path: root/www-client/chromium/files
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www-client/chromium/files')
1 files changed, 450 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www-client/chromium/files/chromium-125-revert-8a3bec6.patch b/www-client/chromium/files/chromium-125-revert-8a3bec6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f19d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-client/chromium/files/chromium-125-revert-8a3bec6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/
+index 2c079c06c5..34a844659b 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/
+@@ -118,10 +118,7 @@ blink_python_runner("color_data") {
+ compiled_action("character_data") {
+ tool = ":character_data_generator"
+- outputs = [
+- "$blink_platform_output_dir/",
+- "$blink_platform_output_dir/text/break_iterator_data_inline_header.h",
+- ]
++ outputs = [ "$blink_platform_output_dir/" ]
+ args = rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
+ }
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.json5 b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.json5
+index 28d34020f7..45942f4e89 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.json5
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.json5
+@@ -509,11 +509,6 @@
+ public: true,
+ status: "experimental",
+ },
+- {
+- //
+- name: "BreakIteratorDataGenerator",
+- status: "stable",
+- },
+ {
+ name: "BrowserVerifiedUserActivationKeyboard",
+ base_feature: "none",
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/
+index 70101dbf76..27e6852647 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/
+@@ -5,19 +5,13 @@
+ #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+-#include <unicode/brkiter.h>
+-#include <unicode/locid.h>
+ #include <unicode/ucptrie.h>
+-#include <unicode/udata.h>
+-#include <unicode/ulocdata.h>
+ #include <unicode/umutablecptrie.h>
+ #include <unicode/uniset.h>
+ #include <unicode/unistr.h>
+ #include <cassert>
+ #include <cstring>
+-#include <filesystem>
+-#include <fstream>
+ #include <iterator>
+ #include <memory>
+@@ -31,36 +25,6 @@
+ namespace blink {
+ namespace {
+-#define CHECK_U_ERROR(error, name) \
+- CHECK(U_SUCCESS(error)) << name << ": (" << error << ")" << u_errorName(error)
+-// Load the ICU data file and set it to the ICU.
+-void InitializeIcu(const char* exec_path) {
+- // ICU can't load the data file by itself because ICU tries to load the
+- // versioned data file (e.g., "icudt73l.dat"), while the Chromium build system
+- // creates the unversioned data file (e.g., "icudtl.dat").
+- std::filesystem::path path{exec_path};
+- path = path.parent_path() / "icudt" U_ICUDATA_TYPE_LETTER ".dat";
+- std::ifstream data_ifstream(path, std::ios_base::binary);
+- CHECK(data_ifstream.is_open());
+- static std::vector<uint8_t> icu_data;
+- CHECK(icu_data.empty());
+- std::copy(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(data_ifstream),
+- std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), std::back_inserter(icu_data));
+- UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+- udata_setCommonData(, &error);
+- CHECK_U_ERROR(error, "udata_setCommonData");
+- // Check ICU functions that need the data resources are working.
+- //
+- UVersionInfo version;
+- ulocdata_getCLDRVersion(version, &error);
+- CHECK_U_ERROR(error, "ulocdata_getCLDRVersion");
+ class CharacterPropertyValues {
+ public:
+ constexpr static UChar32 kMaxCodepoint = 0x10FFFF;
+@@ -255,201 +219,18 @@ static void GenerateCharacterPropertyData(FILE* fp) {
+ GenerateUTrieSerialized(fp, serialized_size, serialized);
+ }
+-// Generate a line break pair table in `break_iterator_data_inline_header.h`.
+-// See [UAX14](
+-class LineBreakData {
+- public:
+- LineBreakData() = default;
+- static void Generate(FILE* fp) {
+- LineBreakData data;
+- data.FillFromIcu();
+- data.FillAscii();
+- data.Print(fp);
+- }
+- private:
+- // Fill the pair table from the ICU BreakIterator.
+- void FillFromIcu() {
+- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+- const icu::Locale locale("en");
+- icu::BreakIterator* break_iterator =
+- icu::BreakIterator::createLineInstance(locale, status);
+- CHECK_U_ERROR(status, "createLineInstance");
+- for (UChar ch = kMinChar; ch <= kMaxChar; ++ch) {
+- const icu::UnicodeString ch_str(ch);
+- for (UChar ch_next = kMinChar; ch_next <= kMaxChar; ++ch_next) {
+- const icu::UnicodeString ch_next_str(ch_next);
+- const icu::UnicodeString str = ch_str + ch_next_str;
+- break_iterator->setText(str);
+- SetPairValue(ch, ch_next, break_iterator->isBoundary(1));
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- // Line breaking table for printable ASCII characters. Line breaking
+- // opportunities in this table are as below:
+- // - before opening punctuations such as '(', '<', '[', '{' after certain
+- // characters (compatible with Firefox 3.6);
+- // - after '-' and '?' (backward-compatible, and compatible with Internet
+- // Explorer).
+- // Please refer to <> for line
+- // breaking matrixes of different browsers and the ICU standard.
+- void FillAscii() {
+-#define ALL_CHAR '!', 0x7F
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, '(', '(', true);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, '<', '<', true);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, '[', '[', true);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, '{', '{', true);
+- SetPairValue('-', '-', ALL_CHAR, true);
+- SetPairValue('?', '?', ALL_CHAR, true);
+- SetPairValue('-', '-', '$', '$', false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, '!', '!', false);
+- SetPairValue('?', '?', '"', '"', false);
+- SetPairValue('?', '?', '\'', '\'', false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, ')', ')', false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, ',', ',', false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, '.', '.', false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, '/', '/', false);
+- // Note: Between '-' and '[0-9]' is hard-coded in `ShouldBreakFast()`.
+- SetPairValue('-', '-', '0', '9', false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, ':', ':', false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, ';', ';', false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, '?', '?', false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, ']', ']', false);
+- SetPairValue(ALL_CHAR, '}', '}', false);
+- SetPairValue('$', '$', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('\'', '\'', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('(', '(', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('/', '/', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('0', '9', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('<', '<', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('@', '@', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('A', 'Z', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('[', '[', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('^', '`', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('a', 'z', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue('{', '{', ALL_CHAR, false);
+- SetPairValue(0x7F, 0x7F, ALL_CHAR, false);
+-#undef ALL_CHAR
+- }
+- // Print the C++ source code.
+- void Print(FILE* fp) {
+- // Print file headers.
+- fprintf(fp,
+- "#include <cstdint>\n"
+- "#include "
+- "\"third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_uchar.h\"\n"
+- "\nnamespace {\n\n");
+- fprintf(fp, "constexpr UChar kFastLineBreakMinChar = 0x%02X;\n", kMinChar);
+- fprintf(fp, "constexpr UChar kFastLineBreakMaxChar = 0x%02X;\n", kMaxChar);
+- // Define macros.
+- fprintf(fp,
+- "\n#define B(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)"
+- " ((a) | ((b) << 1) | ((c) << 2) | ((d) << 3) |"
+- " ((e) << 4) | ((f) << 5) | ((g) << 6) | ((h) << 7))\n\n");
+- fprintf(fp, "const uint8_t kFastLineBreakTable[%d][%d] = {\n", kNumChars,
+- kNumCharsRoundUp8 / 8);
+- // Print the column comment.
+- fprintf(fp, " /*");
+- for (UChar ch = kMinChar; ch <= kMaxChar; ++ch) {
+- if (ch != kMinChar && (ch - kMinChar) % 8 == 0) {
+- fprintf(fp, " ");
+- }
+- fprintf(fp, ch < 0x7F ? " %c" : "%02X", ch);
+- }
+- fprintf(fp, " */\n");
+- // Print the data array.
+- for (int y = 0; y < kNumChars; ++y) {
+- const UChar ch = y + kMinChar;
+- fprintf(fp, "/* %02X %c */ {B(", ch, ch < 0x7F ? ch : ' ');
+- const char* prefix = "";
+- for (int x = 0; x < kNumCharsRoundUp8; ++x) {
+- fprintf(fp, "%s%d", prefix, pair_[y][x]);
+- prefix = (x % 8 == 7) ? "),B(" : ",";
+- }
+- fprintf(fp, ")},\n");
+- }
+- fprintf(fp,
+- "};\n\n"
+- "#undef B\n\n"
+- "template <typename T>\n"
+- "inline uint8_t GetFastLineBreak(T ch1, T ch2) {\n"
+- " const T i2 = ch2 - kFastLineBreakMinChar;\n"
+- " return kFastLineBreakTable[ch1 - kFastLineBreakMinChar]"
+- "[i2 / 8] & (1 << (i2 %% 8));\n"
+- "}\n\n"
+- "} // namespace\n");
+- }
+- void SetPairValue(UChar ch1_min,
+- UChar ch1_max,
+- UChar ch2_min,
+- UChar ch2_max,
+- bool value) {
+- for (UChar ch1 = ch1_min; ch1 <= ch1_max; ++ch1) {
+- for (UChar ch2 = ch2_min; ch2 <= ch2_max; ++ch2) {
+- SetPairValue(ch1, ch2, value);
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- // Set the breakability between `ch1` and `ch2`.
+- void SetPairValue(UChar ch1, UChar ch2, bool value) {
+- CHECK_GE(ch1, kMinChar);
+- CHECK_LE(ch1, kMaxChar);
+- CHECK_GE(ch2, kMinChar);
+- CHECK_LE(ch2, kMaxChar);
+- pair_[ch1 - kMinChar][ch2 - kMinChar] = value;
+- }
+- constexpr static UChar kMinChar = '!';
+- constexpr static UChar kMaxChar = 0xFF;
+- constexpr static int kNumChars = kMaxChar - kMinChar + 1;
+- constexpr static int kNumCharsRoundUp8 = (kNumChars + 7) / 8 * 8;
+- bool pair_[kNumChars][kNumCharsRoundUp8]{};
+-void InvokeGenerator(int index,
+- int argc,
+- char** argv,
+- void (*generator)(FILE*)) {
+- if (index >= argc) {
+- return;
+- }
+- const char* path = argv[index];
+- if (!*path) {
+- return;
+- }
+- if (strcmp(path, "-") == 0) {
+- (*generator)(stdout);
+- return;
+- }
+- FILE* fp = fopen(path, "wb");
+- (*generator)(fp);
+- fclose(fp);
+ } // namespace
+ } // namespace blink
+ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+- blink::InitializeIcu(argv[0]);
+- blink::InvokeGenerator(1, argc, argv, blink::GenerateCharacterPropertyData);
+- blink::InvokeGenerator(2, argc, argv, blink::LineBreakData::Generate);
++ // Write the serialized array to the source file.
++ if (argc <= 1) {
++ blink::GenerateCharacterPropertyData(stdout);
++ } else {
++ FILE* fp = fopen(argv[1], "wb");
++ blink::GenerateCharacterPropertyData(fp);
++ fclose(fp);
++ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/
+index 650eb760b2..14de47d9fe 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/
+@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
+ #include <unicode/uchar.h>
+ #include <unicode/uvernum.h>
+-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
+-#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/break_iterator_data_inline_header.h"
+ #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/std_lib_extras.h"
+ #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/ascii_ctype.h"
+ #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/character_names.h"
+@@ -113,9 +111,6 @@ static const UChar kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar = 127;
+ #define F 0xFF
+-// Check if the generated table match the `kAsciiLineBreakTable` table.
+ // Line breaking table for printable ASCII characters. Line breaking
+ // opportunities in this table are as below:
+ // - before opening punctuations such as '(', '<', '[', '{' after certain
+@@ -166,24 +161,6 @@ static const unsigned char kAsciiLineBreakTable[][(kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+-void CheckAsciiLineBreakTable() {
+- for (UChar ch2 = kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar;
+- ch2 <= kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar; ++ch2) {
+- for (UChar ch1 = kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar;
+- ch1 <= kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar; ++ch1) {
+- const UChar i2 = ch2 - kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar;
+- const bool ascii =
+- kAsciiLineBreakTable[ch1 - kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar][i2 / 8] &
+- (1 << (i2 % 8));
+- const bool fast = GetFastLineBreak(ch1, ch2);
+- CHECK_EQ(ascii, fast)
+- << String::Format("%02X/%02X (%c/%c)", ch1, ch2, ch1, ch2);
+- }
+- }
+ // Line breaking table for CSS word-break: break-all. This table differs from
+ // asciiLineBreakTable in:
+@@ -298,13 +275,7 @@ static inline bool ShouldKeepAfterKeepAll(UChar last_ch,
+ }
+ inline bool NeedsLineBreakIterator(UChar ch) {
+- if (UNLIKELY(!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::BreakIteratorDataGeneratorEnabled())) {
+- return ch > kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar && ch != kNoBreakSpaceCharacter;
+- }
+- static_assert(kFastLineBreakMaxChar >= kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar);
+- static_assert(kNoBreakSpaceCharacter <= kFastLineBreakMaxChar,
+- "Include NBSP for the performance.");
+- return ch > kFastLineBreakMaxChar;
++ return ch > kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar && ch != kNoBreakSpaceCharacter;
+ }
+ template <typename CharacterType>
+@@ -349,61 +320,31 @@ struct LazyLineBreakIterator::Context {
+ last = current;
+ }
+- bool ShouldBreakFast(bool disable_soft_hyphen) const {
+- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(bool, is_check_done, (false));
+- if (!is_check_done) {
+- is_check_done = true;
+- CheckAsciiLineBreakTable();
+- LOG(INFO) << "CheckAsciiLineBreakTable() completed.";
+- }
++ bool ShouldBreakFast() const {
+ const UChar last_ch =;
+ const UChar ch =;
+- static_assert(kFastLineBreakMinChar == kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar);
+- if (UNLIKELY(last_ch < kFastLineBreakMinChar ||
+- ch < kFastLineBreakMinChar)) {
++ if (UNLIKELY(last_ch < kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar ||
++ ch < kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Don't allow line breaking between '-' and a digit if the '-' may mean a
+ // minus sign in the context, while allow breaking in 'ABCD-1234' and
+ // '1234-5678' which may be in long URLs.
+- static_assert('-' >= kFastLineBreakMinChar);
++ static_assert('-' >= kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar);
+ if (last_ch == '-' && IsASCIIDigit(ch)) {
+ return IsASCIIAlphanumeric(last_last_ch);
+ }
+- if (UNLIKELY(
+- !RuntimeEnabledFeatures::BreakIteratorDataGeneratorEnabled())) {
+- // If both `last_ch` and `ch` are ASCII characters, use a lookup table for
+- // enhanced speed and for compatibility with other browsers (see comments
+- // for asciiLineBreakTable for details).
+- if (last_ch <= kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar &&
+- ch <= kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar) {
+- const unsigned char* table_row =
+- kAsciiLineBreakTable[last_ch - kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar];
+- int ch_index = ch - kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar;
+- return table_row[ch_index / 8] & (1 << (ch_index % 8));
+- }
+- // Otherwise defer to the Unicode algorithm by returning false.
+- return false;
+- }
+- // If both characters are in the fast line break table, use it for enhanced
+- // speed. For ASCII characters, it is also for compatibility. The table is
+- // generated at the build time, see the `LineBreakData` class.
+- if (last_ch <= kFastLineBreakMaxChar && ch <= kFastLineBreakMaxChar) {
+- if (!GetFastLineBreak(last_ch, ch)) {
+- return false;
+- }
+- static_assert(kSoftHyphenCharacter <= kFastLineBreakMaxChar);
+- if (UNLIKELY(disable_soft_hyphen && last_ch == kSoftHyphenCharacter)) {
+- return false;
+- }
+- return true;
++ // If both `last_ch` and `ch` are ASCII characters, use a lookup table for
++ // enhanced speed and for compatibility with other browsers (see comments
++ // for asciiLineBreakTable for details).
++ if (last_ch <= kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar &&
++ ch <= kAsciiLineBreakTableLastChar) {
++ const unsigned char* table_row =
++ kAsciiLineBreakTable[last_ch - kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar];
++ int ch_index = ch - kAsciiLineBreakTableFirstChar;
++ return table_row[ch_index / 8] & (1 << (ch_index % 8));
+ }
+ // Otherwise defer to the Unicode algorithm by returning false.
+@@ -452,7 +393,7 @@ inline int LazyLineBreakIterator::NextBreakablePosition(
+ break;
+ }
+- if (context.ShouldBreakFast(disable_soft_hyphen_)) {
++ if (context.ShouldBreakFast()) {
+ return i;
+ }