path: root/hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp b/hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d0d054d..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-// PLEASE NOTE that this is not the 1.81 version of hgeparticle.cpp ...
-// the game I'm working on used an older HGE that breaks with the 1.81
-// particle system. If you want 1.81, add the "byteswap" stuff to it. --ryan.
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.61
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeParticleSystem helper class implementation
-#include "hgeparticle.h"
-HGE *hgeParticleSystem::hge=0;
-hgeParticleSystem::hgeParticleSystem(const char *filename, hgeSprite *sprite, float fps)
- void *psi;
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- psi=hge->Resource_Load(filename);
- if(!psi) return;
- char *ptr = (char *) psi;
- memset(&info, '\0', sizeof (info));
- info.sprite = sprite;
- ptr += 4; // skip these bytes.
-#ifdef WIN32
-#define BYTESWAP(a)
- #define SETMEMBER(typ, x) \
- { info.x = *((const typ *) ptr); ptr += sizeof (typ); BYTESWAP(info.x); }
- SETMEMBER(int, nEmission);
- SETMEMBER(float, fLifetime);
- SETMEMBER(float, fParticleLifeMin);
- SETMEMBER(float, fParticleLifeMax);
- SETMEMBER(float, fDirection);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpread);
- SETMEMBER(BYTE, bRelative);
- ptr += 3; // padding.
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpeedMin);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpeedMax);
- SETMEMBER(float, fGravityMin);
- SETMEMBER(float, fGravityMax);
- SETMEMBER(float, fRadialAccelMin);
- SETMEMBER(float, fRadialAccelMax);
- SETMEMBER(float, fTangentialAccelMin);
- SETMEMBER(float, fTangentialAccelMax);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSizeStart);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSizeEnd);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSizeVar);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpinStart);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpinEnd);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpinVar);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.r);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.g);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.b);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.a);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.r);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.g);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.b);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.a);
- SETMEMBER(float, fColorVar);
- SETMEMBER(float, fAlphaVar);
- #undef SETMEMBER
- hge->Resource_Free(psi);
- vecLocation.x=vecPrevLocation.x=0.0f;
- vecLocation.y=vecPrevLocation.y=0.0f;
- fTx=fTy=0;
- fEmissionResidue=0.0f;
- nParticlesAlive=0;
- fAge=-2.0;
- if(fps!=0.0f) fUpdSpeed=1.0f/fps;
- else fUpdSpeed=0.0f;
- fResidue=0.0f;
- rectBoundingBox.Clear();
- bUpdateBoundingBox=false;
-hgeParticleSystem::hgeParticleSystem(hgeParticleSystemInfo *psi, float fps)
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- memcpy(&info, psi, sizeof(hgeParticleSystemInfo));
- vecLocation.x=vecPrevLocation.x=0.0f;
- vecLocation.y=vecPrevLocation.y=0.0f;
- fTx=fTy=0;
- fEmissionResidue=0.0f;
- nParticlesAlive=0;
- fAge=-2.0;
- if(fps!=0.0f) fUpdSpeed=1.0f/fps;
- else fUpdSpeed=0.0f;
- fResidue=0.0f;
- rectBoundingBox.Clear();
- bUpdateBoundingBox=false;
-hgeParticleSystem::hgeParticleSystem(const hgeParticleSystem &ps)
- memcpy(this, &ps, sizeof(hgeParticleSystem));
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
-void hgeParticleSystem::Update(float fDeltaTime)
- if(fUpdSpeed==0.0f) _update(fDeltaTime);
- else
- {
- fResidue+=fDeltaTime;
- if(fResidue>=fUpdSpeed)
- {
- _update(fUpdSpeed);
- while(fResidue>=fUpdSpeed) fResidue-=fUpdSpeed;
- }
- }
-void hgeParticleSystem::_update(float fDeltaTime)
- int i;
- float ang;
- hgeParticle *par;
- hgeVector vecAccel, vecAccel2;
- if(fAge >= 0)
- {
- fAge += fDeltaTime;
- if(fAge >= info.fLifetime) fAge = -2.0f;
- }
- // update all alive particles
- if(bUpdateBoundingBox) rectBoundingBox.Clear();
- par=particles;
- for(i=0; i<nParticlesAlive; i++)
- {
- par->fAge += fDeltaTime;
- if(par->fAge >= par->fTerminalAge)
- {
- nParticlesAlive--;
- memcpy(par, &particles[nParticlesAlive], sizeof(hgeParticle));
- i--;
- continue;
- }
- vecAccel = par->vecLocation-vecLocation;
- vecAccel.Normalize();
- vecAccel2 = vecAccel;
- vecAccel *= par->fRadialAccel;
- // vecAccel2.Rotate(M_PI_2);
- // the following is faster
- ang = vecAccel2.x;
- vecAccel2.x = -vecAccel2.y;
- vecAccel2.y = ang;
- vecAccel2 *= par->fTangentialAccel;
- par->vecVelocity += (vecAccel+vecAccel2)*fDeltaTime;
- par->vecVelocity.y += par->fGravity*fDeltaTime;
- par->vecLocation += par->vecVelocity;
- par->fSpin += par->fSpinDelta*fDeltaTime;
- par->fSize += par->fSizeDelta*fDeltaTime;
- par->colColor += par->colColorDelta*fDeltaTime;
- if(bUpdateBoundingBox) rectBoundingBox.Encapsulate(par->vecLocation.x, par->vecLocation.y);
- par++;
- }
- // generate new particles
- if(fAge != -2.0f)
- {
- float fParticlesNeeded = info.nEmission*fDeltaTime + fEmissionResidue;
- int nParticlesCreated = (unsigned int)fParticlesNeeded;
- fEmissionResidue=fParticlesNeeded-nParticlesCreated;
- par=&particles[nParticlesAlive];
- for(i=0; i<nParticlesCreated; i++)
- {
- if(nParticlesAlive>=MAX_PARTICLES) break;
- par->fAge = 0.0f;
- par->fTerminalAge = hge->Random_Float(info.fParticleLifeMin, info.fParticleLifeMax);
- par->vecLocation = vecPrevLocation+(vecLocation-vecPrevLocation)*hge->Random_Float(0.0f, 1.0f);
- par->vecLocation.x += hge->Random_Float(-2.0f, 2.0f);
- par->vecLocation.y += hge->Random_Float(-2.0f, 2.0f);
- ang=info.fDirection-M_PI_2+hge->Random_Float(0,info.fSpread)-info.fSpread/2.0f;
- if(info.bRelative) ang += (vecPrevLocation-vecLocation).Angle()+M_PI_2;
- par->vecVelocity.x = cosf(ang);
- par->vecVelocity.y = sinf(ang);
- par->vecVelocity *= hge->Random_Float(info.fSpeedMin, info.fSpeedMax);
- par->fGravity = hge->Random_Float(info.fGravityMin, info.fGravityMax);
- par->fRadialAccel = hge->Random_Float(info.fRadialAccelMin, info.fRadialAccelMax);
- par->fTangentialAccel = hge->Random_Float(info.fTangentialAccelMin, info.fTangentialAccelMax);
- par->fSize = hge->Random_Float(info.fSizeStart, info.fSizeStart+(info.fSizeEnd-info.fSizeStart)*info.fSizeVar);
- par->fSizeDelta = (info.fSizeEnd-par->fSize) / par->fTerminalAge;
- par->fSpin = hge->Random_Float(info.fSpinStart, info.fSpinStart+(info.fSpinEnd-info.fSpinStart)*info.fSpinVar);
- par->fSpinDelta = (info.fSpinEnd-par->fSpin) / par->fTerminalAge;
- par->colColor.r = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.r, info.colColorStart.r+(info.colColorEnd.r-info.colColorStart.r)*info.fColorVar);
- par->colColor.g = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.g, info.colColorStart.g+(info.colColorEnd.g-info.colColorStart.g)*info.fColorVar);
- par->colColor.b = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.b, info.colColorStart.b+(info.colColorEnd.b-info.colColorStart.b)*info.fColorVar);
- par->colColor.a = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.a, info.colColorStart.a+(info.colColorEnd.a-info.colColorStart.a)*info.fAlphaVar);
- par->colColorDelta.r = (info.colColorEnd.r-par->colColor.r) / par->fTerminalAge;
- par->colColorDelta.g = (info.colColorEnd.g-par->colColor.g) / par->fTerminalAge;
- par->colColorDelta.b = (info.colColorEnd.b-par->colColor.b) / par->fTerminalAge;
- par->colColorDelta.a = (info.colColorEnd.a-par->colColor.a) / par->fTerminalAge;
- if(bUpdateBoundingBox) rectBoundingBox.Encapsulate(par->vecLocation.x, par->vecLocation.y);
- nParticlesAlive++;
- par++;
- }
- }
- vecPrevLocation=vecLocation;
-void hgeParticleSystem::MoveTo(float x, float y, bool bMoveParticles)
- int i;
- float dx,dy;
- if(bMoveParticles)
- {
- dx=x-vecLocation.x;
- dy=y-vecLocation.y;
- for(i=0;i<nParticlesAlive;i++)
- {
- particles[i].vecLocation.x += dx;
- particles[i].vecLocation.y += dy;
- }
- vecPrevLocation.x=vecPrevLocation.x + dx;
- vecPrevLocation.y=vecPrevLocation.y + dy;
- }
- else
- {
- if(fAge==-2.0) { vecPrevLocation.x=x; vecPrevLocation.y=y; }
- else { vecPrevLocation.x=vecLocation.x; vecPrevLocation.y=vecLocation.y; }
- }
- vecLocation.x=x;
- vecLocation.y=y;
-void hgeParticleSystem::FireAt(float x, float y)
- Stop();
- MoveTo(x,y);
- Fire();
-void hgeParticleSystem::Fire()
- if(info.fLifetime==-1.0f) fAge=-1.0f;
- else fAge=0.0f;
- fResidue=0.0;
-void hgeParticleSystem::Stop(bool bKillParticles)
- fAge=-2.0f;
- if(bKillParticles)
- {
- nParticlesAlive=0;
- rectBoundingBox.Clear();
- }
-void hgeParticleSystem::Render()
- int i;
- DWORD col;
- hgeParticle *par=particles;
- col=info.sprite->GetColor();
- for(i=0; i<nParticlesAlive; i++)
- {
- info.sprite->SetColor(par->colColor.GetHWColor());
- info.sprite->RenderEx(par->vecLocation.x+fTx, par->vecLocation.y+fTy, par->fSpin*par->fAge, par->fSize);
- par++;
- }
- info.sprite->SetColor(col);