path: root/hgehelp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hgehelp')
17 files changed, 0 insertions, 4246 deletions
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgeanim.cpp b/hgehelp/hgeanim.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e370db..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgeanim.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeAnimation helper class implementation
-#include "hgeanim.h"
-hgeAnimation::hgeAnimation(HTEXTURE tex, int nframes, float FPS, float x, float y, float w, float h)
- : hgeSprite(tex, x, y, w, h)
- orig_width = hge->Texture_GetWidth(tex, true);
- fSinceLastFrame=-1.0f;
- fSpeed=1.0f/FPS;
- bPlaying=false;
- nFrames=nframes;
- nDelta=1;
- SetFrame(0);
-hgeAnimation::hgeAnimation(const hgeAnimation & anim)
-: hgeSprite(anim)
- // Copy hgeAnimation parameters:
- this->orig_width = anim.orig_width;
- this->bPlaying = anim.bPlaying;
- this->fSpeed = anim.fSpeed;
- this->fSinceLastFrame = anim.fSinceLastFrame;
- this->Mode = anim.Mode;
- this->nDelta = anim.nDelta;
- this->nFrames = anim.nFrames;
- this->nCurFrame = anim.nCurFrame;
-void hgeAnimation::SetMode(int mode)
- Mode=mode;
- if(mode & HGEANIM_REV)
- {
- nDelta = -1;
- SetFrame(nFrames-1);
- }
- else
- {
- nDelta = 1;
- SetFrame(0);
- }
-void hgeAnimation::Play()
- bPlaying=true;
- fSinceLastFrame=-1.0f;
- if(Mode & HGEANIM_REV)
- {
- nDelta = -1;
- SetFrame(nFrames-1);
- }
- else
- {
- nDelta = 1;
- SetFrame(0);
- }
-void hgeAnimation::Update(float fDeltaTime)
- if(!bPlaying) return;
- if(fSinceLastFrame == -1.0f)
- fSinceLastFrame=0.0f;
- else
- fSinceLastFrame += fDeltaTime;
- while(fSinceLastFrame >= fSpeed)
- {
- fSinceLastFrame -= fSpeed;
- if(nCurFrame + nDelta == nFrames)
- {
- switch(Mode)
- {
- bPlaying = false;
- break;
- nDelta = -nDelta;
- break;
- }
- }
- else if(nCurFrame + nDelta < 0)
- {
- switch(Mode)
- {
- bPlaying = false;
- break;
- nDelta = -nDelta;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(bPlaying) SetFrame(nCurFrame+nDelta);
- }
-void hgeAnimation::SetFrame(int n)
- float tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
- bool bX, bY, bHS;
- int ncols = int(orig_width) / int(width);
- n = n % nFrames;
- if(n < 0) n = nFrames + n;
- nCurFrame = n;
- // calculate texture coords for frame n
- ty1 = ty;
- tx1 = tx + n*width;
- if(tx1 > orig_width-width)
- {
- n -= int(orig_width-tx) / int(width);
- tx1 = width * (n%ncols);
- ty1 += height * (1 + n/ncols);
- }
- tx2 = tx1 + width;
- ty2 = ty1 + height;
- tx1 /= tex_width;
- ty1 /= tex_height;
- tx2 /= tex_width;
- ty2 /= tex_height;
- quad.v[0].tx=tx1; quad.v[0].ty=ty1;
- quad.v[1].tx=tx2; quad.v[1].ty=ty1;
- quad.v[2].tx=tx2; quad.v[2].ty=ty2;
- quad.v[3].tx=tx1; quad.v[3].ty=ty2;
- bX=bXFlip; bY=bYFlip; bHS=bHSFlip;
- bXFlip=false; bYFlip=false;
- SetFlip(bX,bY,bHS);
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgecolor.cpp b/hgehelp/hgecolor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 561a9cc..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgecolor.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeColor*** helper classes implementation
-#include "hgecolor.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#ifndef min
-#define min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#ifndef max
-#define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
-void hgeColorHSV::SetHWColor(DWORD col)
- float r, g, b;
- float minv, maxv, delta;
- float del_R, del_G, del_B;
- a = (col>>24) / 255.0f;
- r = ((col>>16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f;
- g = ((col>>8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f;
- b = (col & 0xFF) / 255.0f;
- minv = min(min(r, g), b);
- maxv = max(max(r, g), b);
- delta = maxv - minv;
- v = maxv;
- if (delta == 0)
- {
- h = 0;
- s = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- s = delta / maxv;
- del_R = (((maxv - r) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- del_G = (((maxv - g) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- del_B = (((maxv - b) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- if (r == maxv) {h = del_B - del_G;}
- else if (g == maxv) {h = (1.0f / 3.0f) + del_R - del_B;}
- else if (b == maxv) {h = (2.0f / 3.0f) + del_G - del_R;}
- if (h < 0) h += 1;
- if (h > 1) h -= 1;
- }
-DWORD hgeColorHSV::GetHWColor() const
- float r, g, b;
- float xh, i, p1, p2, p3;
- if (s == 0)
- {
- r = v;
- g = v;
- b = v;
- }
- else
- {
- xh = h * 6;
- if(xh == 6) xh=0;
- i = floorf(xh);
- p1 = v * (1 - s);
- p2 = v * (1 - s * (xh - i));
- p3 = v * (1 - s * (1 - (xh - i)));
- if (i == 0) {r = v; g = p3; b = p1;}
- else if (i == 1) {r = p2; g = v; b = p1;}
- else if (i == 2) {r = p1; g = v; b = p3;}
- else if (i == 3) {r = p1; g = p2; b = v; }
- else if (i == 4) {r = p3; g = p1; b = v; }
- else {r = v; g = p1; b = p2;}
- }
- return (DWORD(a*255.0f)<<24) + (DWORD(r*255.0f)<<16) + (DWORD(g*255.0f)<<8) + DWORD(b*255.0f);
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgedistort.cpp b/hgehelp/hgedistort.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c7dc821..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgedistort.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeDistortionMesh helper class implementation
-#include "hgedistort.h"
-HGE *hgeDistortionMesh::hge=0;
-hgeDistortionMesh::hgeDistortionMesh(int cols, int rows)
- int i;
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- nRows=rows;
- nCols=cols;
- cellw=cellh=0;
- quad.tex=0;
- disp_array=new hgeVertex[rows*cols];
- for(i=0;i<rows*cols;i++)
- {
- disp_array[i].x=0.0f;
- disp_array[i].y=0.0f;
- disp_array[i].tx=0.0f;
- disp_array[i].ty=0.0f;
- disp_array[i].z=0.5f;
- disp_array[i].col=0xFFFFFFFF;
- }
-hgeDistortionMesh::hgeDistortionMesh(const hgeDistortionMesh &dm)
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- nRows=dm.nRows;
- nCols=dm.nCols;
- cellw=dm.cellw;
- cellh=dm.cellh;
- tx=dm.tx;
- ty=dm.ty;
- width=dm.width;
- height=dm.height;
- quad=dm.quad;
- disp_array=new hgeVertex[nRows*nCols];
- memcpy(disp_array, dm.disp_array, sizeof(hgeVertex)*nRows*nCols);
- delete[] disp_array;
- hge->Release();
-hgeDistortionMesh& hgeDistortionMesh::operator= (const hgeDistortionMesh &dm)
- if(this!=&dm)
- {
- nRows=dm.nRows;
- nCols=dm.nCols;
- cellw=dm.cellw;
- cellh=dm.cellh;
- tx=dm.tx;
- ty=dm.ty;
- width=dm.width;
- height=dm.height;
- quad=dm.quad;
- delete[] disp_array;
- disp_array=new hgeVertex[nRows*nCols];
- memcpy(disp_array, dm.disp_array, sizeof(hgeVertex)*nRows*nCols);
- }
- return *this;
-void hgeDistortionMesh::SetTexture(HTEXTURE tex)
- quad.tex=tex;
-void hgeDistortionMesh::SetTextureRect(float x, float y, float w, float h)
- int i,j;
- float tw,th;
- tx=x; ty=y; width=w; height=h;
- if (quad.tex)
- {
- tw=(float)hge->Texture_GetWidth(quad.tex);
- th=(float)hge->Texture_GetHeight(quad.tex);
- }
- else
- {
- tw = w;
- th = h;
- }
- cellw=w/(nCols-1);
- cellh=h/(nRows-1);
- for(j=0; j<nRows; j++)
- for(i=0; i<nCols; i++)
- {
- disp_array[j*nCols+i].tx=(x+i*cellw)/tw;
- disp_array[j*nCols+i].ty=(y+j*cellh)/th;
- disp_array[j*nCols+i].x=i*cellw;
- disp_array[j*nCols+i].y=j*cellh;
- }
-void hgeDistortionMesh::SetBlendMode(int blend)
- quad.blend=blend;
-void hgeDistortionMesh::Clear(DWORD col, float z)
- int i,j;
- for(j=0; j<nRows; j++)
- for(i=0; i<nCols; i++)
- {
- disp_array[j*nCols+i].x=i*cellw;
- disp_array[j*nCols+i].y=j*cellh;
- disp_array[j*nCols+i].col=col;
- disp_array[j*nCols+i].z=z;
- }
-void hgeDistortionMesh::Render(float x, float y)
- int i,j,idx;
- for(j=0; j<nRows-1; j++)
- for(i=0; i<nCols-1; i++)
- {
- idx=j*nCols+i;
- quad.v[0].tx=disp_array[idx].tx;
- quad.v[0].ty=disp_array[idx].ty;
- quad.v[0].x=x+disp_array[idx].x;
- quad.v[0].y=y+disp_array[idx].y;
- quad.v[0].z=disp_array[idx].z;
- quad.v[0].col=disp_array[idx].col;
- quad.v[1].tx=disp_array[idx+1].tx;
- quad.v[1].ty=disp_array[idx+1].ty;
- quad.v[1].x=x+disp_array[idx+1].x;
- quad.v[1].y=y+disp_array[idx+1].y;
- quad.v[1].z=disp_array[idx+1].z;
- quad.v[1].col=disp_array[idx+1].col;
- quad.v[2].tx=disp_array[idx+nCols+1].tx;
- quad.v[2].ty=disp_array[idx+nCols+1].ty;
- quad.v[2].x=x+disp_array[idx+nCols+1].x;
- quad.v[2].y=y+disp_array[idx+nCols+1].y;
- quad.v[2].z=disp_array[idx+nCols+1].z;
- quad.v[2].col=disp_array[idx+nCols+1].col;
- quad.v[3].tx=disp_array[idx+nCols].tx;
- quad.v[3].ty=disp_array[idx+nCols].ty;
- quad.v[3].x=x+disp_array[idx+nCols].x;
- quad.v[3].y=y+disp_array[idx+nCols].y;
- quad.v[3].z=disp_array[idx+nCols].z;
- quad.v[3].col=disp_array[idx+nCols].col;
- hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
- }
-void hgeDistortionMesh::SetZ(int col, int row, float z)
- if(row<nRows && col<nCols) disp_array[row*nCols+col].z=z;
-void hgeDistortionMesh::SetColor(int col, int row, DWORD color)
- if(row<nRows && col<nCols) disp_array[row*nCols+col].col=color;
-void hgeDistortionMesh::SetDisplacement(int col, int row, float dx, float dy, int ref)
- if(row<nRows && col<nCols)
- {
- switch(ref)
- {
- case HGEDISP_NODE: dx+=col*cellw; dy+=row*cellh; break;
- case HGEDISP_CENTER: dx+=cellw*(nCols-1)/2;dy+=cellh*(nRows-1)/2; break;
- case HGEDISP_TOPLEFT: break;
- }
- disp_array[row*nCols+col].x=dx;
- disp_array[row*nCols+col].y=dy;
- }
-float hgeDistortionMesh::GetZ(int col, int row) const
- if(row<nRows && col<nCols) return disp_array[row*nCols+col].z;
- else return 0.0f;
-DWORD hgeDistortionMesh::GetColor(int col, int row) const
- if(row<nRows && col<nCols) return disp_array[row*nCols+col].col;
- else return 0;
-void hgeDistortionMesh::GetDisplacement(int col, int row, float *dx, float *dy, int ref) const
- if(row<nRows && col<nCols)
- {
- switch(ref)
- {
- case HGEDISP_NODE: *dx=disp_array[row*nCols+col].x-col*cellw;
- *dy=disp_array[row*nCols+col].y-row*cellh;
- break;
- case HGEDISP_CENTER: *dx=disp_array[row*nCols+col].x-cellw*(nCols-1)/2;
- *dy=disp_array[row*nCols+col].x-cellh*(nRows-1)/2;
- break;
- case HGEDISP_TOPLEFT: *dx=disp_array[row*nCols+col].x;
- *dy=disp_array[row*nCols+col].y;
- break;
- }
- }
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp b/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index eb06393..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgefont.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeFont helper class implementation
-#include "hgefont.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-const char FNTHEADERTAG[] = "[HGEFONT]";
-const char FNTBITMAPTAG[] = "Bitmap";
-const char FNTCHARTAG[] = "Char";
-HGE *hgeFont::hge=0;
-char hgeFont::buffer[1024];
-hgeFont::hgeFont(const char *szFont, bool bMipmap)
- void *data;
- DWORD size;
- char *desc, *pdesc;
- char linebuf[256];
- char buf[MAX_PATH], *pbuf;
- char chr;
- int i, x, y, w, h, a, c;
- // Setup variables
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- fHeight=0.0f;
- fScale=1.0f;
- fProportion=1.0f;
- fRot=0.0f;
- fTracking=0.0f;
- fSpacing=1.0f;
- hTexture=0;
- fZ=0.5f;
- dwCol=0xFFFFFFFF;
- ZeroMemory( &letters, sizeof(letters) );
- ZeroMemory( &pre, sizeof(pre) );
- ZeroMemory( &post, sizeof(post) );
- // Load font description
- data=hge->Resource_Load(szFont, &size);
- if(!data) return;
- desc = new char[size+1];
- memcpy(desc,data,size);
- desc[size]=0;
- hge->Resource_Free(data);
- pdesc=_get_line(desc,linebuf);
- if(strcmp(linebuf, FNTHEADERTAG))
- {
- hge->System_Log("Font %s has incorrect format.", szFont);
- delete[] desc;
- return;
- }
- // Parse font description
- while((pdesc = _get_line(pdesc,linebuf)))
- {
- if(!strncmp(linebuf, FNTBITMAPTAG, sizeof(FNTBITMAPTAG)-1 ))
- {
- strcpy(buf,szFont);
- pbuf=strrchr(buf,'\\');
- if(!pbuf) pbuf=strrchr(buf,'/');
- if(!pbuf) pbuf=buf;
- else pbuf++;
- if(!sscanf(linebuf, "Bitmap = %s", pbuf)) continue;
- hTexture=hge->Texture_Load(buf, 0, bMipmap);
- if(!hTexture)
- {
- delete[] desc;
- return;
- }
- }
- else if(!strncmp(linebuf, FNTCHARTAG, sizeof(FNTCHARTAG)-1 ))
- {
- pbuf=strchr(linebuf,'=');
- if(!pbuf) continue;
- pbuf++;
- while(*pbuf==' ') pbuf++;
- if(*pbuf=='\"')
- {
- pbuf++;
- i=(unsigned char)*pbuf++;
- pbuf++; // skip "
- }
- else
- {
- i=0;
- while((*pbuf>='0' && *pbuf<='9') || (*pbuf>='A' && *pbuf<='F') || (*pbuf>='a' && *pbuf<='f'))
- {
- chr=*pbuf;
- if(chr >= 'a') chr-='a'-':';
- if(chr >= 'A') chr-='A'-':';
- chr-='0';
- if(chr>0xF) chr=0xF;
- i=(i << 4) | chr;
- pbuf++;
- }
- if(i<0 || i>255) continue;
- }
- sscanf(pbuf, " , %d , %d , %d , %d , %d , %d", &x, &y, &w, &h, &a, &c);
- letters[i] = new hgeSprite(hTexture, (float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h);
- pre[i]=(float)a;
- post[i]=(float)c;
- if(h>fHeight) fHeight=(float)h;
- }
- }
- delete[] desc;
- for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
- if(letters[i]) delete letters[i];
- if(hTexture) hge->Texture_Free(hTexture);
- hge->Release();
-void hgeFont::Render(float x, float y, int align, const char *string)
- int i;
- float fx=x;
- if(align==HGETEXT_RIGHT) fx-=GetStringWidth(string, false);
- if(align==HGETEXT_CENTER) fx-=int(GetStringWidth(string, false)/2.0f);
- while(*string)
- {
- if(*string=='\n')
- {
- y += int(fHeight*fScale*fSpacing);
- fx = x;
- if(align == HGETEXT_RIGHT) fx -= GetStringWidth(string+1, false);
- if(align == HGETEXT_CENTER) fx -= int(GetStringWidth(string+1, false)/2.0f);
- }
- else
- {
- i=(unsigned char)*string;
- if(!letters[i]) i='?';
- if(letters[i])
- {
- fx += pre[i]*fScale*fProportion;
- letters[i]->RenderEx(fx, y, fRot, fScale*fProportion, fScale);
- fx += (letters[i]->GetWidth()+post[i]+fTracking)*fScale*fProportion;
- }
- }
- string++;
- }
-void hgeFont::printf(float x, float y, int align, const char *format, ...)
- va_list vl;
- va_start(vl, format);
- vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, vl);
- va_end(vl);
- buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
- Render(x,y,align,buffer);
-void hgeFont::printfb(float x, float y, float w, float h, int align, const char *format, ...)
- char chr, *pbuf, *prevword, *linestart;
- int i,lines=0;
- float tx, ty, hh, ww;
- va_list vl;
- va_start(vl, format);
- vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, vl);
- va_end(vl);
- buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
- linestart=buffer;
- pbuf=buffer;
- prevword=0;
- for(;;)
- {
- i=0;
- while(pbuf[i] && pbuf[i]!=' ' && pbuf[i]!='\n') i++;
- chr=pbuf[i];
- pbuf[i]=0;
- ww=GetStringWidth(linestart);
- pbuf[i]=chr;
- if(ww > w)
- {
- if(pbuf==linestart)
- {
- pbuf[i]='\n';
- linestart=&pbuf[i+1];
- }
- else
- {
- *prevword='\n';
- linestart=prevword+1;
- }
- lines++;
- }
- if(pbuf[i]=='\n')
- {
- prevword=&pbuf[i];
- linestart=&pbuf[i+1];
- pbuf=&pbuf[i+1];
- lines++;
- continue;
- }
- if(!pbuf[i]) {lines++;break;}
- prevword=&pbuf[i];
- pbuf=&pbuf[i+1];
- }
- tx=x;
- ty=y;
- hh=fHeight*fSpacing*fScale*lines;
- switch(align & HGETEXT_HORZMASK)
- {
- case HGETEXT_LEFT: break;
- case HGETEXT_RIGHT: tx+=w; break;
- case HGETEXT_CENTER: tx+=int(w/2); break;
- }
- switch(align & HGETEXT_VERTMASK)
- {
- case HGETEXT_TOP: break;
- case HGETEXT_BOTTOM: ty+=h-hh; break;
- case HGETEXT_MIDDLE: ty+=int((h-hh)/2); break;
- }
- Render(tx,ty,align,buffer);
-float hgeFont::GetStringWidth(const char *string, bool bMultiline) const
- int i;
- float linew, w = 0;
- while(*string)
- {
- linew = 0;
- while(*string && *string != '\n')
- {
- i=(unsigned char)*string;
- if(!letters[i]) i='?';
- if(letters[i])
- linew += letters[i]->GetWidth() + pre[i] + post[i] + fTracking;
- string++;
- }
- if(!bMultiline) return linew*fScale*fProportion;
- if(linew > w) w = linew;
- while (*string == '\n' || *string == '\r') string++;
- }
- return w*fScale*fProportion;
-void hgeFont::SetColor(DWORD col)
- dwCol = col;
- for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
- if(letters[i])
- letters[i]->SetColor(col);
-void hgeFont::SetZ(float z)
- fZ = z;
- for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
- if(letters[i])
- letters[i]->SetZ(z);
-void hgeFont::SetBlendMode(int blend)
- nBlend = blend;
- for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
- if(letters[i])
- letters[i]->SetBlendMode(blend);
-char *hgeFont::_get_line(char *file, char *line)
- int i=0;
- if(!file[i]) return 0;
- while(file[i] && file[i]!='\n' && file[i]!='\r')
- {
- line[i]=file[i];
- i++;
- }
- line[i]=0;
- while(file[i] && (file[i]=='\n' || file[i]=='\r')) i++;
- return file + i;
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgegui.cpp b/hgehelp/hgegui.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2faf24c..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgegui.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeGUI helper class implementation
-#include "hgegui.h"
-HGE *hgeGUI::hge=0;
-HGE *hgeGUIObject::hge=0;
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- ctrls=0;
- ctrlLock=0;
- ctrlFocus=0;
- ctrlOver=0;
- bLPressed=bLReleased=false;
- bRPressed=bRReleased=false;
- nWheel=0;
- mx=my=0.0f;
- nEnterLeave=0;
- sprCursor=0;
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls, *nextctrl;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- nextctrl=ctrl->next;
- delete ctrl;
- ctrl=nextctrl;
- }
- hge->Release();
-void hgeGUI::AddCtrl(hgeGUIObject *ctrl)
- hgeGUIObject *last=ctrls;
- ctrl->gui=this;
- if(!ctrls)
- {
- ctrls=ctrl;
- ctrl->prev=0;
- ctrl->next=0;
- }
- else
- {
- while(last->next) last=last->next;
- last->next=ctrl;
- ctrl->prev=last;
- ctrl->next=0;
- }
-void hgeGUI::DelCtrl(int id)
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- if(ctrl->id == id)
- {
- if(ctrl->prev) ctrl->prev->next = ctrl->next;
- else ctrls = ctrl->next;
- if(ctrl->next) ctrl->next->prev = ctrl->prev;
- delete ctrl;
- return;
- }
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
-hgeGUIObject* hgeGUI::GetCtrl(int id) const
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- if(ctrl->id == id) return ctrl;
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
- return NULL;
-void hgeGUI::MoveCtrl(int id, float x, float y)
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl=GetCtrl(id);
- ctrl->rect.x2=x + (ctrl->rect.x2 - ctrl->rect.x1);
- ctrl->rect.y2=y + (ctrl->rect.y2 - ctrl->rect.y1);
- ctrl->rect.x1=x;
- ctrl->rect.y1=y;
-void hgeGUI::ShowCtrl(int id, bool bVisible)
- GetCtrl(id)->bVisible=bVisible;
-void hgeGUI::EnableCtrl(int id, bool bEnabled)
- GetCtrl(id)->bEnabled=bEnabled;
-void hgeGUI::SetNavMode(int mode)
- navmode=mode;
-void hgeGUI::SetCursor(hgeSprite *spr)
- sprCursor=spr;
-void hgeGUI::SetColor(DWORD color)
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- ctrl->SetColor(color);
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
-void hgeGUI::Reset()
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- ctrl->Reset();
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
- ctrlLock=0;
- ctrlOver=0;
- ctrlFocus=0;
-void hgeGUI::Move(float dx, float dy)
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- ctrl->rect.x1 += dx;
- ctrl->rect.y1 += dy;
- ctrl->rect.x2 += dx;
- ctrl->rect.y2 += dy;
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
-void hgeGUI::SetFocus(int id)
- hgeGUIObject *ctrlNewFocus=GetCtrl(id);
- if(ctrlNewFocus==ctrlFocus) return;
- if(!ctrlNewFocus)
- {
- if(ctrlFocus) ctrlFocus->Focus(false);
- ctrlFocus=0;
- }
- else if(!ctrlNewFocus->bStatic && ctrlNewFocus->bVisible && ctrlNewFocus->bEnabled)
- {
- if(ctrlFocus) ctrlFocus->Focus(false);
- if(ctrlNewFocus) ctrlNewFocus->Focus(true);
- ctrlFocus=ctrlNewFocus;
- }
-int hgeGUI::GetFocus() const
- if(ctrlFocus) return ctrlFocus->id;
- else return 0;
-void hgeGUI::Enter()
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- ctrl->Enter();
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
- nEnterLeave=2;
-void hgeGUI::Leave()
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- ctrl->Leave();
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
- ctrlFocus=0;
- ctrlOver=0;
- ctrlLock=0;
- nEnterLeave=1;
-void hgeGUI::Render()
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl=ctrls;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- if(ctrl->bVisible) ctrl->Render();
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
- if(hge->Input_IsMouseOver() && sprCursor) sprCursor->Render(mx,my);
-int hgeGUI::Update(float dt)
- bool bDone;
- int key;
- hgeGUIObject *ctrl;
-// Update the mouse variables
- hge->Input_GetMousePos(&mx, &my);
- bLPressed = hge->Input_KeyDown(HGEK_LBUTTON);
- bLReleased = hge->Input_KeyUp(HGEK_LBUTTON);
- bRPressed = hge->Input_KeyDown(HGEK_RBUTTON);
- bRReleased = hge->Input_KeyUp(HGEK_RBUTTON);
- nWheel=hge->Input_GetMouseWheel();
-// Update all controls
- ctrl=ctrls;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- ctrl->Update(dt);
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
-// Handle Enter/Leave
- if(nEnterLeave)
- {
- ctrl=ctrls; bDone=true;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- if(!ctrl->IsDone()) { bDone=false; break; }
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
- if(!bDone) return 0;
- else
- {
- if(nEnterLeave==1) return -1;
- else nEnterLeave=0;
- }
- }
-// Handle keys
- key=hge->Input_GetKey();
- if(((navmode & HGEGUI_LEFTRIGHT) && key==HGEK_LEFT) ||
- ((navmode & HGEGUI_UPDOWN) && key==HGEK_UP))
- {
- ctrl=ctrlFocus;
- if(!ctrl)
- {
- ctrl=ctrls;
- if(!ctrl) return 0;
- }
- do {
- ctrl=ctrl->prev;
- if(!ctrl && ((navmode & HGEGUI_CYCLED) || !ctrlFocus))
- {
- ctrl=ctrls;
- while(ctrl->next) ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
- if(!ctrl || ctrl==ctrlFocus) break;
- } while(ctrl->bStatic==true || ctrl->bVisible==false || ctrl->bEnabled==false);
- if(ctrl && ctrl!=ctrlFocus)
- {
- if(ctrlFocus) ctrlFocus->Focus(false);
- if(ctrl) ctrl->Focus(true);
- ctrlFocus=ctrl;
- }
- }
- else if(((navmode & HGEGUI_LEFTRIGHT) && key==HGEK_RIGHT) ||
- ((navmode & HGEGUI_UPDOWN) && key==HGEK_DOWN))
- {
- ctrl=ctrlFocus;
- if(!ctrl)
- {
- ctrl=ctrls;
- if(!ctrl) return 0;
- while(ctrl->next) ctrl=ctrl->next;
- }
- do {
- ctrl=ctrl->next;
- if(!ctrl && ((navmode & HGEGUI_CYCLED) || !ctrlFocus)) ctrl=ctrls;
- if(!ctrl || ctrl==ctrlFocus) break;
- } while(ctrl->bStatic==true || ctrl->bVisible==false || ctrl->bEnabled==false);
- if(ctrl && ctrl!=ctrlFocus)
- {
- if(ctrlFocus) ctrlFocus->Focus(false);
- if(ctrl) ctrl->Focus(true);
- ctrlFocus=ctrl;
- }
- }
- else if(ctrlFocus && key && key!=HGEK_LBUTTON && key!=HGEK_RBUTTON)
- {
- if(ctrlFocus->KeyClick(key, hge->Input_GetChar())) return ctrlFocus->id;
- }
-// Handle mouse
- bool bLDown = hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_LBUTTON);
- bool bRDown = hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_RBUTTON);
- if(ctrlLock)
- {
- ctrl=ctrlLock;
- if(!bLDown && !bRDown) ctrlLock=0;
- if(ProcessCtrl(ctrl)) return ctrl->id;
- }
- else
- {
- // Find last (topmost) control
- ctrl=ctrls;
- if(ctrl)
- while(ctrl->next) ctrl=ctrl->next;
- while(ctrl)
- {
- if(ctrl->rect.TestPoint(mx,my) && ctrl->bEnabled)
- {
- if(ctrlOver != ctrl)
- {
- if(ctrlOver) ctrlOver->MouseOver(false);
- ctrl->MouseOver(true);
- ctrlOver=ctrl;
- }
- if(ProcessCtrl(ctrl)) return ctrl->id;
- else return 0;
- }
- ctrl=ctrl->prev;
- }
- if(ctrlOver) {ctrlOver->MouseOver(false); ctrlOver=0;}
- }
- return 0;
-bool hgeGUI::ProcessCtrl(hgeGUIObject *ctrl)
- bool bResult=false;
- if(bLPressed) { ctrlLock=ctrl;SetFocus(ctrl->id);bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseLButton(true); }
- if(bRPressed) { ctrlLock=ctrl;SetFocus(ctrl->id);bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseRButton(true); }
- if(bLReleased) { bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseLButton(false); }
- if(bRReleased) { bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseRButton(false); }
- if(nWheel) { bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseWheel(nWheel); }
- bResult=bResult || ctrl->MouseMove(mx-ctrl->rect.x1,my-ctrl->rect.y1);
- return bResult;
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgeguictrls.cpp b/hgehelp/hgeguictrls.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4319491..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgeguictrls.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeGUI default controls implementation
-#include "hgeguictrls.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
-#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
-** hgeGUIText
-hgeGUIText::hgeGUIText(int _id, float x, float y, float w, float h, hgeFont *fnt)
- id=_id;
- bStatic=true;
- bVisible=true;
- bEnabled=true;
- rect.Set(x, y, x+w, y+h);
- font=fnt;
- tx=x;
- ty=y+(h-fnt->GetHeight())/2.0f;
- text[0]=0;
-void hgeGUIText::SetMode(int _align)
- align=_align;
- if(align==HGETEXT_RIGHT) tx=rect.x2;
- else if(align==HGETEXT_CENTER) tx=(rect.x1+rect.x2)/2.0f;
- else tx=rect.x1;
-void hgeGUIText::SetText(const char *_text)
- strncpy(text, _text, sizeof(text)-1);
- text[sizeof(text) - 1] = '\0';
-void hgeGUIText::printf(const char *format, ...)
- va_list vl;
- va_start(vl, format);
- vsnprintf(text, sizeof(text)-1, format, vl);
- va_end(vl);
-void hgeGUIText::Render()
- font->SetColor(color);
- font->Render(tx,ty,align,text);
-** hgeGUIButton
-hgeGUIButton::hgeGUIButton(int _id, float x, float y, float w, float h, HTEXTURE tex, float tx, float ty)
- id=_id;
- bStatic=false;
- bVisible=true;
- bEnabled=true;
- rect.Set(x, y, x+w, y+h);
- bPressed=false;
- bTrigger=false;
- sprUp = new hgeSprite(tex, tx, ty, w, h);
- sprDown = new hgeSprite(tex, tx+w, ty, w, h);
- if(sprUp) delete sprUp;
- if(sprDown) delete sprDown;
-void hgeGUIButton::Render()
- if(bPressed) sprDown->Render(rect.x1, rect.y1);
- else sprUp->Render(rect.x1, rect.y1);
-bool hgeGUIButton::MouseLButton(bool bDown)
- if(bDown)
- {
- bOldState=bPressed; bPressed=true;
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if(bTrigger) bPressed=!bOldState;
- else bPressed=false;
- return true;
- }
-** hgeGUISlider
-hgeGUISlider::hgeGUISlider(int _id, float x, float y, float w, float h, HTEXTURE tex, float tx, float ty, float sw, float sh, bool vertical)
- id=_id;
- bStatic=false;
- bVisible=true;
- bEnabled=true;
- bPressed=false;
- bVertical=vertical;
- rect.Set(x, y, x+w, y+h);
- fMin=0; fMax=100; fVal=50;
- sl_w=sw; sl_h=sh;
- sprSlider=new hgeSprite(tex, tx, ty, sw, sh);
- if(sprSlider) delete sprSlider;
-void hgeGUISlider::SetValue(float _fVal)
- if(_fVal<fMin) fVal=fMin;
- else if(_fVal>fMax) fVal=fMax;
- else fVal=_fVal;
-void hgeGUISlider::Render()
- float xx, yy;
- float x1,y1,x2,y2;
- xx=rect.x1+(rect.x2-rect.x1)*(fVal-fMin)/(fMax-fMin);
- yy=rect.y1+(rect.y2-rect.y1)*(fVal-fMin)/(fMax-fMin);
- if(bVertical)
- switch(mode)
- {
- case HGESLIDER_BAR: x1=rect.x1; y1=rect.y1; x2=rect.x2; y2=yy; break;
- case HGESLIDER_BARRELATIVE: x1=rect.x1; y1=(rect.y1+rect.y2)/2; x2=rect.x2; y2=yy; break;
- case HGESLIDER_SLIDER: x1=(rect.x1+rect.x2-sl_w)/2; y1=yy-sl_h/2; x2=(rect.x1+rect.x2+sl_w)/2; y2=yy+sl_h/2; break;
- }
- else
- switch(mode)
- {
- case HGESLIDER_BAR: x1=rect.x1; y1=rect.y1; x2=xx; y2=rect.y2; break;
- case HGESLIDER_BARRELATIVE: x1=(rect.x1+rect.x2)/2; y1=rect.y1; x2=xx; y2=rect.y2; break;
- case HGESLIDER_SLIDER: x1=xx-sl_w/2; y1=(rect.y1+rect.y2-sl_h)/2; x2=xx+sl_w/2; y2=(rect.y1+rect.y2+sl_h)/2; break;
- }
- sprSlider->RenderStretch(x1, y1, x2, y2);
-bool hgeGUISlider::MouseLButton(bool bDown)
- bPressed=bDown;
- return false;
-bool hgeGUISlider::MouseMove(float x, float y)
- if(bPressed)
- {
- if(bVertical)
- {
- if(y>rect.y2-rect.y1) y=rect.y2-rect.y1;
- if(y<0) y=0;
- fVal=fMin+(fMax-fMin)*y/(rect.y2-rect.y1);
- }
- else
- {
- if(x>rect.x2-rect.x1) x=rect.x2-rect.x1;
- if(x<0) x=0;
- fVal=fMin+(fMax-fMin)*x/(rect.x2-rect.x1);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-** hgeGUIListbox
-hgeGUIListbox::hgeGUIListbox(int _id, float x, float y, float w, float h, hgeFont *fnt, DWORD tColor, DWORD thColor, DWORD hColor)
- id=_id;
- bStatic=false;
- bVisible=true;
- bEnabled=true;
- rect.Set(x, y, x+w, y+h);
- font=fnt;
- sprHighlight=new hgeSprite(0, 0, 0, w, fnt->GetHeight());
- sprHighlight->SetColor(hColor);
- textColor=tColor;
- texthilColor=thColor;
- pItems=0;
- nItems=0;
- nSelectedItem=0;
- nTopItem=0;
- mx=0; my=0;
- Clear();
- if(sprHighlight) delete sprHighlight;
-int hgeGUIListbox::AddItem(char *item)
- hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems, *pPrev=0, *pNew;
- pNew = new hgeGUIListboxItem;
- memcpy(pNew->text, item, min(sizeof(pNew->text), strlen(item)+1));
- pNew->text[sizeof(pNew->text)-1]='\0';
- pNew->next=0;
- while(pItem) { pPrev=pItem; pItem=pItem->next; }
- if(pPrev) pPrev->next=pNew;
- else pItems=pNew;
- nItems++;
- return nItems-1;
-void hgeGUIListbox::DeleteItem(int n)
- int i;
- hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems, *pPrev=0;
- if(n<0 || n>=GetNumItems()) return;
- for(i=0;i<n;i++) { pPrev=pItem; pItem=pItem->next; }
- if(pPrev) pPrev->next=pItem->next;
- else pItems=pItem->next;
- delete pItem;
- nItems--;
-char *hgeGUIListbox::GetItemText(int n)
- int i;
- hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems;
- if(n<0 || n>=GetNumItems()) return 0;
- for(i=0;i<n;i++) pItem=pItem->next;
- return pItem->text;
-void hgeGUIListbox::Clear()
- hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems, *pNext;
- while(pItem)
- {
- pNext=pItem->next;
- delete pItem;
- pItem=pNext;
- }
- pItems=0;
- nItems=0;
-void hgeGUIListbox::Render()
- int i;
- hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems;
- for(i=0;i<nTopItem;i++) pItem=pItem->next;
- for(i=0;i<GetNumRows();i++)
- {
- if(i>=nItems) return;
- if(nTopItem+i == nSelectedItem)
- {
- sprHighlight->Render(rect.x1,rect.y1+i*font->GetHeight());
- font->SetColor(texthilColor);
- }
- else
- font->SetColor(textColor);
- font->Render(rect.x1+3, rect.y1+i*font->GetHeight(), HGETEXT_LEFT, pItem->text);
- pItem=pItem->next;
- }
-bool hgeGUIListbox::MouseLButton(bool bDown)
- int nItem;
- if(bDown)
- {
- nItem=nTopItem+int(my)/int(font->GetHeight());
- if(nItem<nItems)
- {
- nSelectedItem=nItem;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool hgeGUIListbox::MouseWheel(int nNotches)
- nTopItem-=nNotches;
- if(nTopItem<0) nTopItem=0;
- if(nTopItem>GetNumItems()-GetNumRows()) nTopItem=GetNumItems()-GetNumRows();
- return true;
-bool hgeGUIListbox::KeyClick(int key, int chr)
- switch(key)
- {
- case HGEK_DOWN:
- if(nSelectedItem < nItems-1)
- {
- nSelectedItem++;
- if(nSelectedItem > nTopItem+GetNumRows()-1) nTopItem=nSelectedItem-GetNumRows()+1;
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case HGEK_UP:
- if(nSelectedItem > 0)
- {
- nSelectedItem--;
- if(nSelectedItem < nTopItem) nTopItem=nSelectedItem;
- return true;
- }
- break;
- }
- return false;
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp b/hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d0d054d..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgeparticle.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-// PLEASE NOTE that this is not the 1.81 version of hgeparticle.cpp ...
-// the game I'm working on used an older HGE that breaks with the 1.81
-// particle system. If you want 1.81, add the "byteswap" stuff to it. --ryan.
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.61
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeParticleSystem helper class implementation
-#include "hgeparticle.h"
-HGE *hgeParticleSystem::hge=0;
-hgeParticleSystem::hgeParticleSystem(const char *filename, hgeSprite *sprite, float fps)
- void *psi;
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- psi=hge->Resource_Load(filename);
- if(!psi) return;
- char *ptr = (char *) psi;
- memset(&info, '\0', sizeof (info));
- info.sprite = sprite;
- ptr += 4; // skip these bytes.
-#ifdef WIN32
-#define BYTESWAP(a)
- #define SETMEMBER(typ, x) \
- { info.x = *((const typ *) ptr); ptr += sizeof (typ); BYTESWAP(info.x); }
- SETMEMBER(int, nEmission);
- SETMEMBER(float, fLifetime);
- SETMEMBER(float, fParticleLifeMin);
- SETMEMBER(float, fParticleLifeMax);
- SETMEMBER(float, fDirection);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpread);
- SETMEMBER(BYTE, bRelative);
- ptr += 3; // padding.
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpeedMin);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpeedMax);
- SETMEMBER(float, fGravityMin);
- SETMEMBER(float, fGravityMax);
- SETMEMBER(float, fRadialAccelMin);
- SETMEMBER(float, fRadialAccelMax);
- SETMEMBER(float, fTangentialAccelMin);
- SETMEMBER(float, fTangentialAccelMax);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSizeStart);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSizeEnd);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSizeVar);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpinStart);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpinEnd);
- SETMEMBER(float, fSpinVar);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.r);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.g);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.b);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorStart.a);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.r);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.g);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.b);
- SETMEMBER(float, colColorEnd.a);
- SETMEMBER(float, fColorVar);
- SETMEMBER(float, fAlphaVar);
- #undef SETMEMBER
- hge->Resource_Free(psi);
- vecLocation.x=vecPrevLocation.x=0.0f;
- vecLocation.y=vecPrevLocation.y=0.0f;
- fTx=fTy=0;
- fEmissionResidue=0.0f;
- nParticlesAlive=0;
- fAge=-2.0;
- if(fps!=0.0f) fUpdSpeed=1.0f/fps;
- else fUpdSpeed=0.0f;
- fResidue=0.0f;
- rectBoundingBox.Clear();
- bUpdateBoundingBox=false;
-hgeParticleSystem::hgeParticleSystem(hgeParticleSystemInfo *psi, float fps)
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- memcpy(&info, psi, sizeof(hgeParticleSystemInfo));
- vecLocation.x=vecPrevLocation.x=0.0f;
- vecLocation.y=vecPrevLocation.y=0.0f;
- fTx=fTy=0;
- fEmissionResidue=0.0f;
- nParticlesAlive=0;
- fAge=-2.0;
- if(fps!=0.0f) fUpdSpeed=1.0f/fps;
- else fUpdSpeed=0.0f;
- fResidue=0.0f;
- rectBoundingBox.Clear();
- bUpdateBoundingBox=false;
-hgeParticleSystem::hgeParticleSystem(const hgeParticleSystem &ps)
- memcpy(this, &ps, sizeof(hgeParticleSystem));
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
-void hgeParticleSystem::Update(float fDeltaTime)
- if(fUpdSpeed==0.0f) _update(fDeltaTime);
- else
- {
- fResidue+=fDeltaTime;
- if(fResidue>=fUpdSpeed)
- {
- _update(fUpdSpeed);
- while(fResidue>=fUpdSpeed) fResidue-=fUpdSpeed;
- }
- }
-void hgeParticleSystem::_update(float fDeltaTime)
- int i;
- float ang;
- hgeParticle *par;
- hgeVector vecAccel, vecAccel2;
- if(fAge >= 0)
- {
- fAge += fDeltaTime;
- if(fAge >= info.fLifetime) fAge = -2.0f;
- }
- // update all alive particles
- if(bUpdateBoundingBox) rectBoundingBox.Clear();
- par=particles;
- for(i=0; i<nParticlesAlive; i++)
- {
- par->fAge += fDeltaTime;
- if(par->fAge >= par->fTerminalAge)
- {
- nParticlesAlive--;
- memcpy(par, &particles[nParticlesAlive], sizeof(hgeParticle));
- i--;
- continue;
- }
- vecAccel = par->vecLocation-vecLocation;
- vecAccel.Normalize();
- vecAccel2 = vecAccel;
- vecAccel *= par->fRadialAccel;
- // vecAccel2.Rotate(M_PI_2);
- // the following is faster
- ang = vecAccel2.x;
- vecAccel2.x = -vecAccel2.y;
- vecAccel2.y = ang;
- vecAccel2 *= par->fTangentialAccel;
- par->vecVelocity += (vecAccel+vecAccel2)*fDeltaTime;
- par->vecVelocity.y += par->fGravity*fDeltaTime;
- par->vecLocation += par->vecVelocity;
- par->fSpin += par->fSpinDelta*fDeltaTime;
- par->fSize += par->fSizeDelta*fDeltaTime;
- par->colColor += par->colColorDelta*fDeltaTime;
- if(bUpdateBoundingBox) rectBoundingBox.Encapsulate(par->vecLocation.x, par->vecLocation.y);
- par++;
- }
- // generate new particles
- if(fAge != -2.0f)
- {
- float fParticlesNeeded = info.nEmission*fDeltaTime + fEmissionResidue;
- int nParticlesCreated = (unsigned int)fParticlesNeeded;
- fEmissionResidue=fParticlesNeeded-nParticlesCreated;
- par=&particles[nParticlesAlive];
- for(i=0; i<nParticlesCreated; i++)
- {
- if(nParticlesAlive>=MAX_PARTICLES) break;
- par->fAge = 0.0f;
- par->fTerminalAge = hge->Random_Float(info.fParticleLifeMin, info.fParticleLifeMax);
- par->vecLocation = vecPrevLocation+(vecLocation-vecPrevLocation)*hge->Random_Float(0.0f, 1.0f);
- par->vecLocation.x += hge->Random_Float(-2.0f, 2.0f);
- par->vecLocation.y += hge->Random_Float(-2.0f, 2.0f);
- ang=info.fDirection-M_PI_2+hge->Random_Float(0,info.fSpread)-info.fSpread/2.0f;
- if(info.bRelative) ang += (vecPrevLocation-vecLocation).Angle()+M_PI_2;
- par->vecVelocity.x = cosf(ang);
- par->vecVelocity.y = sinf(ang);
- par->vecVelocity *= hge->Random_Float(info.fSpeedMin, info.fSpeedMax);
- par->fGravity = hge->Random_Float(info.fGravityMin, info.fGravityMax);
- par->fRadialAccel = hge->Random_Float(info.fRadialAccelMin, info.fRadialAccelMax);
- par->fTangentialAccel = hge->Random_Float(info.fTangentialAccelMin, info.fTangentialAccelMax);
- par->fSize = hge->Random_Float(info.fSizeStart, info.fSizeStart+(info.fSizeEnd-info.fSizeStart)*info.fSizeVar);
- par->fSizeDelta = (info.fSizeEnd-par->fSize) / par->fTerminalAge;
- par->fSpin = hge->Random_Float(info.fSpinStart, info.fSpinStart+(info.fSpinEnd-info.fSpinStart)*info.fSpinVar);
- par->fSpinDelta = (info.fSpinEnd-par->fSpin) / par->fTerminalAge;
- par->colColor.r = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.r, info.colColorStart.r+(info.colColorEnd.r-info.colColorStart.r)*info.fColorVar);
- par->colColor.g = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.g, info.colColorStart.g+(info.colColorEnd.g-info.colColorStart.g)*info.fColorVar);
- par->colColor.b = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.b, info.colColorStart.b+(info.colColorEnd.b-info.colColorStart.b)*info.fColorVar);
- par->colColor.a = hge->Random_Float(info.colColorStart.a, info.colColorStart.a+(info.colColorEnd.a-info.colColorStart.a)*info.fAlphaVar);
- par->colColorDelta.r = (info.colColorEnd.r-par->colColor.r) / par->fTerminalAge;
- par->colColorDelta.g = (info.colColorEnd.g-par->colColor.g) / par->fTerminalAge;
- par->colColorDelta.b = (info.colColorEnd.b-par->colColor.b) / par->fTerminalAge;
- par->colColorDelta.a = (info.colColorEnd.a-par->colColor.a) / par->fTerminalAge;
- if(bUpdateBoundingBox) rectBoundingBox.Encapsulate(par->vecLocation.x, par->vecLocation.y);
- nParticlesAlive++;
- par++;
- }
- }
- vecPrevLocation=vecLocation;
-void hgeParticleSystem::MoveTo(float x, float y, bool bMoveParticles)
- int i;
- float dx,dy;
- if(bMoveParticles)
- {
- dx=x-vecLocation.x;
- dy=y-vecLocation.y;
- for(i=0;i<nParticlesAlive;i++)
- {
- particles[i].vecLocation.x += dx;
- particles[i].vecLocation.y += dy;
- }
- vecPrevLocation.x=vecPrevLocation.x + dx;
- vecPrevLocation.y=vecPrevLocation.y + dy;
- }
- else
- {
- if(fAge==-2.0) { vecPrevLocation.x=x; vecPrevLocation.y=y; }
- else { vecPrevLocation.x=vecLocation.x; vecPrevLocation.y=vecLocation.y; }
- }
- vecLocation.x=x;
- vecLocation.y=y;
-void hgeParticleSystem::FireAt(float x, float y)
- Stop();
- MoveTo(x,y);
- Fire();
-void hgeParticleSystem::Fire()
- if(info.fLifetime==-1.0f) fAge=-1.0f;
- else fAge=0.0f;
- fResidue=0.0;
-void hgeParticleSystem::Stop(bool bKillParticles)
- fAge=-2.0f;
- if(bKillParticles)
- {
- nParticlesAlive=0;
- rectBoundingBox.Clear();
- }
-void hgeParticleSystem::Render()
- int i;
- DWORD col;
- hgeParticle *par=particles;
- col=info.sprite->GetColor();
- for(i=0; i<nParticlesAlive; i++)
- {
- info.sprite->SetColor(par->colColor.GetHWColor());
- info.sprite->RenderEx(par->vecLocation.x+fTx, par->vecLocation.y+fTy, par->fSpin*par->fAge, par->fSize);
- par++;
- }
- info.sprite->SetColor(col);
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgepmanager.cpp b/hgehelp/hgepmanager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 16a0b1d..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgepmanager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// PLEASE NOTE that this is not the 1.81 version of hgeparticle.cpp ...
-// the game I'm working on used an older HGE that breaks with the 1.81
-// particle system. If you want 1.81, just overwrite this file. --ryan.
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeParticleManager helper class implementation
-#include "hgeparticle.h"
-hgeParticleManager::hgeParticleManager(const float fps)
- nPS=0;
- fFPS=fps;
- tX=tY=0.0f;
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<nPS;i++) delete psList[i];
-void hgeParticleManager::Update(float dt)
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<nPS;i++)
- {
- psList[i]->Update(dt);
- if(psList[i]->GetAge()==-2.0f && psList[i]->GetParticlesAlive()==0)
- {
- delete psList[i];
- psList[i]=psList[nPS-1];
- nPS--;
- i--;
- }
- }
-void hgeParticleManager::Render()
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<nPS;i++) psList[i]->Render();
-hgeParticleSystem* hgeParticleManager::SpawnPS(hgeParticleSystemInfo *psi, float x, float y)
- if(nPS==MAX_PSYSTEMS) return 0;
- psList[nPS]=new hgeParticleSystem(psi,fFPS);
- psList[nPS]->FireAt(x,y);
- psList[nPS]->Transpose(tX,tY);
- nPS++;
- return psList[nPS-1];
-bool hgeParticleManager::IsPSAlive(hgeParticleSystem *ps) const
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<nPS;i++) if(psList[i]==ps) return true;
- return false;
-void hgeParticleManager::Transpose(float x, float y)
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<nPS;i++) psList[i]->Transpose(x,y);
- tX=x; tY=y;
-void hgeParticleManager::KillPS(hgeParticleSystem *ps)
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<nPS;i++)
- {
- if(psList[i]==ps)
- {
- delete psList[i];
- psList[i]=psList[nPS-1];
- nPS--;
- return;
- }
- }
-void hgeParticleManager::KillAll()
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<nPS;i++) delete psList[i];
- nPS=0;
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgerect.cpp b/hgehelp/hgerect.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 303286c..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgerect.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeRect helper class implementation
-#include "hgerect.h"
-#include <math.h>
-void hgeRect::Encapsulate(float x, float y)
- if(bClean)
- {
- x1=x2=x;
- y1=y2=y;
- bClean=false;
- }
- else
- {
- if(x<x1) x1=x;
- if(x>x2) x2=x;
- if(y<y1) y1=y;
- if(y>y2) y2=y;
- }
-bool hgeRect::TestPoint(float x, float y) const
- if(x>=x1 && x<x2 && y>=y1 && y<y2) return true;
- return false;
-bool hgeRect::Intersect(const hgeRect *rect) const
- if(fabs(x1 + x2 - rect->x1 - rect->x2) < (x2 - x1 + rect->x2 - rect->x1))
- if(fabs(y1 + y2 - rect->y1 - rect->y2) < (y2 - y1 + rect->y2 - rect->y1))
- return true;
- return false;
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgeresource.cpp b/hgehelp/hgeresource.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e681369..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgeresource.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeResourceManager helper class implementation
-#include "hgeresource.h"
-#include "parser.h"
-#include "resources.h"
-HGE *hgeResourceManager::hge=0;
-hgeResourceManager::hgeResourceManager(const char *scriptname)
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- for(int i=0;i<RESTYPES;i++) res[i]=0;
- _parse_script(scriptname);
- _remove_all();
- hge->Release();
-void hgeResourceManager::_parse_script(const char *scriptname)
- ResDesc *rc, *rcnext;
- if(scriptname)
- {
- RScript::Parse(this, NULL, scriptname, NULL);
- rc=res[RES_SCRIPT];
- while(rc)
- {
- rc->Free();
- rcnext=rc->next;
- delete rc;
- rc=rcnext;
- }
- res[RES_SCRIPT]=0;
- }
-void hgeResourceManager::_remove_all()
- int i;
- ResDesc *rc, *rcnext;
- for(i=0;i<RESTYPES;i++)
- {
- rc=res[i];
- while(rc)
- {
- rc->Free();
- rcnext=rc->next;
- delete rc;
- rc=rcnext;
- }
- res[i]=0;
- }
-void hgeResourceManager::ChangeScript(const char *scriptname)
- _remove_all();
- _parse_script(scriptname);
-bool hgeResourceManager::Precache(int groupid)
- int i;
- ResDesc *rc;
- bool bResult=true;
- for(i=0;i<RESTYPES;i++)
- {
- rc=res[i];
- while(rc)
- {
- if(!groupid || groupid==rc->resgroup) bResult=bResult && (rc->Get(this)!=0);
- rc=rc->next;
- }
- }
- return bResult;
-void hgeResourceManager::Purge(int groupid)
- int i;
- ResDesc *rc;
- for(i=0;i<RESTYPES;i++)
- {
- rc=res[i];
- while(rc)
- {
- if(!groupid || groupid==rc->resgroup) rc->Free();
- rc=rc->next;
- }
- }
-void* hgeResourceManager::GetResource(const char *name, int resgroup)
- void *reshandle;
- RResource *resource;
- ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_RESOURCE, name);
- if(Res) return (void *)Res->Get(this);
- else
- {
- reshandle=hge->Resource_Load(name);
- if(reshandle)
- {
- resource=new RResource();
- resource->handle=(size_t)reshandle;
- resource->resgroup=resgroup;
- strcpy(resource->name, name);
- strcpy(resource->filename, name);
- AddRes(this, RES_RESOURCE, resource);
- return reshandle;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-HTEXTURE hgeResourceManager::GetTexture(const char *name, int resgroup)
- HTEXTURE reshandle;
- RTexture *resource;
- ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_TEXTURE, name);
- if(Res) return (HTEXTURE)Res->Get(this);
- else
- {
- reshandle=hge->Texture_Load(name);
- if(reshandle)
- {
- resource=new RTexture();
- resource->handle=reshandle;
- resource->resgroup=resgroup;
- resource->mipmap=false;
- strcpy(resource->name, name);
- strcpy(resource->filename, name);
- AddRes(this, RES_TEXTURE, resource);
- return reshandle;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-HEFFECT hgeResourceManager::GetEffect(const char *name, int resgroup)
- HEFFECT reshandle;
- REffect *resource;
- ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_EFFECT, name);
- if(Res) return (HEFFECT)Res->Get(this);
- else
- {
- reshandle=hge->Effect_Load(name);
- if(reshandle)
- {
- resource=new REffect();
- resource->handle=reshandle;
- resource->resgroup=resgroup;
- strcpy(resource->name, name);
- strcpy(resource->filename, name);
- AddRes(this, RES_EFFECT, resource);
- return reshandle;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-HTARGET hgeResourceManager::GetTarget(const char *name)
- ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_TARGET, name);
- if(Res) return (HTARGET)Res->Get(this);
- else return 0;
-hgeSprite* hgeResourceManager::GetSprite(const char *name)
- ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_SPRITE, name);
- if(Res) return (hgeSprite *)Res->Get(this);
- else return 0;
-hgeAnimation* hgeResourceManager::GetAnimation(const char *name)
- ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_ANIMATION, name);
- if(Res) return (hgeAnimation *)Res->Get(this);
- else return 0;
-hgeFont* hgeResourceManager::GetFont(const char *name)
- ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_FONT, name);
- if(Res) return (hgeFont *)Res->Get(this);
- else return 0;
-hgeParticleSystem* hgeResourceManager::GetParticleSystem(const char *name)
- ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_PARTICLE, name);
- if(Res) return (hgeParticleSystem *)Res->Get(this);
- else return 0;
-hgeDistortionMesh* hgeResourceManager::GetDistortionMesh(const char *name)
- ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_DISTORT, name);
- if(Res) return (hgeDistortionMesh *)Res->Get(this);
- else return 0;
-hgeStringTable* hgeResourceManager::GetStringTable(const char *name, int resgroup)
- hgeStringTable *strtable;
- RStringTable *resource;
- ResDesc *Res=FindRes(this, RES_STRTABLE, name);
- if(Res) return (hgeStringTable*)Res->Get(this);
- else
- {
- strtable=new hgeStringTable(name);
- if(strtable)
- {
- resource=new RStringTable();
- resource->handle=(size_t)strtable;
- resource->resgroup=resgroup;
- strcpy(resource->name, name);
- strcpy(resource->filename, name);
- AddRes(this, RES_STRTABLE, resource);
- return strtable;
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgesprite.cpp b/hgehelp/hgesprite.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ff926f..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgesprite.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeSprite helper class implementation
-#include "hgesprite.h"
-#include <math.h>
-HGE *hgeSprite::hge=0;
-hgeSprite::hgeSprite(HTEXTURE texture, float texx, float texy, float w, float h)
- float texx1, texy1, texx2, texy2;
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- tx=texx; ty=texy;
- width=w; height=h;
- if(texture)
- {
- tex_width = (float)hge->Texture_GetWidth(texture);
- tex_height = (float)hge->Texture_GetHeight(texture);
- }
- else
- {
- tex_width = 1.0f;
- tex_height = 1.0f;
- }
- hotX=0;
- hotY=0;
- bXFlip=false;
- bYFlip=false;
- bHSFlip=false;
- quad.tex=texture;
- texx1=texx/tex_width;
- texy1=texy/tex_height;
- texx2=(texx+w)/tex_width;
- texy2=(texy+h)/tex_height;
- quad.v[0].tx = texx1; quad.v[0].ty = texy1;
- quad.v[1].tx = texx2; quad.v[1].ty = texy1;
- quad.v[2].tx = texx2; quad.v[2].ty = texy2;
- quad.v[3].tx = texx1; quad.v[3].ty = texy2;
- quad.v[0].z =
- quad.v[1].z =
- quad.v[2].z =
- quad.v[3].z = 0.5f;
- quad.v[0].col =
- quad.v[1].col =
- quad.v[2].col =
- quad.v[3].col = 0xffffffff;
- quad.blend=BLEND_DEFAULT;
-hgeSprite::hgeSprite(const hgeSprite &spr)
- memcpy(this, &spr, sizeof(hgeSprite));
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
-void hgeSprite::Render(float x, float y)
- float tempx1, tempy1, tempx2, tempy2;
- tempx1 = x-hotX;
- tempy1 = y-hotY;
- tempx2 = x+width-hotX;
- tempy2 = y+height-hotY;
- quad.v[0].x = tempx1; quad.v[0].y = tempy1;
- quad.v[1].x = tempx2; quad.v[1].y = tempy1;
- quad.v[2].x = tempx2; quad.v[2].y = tempy2;
- quad.v[3].x = tempx1; quad.v[3].y = tempy2;
- hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
-void hgeSprite::RenderEx(float x, float y, float rot, float hscale, float vscale)
- float tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
- float sint, cost;
- if(vscale==0) vscale=hscale;
- tx1 = -hotX*hscale;
- ty1 = -hotY*vscale;
- tx2 = (width-hotX)*hscale;
- ty2 = (height-hotY)*vscale;
- if (rot != 0.0f)
- {
- cost = cosf(rot);
- sint = sinf(rot);
- quad.v[0].x = tx1*cost - ty1*sint + x;
- quad.v[0].y = tx1*sint + ty1*cost + y;
- quad.v[1].x = tx2*cost - ty1*sint + x;
- quad.v[1].y = tx2*sint + ty1*cost + y;
- quad.v[2].x = tx2*cost - ty2*sint + x;
- quad.v[2].y = tx2*sint + ty2*cost + y;
- quad.v[3].x = tx1*cost - ty2*sint + x;
- quad.v[3].y = tx1*sint + ty2*cost + y;
- }
- else
- {
- quad.v[0].x = tx1 + x; quad.v[0].y = ty1 + y;
- quad.v[1].x = tx2 + x; quad.v[1].y = ty1 + y;
- quad.v[2].x = tx2 + x; quad.v[2].y = ty2 + y;
- quad.v[3].x = tx1 + x; quad.v[3].y = ty2 + y;
- }
- hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
-void hgeSprite::RenderStretch(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
- quad.v[0].x = x1; quad.v[0].y = y1;
- quad.v[1].x = x2; quad.v[1].y = y1;
- quad.v[2].x = x2; quad.v[2].y = y2;
- quad.v[3].x = x1; quad.v[3].y = y2;
- hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
-void hgeSprite::Render4V(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)
- quad.v[0].x = x0; quad.v[0].y = y0;
- quad.v[1].x = x1; quad.v[1].y = y1;
- quad.v[2].x = x2; quad.v[2].y = y2;
- quad.v[3].x = x3; quad.v[3].y = y3;
- hge->Gfx_RenderQuad(&quad);
-hgeRect* hgeSprite::GetBoundingBoxEx(float x, float y, float rot, float hscale, float vscale, hgeRect *rect) const
- float tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
- float sint, cost;
- rect->Clear();
- tx1 = -hotX*hscale;
- ty1 = -hotY*vscale;
- tx2 = (width-hotX)*hscale;
- ty2 = (height-hotY)*vscale;
- if (rot != 0.0f)
- {
- cost = cosf(rot);
- sint = sinf(rot);
- rect->Encapsulate(tx1*cost - ty1*sint + x, tx1*sint + ty1*cost + y);
- rect->Encapsulate(tx2*cost - ty1*sint + x, tx2*sint + ty1*cost + y);
- rect->Encapsulate(tx2*cost - ty2*sint + x, tx2*sint + ty2*cost + y);
- rect->Encapsulate(tx1*cost - ty2*sint + x, tx1*sint + ty2*cost + y);
- }
- else
- {
- rect->Encapsulate(tx1 + x, ty1 + y);
- rect->Encapsulate(tx2 + x, ty1 + y);
- rect->Encapsulate(tx2 + x, ty2 + y);
- rect->Encapsulate(tx1 + x, ty2 + y);
- }
- return rect;
-void hgeSprite::SetFlip(bool bX, bool bY, bool bHotSpot)
- float tx, ty;
- if(bHSFlip && bXFlip) hotX = width - hotX;
- if(bHSFlip && bYFlip) hotY = height - hotY;
- bHSFlip = bHotSpot;
- if(bHSFlip && bXFlip) hotX = width - hotX;
- if(bHSFlip && bYFlip) hotY = height - hotY;
- if(bX != bXFlip)
- {
- tx=quad.v[0].tx; quad.v[0].tx=quad.v[1].tx; quad.v[1].tx=tx;
- ty=quad.v[0].ty; quad.v[0].ty=quad.v[1].ty; quad.v[1].ty=ty;
- tx=quad.v[3].tx; quad.v[3].tx=quad.v[2].tx; quad.v[2].tx=tx;
- ty=quad.v[3].ty; quad.v[3].ty=quad.v[2].ty; quad.v[2].ty=ty;
- bXFlip=!bXFlip;
- }
- if(bY != bYFlip)
- {
- tx=quad.v[0].tx; quad.v[0].tx=quad.v[3].tx; quad.v[3].tx=tx;
- ty=quad.v[0].ty; quad.v[0].ty=quad.v[3].ty; quad.v[3].ty=ty;
- tx=quad.v[1].tx; quad.v[1].tx=quad.v[2].tx; quad.v[2].tx=tx;
- ty=quad.v[1].ty; quad.v[1].ty=quad.v[2].ty; quad.v[2].ty=ty;
- bYFlip=!bYFlip;
- }
-void hgeSprite::SetTexture(HTEXTURE tex)
- float tx1,ty1,tx2,ty2;
- float tw,th;
- quad.tex=tex;
- if(tex)
- {
- tw = (float)hge->Texture_GetWidth(tex);
- th = (float)hge->Texture_GetHeight(tex);
- }
- else
- {
- tw = 1.0f;
- th = 1.0f;
- }
- if(tw!=tex_width || th!=tex_height)
- {
- tx1=quad.v[0].tx*tex_width;
- ty1=quad.v[0].ty*tex_height;
- tx2=quad.v[2].tx*tex_width;
- ty2=quad.v[2].ty*tex_height;
- tex_width=tw;
- tex_height=th;
- tx1/=tw; ty1/=th;
- tx2/=tw; ty2/=th;
- quad.v[0].tx=tx1; quad.v[0].ty=ty1;
- quad.v[1].tx=tx2; quad.v[1].ty=ty1;
- quad.v[2].tx=tx2; quad.v[2].ty=ty2;
- quad.v[3].tx=tx1; quad.v[3].ty=ty2;
- }
-void hgeSprite::SetTextureRect(float x, float y, float w, float h, bool adjSize)
- float tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
- bool bX,bY,bHS;
- tx=x;
- ty=y;
- if(adjSize)
- {
- width=w;
- height=h;
- }
- tx1=tx/tex_width; ty1=ty/tex_height;
- tx2=(tx+w)/tex_width; ty2=(ty+h)/tex_height;
- quad.v[0].tx=tx1; quad.v[0].ty=ty1;
- quad.v[1].tx=tx2; quad.v[1].ty=ty1;
- quad.v[2].tx=tx2; quad.v[2].ty=ty2;
- quad.v[3].tx=tx1; quad.v[3].ty=ty2;
- bX=bXFlip; bY=bYFlip; bHS=bHSFlip;
- bXFlip=false; bYFlip=false;
- SetFlip(bX,bY,bHS);
-void hgeSprite::SetColor(DWORD col, int i)
- if(i != -1)
- quad.v[i].col = col;
- else
- quad.v[0].col = quad.v[1].col = quad.v[2].col = quad.v[3].col = col;
-void hgeSprite::SetZ(float z, int i)
- if(i != -1)
- quad.v[i].z = z;
- else
- quad.v[0].z = quad.v[1].z = quad.v[2].z = quad.v[3].z = z;
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgestrings.cpp b/hgehelp/hgestrings.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eda71c..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgestrings.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeStringTable helper class implementation
-#include "hgestrings.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-const char STRFORMATERROR[]="String table %s has incorrect format.";
-HGE *hgeStringTable::hge=0;
-hgeStringTable::hgeStringTable(const char *filename)
- int i;
- void *data;
- DWORD size;
- char *desc, *pdesc;
- NamedString *str;
- char str_name[MAXSTRNAMELENGTH];
- char *str_value, *pvalue;
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- strings=0;
- // load string table file
- data=hge->Resource_Load(filename, &size);
- if(!data) return;
- desc = new char[size+1];
- memcpy(desc,data,size);
- desc[size]=0;
- hge->Resource_Free(data);
- // check header
- if(memcmp(desc, STRHEADERTAG, sizeof(STRHEADERTAG)-1))
- {
- hge->System_Log(STRFORMATERROR, filename);
- delete[] desc;
- return;
- }
- pdesc=desc+sizeof(STRHEADERTAG);
- str_value=new char[8192];
- for(;;)
- {
- // skip whitespaces
- while(isspace(*pdesc)) pdesc++;
- if(!*pdesc) break;
- // skip comments
- if(*pdesc==';')
- {
- while(*pdesc && *pdesc != '\n') pdesc++;
- pdesc++;
- continue;
- }
- // get string name -> str_name
- i=0;
- while(pdesc[i] && pdesc[i]!='=' && !isspace(pdesc[i]) && i<MAXSTRNAMELENGTH)
- {
- str_name[i]=pdesc[i];
- i++;
- }
- str_name[i]=0;
- pdesc+=i;
- // skip string name overflow characters
- while(*pdesc && *pdesc!='=' && !isspace(*pdesc)) pdesc++;
- if(!*pdesc) break;
- // skip whitespaces to '='
- while(isspace(*pdesc)) pdesc++;
- if(*pdesc!='=') { hge->System_Log(STRFORMATERROR, filename); break; }
- pdesc++;
- // skip whitespaces to '"'
- while(isspace(*pdesc)) pdesc++;
- if(*pdesc!='"') { hge->System_Log(STRFORMATERROR, filename); break; }
- pdesc++;
- // parse string value till the closing '"' -> str_value
- // consider: \", \n, \\, LF, CR, whitespaces at line begin/end
- pvalue=str_value;
- while(*pdesc && *pdesc!='"')
- {
- if(*pdesc=='\n' || *pdesc=='\r')
- {
- while(isspace(*pdesc)) pdesc++;
- pvalue--;
- while(pvalue>=str_value && isspace(*pvalue)) pvalue--;
- pvalue++; *pvalue=' '; pvalue++;
- continue;
- }
- if(*pdesc=='\\')
- {
- pdesc++;
- if(!*pdesc) continue;
- if(*pdesc=='n') *pvalue='\n';
- else *pvalue=*pdesc;
- pvalue++;
- pdesc++;
- continue;
- }
- *pvalue=*pdesc; pvalue++;
- pdesc++;
- }
- *pvalue=0;
- // add the parsed string to the list
- str=new NamedString;
- strcpy(str->name, str_name);
- str->string=new char[strlen(str_value)+1];
- strcpy(str->string, str_value);
- str->next=strings;
- strings=str;
- if(!*pdesc) break;
- pdesc++;
- }
- delete[] str_value;
- delete[] desc;
- NamedString *str, *strnext;
- str=strings;
- while(str)
- {
- strnext=str->next;
- delete[] str->string;
- delete str;
- str=strnext;
- }
- hge->Release();
-char *hgeStringTable::GetString(const char *name)
- NamedString *str=strings;
- while(str)
- {
- if(!strcmp(name, str->name)) return str->string;
- str=str->next;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/hgehelp/hgevector.cpp b/hgehelp/hgevector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 921f7b7..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/hgevector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeVector helper class implementation
-#include "hgevector.h"
-float InvSqrt(float x)
- union
- {
- int intPart;
- float floatPart;
- } convertor;
- convertor.floatPart = x;
- convertor.intPart = 0x5f3759df - (convertor.intPart >> 1);
- return convertor.floatPart*(1.5f - 0.4999f*x*convertor.floatPart*convertor.floatPart);
-hgeVector *hgeVector::Normalize()
- float lenRcp;
- lenRcp=sqrtf(Dot(this));
- if(lenRcp)
- {
- lenRcp=1.0f/lenRcp;
- x*=lenRcp;
- y*=lenRcp;
- }
- return this;
-float hgeVector::Angle(const hgeVector *v) const
- if(v)
- {
- hgeVector s=*this, t=*v;
- s.Normalize(); t.Normalize();
- return acosf(s.Dot(&t));
- }
- else return atan2f(y, x);
-hgeVector *hgeVector::Rotate(float a)
- hgeVector v;
- v.x=x*cosf(a) - y*sinf(a);
- v.y=x*sinf(a) + y*cosf(a);
- x=v.x; y=v.y;
- return this;
diff --git a/hgehelp/parser.cpp b/hgehelp/parser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0386ef9..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/parser.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** Resource script parser implementation
-#include "parser.h"
-HGE *RScriptParser::hge=0;
-struct keyword
- const char* word;
- int code;
-keyword keytable[]=
- { "=", TTEQUALS },
- { ":", TTBASED },
- { ",", TTSEPARATOR },
- { "{", TTOPENBLOCK },
- { "}", TTCLOSEBLOCK },
- { "true", TTBOOL },
- { "false", TTBOOL },
- { "Include", TTRES_INCLUDE },
- { "Resource", TTRES_RESOURCE },
- { "Texture", TTRES_TEXTURE },
- { "Sound", TTRES_SOUND },
- { "Music", TTRES_MUSIC },
- { "Stream", TTRES_STREAM },
- { "Target", TTRES_TARGET },
- { "Sprite", TTRES_SPRITE },
- { "Animation", TTRES_ANIMATION },
- { "Font", TTRES_FONT },
- { "Particle", TTRES_PARTICLE },
- { "Distortion", TTRES_DISTORT },
- { "StringTable",TTRES_STRTABLE },
- { "filename", TTPAR_FILENAME },
- { "resgroup", TTPAR_RESGROUP },
- { "mipmap", TTPAR_MIPMAP },
- { "amplify", TTPAR_AMPLIFY },
- { "size", TTPAR_SIZE },
- { "zbuffer", TTPAR_ZBUFFER },
- { "texture", TTPAR_TEXTURE },
- { "rect", TTPAR_RECT },
- { "hotspot", TTPAR_HOTSPOT },
- { "blendmode", TTPAR_BLENDMODE },
- { "color", TTPAR_COLOR },
- { "zorder", TTPAR_ZORDER },
- { "flip", TTPAR_FLIP },
- { "scale", TTPAR_SCALE },
- { "proportion", TTPAR_PROPORTION},
- { "rotation", TTPAR_ROTATION },
- { "frames", TTPAR_FRAMES },
- { "fps", TTPAR_FPS },
- { "mode", TTPAR_MODE },
- { "tracking", TTPAR_TRACKING },
- { "spacing", TTPAR_SPACING },
- { "sprite", TTPAR_SPRITE },
- { "mesh", TTPAR_MESH },
-RScriptParser::RScriptParser(char *name, char *scr)
- hge=hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION);
- scriptname=name;
- script=scr;
- tokenvalue[0]=0;
- tokentype=TTNONE;
- line=1;
-int RScriptParser::get_token()
- int i;
- // Skip whitespaces and comments
- for(;;)
- {
- while(*script==' ' || *script=='\t' || *script=='\n' || *script=='\r')
- {
- if(*script=='\n') line++;
- script++;
- }
- if(*script==';') while(*script && *script!='\n' && *script!='\r') script++;
- else break;
- }
- // End of script
- if(!*script) { tokentype=TTEND; tokenvalue[0]=0; return tokentype; }
- // Number
- if((*script>='0' && *script<='9') || *script=='.' || *script=='-')
- {
- tokentype=TTNUMBER;
- for(i=0;(*script>='0' && *script<='9') || *script=='.' || *script=='-';i++)
- tokenvalue[i]=*script++;
- // Hexadecimal number starting with decimal digit
- if((*script>='A' && *script<='F') || (*script>='a' && *script<='f'))
- {
- tokentype=TTSTRING;
- for(; (*script>='A' && *script<='F') || (*script>='a' && *script<='f') ; i++)
- tokenvalue[i]=*script++;
- }
- tokenvalue[i]=0;
- return tokentype;
- }
- // Quoted string
- if(*script=='"')
- {
- tokentype=TTSTRING;
- script++;
- for(i=0;*script && *script!='"' && *script!='\n' && *script!='\r';i++)
- tokenvalue[i]=*script++;
- tokenvalue[i]=0;
- if(*script) script++;
- return tokentype;
- }
- // Keyword
- for(i=0;keytable[i].word;i++)
- if(!strtkcmp(keytable[i].word, script))
- {
- tokentype = keytable[i].code;
- strcpy(tokenvalue,keytable[i].word);
- script+=strlen(keytable[i].word);
- return tokentype;
- }
- // Unquoted string or hexadecimal number
- tokentype=TTSTRING;
- for(i=0;
- *script && *script!=' ' && *script!='\t' && *script!='\n' && *script!='\r'
- && *script!=',' && *script!='=' && *script!='{' && *script!='}' && *script!=':';
- i++)
- tokenvalue[i]=*script++;
- tokenvalue[i]=0;
- return tokentype;
-bool RScriptParser::strtkcmp(const char* str, const char* mem)
- int i,len=strlen(str);
- for(i=0;i<len;i++)
- {
- if(!mem[i]) return true;
- if(mem[i] != str[i]) return true;
- }
- return false;
-DWORD RScriptParser::tkn_hex()
- int i;
- DWORD dw=0;
- char chr;
- for(i=0; tokenvalue[i]; i++)
- {
- chr=tokenvalue[i];
- if(chr >= 'a') chr-='a'-':';
- if(chr >= 'A') chr-='A'-':';
- chr-='0';
- if(chr>0xF) chr=0xF;
- dw=(dw << 4) | chr;
- }
- return dw;
-void RScriptParser::ScriptPostError(const char *msg1, const char *msg2)
- hge->System_Log("%s, line %d: %s'%s'%s",
- get_name(), get_line(), msg1, tokenvalue[0] ? tkn_string():"<EOF>", msg2);
diff --git a/hgehelp/parser.h b/hgehelp/parser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c33ff11..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/parser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** Resource script parser header
-#ifndef HGEPARSER_H
-#define HGEPARSER_H
-#include "hge.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-class RScriptParser
- RScriptParser(char *name, char *scr);
- ~RScriptParser() { hge->Release(); }
- int get_token();
- void put_back() { script-=strlen(tokenvalue); }
- int get_line() { return line;}
- char* get_name() { return scriptname;}
- char* tkn_string() { return tokenvalue; }
- int tkn_int() { return atoi(tokenvalue); }
- float tkn_float() { return (float)atof(tokenvalue); }
- bool tkn_bool() { return (tokenvalue[0]=='t' || tokenvalue[0]=='T') ? true : false; }
- DWORD tkn_hex();
- void ScriptPostError(const char *msg1, const char *msg2);
- int tokentype;
- char tokenvalue[128];
- char* script;
- char* scriptname;
- int line;
- bool strtkcmp(const char *str, const char *mem);
- static HGE *hge;
diff --git a/hgehelp/resources.cpp b/hgehelp/resources.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 33afcaa..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/resources.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,958 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeResourceManager resources implementation
-#include "hgeresource.h"
-#include "parser.h"
-#include "resources.h"
-HGE *ResDesc::hge=0;
-/////////////// COMMON //
-void AddRes(hgeResourceManager *rm, int type, ResDesc *resource)
- resource->next=rm->res[type];
- rm->res[type]=resource;
-ResDesc *FindRes(hgeResourceManager *rm, int type, const char *name)
- ResDesc *rc;
- rc=rm->res[type];
- while(rc)
- {
- if(!strcmp(name, rc->name)) return rc;
- rc=rc->next;
- }
- return 0;
-bool ScriptSkipToNextParameter(RScriptParser *sp, bool bIgnore)
- bool bToBeIgnored=bIgnore;
- if(bIgnore) sp->put_back();
- for(;;)
- {
- sp->get_token();
- if(sp->tokentype == TTCLOSEBLOCK) { if(bIgnore) {sp->put_back(); return true;} return false; }
- if((sp->tokentype > TTRES__FIRST && sp->tokentype < TTRES__LAST) || sp->tokentype == TTEND)
- {
- sp->put_back();
- if(bIgnore) return true;
- sp->ScriptPostError("'}' missed, "," encountered.");
- return false;
- }
- if((sp->tokentype <= TTPAR__FIRST && sp->tokentype >= TTPAR__LAST) || bToBeIgnored)
- {
- bToBeIgnored=false;
- sp->ScriptPostError("Unsupported resource parameter ",".");
- do sp->get_token();
- while((sp->tokentype <= TTPAR__FIRST || sp->tokentype >= TTPAR__LAST) &&
- (sp->tokentype <= TTRES__FIRST || sp->tokentype >= TTRES__LAST) &&
- sp->tokentype != TTCLOSEBLOCK && sp->tokentype != TTEND);
- sp->put_back();
- }
- else
- {
- if(bIgnore) sp->put_back();
- return true;
- }
- }
-void ScriptParseFileResource(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename, ResDesc *rr, int restype)
- RResource *rc=(RResource *)rr, *base;
- base = (RResource *)FindRes(rm, restype, basename);
- if(base) *rc=*base; else
- {
- rc->resgroup=0;
- rc->filename[0]=0;
- }
- rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
- while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,false))
- {
- switch(sp->tokentype)
- {
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- strcpy(rc->filename, sp->tkn_string());
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
- break;
- default:
- ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,true);
- break;
- }
- }
- AddRes(rm, restype, rc);
-void ScriptParseBlendMode(RScriptParser *sp, int *blend)
- for(;;)
- {
- sp->get_token();
- if(sp->tokentype != TTEQUALS && sp->tokentype != TTSEPARATOR) { sp->put_back(); return; }
- switch(sp->get_token())
- {
- *blend &= ~BLEND_COLORADD;
- break;
- *blend |= BLEND_COLORADD;
- break;
- break;
- *blend &= ~BLEND_ALPHABLEND;
- break;
- *blend |= BLEND_ZWRITE;
- break;
- *blend &= ~BLEND_ZWRITE;
- break;
- default:
- sp->ScriptPostError("Unsupported value ",".");
- break;
- }
- }
-void ScriptParseSpriteAnim(RScriptParser *sp, RSprite *rc, bool anim)
- while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,false))
- {
- switch(sp->tokentype)
- {
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- strcpy(rc->texname,sp->tkn_string());
- break;
- case TTPAR_RECT:
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->tx=sp->tkn_float();
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->ty=sp->tkn_float();
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->w=sp->tkn_float();
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->h=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->hotx=sp->tkn_float();
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->hoty=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- ScriptParseBlendMode(sp, &rc->blend);
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->color=sp->tkn_hex();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->z=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- case TTPAR_FLIP:
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->bXFlip=sp->tkn_bool();
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->bYFlip=sp->tkn_bool();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
- break;
- if(anim)
- {
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- ((RAnimation *)rc)->frames=sp->tkn_int();
- break;
- }
- case TTPAR_FPS:
- if(anim)
- {
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- ((RAnimation *)rc)->fps=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- }
- case TTPAR_MODE:
- if(anim)
- {
- for(;;)
- {
- sp->get_token();
- if(sp->tokentype != TTEQUALS && sp->tokentype != TTSEPARATOR) { sp->put_back(); break; }
- switch(sp->get_token())
- {
- ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode &= ~HGEANIM_REV;
- break;
- ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode |= HGEANIM_REV;
- break;
- ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode &= ~HGEANIM_PINGPONG;
- break;
- ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode |= HGEANIM_PINGPONG;
- break;
- ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode &= ~HGEANIM_LOOP;
- break;
- case TTCON_LOOP:
- ((RAnimation *)rc)->mode |= HGEANIM_LOOP;
- break;
- default:
- sp->ScriptPostError("Unsupported value ",".");
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,true);
- break;
- }
- }
-/////////////// RScript //
-void RScript::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *sname, const char *sbasename)
- RScriptParser *np;
- RScript *res_script;
- void *data;
- DWORD size;
- char *script, name[MAXRESCHARS], basename[MAXRESCHARS];
- int restype;
- if(!FindRes(rm, RES_SCRIPT, sname))
- {
- res_script = new RScript(); // hack! we need an instance of RScript to access hge
- // if all ok, this object is used later to keep the script
- data=hge->Resource_Load(sname, &size);
- if(!data)
- {
- if(sp) sp->ScriptPostError("Script "," not found.");
- else hge->System_Log("Script '%s' not found.",sname);
- delete res_script;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- script= new char[size+1];
- memcpy(script, data, size);
- script[size]=0;
- hge->Resource_Free(data);
- strcpy(res_script->name, sname);
- AddRes(rm, RES_SCRIPT, res_script);
- np = new RScriptParser(res_script->name, script);
- for(;;)
- {
- np->get_token();
- if(np->tokentype == TTEND) break;
- else if(np->tokentype == TTRES_INCLUDE)
- {
- np->get_token();
- RScript::Parse(rm, np, np->tkn_string(), NULL);
- }
- else if(np->tokentype > TTRES__FIRST && np->tokentype < TTRES__LAST)
- {
- restype=np->tokentype-TTRES__FIRST-1;
- name[0]=basename[0]=0;
- np->get_token();
- if(FindRes(rm, restype, np->tkn_string()))
- {
- np->ScriptPostError("Resource "," of the same type already has been defined.");
- while((np->tokentype <= TTRES__FIRST || np->tokentype >= TTRES__LAST) && np->tokentype != TTEND) np->get_token();
- np->put_back();
- continue;
- }
- strcpy(name, np->tkn_string());
- np->get_token();
- if(np->tokentype == TTBASED)
- {
- np->get_token();
- if(!FindRes(rm, restype, np->tkn_string())) np->ScriptPostError("Base resource "," is not defined.");
- else strcpy(basename, np->tkn_string());
- np->get_token();
- }
- if(np->tokentype == TTOPENBLOCK)
- {
- switch(restype)
- {
- case RES_RESOURCE: RResource::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
- case RES_TEXTURE: RTexture::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
- case RES_EFFECT: REffect::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
- case RES_TARGET: RTarget::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
- case RES_SPRITE: RSprite::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
- case RES_ANIMATION: RAnimation::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
- case RES_FONT: RFont::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
- case RES_PARTICLE: RParticle::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
- case RES_DISTORT: RDistort::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
- case RES_STRTABLE: RStringTable::Parse(rm, np, name, basename); break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- np->ScriptPostError("Illegal resource syntax, "," found; '{' expected.");
- while((np->tokentype <= TTRES__FIRST || np->tokentype >= TTRES__LAST) && np->tokentype != TTEND) np->get_token();
- np->put_back();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- np->ScriptPostError("Unrecognized resource specificator ",".");
- while((np->tokentype <= TTRES__FIRST || np->tokentype >= TTRES__LAST) && np->tokentype != TTEND) np->get_token();
- np->put_back();
- }
- }
- delete np;
- delete[] script;
- }
- }
- else sp->ScriptPostError("Script "," already has been parsed.");
-/////////////// RResource //
-void RResource::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
- ScriptParseFileResource(rm, sp, name, basename, new RResource(), RES_RESOURCE);
-DWORD RResource::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
- if(!handle) handle=(size_t)hge->Resource_Load(filename);
- return handle;
-void RResource::Free()
- if(handle) hge->Resource_Free((void *)handle);
- handle=0;
-/////////////// RTexture //
-void RTexture::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
- RTexture *rc, *base;
- rc=new RTexture();
- base = (RTexture *)FindRes(rm, RES_TEXTURE, basename);
- if(base) *rc=*base;
- else
- {
- rc->resgroup=0;
- rc->mipmap=false;
- }
- rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
- while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,false))
- {
- switch(sp->tokentype)
- {
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- strcpy(rc->filename, sp->tkn_string());
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->mipmap=sp->tkn_bool();
- break;
- default:
- ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,true);
- break;
- }
- }
- AddRes(rm, RES_TEXTURE, rc);
-DWORD RTexture::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
- if(!handle) handle=(DWORD)hge->Texture_Load(filename, 0, mipmap);
- return handle;
-void RTexture::Free()
- if(handle) hge->Texture_Free((HTEXTURE)handle);
- handle=0;
-/////////////// REffect //
-void REffect::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
- ScriptParseFileResource(rm, sp, name, basename, new REffect(), RES_EFFECT);
-DWORD REffect::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
- if(!handle) handle=(DWORD)hge->Effect_Load(filename);
- return handle;
-void REffect::Free()
- if(handle) hge->Effect_Free((HEFFECT)handle);
- handle=0;
-/////////////// RTarget //
-void RTarget::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
- RTarget *rc, *base;
- rc = new RTarget();
- base = (RTarget *)FindRes(rm, RES_TARGET, basename);
- if(base) *rc=*base;
- else
- {
- rc->resgroup=0;
- rc->width=256;
- rc->height=256;
- rc->zbuffer=false;
- }
- rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
- while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, false))
- {
- switch(sp->tokentype)
- {
- case TTPAR_SIZE:
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->width=sp->tkn_int();
- sp->get_token();
- sp->get_token();
- rc->height=sp->tkn_int();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->zbuffer=sp->tkn_bool();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
- break;
- default:
- ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, true);
- break;
- }
- }
- AddRes(rm, RES_TARGET, rc);
-DWORD RTarget::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
- if(!handle) handle=(DWORD)hge->Target_Create(width, height, zbuffer);
- return handle;
-void RTarget::Free()
- if(handle) hge->Target_Free((HTARGET)handle);
- handle=0;
-/////////////// RSprite //
-void RSprite::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
- RSprite *rc, *base;
- rc = new RSprite();
- base = (RSprite *)FindRes(rm, RES_SPRITE, basename);
- if(base) *rc=*base;
- else
- {
- rc->resgroup=0;
- rc->texname[0]=0;
- rc->tx=rc->ty=0;
- rc->w=rc->h=0;
- rc->hotx=rc->hoty=0;
- rc->color=0xFFFFFFFF;
- rc->z=0.5f;
- rc->bXFlip=false;
- rc->bYFlip=false;
-// rc->x=rc->y=0;
-// rc->scale=1.0f;
-// rc->rotation=0.0f;
-// rc->collision=HGECOL_RECT;
- }
- rc->handle=0;
- strcpy(rc->name, name);
- ScriptParseSpriteAnim(sp, rc, false);
- AddRes(rm, RES_SPRITE, rc);
-DWORD RSprite::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
- hgeSprite *spr;
- if(!handle)
- {
- spr = new hgeSprite(rm->GetTexture(texname, resgroup), tx, ty, w, h);
- spr->SetColor(color);
- spr->SetZ(z);
- spr->SetBlendMode(blend);
- spr->SetHotSpot(hotx,hoty);
- spr->SetFlip(bXFlip, bYFlip);
-// spr->MoveTo(x,y);
-// spr->SetScale(scale);
-// spr->SetRotation(rotation);
-// spr->SetCollisionType(collision);
- handle=(size_t)spr;
- }
- return handle;
-void RSprite::Free()
- if(handle) delete (hgeSprite *)handle;
- handle=0;
-/////////////// RAnimation //
-void RAnimation::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
- RAnimation *rc, *base;
- rc = new RAnimation();
- base = (RAnimation *)FindRes(rm, RES_ANIMATION, basename);
- if(base) *rc=*base;
- else
- {
- rc->resgroup=0;
- rc->texname[0]=0;
- rc->tx=rc->ty=0;
- rc->w=rc->h=0;
- rc->hotx=rc->hoty=0;
- rc->color=0xFFFFFFFF;
- rc->z=0.5f;
- rc->bXFlip=false;
- rc->bYFlip=false;
-// rc->x=rc->y=0;
-// rc->scale=1.0f;
-// rc->rotation=0.0f;
-// rc->collision=HGECOL_RECT;
- rc->frames=1;
- rc->fps=12.0f;
- }
- rc->handle=0;
- strcpy(rc->name, name);
- ScriptParseSpriteAnim(sp, rc, true);
- AddRes(rm, RES_ANIMATION, rc);
-DWORD RAnimation::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
- hgeAnimation *spr;
- if(!handle)
- {
- spr = new hgeAnimation(rm->GetTexture(texname, resgroup), frames, fps, tx, ty, w, h);
- spr->SetColor(color);
- spr->SetZ(z);
- spr->SetBlendMode(blend);
- spr->SetHotSpot(hotx,hoty);
- spr->SetFlip(bXFlip, bYFlip);
-// spr->MoveTo(x,y);
-// spr->SetScale(scale);
-// spr->SetRotation(rotation);
-// spr->SetCollisionType(collision);
- spr->SetMode(mode);
- handle=(size_t)spr;
- }
- return handle;
-void RAnimation::Free()
- if(handle) delete (hgeAnimation *)handle;
- handle=0;
-/////////////// RFont //
-void RFont::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
- RFont *rc, *base;
- rc = new RFont();
- base = (RFont *)FindRes(rm, RES_FONT, basename);
- if(base) *rc=*base;
- else
- {
- rc->resgroup=0;
- rc->mipmap=false;
- rc->filename[0]=0;
- rc->color=0xFFFFFFFF;
- rc->z=0.5f;
- rc->scale=1.0f;
- rc->proportion=1.0f;
- rc->tracking=0.0f;
- rc->spacing=1.0f;
- rc->rotation=0.0f;
- }
- rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
- while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp,false))
- {
- switch(sp->tokentype)
- {
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- strcpy(rc->filename, sp->tkn_string());
- break;
- ScriptParseBlendMode(sp, &rc->blend);
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->color=sp->tkn_hex();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->z=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->scale=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->proportion=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->rotation=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->tracking=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->spacing=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->mipmap=sp->tkn_bool();
- break;
- default:
- ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, true);
- break;
- }
- }
- AddRes(rm, RES_FONT, rc);
-DWORD RFont::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
- hgeFont *fnt;
- if(!handle)
- {
- fnt = new hgeFont(filename, mipmap);
- fnt->SetColor(color);
- fnt->SetZ(z);
- fnt->SetBlendMode(blend);
- fnt->SetScale(scale);
- fnt->SetProportion(proportion);
- fnt->SetTracking(tracking);
- fnt->SetSpacing(spacing);
- fnt->SetRotation(rotation);
- handle=(size_t)fnt;
- }
- return handle;
-void RFont::Free()
- if(handle) delete (hgeFont *)handle;
- handle=0;
-/////////////// RParticle //
-void RParticle::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
- RParticle *rc, *base;
- rc = new RParticle();
- base = (RParticle *)FindRes(rm, RES_PARTICLE, basename);
- if(base) *rc=*base;
- else
- {
- rc->resgroup=0;
- rc->filename[0]=0;
- rc->spritename[0]=0;
- }
- rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
- while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, false))
- {
- switch(sp->tokentype)
- {
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- strcpy(rc->filename, sp->tkn_string());
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- strcpy(rc->spritename, sp->tkn_string());
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
- break;
- default:
- ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, true);
- break;
- }
- }
- AddRes(rm, RES_PARTICLE, rc);
-DWORD RParticle::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
- hgeParticleSystem *par;
- if(!handle)
- {
- par = new hgeParticleSystem(filename, rm->GetSprite(spritename));
- handle=(size_t)par;
- }
- return handle;
-void RParticle::Free()
- if(handle) delete (hgeParticleSystem *)handle;
- handle=0;
-/////////////// RDistort //
-void RDistort::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
- RDistort *rc, *base;
- rc = new RDistort();
- base = (RDistort *)FindRes(rm, RES_DISTORT, basename);
- if(base) *rc=*base;
- else
- {
- rc->resgroup=0;
- rc->texname[0]=0;
- rc->tx=rc->ty=0;
- rc->w=rc->h=0;
- rc->cols=rc->rows=2;
- rc->color=0xFFFFFFFF;
- rc->z=0.5f;
- }
- rc->handle=0; strcpy(rc->name, name);
- while(ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, false))
- {
- switch(sp->tokentype)
- {
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- strcpy(rc->texname, sp->tkn_string());
- break;
- case TTPAR_RECT:
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->tx=sp->tkn_float();
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->ty=sp->tkn_float();
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->w=sp->tkn_float();
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->h=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- case TTPAR_MESH:
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->cols=sp->tkn_int();
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->rows=sp->tkn_int();
- break;
- ScriptParseBlendMode(sp, &rc->blend);
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->color=sp->tkn_hex();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->z=sp->tkn_float();
- break;
- sp->get_token(); sp->get_token();
- rc->resgroup=sp->tkn_int();
- break;
- default:
- ScriptSkipToNextParameter(sp, true);
- break;
- }
- }
- AddRes(rm, RES_DISTORT, rc);
-DWORD RDistort::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
- hgeDistortionMesh *dis;
- if(!handle)
- {
- dis = new hgeDistortionMesh(cols, rows);
- dis->SetTexture(rm->GetTexture(texname, resgroup));
- dis->SetTextureRect(tx,ty,w,h);
- dis->SetBlendMode(blend);
- dis->Clear(color,z);
- handle=(size_t)dis;
- }
- return handle;
-void RDistort::Free()
- if(handle) delete (hgeDistortionMesh *)handle;
- handle=0;
-/////////////// RStringTable //
-void RStringTable::Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename)
- ScriptParseFileResource(rm, sp, name, basename, new RStringTable(), RES_STRTABLE);
-DWORD RStringTable::Get(hgeResourceManager *rm)
- if(!handle) handle = (size_t)new hgeStringTable(filename);
- return handle;
-void RStringTable::Free()
- if(handle) delete (hgeStringTable *)handle;
- handle=0;
diff --git a/hgehelp/resources.h b/hgehelp/resources.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8be8384..0000000
--- a/hgehelp/resources.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-** Haaf's Game Engine 1.7
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Relish Games
-** hge.relishgames.com
-** hgeResourceManager resources header
-#include "hgeresource.h"
-#include "parser.h"
-#define RES_SCRIPT 0
-#define RES_RESOURCE 1
-#define RES_TEXTURE 2
-#define RES_EFFECT 3
-#define RES_MUSIC 4
-#define RES_STREAM 5
-#define RES_TARGET 6
-#define RES_SPRITE 7
-#define RES_ANIMATION 8
-#define RES_FONT 9
-#define RES_PARTICLE 10
-#define RES_DISTORT 11
-#define RES_STRTABLE 12
-void AddRes(hgeResourceManager *rm, int type, ResDesc *resource);
-ResDesc* FindRes(hgeResourceManager *rm, int type, const char *name);
-struct RScript : public ResDesc
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm) {return 0;}
- virtual void Free() {}
-struct RResource : public ResDesc
- char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
- virtual void Free();
-struct RTexture : public ResDesc
- char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
- bool mipmap;
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
- virtual void Free();
-struct REffect : public ResDesc
- char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
- virtual void Free();
-struct RTarget : public ResDesc
- int width;
- int height;
- bool zbuffer;
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
- virtual void Free();
-struct RSprite : public ResDesc
- char texname[MAXRESCHARS];
- float tx, ty, w, h;
- float hotx, hoty;
- int blend;
- DWORD color;
- float z;
- bool bXFlip, bYFlip;
-// float x,y;
-// float scale;
-// float rotation;
-// int collision;
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
- virtual void Free();
-struct RAnimation : public RSprite
- int frames;
- float fps;
- int mode;
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
- virtual void Free();
-struct RFont : public ResDesc
- char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
- bool mipmap;
- int blend;
- DWORD color;
- float z;
- float scale;
- float proportion;
- float tracking;
- float spacing;
- float rotation;
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
- virtual void Free();
-struct RParticle : public ResDesc
- char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
- char spritename[MAXRESCHARS];
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
- virtual void Free();
-struct RDistort : public ResDesc
- char texname[MAXRESCHARS];
- float tx, ty, w, h;
- int cols, rows;
- int blend;
- DWORD color;
- float z;
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
- virtual void Free();
-struct RStringTable : public ResDesc
- char filename[MAXRESCHARS];
- static void Parse(hgeResourceManager *rm, RScriptParser *sp, const char *name, const char *basename);
- virtual DWORD Get(hgeResourceManager *rm);
- virtual void Free();