sqrt(bullet[pnt].dist);
+ bullet[pnt].redattrib=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int j=1;j<=12;++j)
+ CreateBullet2(bullet[i].bulletpos.x,bullet[i].bulletpos.y,bullet[i].bulletspeed,j*0.5236+clockrot);
+ clockrot+=deltarot;
+ deltarot+=0.004363322313;
+ }
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ double dis=GetDist(bullet[i].bulletpos,playerpos);//Get distance between player and bullet
+ if (dis<=6||bullet[i].bulletpos.x<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.x>=800||bullet[i].bulletpos.y<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.y>=600)
+ //If collision is detected or the bullet flys out of screen, delete it.
+ {
+ if (dis<=6)++coll,scminus+=10000;
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->RenderEx(bullet[i].bulletpos.x+7.2,bullet[i].bulletpos.y+7.2,0,0.6*bullet[i].scale,0);
+ if (dis<=16&&bullet[i].scollable)++semicoll,++dsmc,bullet[i].scollable=false,SCEffect_Attatch();
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessBullet7()
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!bullet[i].exist||bullet[i].bullettype!=7)continue;//If this bullet doesn't exist or is not of this type, do not render it.
+ if (!DisablePlayer)
+ {
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bsscale*bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ BulletEffect_Process(i);
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ {
+ if (bullet[i].redattrib==0)
+ --bullet[i].redexplo;
+ else
+ bullet[i].redexplo-=3;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (bullet[i].redattrib==0)
+ bullet[i].redexplo-=17;
+ else
+ bullet[i].redexplo-=51;
+ }
+ if (bullet[i].redexplo<=0&&!DisableAllTower)
+ {
+ if (bullet[i].redattrib==0)
+ {
+ int pnt=CreateBullet7(bullet[i].bulletpos.x,bullet[i].bulletpos.y,bullet[i].bulletspeed,bullet[i].oriexplo);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(bullet[i].bulletpos.x-400)/4);
+ bullet[pnt].bulletdir.x=0;
+ bullet[pnt].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[pnt].dist=1;
+ bullet[pnt].redattrib=1;
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!LOWFPS)
+ ++bullet[i].whiskp;
+ else
+ bullet[i].whiskp+=17;
+ if (bullet[i].whiskp>50)
+ {
+ for (int j=1;j<=12;++j)
+ CreateBullet2(bullet[i].bulletpos.x,bullet[i].bulletpos.y,bullet[i].bulletspeed,j*0.5236+whirot);
+ whirot+=dwhirot;
+ dwhirot+=0.004363322313;
+ bullet[i].whiskp=0;
+ --bullet[i].whirem;
+ }
+ if (bullet[i].whirem<=0)
+ {
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ double dis=GetDist(bullet[i].bulletpos,playerpos);//Get distance between player and bullet
+ if (dis<=6||bullet[i].bulletpos.x<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.x>=800||bullet[i].bulletpos.y<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.y>=600)
+ //If collision is detected or the bullet flys out of screen, delete it.
+ {
+ if (dis<=6)++coll,scminus+=10000;
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->RenderEx(bullet[i].bulletpos.x+7.2,bullet[i].bulletpos.y+7.2,0,0.6*bullet[i].scale,0);
+ if (dis<=16&&bullet[i].scollable)++semicoll,++dsmc,bullet[i].scollable=false,SCEffect_Attatch();
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessBullet255()
+ for (int i=1;i<=bulcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!bullet[i].exist||bullet[i].bullettype!=255)continue;//If this bullet doesn't exist or is not of this type, do not render it.
+ if (!DisablePlayer)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.x-playerpos.x;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.y=bullet[i].bulletpos.y-playerpos.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=bullet[i].bulletdir.x*bullet[i].bulletdir.x+bullet[i].bulletdir.y*bullet[i].bulletdir.y;
+ bullet[i].dist=sqrt(bullet[i].dist);
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20*17;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.x-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.x/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's x coor.
+ //bullet[i].bulletpos.y-=bullet[i].bulletspeed*(bullet[i].bulletdir.y/bullet[i].dist)/20;//Process bullet's y coor.
+ }
+ double dis=GetDist(bullet[i].bulletpos,playerpos);//Get distance between player and bullet
+ if (dis<=6||bullet[i].bulletpos.x<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.x>=800||bullet[i].bulletpos.y<=-10||bullet[i].bulletpos.y>=600)
+ //If collision is detected or the bullet flys out of screen, delete it.
+ {
+ bullet[i].exist=false;
+ bullet[i].bulletpos.x=bullet[i].bulletpos.y=0;
+ bullet[i].bulletdir.x=bullet[i].bulletdir.y=0;
+ bullet[i].dist=0;
+ bullet[i].bullettype=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bullet[i].bulletspr->RenderEx(bullet[i].bulletpos.x,bullet[i].bulletpos.y,0,0.5,0);
+ }
+ }
+int CreateTower1(double x,double y,int timer,double bs,bool eff=false)//This returns the created tower number.
+ int i;
+ if (towcnt==0)
+ towcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist)break;
+ if (abs(tower[i].towerpos.x-x)<=zero&&abs(tower[i].towerpos.y-y)<=zero)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i>towcnt)
+ towcnt=i;
+ }
+ tower[i].exist=true;
+ tower[i].towertype=1;
+ tower[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ tower[i].towertimer=tower[i].curtimer=timer;
+ tower[i].towerpos.x=x,tower[i].towerpos.y=y;
+ tower[i].towerspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet2,44,0,44,44);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetHotSpot(22,22);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ tower[i].effect=eff;
+ return i;
+int CreateTower2(double x,double y,int timer,double bs,bool eff=false)//This returns the created tower number.
+ int i;
+ if (towcnt==0)
+ towcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist)break;
+ if (abs(tower[i].towerpos.x-x)<=zero&&abs(tower[i].towerpos.y-y)<=zero)return i;
+ }
+ if (i>towcnt)
+ towcnt=i;
+ }
+ tower[i].exist=true;
+ tower[i].towertype=2;
+ tower[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ tower[i].towertimer=tower[i].curtimer=timer;
+ tower[i].towerpos.x=x,tower[i].towerpos.y=y;
+ tower[i].towerspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet2,0,0,44,44);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetHotSpot(22,22);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ tower[i].effect=eff;
+ return i;
+int CreateTower3(double x,double y,int timer,double bs,bool eff=false)//This returns the created tower number.
+ int i;
+ if (towcnt==0)
+ towcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist)break;
+ if (abs(tower[i].towerpos.x-x)<=zero&&abs(tower[i].towerpos.y-y)<=zero)return i;
+ }
+ if (i>towcnt)
+ towcnt=i;
+ }
+ tower[i].exist=true;
+ tower[i].towertype=3;
+ tower[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ tower[i].towertimer=tower[i].curtimer=timer;
+ tower[i].towerpos.x=x,tower[i].towerpos.y=y;
+ tower[i].towerspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet2,0,0,44,44);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetHotSpot(22,22);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ tower[i].effect=eff;
+ return i;
+int CreateTower4(double x,double y,int timer,double bs,int yelbrk=0,bool eff=false)//This returns the created tower number.
+ int i;
+ if (towcnt==0)
+ towcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist)break;
+ if (abs(tower[i].towerpos.x-x)<=zero&&abs(tower[i].towerpos.y-y)<=zero)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i>towcnt)
+ towcnt=i;
+ }
+ tower[i].exist=true;
+ tower[i].towertype=4;
+ tower[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ tower[i].towertimer=tower[i].curtimer=timer;
+ tower[i].towerpos.x=x,tower[i].towerpos.y=y;
+ tower[i].towerspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet2,88,44,44,44);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetHotSpot(22,22);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ tower[i].yelbrk=yelbrk;
+ tower[i].effect=eff;
+ return i;
+int CreateTower5(double x,double y,int timer,double bs,bool eff=false)//This returns the created tower number.
+ int i;
+ if (towcnt==0)
+ towcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist)break;
+ if (abs(tower[i].towerpos.x-x)<=zero&&abs(tower[i].towerpos.y-y)<=zero)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i>towcnt)
+ towcnt=i;
+ }
+ tower[i].exist=true;
+ tower[i].towertype=5;
+ tower[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ tower[i].towertimer=tower[i].curtimer=timer;
+ tower[i].towerpos.x=x,tower[i].towerpos.y=y;
+ tower[i].towerspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet2,88,0,44,44);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetHotSpot(22,22);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ tower[i].effect=eff;
+ return i;
+int CreateTower6(double x,double y,int timer,double bs,int redexplo,bool eff=false)//This returns the created tower number.
+ int i;
+ if (towcnt==0)
+ towcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist)break;
+ if (abs(tower[i].towerpos.x-x)<=zero&&abs(tower[i].towerpos.y-y)<=zero)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i>towcnt)
+ towcnt=i;
+ }
+ tower[i].exist=true;
+ tower[i].towertype=6;
+ tower[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ tower[i].redexplo=redexplo;
+ tower[i].towertimer=tower[i].curtimer=timer;
+ tower[i].towerpos.x=x,tower[i].towerpos.y=y;
+ tower[i].towerspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet2,0,44,44,44);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetHotSpot(22,22);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ tower[i].effect=eff;
+ return i;
+int CreateTower7(double x,double y,int timer,double bs,int redexplo,bool eff=false)//This returns the created tower number.
+ int i;
+ if (towcnt==0)
+ towcnt=i=1;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist)break;
+ if (abs(tower[i].towerpos.x-x)<=zero&&abs(tower[i].towerpos.y-y)<=zero)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i>towcnt)
+ towcnt=i;
+ }
+ tower[i].exist=true;
+ tower[i].towertype=7;
+ tower[i].bulletspeed=bs;
+ tower[i].redexplo=redexplo;
+ tower[i].towertimer=tower[i].curtimer=timer;
+ tower[i].towerpos.x=x,tower[i].towerpos.y=y;
+ tower[i].towerspr=new hgeSprite(SprSheet2,44,44,44,44);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetHotSpot(22,22);
+ tower[i].towerspr->SetColor(0x80FFFFFF);
+ tower[i].whicnt=whicnt;
+ tower[i].effect=eff;
+ return i;
+void ProcessTower1()
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist||tower[i].towertype!=1)continue;
+ tower[i].towerspr->RenderEx(tower[i].towerpos.x+7.2,tower[i].towerpos.y+7.2,0,0.545);
+ if (DisableAllTower)continue;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ tower[i].curtimer-=17;
+ else
+ --tower[i].curtimer;
+ if (tower[i].curtimer<=0)
+ {
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ tower[i].curtimer=tower[i].towertimer;
+ CreateBullet1(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,tower[i].effect);
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessTower2()
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist||tower[i].towertype!=2)continue;
+ tower[i].towerspr->RenderEx(tower[i].towerpos.x+7.2,tower[i].towerpos.y+7.2,0,0.545);
+ if (DisableAllTower)continue;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ tower[i].curtimer-=17;
+ else
+ --tower[i].curtimer;
+ if (tower[i].curtimer<=0)
+ {
+ tower[i].curtimer=tower[i].towertimer;
+ for (int j=1;j<=12;++j)
+ CreateBullet2(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,j*0.5236+clockrot,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ clockrot+=deltarot;
+ //deltarot+=0.004363322313;
+ deltarot+=deltadelta;
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessTower3()
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist||tower[i].towertype!=3)continue;
+ tower[i].towerspr->RenderEx(tower[i].towerpos.x+7.2,tower[i].towerpos.y+7.2,0,0.545);
+ if (DisableAllTower)continue;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ tower[i].curtimer-=17;
+ else
+ --tower[i].curtimer;
+ if (tower[i].curtimer<=0)
+ {
+ tower[i].curtimer=tower[i].towertimer;
+ if (tower[i].t3t==0)
+ for (int j=1;j<=12;++j)
+ CreateBullet3(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,j,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ if (tower[i].t3t==1)
+ {
+ CreateBullet3(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,12,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ CreateBullet3(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,3,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ CreateBullet3(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,6,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ CreateBullet3(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,9,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ }
+ if (tower[i].t3t==2)
+ {
+ if (rand()%2==0)
+ CreateBullet3(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,12,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ else
+ CreateBullet3(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,6,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ }
+ if (tower[i].t3t==3)
+ {
+ if (rand()%2==0)
+ CreateBullet3(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,3,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ else
+ CreateBullet3(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,9,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessTower4()
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist||tower[i].towertype!=4)continue;
+ tower[i].towerspr->RenderEx(tower[i].towerpos.x+7.2,tower[i].towerpos.y+7.2,0,0.545);
+ if (DisableAllTower)continue;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ tower[i].curtimer-=17;
+ else
+ --tower[i].curtimer;
+ if (tower[i].curtimer<=0)
+ {
+ tower[i].curtimer=tower[i].towertimer;
+ CreateBullet4(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,tower[i].yelbrk,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessTower5()
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist||tower[i].towertype!=5)continue;
+ tower[i].towerspr->RenderEx(tower[i].towerpos.x+7.2,tower[i].towerpos.y+7.2,0,0.545);
+ if (DisableAllTower)continue;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ tower[i].curtimer-=17;
+ else
+ --tower[i].curtimer;
+ if (tower[i].curtimer<=0)
+ {
+ tower[i].curtimer=tower[i].towertimer;
+ CreateBullet5(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessTower6()
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist||tower[i].towertype!=6)continue;
+ tower[i].towerspr->RenderEx(tower[i].towerpos.x+7.2,tower[i].towerpos.y+7.2,0,0.545);
+ if (DisableAllTower)continue;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ tower[i].curtimer-=17;
+ else
+ --tower[i].curtimer;
+ if (tower[i].curtimer<=0)
+ {
+ tower[i].curtimer=tower[i].towertimer;
+ CreateBullet6(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,tower[i].redexplo,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessTower7()
+ for (int i=1;i<=towcnt;++i)
+ {
+ if (!tower[i].exist||tower[i].towertype!=7)continue;
+ tower[i].towerspr->RenderEx(tower[i].towerpos.x+7.2,tower[i].towerpos.y+7.2,0,0.545);
+ if (DisableAllTower)continue;
+ if (LOWFPS)
+ tower[i].curtimer-=17;
+ else
+ --tower[i].curtimer;
+ if (tower[i].curtimer<=0)
+ {
+ tower[i].curtimer=tower[i].towertimer;
+ CreateBullet7(tower[i].towerpos.x,tower[i].towerpos.y,tower[i].bulletspeed,tower[i].redexplo,tower[i].effect);
+ //hge->Effect_PlayEx(snd,100,(tower[i].towerpos.x-400)/4);
+ }
+ }